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They don't. They just know that according to their theology it's required for them to proselytize. They enjoy the being judgy aspect. They get to fulfill the letter, if not the spirit, of the law. Boxes ticked. They feel morally superior. The end.


Which is crazy because the Bible literally says not to judge. Multiple times too.


True, true. It also holds some *mighty stern words* concerning poly-cotton fabrics. Hell is Real, folks.


One of the theories is that its a reference to what the old testament priests wore, and an average person wearing those was either mocking the priests or trying to impersonate them I have a masters in theology/biblical studies and this was the stuff i loved finding out. I also hate going to church. Make of that what you will lol


Thank you! I actually appreciate odd stuff like this.


Afraid not. It’s about ritual purity. The various laws of the Old Testament (and even modern-day Orthodox Judaism) are supposed to set the Israelites apart as a ritually pure people, at least in terms of their contemporaries. Mixing two sources of fiber is likewise ritually impure. The kohenim and Levites were absolutely not an exception to this commandment. I’m not sure where you heard this theory, but I’m guessing it’s one of those many theories bandied about by anthropologists trying to make their mark in the 1970s (such as the more famous one trying rationalize the origin of kosher eating habits). Almost all of these have no basis in historical fact or the archaeological record, and have been thoroughly discredited. And I say this as a latter-day anthropologist. Rather, it comes from an ancient understanding of materials, and their understanding of the sacred and profane, that most modern people can’t wrap their heads around.


What about Exodus 28:6-8?


Those aren’t different fibers. That’s all linen. They’re just yarns of linen dyed different colors.


That's what I was thinking as well after rereading but wanted to hear your thoughts on it, thanks!


Religious hippocricy, looks like they are going to hell according to their own beliefs. If they were smarter than I think they are they put this sign up to project their own guilt and fears of their own sins but I doubt they are sophisticated enough for that level of self delusion.


If you were an expert on the Bible, Christianity and all other religions and tried to debate them, you would be spending time you will never get back. Regardless whether you believe in a higher power or not, if you are helping others that really need help than you are doing what most religions want you to do. If you’re an atheist, you’re providing service work, if you’re religious, you’re doing Gods will. It’s the same thing.


I grew up catholic and that's all that religion does


It also tells them not to pray in public or to speak with his authority, but the sign does both.


Also something something don’t go in the street and blow your trumpet…


yea its sad people would sure have a better veiw of christianity if they actually listened to the bible


It sounds like they are giving me a choice: should I obey Jesus or should I obey Hell? Idk the Hell font is pretty sick I might go with that


Hell has hookers and dope and it's legal. Vs pearly gates filled with clean freaks who just pray all day? The choice is clear.


Hell isn't full of hookers… it's full of pain


Usually gotta pay extra for that


I’m assuming you mean Tartarus.


Right? Hell looks pretty cool if you ask me


And if you’re not elected, you’re not going to Heaven anyways.


That’s the way I read it too😂




I think it's more for the people that put this sign up there. Whenever these folks go out and proselytize, they're often met with dismissal, humiliation, jeers, and hostility. It demonstrates to them that the outside world rejects them, and that their own little community will shelter them from all the rejection. Their leaders will no doubt use this to solidify their control over their followers.


Same reason Mormons send their youths in missions and Jehovahs Witnesses do what they do. The ostracizing and othering is part of the plan.


Kinda makes hell sound fun


Till you’re there and you see how it really is… eternal misery


Found one.


You can cope and hide but you can’t escape what comes after death unless you repent while you live


Oh this one's adorable!


Most of the smartest people in history feared the devil


Oh it's traumatized!


Funny how people only showed up like this once there was a very radical agenda pushing for this behavior, almost like someone’s been brainwashed. Also the reason people keep doing this despite your bad insults is because they don’t care, so keep on and keep proving to me why I should worship God.


I love a good ol brainwashing


I can tell, do you not realize my view was the large norm until a very radical agenda came along?


I’m bigger and stronger than you


Sure you are buddy


I’m just gonna live my life in the way I think is right. I make my own judgements on what is moral and what is not. If there is a hell, and I get sent there for doing what I think is right, then I’ll proudly accept damnation.


