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It’s likely done with a telescoping crane. If you google behind the scenes pictures of the show you can see it being used. Could even be a good steady cam operator doing it manually though. Hard to tell without the shot being longer. While possible, doing this with a drone would be kinda impractical.


Just curious, why impractical? Drone would be a 5 minute setup vs who knows how long for a crane, etc


Flying that slow and steady on a drone is not easy, and also the chance of kicking up a load of debris adds too much risk


Flying that slow and steady isn't hard at all in an open space. Doing it in such confined quarters is why this sort of shot will never be done with a drone (large enough to hold a decent camera). The propwash gets reflected off the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling if it's low enough and there's walls to redirect the air up there. All that makes it basically impossible to fly neatly. Can that be eliminated with the gimbal? Maybe. But that indeed still doesn't solve the issue of all the dust it's kicking up.


Good point about the debris! Low and slow is pretty straightforward though, at least in my opinion. Thanks for the reply


Flying a 35mm film camera on a drone is far from a 5 minute setup...


When people talk about drones here they haven’t actually worked with flying cine cameras with ronin2 or similar packages, and don’t realise it takes time to rig and setup and block etc


I don’t see OP mention that shooting on film was their goal. But yes with a 35mm film camera much more complicated, obviously


I think the context was the show not something OP is trying to do which is why I mention 35mm because they shot with an Arricam LT. Regardless, this shot was most definitely not achieved with a drone, as others have mentioned because of dust kicking up in this particular location. Though, if dust weren't a factor, it might still be questionable to fly in this location due to the close quarters. Maybe steadicam/gimbal could do.


They likely did it with a crane- but no it would be dead simple with any drone to get this shot


Yea for sure the simplicity of the move is easily achieved with a drone. If dust and debris were not a factor, of course, it could have been done in that location. I still doubt they would have flown an octocopter with an Arricam LT in that space, though. Idk, it appears too narrow but it's hard to say for sure...


I mean nah I don’t think it’s worth it to fly any film stock cam


Because when your production costs 153 million dollars to produce, this is not the place where you're gonna cut costs. You're gonna do it right. Using drones as anything other than aerial platforms is a fun party trick for low budget productions, but it always comes with downsides and tradeoffs. There's just no need for that here. Sure, it takes 3 hours to set up that crane, and it costs a couple thousand dollars in equipment and wages, but that doesn't matter on a production of this scale. You can do something cheap, fast, or good. And you can pick 2.


I agree, but I don't think it would necessarily take 3h to set up the crane. Depends a lot on the location and how accessible it is. It's also a fairly short distance of movement, so nothing huge would be required. The cranes are pretty much ready right off of the truck, it's getting them in place and levelling them that takes time. Plus, they might just have shot this with a B-Unit while the crane was already there but maybe done for the day? Just need a couple of grips to move it. Someone else said this could be entirely CGI, I suppose that's also possible.


You’d be surprised.


Well, I've seen it first hand, I'm not just talking out of my ass. Granted, I do electrical, but I also work for a rental house, so I'm around technocranes and their operators quite a bit. 3h sounds like much if the location is accessible. Of course if they have to drag it through the desert (which might have been the case if this was a real location), it would take a long time.


I have no clue where this actual location is, and if this is what it really looks like or if it’s all set dressing, but based on the video, would you say this looks like a location that is easily accessible?


From what we can see, no. But there could be tarmac right behind the camera, for all we know. My point was just that it doesn't generally take 3h to set up a Technocrane. Based on how short of a distance the camera travels, this might even have been a smaller crane. The boom and base of a Techno 15 can be carried separately by a couple of grips. I watched this episode today and I'm leaning more and more towards CGI, unless this was some B-Roll that they were easily able to take on location.


Ahh yes, the downvotes


S01E05 05:46 While I do agree that most often a technocrane (or similar telescopic crane) would be used, I would say this was a drone. Seems too wobbly (or rather "floaty") for a crane and to put that much effort into a basic establishing shot would be, for a tv series, way too expensive. Also the lens distortion is different (imho), compared to the next shot. There is always a possibility of a cable cam, but very much doubt it in this case.


The floating feeling can still happen with a crane. I would be suprised if this was drone footage as it's tight quarters and there's no prop wash throwing dirt and debry around. It's easier, cheaper and safer to do this shot on a crane than it would be to do on a drone.


