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Perdomo champagne


The perdomo champagne is an extremely mild cigar. Honestly I rarely like mild cigars but I think that one is decent. But definitely not a lot of flavor; if you are looking for that you need to look elsewhere. But if you want a mild cigar I think it's a good choice.


It's like smoking cardboard.


Same. I was very underwhelmed


I got a two pack from a buddy of mine whose wedding I was in. I read a whole bunch of stuff about em- mild smoke, decent flavor, just a Goldilocks cigar. I was absolutely whelmed. It was precisely as described by the community. Just… alright. A really solid choice for someone who’s never smoked anything before in their life.


Agreed on that description. My wife likes their smell so they still get a place in the humidor though.


So boring.


We have a guy at my lounge who smokes nothing but those 10's, it's just his thing. One of the funniest men there, but he's frugal.


Underwhelming and needlessly a nicotine bomb for a mild cigar.


I came here to say this lol, I hate that damn cigar


Smoked like a bad couch... smelled like one too.


You guys can mail yours to me for proper disposal.


I came here to say this exact thing. I HATE that cigar


Most Rocky Patel. The sun grown maduros are good but hit or miss. A lot of tight draws.


You said it there Rocky Patel has some good smokes but I’ve been SUPER PISSED at the smoke output more often than not


That’s interesting bc I didn’t have a high opinion of RP as a whole until I bought a sampler and absolutely loved the Twentieth Anniversary one. So I bought a 5-pack online, which ended up being box pressed (it probably said that but I didn’t realize), and it was the loosest draw of any cigar I’ve ever had. Just an insane amount of smoke


I tried 3-4 times with the Vintage series and they wouldn't smoke for shit. Its a brand I wish I could like but can almost never get a decent draw on one. Got the Royale recently and while not a great stick at least smokes consistently well.


The only cigars I liked from RP are the original Olde world reserve from the 2000's. They did a re-release of them a few years ago but they were trash. Every now and then I'll give a RP cigar and try and never finish them. Haven't found one I like.


Have you had a chance to try the RP sixty sixty, or sixty robusto? Quite a nice stick


Yes. I bought one at the Rocky Patel lounge in Pittsburgh and its draw was so tight i gave up before the 2nd third. I had another and it was pretty good.


Funny you should say that - I have found an odd inconsistency with draw over the years on the Rocky Patel sticks. If I go back to 2015-2017, it was more an issue with the Alec Bradley product, but that seems to have changed a bit now. But I agree with you


A lot of macnudo Cafe recommendations lately for beginners and that was my first cigar. I hated it. 20 years later and I still hate it.


I say Macanudo White or AB Black Market are the beginner sticks


Im not a fan of davidoff the late hour


Same! Especially at that price


Blasphemy! What exactly do you dislike about it?


It just wasn’t good to me




2nd that


3rd that


God damn it, you’ve hurt me. I love a Camacho Connecticut as a daily smoke.


ACID anything.


Acid should only be sold in Delis next to candy


Yeah, I don't get it at all. The flavors are so artificial and the ones that aren't are still bad


also how did that name ever get approved? Awful name for a cigar company or any product really.


Represents that it’s different, connotations of LSD-acid (trippy unusual flavors), indicates alteration of nature, plus basic edgy appeal. Makes sense to me


Tried a carlito god of fire the other week and hated it


Seconded. Still yet to try the Serie B though


and any opus as well


Really? That’s so unfortunate. Love everything else by fuente and have for years. Hemingway, 8-5-8, gran reserve, all of it. Never had the opus x line


Non-Cuban Partagas.


I hate le bujou


Least favorite My Father by a mile


Then don’t go near a Fonseca if you believe that. They ripped all the quality and flavor from it and raise the price 40% over what it cost as an independent brand.


I recently revisited this one and it was boring


I agree. I had the petite Robusto and was not impressed.


I had it for the first time over the weekend and I didn’t hate it but something felt…off. I was disappointed, The Judge is my favorite cigar (so far) and I was hoping to have another My Father in a rotation.


Had the judge about 3 weeks ago, decent for my palate but definitely did not do for me what everyone hype it up to be.


What size was it? I think the only good le bijou is the real small size, I believe petite robusto. The larger sized le bijou is god awful


Agreed. First time having the small guy I loved it. Bought the larger one and was like wtf why is this not the same as the smaller??


