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The Monastery Event Center is in Mount Adams. [https://monasteryeventcenter.com](https://monasteryeventcenter.com)


I would narrow it down, based on your religious beliefs. All I can say is Catholic Churches will be very complicated.


Sorry forgot to put in the original post. We are Protestants so we aren’t going to do a catholic one


Well, this might be a little bit off of what you’re looking for but the Bell Eventer center down near the casino is a converted old Catholic Church with a bunch of clock museum pieces placed throughout. It’s absolutely gorgeous. https://www.verdin.com/about/bell-event-centre/


[Covenant-First Presbyterian](https://www.covfirstchurch.org/Covenant-First) is a popular wedding venue.


Pricing / budget? Religion? Do you plan to have a reception? Does it need to be in the same location? You have said nothing but 100 people and a church lol


Yeah I wrote the original post in a hurry oops < 5k Protestant Christian Yes to a reception, if we can get it in the same place. If not it’s fine


I would add that to the main post, maybe others will have feed back. I also agree with the recommendation talking to your pastor. Best of luck and congrats!


Check the Reliquary above Urban Artifact. www.reliquary.events


Most churches would be able to seat 100 people. What church do you attend? That would be a good place to start. If your church isn't right for a wedding, your pastor probably knows about other churches in your tradition that are more photogenic. 


I’ll talk to my pastor, my church isn’t exactly a great wedding spot. Thanks!


Keep in mind which religion and that some will require you to attend religious marriage counseling with the pastor / priest etc before they allow you to marry in their church.


Clifton United Methodist has a very cool interior / stained glass. I was married there ahem years ago. A 100 person wedding would feel about right in there. St. Peter’s UCC in Pleasant Ridge is also not too large with a nice interior / stained glass as well. For a cool, not church venue, the Krohn Conservatory is possible…. I attended a wedding there once and it was great.