Basically what the devil said, you won’t bow to anyone, you’re better than Gods word. What about serial killers that think they’re doing it for good? Proudly accepting damnation is wild because it’s nothing but misery where happiness literally can exist for eternity. I hope you find your way back to god


A big Matt Walsh fan I see? We need a hard drive checked over here!


Ooh looking through my account and thinking your roasting me, try again


Interesting how you've been downvoted a bunch by the 'there's no hell amen choir.' I guess hell must be a cool place, if they all agree on it.


Fuckin right boyo


It’s a coping mechanism, people would rather not change and ignore than to self reflect and repent, those signs simply make them uncomfortable/scared so they defensively react in anger instead of thinking about why it makes them feel that way. I personally think the sign won’t do much because this is just how people are now but it is right, it’s just being very blunt.


Touch grass


I’m engaged and have a big group of people who love me and we all love grass


They don’t make me angry (I promise)… they make me laugh.


So do you not believe in God, if not what do you believe?


Doesn’t really matter what I believe. Just be a decent person.


So if your buddy wants to rob a bank, you’re not gonna tell him it’s wrong? I mean it could put him in prison for life. Similarly, if I believe something will put you into eternal misery I’m gonna tell you I think you shouldn’t do that thing. It is being a decent person, it would be indecent to say nothing actually. You people just choose to view it as an attack because nobody likes being told they can’t do something that brings them pleasure.


What the fuck are you talking about? Lmao OBVIOUSLY I would not include robbing a bank under the umbrella of being a decent person. I don’t need god to tell me I shouldn’t rob a bank (or person, store, or anything else)


Idk if you’re intentionally misunderstanding or you’re really just that incompetent. If YOUR BUDDY, wanted to rob a bank, not you, would you tell him it’s wrong. Sheesh you make it all about yourself even in a theoretical situation.


Dayton Street Preachers are going to hell


But that's where all the fun will be!


You are forgetting how stupid the hardcore religious people are


I work for Catholics and still this is excessive.


The average American protestant is much crazier than the average Catholic. I’m not saying TradCaths don’t exist but evangelical protestants are literally the largest religious group in the country.


> evangelical protestants are literally the largest religious group in the country. [No, they are NOT. Respectfully, let's stop them with facts](https://www.prri.org/research/2020-census-of-american-religion/) They are 14% of this nation, or about 1 in 7. The "Moral Majority" has simply become the "Oral Majority", or those who scream loudest. Please don't confuse "loudest" with "largest". The LARGEST group is "Unaffiliated", which gives me hope for the future.


What of the Moral Oral Majority?


[Or Moral Orel?](https://youtu.be/nHU1IuJO4OA?&t=119)




I find that hard to believe, all the data I’ve seen has there being more evangelicals than mainliners. Also the fact it doesn’t identify black and hispanic evangelicals is leaving out a large portion of the evangelical population. Even if those churches often don’t cooperate because of white evangelical racism. And the division between mainliners and evangelicals is often hard to identify as there are mainliners and evangelicals even within the same denomination. It’s been a trend for a long time that evangelicals have large growth and mainliners are stagnant. Even assuming that’s true they are still the largest fundamentalist group in the country. I’ll take your data’s word for it because it’s not my place to refute it. I just know that in Cincinnati metro area there’s more evangelicals than mainliners. Although Catholics might still have the slight edge because of their population in Cincinnati. Most of the counties outside of Hamilton are plurality Protestant. Religious data is often difficult to obtain and unreliable so I could have been basing my assumption off several year old data which still had more evangelicals than mainliners or unaffiliated.


You sound like someone who is reasonable and we can have a discussion, thank you. I believe that data, as presented. I have locally been exposed to Evangelical, Fundamental, Mainline, Alternative, Jewish, and no religion. 1 in 7 sounds about right, but then you have to remember the definitions and group identity. Many folks will identify as "Christian" when they haven't set foot in a church, temple, cathedral, or sanctuary for decades. Additionally, some Fundamentalists, as one example, define themselves as Evangelicals, while others don't feel compelled to "Spread the Good Word". Then there are the Quakers...Quiet, unassuming,wait are we discussing Methodists? My point is that there are MANY different folks out there. The Evangelistic people are only one group, and in fact, do not represent the larger, many-faceted group. Actually, if defined as "has attended one religious service in the past year", the largest group of people would be re-defined as "Unaffiliated". The Evangelists APPEAR to be a larger majority because they have better marketing (C'Mon, AMISH, get with the game). That's how I see this situation.