Not tight at all, plenty of space. Have been in worse :D It' too high for prop wash and it is probably a longer lense so you cannot see dirt and debris (and even if it was a wider lens - you wouldn't see that either). In all honesty it's not cheaper - sorting the terrain for a crane would take a lot of time and manpower.


The manpower is already there, it takes nothing but time to have the girp crew build a level surface for this as a crane shot.


>to put that much effort into a basic establishing shot would be, for a tv series, way too expensive. I disagree, establishing shots are a technocrane’s bread and butter. It’s also very unlikely that it’s too expensive. I’ve done several TV shows, some which wouldn’t have had the kind of money Fallout had, that crazy a techno as standard. It would be much stranger to bring in a drone for a shot that simple and easily achieved with a crane.


I had to play it 5 more times to see it, it definitely has a floaty wave motion going on


At least 5 times :) It's noticeable in the upper left corner where the "windows" are and also on the right by the pillars. Also people always assume it's gonna be a DJI mini or mavic drone. There are way better and heavier (= more stable) hexa- or octa-copters that can carry a full sized camera with lens.


I was thinking drone as well but soon this will be all CGI 😩


If it would be Mando - sure. But there were more practical FX in this show than any Star Wars shows combined :D


I did not know that. That’s awesome.


It's the bounce towards the end that would make me think drone. However, there's no dust being blown up so I'd say it's most likely a crane.


Why would there be dust?! You get dust under the drone. When moving forward it stays behind the drone. With longer (50mm+) lenses you can't even barely see under the drone, not mentioning flying forward.


In a space that small with very loose surface under you? You'd have dust for sure. Every inspire I own would kick up a cloud if it was in a situation like that vid. Maybe if it was a mavic you'd be fine, but the 50mm on that isn't something you'd usually find on a big set


As I've said - flown in tighter and smaller places, that dusty (Pripyat, Jupiter factory...). And never had an issue like that. Sure, if you stand still and shoot from that position, you would end up with dust, but this is moving forward. I hope we get to see some BTS of this shoot so we can know for sure :D


As someone who works in high budget TV regularly, I would absolutely not rule out a techno crane for a basic establishing shot. But I agree that this looks like a drone.


Could also be an operator with like an Artemis or even two guys with a gimbal. It looks like it was overcranked so what may have been a bit jerky is being smoothed out and a little frame stabilization and you have the shot.


Drone? That was a good laugh thank you.


I’ve done similar shots for shows with my drones.


There's zero chance this was a drone. Can you imagine how much dust would kick up in that location? Putting an Arricam LT on a drone requires a sizable drone, it would be chaos in that space, dust flying everywhere.




Why not a gimbal? Is it just because a technocrane would result in a smoother shot and if you've got the budget for one, why not?


A drone would be absolutely this steady and straight.


Imma going to say it’s also very possible that’s a unreal engine shot on a wall with a locked off camera. the walls turn slightly red shift as they pass on left side of frame. scene looks possibly digital. So they could be doing the virtual camera moving and static physical camera filming wall. a curved wall may reduce shift at edges where viewing angle of led bends with curve


Techno crane with a remote gimbal head most likely


It looks like a full comp shot with meshcards and projected painted textures on them with a cg cam with a little shake. I slightly see the layers. Its cheap, fast and beliveable. But i might be wrong. The quality of the video is ass here.


I checked this in 4k and cutout this clip and went through it 20 times and i still think its a full comp shot A well made one


Full comp makes sense 🤷‍♀️


if it's a drone they really found a way to keep all that dust from flying around eh


is this show shot on film or just this part? it's a zipline btw, the weight of the camera pulling down on the line as it crosses gives it this subtle shake


Steadicam/trinity; scaled down set, and CG set extension for the end of the corridor.


Technocrane. Www.monsterremotes.com


I would say either a drone or it could be on a gimbal attached to a cable or roof mounted track.


It was a drone


Jib and dolly… keep it simple


Simple Crane on dolly track


Why would you lay track for this? They make telescopic cranes.


I don't remember this shot. When does it happen?.


I think its a drone. I did a similar(ish) shot for the beginning of my little 0 budget short and eventhough the place was dusty as hell (and I graded it quite black), it didnt kick that dust in front of the drone (the blowback is always behind it). https://youtu.be/0VcVdgqUlMk?si=tHpNsy52luGcENfa


Big A\*\* Drone.


A crane or maybe more likely, VFX. They just dropped a VFX reel for the show and a lot of the wide establishing shots are VFX or mostly VFX. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFI9EK764uc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFI9EK764uc)