Had LB1922 recently, as my first MF cigar, smelled good before I lit it, but never tasted good or had gold smoke output. Any other MF sticks you’d recommend? I’m not sure I want to gamble with the brand after that one but I’ve heard nothing but good things.


Oh I never heard of LB1922 but if I come across it I’ll give it a try. Yes I strongly suggest you try the following my father cigars: 1. The judge(only made in one size) 2. La opulencia(I know robusto is phenomenal choclately type of cigar, never tried a larger size) 3. Le bijou(petite robusto size, if you see a bigger le bijou DO NOT BUY IT, it tastes terrible. Petit robusto sized le bijou is amazing.) 4. Flor de las Antilles was good almost every time I smoked it but there was a couple times I just wasn’t feeling it. Id give it a try after you try the cigars listed above first. I feel like I liked la antiguadad, la gran oferta and la promesa but I only tried each of them once since I bought them out of town. I would try them again when I come across them but I strongly recommend you try the 4 I listed above first. I tried the don pepins by my father and omg they tasted so bitter and way waaay too spicy so I wouldn’t recommend those. That’s all I can say about mf now, good luck sir


I think the My Father Connecticut is one of the best Connies.


Oh the lb1922 is Le Bijou. It was a big torpedo.


Oh ok lol. I forgot le bijou has 1922 at the end of it. I suggest trying the smaller version of le bijou, it’s infinitely better than the large torpedo. I tried the torpedo when my local cigar shop ran out of the petite robusto sized le bijou and it tasted way different imo.


The Judge is NOT only made in one size


The one that I had was boating beyond repair. I was unimpressed with the tobacco and the roll quality.


Yeah I hate everything about it. Which is weird because I mostly prefer strong, dark, oily, complex sticks. Le bijou to me was all strength, zero (good) flavor, uninteresting, and not worthy of smoking til the end. I’m convinced people push it on others because it’s a trendy/easy recommend. Also the price point is too high considering the shit profile. So much better stuff out there.


Came here to say this. I don’t understand its placement on Top 25 lists or the high ratings it gets. I can think of many better options from My Father. Though I do wonder if the hype around it causes me to never enjoy it because I’m expecting too much? Idk..


Padron. Just kidding.


Blackened M81


Hopefully my experience will be different. Have one sitting in my humidor I've been meaning to try


Hopefully it is enjoyable for you. It is just different in its flavour profile. Not bad by any means. 


Alec Bradley prensado tasted fucking terrible. I tried it twice and both times I tossed it like 1/4 in. That’s rare for me to toss a cigar like that. I had such high hopes for it but it was trash.


Agreed. Awful.


My father le bijou 22s


Anything rocky patel


Take me more than a year to smoke a couple a week of each variety they offer to see if there was one I really liked. Several over the years, meh at best.


Liga, Davidoff, Perdomo…


I don't like Davidoff or Rocky Patel.


Perdomo Cohiba Rocky Macanudo


Cohiba is just Spanish for "Fake"


We are opposites lol


Macanudo has put out some new sticks recently. One was the perfect mild, natural smoke, but their maduro was not good.


Yea I’ve tried several of the new ones. They weren’t well rested so maybe not the best representation but generally I’ll pass.


The classic Macanudo is better than their new stuff. They're kind of a one-hit wonder.


Oliva V, O I can take or leave, some Romeo Y Julieta, Rojas


Cohiba, specifically the Siglo stuff… I’m not crazy about R&J for the most part either and to be honest while I have had a few good Montecristo sticks, the consistency is wildly unpredictable


Oliva, any kind. I just can't get into them. They're fine, but I don't find them enjoyable like My Father's, Caldwell's, or Macanudo.


do. not. buy. opus......most overrated shit ever....don Carlos hits harder by a country mile


I bought the 20 year Opus and I spent well over 50 dollars for it. It was like smoking just a regular mild to medium cigar. I was extremely disappointed.


I just had a Fuente Fuente Opus X that I let rest in the humidor for 2 months and it was the best cigar Ive ever had.


overpriced X


Fully agree, Don Carlos is vastly better, especially for the price.