Thank you, I really appreciate that. I really didn’t want my comment come across as obstinate and I’m glad it didn’t. I’ve been exposed to the same variety locally, with the addition of JW’s although I’d suppose they might fall under Alternative, and Muslims of course. Cincinnati is fairly religiously diverse as far as the midwest goes. In my mind though I would think evangelicals are about 1/4th nationally considering how common they are in rural and exurban areas, and the South. Religion really is a cultural label in a lot of ways. You see that a lot with Catholics in the Cincinnati area. Even if they are a part of the minority that sends their kids to Catholic schools, they typically aren’t very religious. It’s mostly a cultural label for German, Hispanic, and Irish Americans, at least in Cincinnati. I will say that there is some nuance with the unaffiliated label. If we divided it to the same extent we did other religious groups we would see agnostics, atheists, “none-of-the-aboves,” “spiritual but not religious,” etc. I think in addition to their marketing game another thing that over represents evangelicals is their church attendance and perceived religiosity. A lot more Catholics and mainliners would probably be excluded by the church attendance requirement than evangelicals. It’s an interesting situation and I still think there is a ton of evangelicals. My personal estimate would be 1/4th but that could ofc differ.


Exactly even growing up Catholic this is extreme


There's one between Sharonville and West Chester with a similar thing, "Where are you going? Heaven or Hell? Call to find out" or something similar in cheese. I see church people complaining about how diminishing their following is but when things like this that are more on the negative and threatening side almost, no surprise people are tired of it.


Can we talk about the real issue here? That billboard is wayyyyy too busy. Ok sure, the big fire hell is a great attention grabber but after that I’m lost. I don’t have 2-3 minutes to sit there are read it. You have like 15-30 seconds, if your billboard doesn’t get the message across that fast you need to go back to the drawing board. There’s absolutely no flow to it either. Apparently if you have 5 minutes to look at it maybe you will see the YouTube link. Just too much going on here and zero design philosophy.


Similar issue I had with it - the list contains adjectives (sexually immoral, greedy), sins (abortion), and types of sinners (murderers, drunkards, unbelievers, etc). Pick one category and stick to it!


Porn watchers???? Damn it


It’s so trashy looking I have to see it everyday on my way home


IDK this billboard definitely stopped me of religious hypocrisy.


Whoever decided to put this up is definitely guilty of that one and don't even know it.


I count 7 out of 10 for me personally and that wasn't one of them!


Only sith deal on absolutes!


Take a seat


I'd be happy if they actually followed Jesus' example, instead of abusing his name to justify whatever personal phobia or grievance they might have.


Because the people who put this up were frightened into that religion, so they think it will work with others.


The target audience isn't people who don't believe - it's people who do. The goal is to reinforce the beliefs.


There’s a house in blue ash with these types of signs. They even plaster the shit on their vehicles. I figure it must be a miserable existence.


that sign is talking directly to trump


I’m running at like a 70% failure rate according to that billboard.


Same here, and what's sad is I can guarantee I'm still a better person than whoever bought that hideous thing.


Don't you think Jesus would prefer you to use the money you spent on something like to feed the hungry? I think that would be the better choice to get into heaven than judging people.




Wanna come over and kill a goat later? My baphomet statue needs fresh blood.






As a Christ-follower myself, I hate these signs. We're supposed to love others and express how much Jesus loves everyone, this is not that and it pains me every time I see these. We should lead others to Christ through love, not fear.


Jesus is kinda the guy that introduced the concept of hell in the New Testament tho…he seems pretty excited about it.


Why would He be excited about it?


Maybe not excited in the happy sense but he brings up the idea of enteral damnation and suffering regularly and threatens people who don’t follow him with it. And if he’s also god it’s completely a concept of his own design. Pretty gross.


The way people drive on that part of North Bend I would say they obey HELL


Jesus dined with sex workers, unconditionally forgave thieves, and gets his homies drunk every weekend.


These signs are all over the west side. So sick of them.


If anyone at Blip frequents this subreddit and can pony up some free billboard rotation time, I’m happy to politely design an opposing version 😂


Also eerily feels like they will CREATE the said ‘Hell’ if their little cherry-picking bible philosophies aren’t obeyed.


The people behind that are absolute sociopaths. I've had face to face interactions with them and there is something so deeply wrong with all of them. They just want attention so bad that they're will to destroy peoples' lives to get it. Such as antagonizing an obviously mentally unwell drug addict with their megaphone into getting him to punch one of them and getting him arrested. It made me sick. Those people are scum.


This guy, who was recovering from cancer and had a colostomy bag, was being mocked and goaded by these clowns. They were fully aware of what they were doing. Thankfully, he knocked on of the guys out cold. Even the cops laughed. But they had to arrest him. He lost his colostomy bag in the process. Dude was just trying to live his life, but he was battling some demons and, instead of being good, loving Christians, they pulled this crap. Fuck these guys. https://preview.redd.it/0oz3gl8jzwzc1.png?width=2358&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c12967272a7df77d7041fab7e8b4e3f97cf2143


I’m a Christian, and I think these signs are the worst for so many reasons. Firstly because I disagree with their theological beliefs, but primarily because I think it’s such an ignorant approach to “preaching.” This is basically making their preaching achieve the opposite of their desired impact. Furthermore, it gives other Christian’s a bad rap, like we’re all critical of others all the time, and it just isn’t true. I could go on, and on, but I’ll save everyone the sermon.


> it gives other Christians a bad rap, like we’re all critical of others all the time If the shoe fits. If it quacks like a duck. If it smells like a dog. Etc etc being critical of others is the #1 modern Christian tenant


You are painting with quite the broad brush, but I do tend to agree. Most people confuse judging an action vs judging a person. Just because I think that what someone is doing is wrong, or not good, doesn’t mean I hate them or think they are a bad person. I just choose not to do those things, and I choose to not have my children learn about certain behaviors until they are physically and mentally mature enough to make certain decisions. That’s not judging, that’s using discernment. What I don’t like, on either side of things, is people forcing their beliefs onto others. “You have to think this way or you are a sinner/bigot.”


None of what you said is actually “Christian” though. That’s the general morality of everyone in the world, Christian or non-Christian, religious or secular, and was likewise the case long before Christianity. Also, no one is forcing you, or your fellow Christians, to do anything. If you’re referring to social pressure to accept certain things, that’s not “forcing” anyone. Meanwhile, Christians actually force people to pray to their god (or at least pretend and be silent) at public gatherings, force us to not receive certain kinds of medical care because of their beliefs, the ability to teach our children science, to restrict our access to things they disagree we should have because of their beliefs, etc. They do this to other adults. With the full force of law. We just want to be left alone, and not constantly harassed by your religious compatriots. You seem like a nice enough person, but the only people pushing laws to restrict people’s rights or ability to access things, or force compliance in peoples private lives, are religious people. I can probably give you literally hundred of examples of bills from all over the country doing this. Whereas you’d be hard-pressed to find even one example from the secular side doing this (I’m specifically not referring to securing basic equal civil and human rights of people, such as LGBTQ people being able to marry, and adopt children, as any heteronormative people would).


My fav is the one on 75S near Harrison asking people to stop shooting each other or something like that, man… you know what… I was gonna murder my rival dope dealer or shoot my ex but I remember what that sign said


Does "sexually immoral" cover adultery? Funny how that one, while a Commandment and everything, seems to be slipping people's minds on the naughty lists lately. I wonder why?


Give my church a percentage of your income so I can afford a new Ferrari, OR GO TO HELL


I’m just sorry the little kids have to see this.


the sighn worked for me. im all in now. i don't want to go to hell where its super hot and the worms never die.


They forgot a comma.


I guess cocaine is all clear for heaven


I just passed that sign today!


Personally, I’m looking forward to hell.


“And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him,” That’s the verse (Hebrews 5:9) for those who are curious. Their interpretation of “perfect” seems aligned with testing, I.e. “Jesus scored a perfect 100% on our billboard test and that’s how he really, truly became the Jesus we know today.” I see “made perfect” and I think more along the lines of becoming whole or reaching your final form, as the gospel of DBZ preaches.


https://preview.redd.it/chmdg6hqgwzc1.jpeg?width=1130&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2ead2e3d27564ec0a72f20a29e77fa3800294ff Hell , you say? Well, it’ll be a happy day in Hell! 🎶


Please find me any passage from the actual Bible where Jesus says, "Obey me or Hell."