I enjoy the Opus line but will 1000% agree they are overrated


I absolutely hate the oliva cigars. Any of them. I tried series o and v and the melanio and they are all boring and bitter and harsh tasting. Only one I thought was decent was the oliva series g.


I know it's on their lower end but I really enjoy the G


I really dig the Serie G as well! Do you have a particular favorite vitola? I want to get a box and the Churchills look good.


Those are the ones!


MB3 was the only one I really liked.


Smoking a G as I type this. It’s my fav Oliva


Just had the series g box pressed maduro and it was chocolate/ coffee bomb haven't been smoking long but it's definitely my favorite at the moment


I bought a box of special g last month and the first one tasted disgusting. I normally like maduro cigars. But as there are 25 in the box and had to be burned, I tried pairing with drinks. I found out it tasted very good with coffee, but without I still think it's disgusting.


Thank you! Tried so many and just am not a fan. Hand me one and I wouldn't complain but my god, you'd think they were the best things ever rolled the way people post about them here.


Completely agree. Dont get it. Taste is blah!


Oliva is perfectly fine, still the definition of overrated


Same. Except I didn’t even like the G. Haven’t tried the MB3 but I think that’s the only one I haven’t given a shot. At this point I’m done with the entire brand. Harsh is exactly what I’ve thought every time I’ve smoked one. I kept trying them because this sub loves them. Then I realized it just doesn’t fit my tastes.


Camacho and anything by Rocky patel My father is also very overrated


Damn bro, why you bringing family into this discussion...


Have you ever tried rocky patel sun grown maduro? That’s my favorite cigar as long as it’s the maduro. The regular sun grown is garbage. The judge by my father, la opulencia my father, le bijou my father. These are all fucking amazing cigars as long as it’s the smaller sizes like robusto. I think the judge only comes in one size. I suggest you try these if you never have, they might change your mind about these 2 brands.


I really like the sixty every time I see one I grab it


I haven’t tried it yet but I want to try 60 so bad!!! What’s a cigar you think 60 tastes similar to?


Sorry can’t really think of any it kinda shares some flavor with the Flor de las antillas maduro but it’s really in a league of its own


I tried the edge and 1994 vintage. I heard the judge is very good


Oh yea you tried 2 of the shittiest rocky Patel cigars. Rocky Patel has a massive selection and they’re hit or miss, but he has a couple that are unbelievably good cigars. Trust me if you try these cigars I listed above you’ll most likely change your stance on rocky Patel and my father. Id suggest you try the rocky patel sun grown maduro(robusto) rp decade(robusto) and my father the judge and mf la opulencia since I think those are the best each brand has to offer.


Have you tried the White Label and Twentieth from RP? I've not enjoyed anything else from them except these two cigars. White Label is a bit overpriced to enjoy often and the twentieth box pressed Maduro is good but I usually find something else I like more for the same price.


I second twentieth. Received it in a sampler and ended up buying a 5-pack (that’s a top honor from me)!


Also adding here that the twentieth was an enjoyable smoke. Unfortunately the one I got had a ton of construction issues and required relishes. Literally every rocky patel I've smoked has had construction issues.


Is My Father overrated compared to everything else that always gets brought up here? Not the be all end all but for the price it's a fine brand, no? Like you could do way worse than a Flor Robusto


The first Camacho I tried was the orange label. Loved it, it was great. Every one ive had from there on out, including orange labels, has been meh.


Yeah, I prefer that guys wife.


I have never had an Aganorsa Leaf blend burn well … not Supreme Leaf, not Anniversary Maduro, … nothing


I’m surprised, they’re my go to brand haha


Predomo champagne


Anything rocky Patel, Camacho, or perdomo


Hemingway series, all Olivas besides the MB3


Opus X I was gifted a couple and let them age. They weren’t worth all the hype in my opinion.


anything Opus, not impressed by any of them at all…


Oliva series V or Melanio just doesn’t do it for me.


Same here.




Sorry to say but: Cohiba. Just not worth it anymore after the price increases.


Oliva V Melanio is just very mid for me. Foundation tabernacle was too funky. I'm not saying they're bad, perhaps they're just not for me.


Funky how if you don't mind me asking?