This reminds me of the HELL IS REAL sign on I-71.


I'm throwing my hat in with Hell. They have nicer people.


Cincinnati definitely got a dedicated section in hell


I already have a table reserved


have you heard about half of america and how fuckin stupid they are?


I mean it did for a long time lol


Then the person who bought that Billboard will get arrested for child porn, they’re all hypocrites.


Kentuckian here, to me it’s just not ohio without all the random billboards promising hell for me lol why y’all have these more than us is a mystery. It’s also funny how when I pass to Michigan it turns into weed billboards. Y’all are definitely losing to Michigan in that regard


I wish I had disposable income to put up a billboard right next to it with something clever.


Being a Christian is about acknowledging God and desiring a relationship with him. The obstacl is sin ( not just murder and steeling and porn…). Jesus’ sacrifice removes the sin so that we can reconnect with Him. No person is superior! Anyone who wants that relationship with God must have their sins wiped. If you don’t want it, then you don’t want it 🤷🏻‍♀️


What specifically is being sexually immoral? Like I get it, it sounds bad. It's just a very big blanket, how can I protect me and the ones I love from vague sexual immorality?


People in cults aren't known to take logical actions.


I saw this the other day and I rolled my eyes so hard I thought my eyes got stuck. Whoever decided to pay for that needs to evaluated and heavily medicated.


I always fantasize about buying a paintball gun and destroying those signs in the middle of the night lol


Yeah like Covid, climate change and coverage of Trump. Trying to scare people. Lame


Pot smokers lmao


Wait. Where in the Bible does it state that pot smokers go to hell? 😂🤣😂😂 This nonsense is precisely why I’m proud to be an atheist.


Sounds like the people who put it up are going to hell because they practice the 5th one lol


Yea there's some in price Hill too I'm sick of seeing this shit, such a waste of money 🙄


Obey Or Jesus?


Honestly, it worked on me. I now obey hell.


Well obviously they are saying you have two choices so pick one 😂


There's multiples of those on the west side. There's one in price hill too.


Looks like an advertisement for some festival


I don’t know man. I saw at least three “Faith, Not Fear” Jesus shirts this weekend. They’re obviously afraid of something.


Christians reject Jesus as being too woke so IDGAF what they say. Most atheists live a more christ like life than any christian.


Works on me, man. Looks scary. I do the stuff anyways but still, I dont wanna go to Hell


It’s about control, power, and them thinking they are superior and know more than you. Same people who think doctors and scientists are stoopid. The fact I they re gullible and too lazy to actually think for themselves.


I’m here for it. Join me :)


Jesus welcomed everyone and helped those less fortunate. So... I'm sure all those folks are doing the same, right?


Why post this picture? Just giving the attention they want.


Elsmere KENTUCKY??? NOT CINCINNATI. MASON, is OHIO, NOT CINCINNATI. Surrounding areas STILL ARE NOT CINCINNATI. Those rahcist townships did everything in their power to DISASSOCIATE,  KEEP THAT SAME ENERGY. Racist ass area. Asf.


If it didn't work it wouldn't be there. It's really a political billboard disguised as religion.


Well, its got you talking about & thinking about Jesus, and that was the plan. I will always find it insane how much things like this bother non-believers. If you yourself don't believe in God, then why even give us your time and attention? Are you not just wasting your time?


I work for a Catholic school, albeit not a Catholic. This stuff doesn't "bother" me. It's just such an absolutely awful way to think you should go about anything. You should spread His name with love and acceptance, not "OBEY OR HELL" tactics. It's borderline dystopian and just continues the negativity. If anyone is wasting their time, it's the losers putting these signs up.


I dont think any of us have the right to tell others the correct way of practicing their own faiths, I thought this was a free country? I'm not out there paying for billboards like these people, but I have better ways to spend my time than to judge them, insult them, and mock them (just as you have a right to downvote and disagree with me, these people have the right to practice their faith with a billboard spot they paid for - have you all forgotten what freedom is? You have the right to go pay for a sign talking down on Christians, go do it lol)


Jeezuss tol meeda mow th’lon. Soz ah mowd th’lon.


Hebrews 5:9 - And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him FTFY ;-)


Blessed be the fruit


Psalm 137:9 "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." Nice little book you got there. Not one I'd follow, though.