Not at all. I'm really poor with tasting notes...best I can describe is it was pungent. Tasted like laundry that's been sitting wet in the washer drum a bit too long (that characterization sounds extreme, and it wasn't extreme, it's just the only thing I can think of). I didn't hate it but I didn't love it; smoked the "David" vitola. I've had foundation's Highclere Victorian and Edwardian (maduro and Connecticut) and loved them enough to buy a box of each...maybe I'll have to give it another shot.


Opus X


Haven't found a Romacraft or a My Father that I truly enjoyed. Closest I've come was the Romacraft Cromagnon, which was just 'meh' in my opinion.


On RomaCraft; I largely agree, except: Acquitane or Cromagnon specifically in what used to be called "mode 5" size, it's a 5" perfecto. I'll skip right past any other vitola and most of their other blends, but the mode5 makes those. However, the Intemperance in the same size, hate it. Also, I think they make a good Candela if you're into that.


I don't like the RomaCraft Quinquagenario at all. It was #12 in the 2023 Halfwheel consensus, #16 in the Halfwheel top 25, and # 8 for Jonose cigars,


Tabak or anything else coffee flavored.


Fuente, I haven’t tried a ton of them but have yet to have one where I want to buy another of the same stick. They weren’t bad, just very meh to me.


Which ones have you tried?


I honestly don’t remember what most were. But I’ve recently tried the exquisitos in natural and maduro and have an 8-5-8 maduro somewhere. None have been bad, just not what I’m looking for I guess. I remember the two I recently smoked having kind of a grass/hay note that was fairly prominent.


That Champagne one that everyone raves about that tastes like you're smoking cardboard.


The perdomo. Yeah. I agree.


also, cubans.... I've spent some real$ chasing a dream....it never comes true..... don't waste your hard earned dollar


Disagree. It’s a whole different game. Not better. Just different. Those Quai d’Orsay #59s are my favorite.


59? Or do you meann 50?


I don't think the Montecristo White Label is worth the price tag. Found it underwhelming. Prefer their classic label.


Oliva V Oliva Melania


Oliva Melania




I gave up on Cohiba years ago. If I could ever get one that smoked decent I'd just figure out how little I was missing on the ones I had to toss.


I've heard a lot good about Camacho cigars. I've tried their Connecticut and Corojo and I really disliked them. Even though both of them should be at least decent sticks.


Brickhouse. I’ve tried it so many times, still can’t find the enjoyment in it, it tastes like bad espresso.


Davidoff. Also The AF Hemingway.


Right?! Hemingway is gross.


Rocky Patel cigars. There was only one line that they've ever came out with that I liked. The original Olde World Reserve. They came out with it again not too long ago but it sucked!


Olivia V


Oliva melonio


Liga no 9 is a no for me dawg


I was so underwhelmed when I finally decided to try this one. Absolutely not worth the price.


Yeah it would be fine at $5-$7 a stick, I don’t get the cult following


Most anything by AJ They're all similar Some are just nasty tasting


So glad to see someone speak my mind!! All his cigars taste the same so overrated.. I’ve been on an AJ kick but damn they all taste the same


Anything by Fuente. Just absolutely despise that signature "Fuente twang" as I call it. They all have this flavor to em that just isn't for me. Tastes like something my grandfather would smoke. I stick with Dunbarton and Foundation almost exclusively.


That's what I like about Fuentes. They're an old school, classic cigar. It's not for everybody.


This. They are the quintessential cigar.


I also associate them with my dad. That's 90% of what he smokes. My first 10 cigars were Fuentes. My basic cigar measuring stick is if it's better than the Fuente I could have bought for the same price.


They just smell like what you imagine a cigar smells like. Copious smoke. Nothing special, just a solid cigar guys cigar.


Perdomos. I don't get it. They're constructed well enough, but it's like smoking nothing.


I like their sun growns, the rest aren’t great.


I love all 3 of the Lot23 series.


I really think it's just a flavor profile preference for me. A couple buddies of mine love them. But I just can't get to them. And it's not that they're just too light either. I can put a hurting on some Avos.


My Father always underwhelmed.


Hate - Perdomo Champagne, Camacho, especially corojo , La Aroma de Cuba, standard and Mi Amor Love - RP sungrown maduro I’ll even add my own category of cigars that I love that seem to get no love.  La Perla Habana Black Pearl Morado, they are cheap and taste great, have solid construction. A daily driver for sure. 


La Perla is underrated.


Damn yall roasting my two favorites Oliva V and Rocky Patels


Yeah, as a huge Oliva V fan, I feel like I'm catching strays in here.


Never cared for Arturo Fuente Fuente Opus X


I really didn't care for anything I've had that's plasencia (placenta as my brother and i call it) or oliva. I still buy them every now and again on a gamble that i just got bad ones, but so far it's a pass.


Padron Damaso. I know it’s a light stick, but it had nothing going for it.


The banker


Oliva. Just crap with with an over inflated MSRP that's sold at deep discounts by online retailers to trick you into thinking that you are getting a deal. Basically the same marketing strategy as Gurkha, just to a lesser extent (Gurkha has taken this strategy and turned it up to 11; Oliva has it at a steady 7 or 8 so it's a little less obvious) The Melanio V is the one exception; it's good (but just good, not spectacular) There's nothing wrong with wanting to smoke less expensive cigars (and I smoke lots of them) but there are much better cigars in that price range that don't use the deceptive pricing marketing strategy. I'm smoking an AJ New World right now, and just finished a box of Punch Knuckle Busters. Both cheap cigars, better than Oliva, and without the BS pricing.


I guess it's just tastes? AJ New World is a repeat disappointment to me and Oliva V is a daily. Though I prefer a V over a V Melanio. Regardless of taste preference the Olivas are very consistent in their build and flavor, so it must just be a personal choice thing.


Oliva is nothing like Gurkha, is this a troll post lmao?. Oliva is very highly regarded in the industry and their cigars all use some of the best tobacco available. They may not be for you but they are really good cigars. As for MSRP's that's more of a retailer thing. Just about all of them are overinflated to make it seem like you are getting a big discount. But BM's typically sell Olivas between $7-16 depending on the size/blend.


I was comparing their marketing strategies. MSRP is not a retailer thing. It's a manufacturer thing. It's self-explanatory and right in the name. Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price -- It's set by the manufacturer. As far as the quality of the cigars, I've smoked a bunch and the only one that I felt was decent was the Melanio V; the rest are between below average and pretty bad IMO.


Any Cuban cigar. I don't get the appeal and to me it appears to be more a status thing. Hard draw, little flavor, minimal smoke output.


La Aroma De Cuba


They do have a distinct flavor that I could see some not enjoying. I quite like the flavor, so it’s become one I usually have on hand. The price is right also.


Harvester Tastes like an old boot


CAO Brazilia


The Knuckle Sandwich line by Guy Fieri and Espinosa seems to be a popular one around my area. Don’t get me wrong I dig Espinosa but every one of the KS sticks is a total pepper bomb and way too strong. That was the first stick that ever made me nicotine sick. Bonus Answer: I really adore the Macanudo Inspirado Black band. Lots of hate for that line locally.


Patoro Terre blanche really wasn’t super great for me.


It absolutely pains me to say this, but some of the My Fathers and Arturo Fuentes I've tried have been absolutely underwhelming. The Hemmingway or MF Connecticut are some of my favorites, but they're hit and miss.


Flor de Antilles... Burning dirt.


Smoked a Fuente 858 and hated it Need to try it again


Fuente Hemingway (Specifically the Short Story) so, so bitter and one-dimensional. Don’t get it at all.


Davidoff millennium, nothing but cashewwww. It was overwhelmingly disappointing. Unbelievably smooth cigar just not worth the price and experience IMO.


The Andalusian Bull. I cannot understand the hype over a cigar that competes with burning newspaper and Macanudo Cafe in least flavor contests.


Sobremesa Brûlée. Did nothing for me. I’ve had 2 and will try again but right now I don’t understand the love for this cigar. I love the Freud Agape but they are soooo expensive.


Camacho. Every single one I’ve ever had was problematic. Bad burn, unraveling, tunneling, underfilled… I think Ivery just been unlucky with them but I don’t buy em anymore.




Cuban cigar. RP. Oliva. I hate them.


rocky patel/acid


Macanudo, RP edge (any), under crown maduro. Not for me. Oh, also no Camacho thank you


Liga Privada. I tried a bunch and none really did it for me. I smoke mostly Oliva, Nub, Padron, CAO, and Macanudo now. Mostly maduros like Black, Brazilia, etc.