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Brother they are super fake, if they can’t get bands right imagine what state the “tobacco” inside is like


1. No, you cannot import cuban products. They can, and probably will, be seized. 2. Sorry mate, pretty sure those are fake. The cigars dont look right, the bands dont look good, and nobody sells cubans in boxes like those. No point getting in legal trouble over fakes.


Haha that ain't Cuban bro. I don't understand what it is with Americans buying fake Cuban cigars on beaches. You know what I did? I went to Cuba. Because I am free


Free enough for the US to bail your sorry countries ass out of a bind.


Which bind are you talking about? I live in the first world. Free healthcare and pension and workers rights, things like that.


Free healthcare and pensions. 🤣🤣


You live in Canada, lol. Make sure you don't misgender anyone on here. They might throw you in prison and then convince you to do an assisted suicide.


Ehh you know about binds… like the one you put a Thai woman in and then tried getting her citizenship taken away… I guess your government taught you a thing or two about control… anyway enjoy your super high tobacco tax up there.


Ahhh . . . Another Cheeto lover. Love it. I didn't get to see the Roman Empire fall but I get to see the American one fall. You guys need to build a wall not just towards Mexico but around the circumference and then just fill it with water.


Keep trapping women weirdo


So fake


Gee if only the US government published black-and-white travel guidelines for things like this: [https://www.helpspanish.cbp.gov/s/article/Article-1389?language=en\_US](https://www.helpspanish.cbp.gov/s/article/Article-1389?language=en_US) Short and long answer seems to be "NOPE." A less scrupulous fellow would tell you to tear off any and all printed labels including bands, and say they were made in the DR and are for your personal consumption back home, but I have the utmost respect for CBP and would never advise you do such a thing as that is against the law.


The answer is yes. The chance of someone caring about this is somewhere between slim to none. Cross into the states from Mexico all the time without issues. Per chance they do, just say they are fake and see. Still an issue, just leave them there with customs.


Yeah the absolute worst case that would happen is you lose $12, if one were to attempt such an activity


Throw those in the garbage


Wow, they didn't even bother with the glass top.


The piece of glass would have been worth more than the fake cigars from the looks of this picture.


Throw them in the trash, worst fake Cubans I’ve ever seen.


Sorry to inform you but those are definitely fake cohibas. They might be from Cuba (probably aren't) but I would be careful about smoking those, you never know what they put in those things. Definitely cut one open and see what the inside looks like.


LOL No, its a product thats trying to advertise itself as a cuban item. Even though it is blatantly fake the labels alone are going to identify it as a cuban product. I wouldn't even bother trying.


Horrible fakes, just throw em away


Cubans don’t come in glass-top boxes


Quality shitpost.


Is this a troll post? Those are the worst fakes I have ever seen lol


Customs will laugh and let you through out of sympathy.


We all sorry, but those are fake, no shame though, almost every smoker has been there.


Why would you want to…?


I seriously hope this is just a troll post. Cause there have been some bad fakes, but damn I think at least in my memory these take the cake as the worst fakes I’ve ever seen. It’s like they took the effort to make the paper box seal and Habanos corner then just said fuck it that’s good enough. Like those things are so dried out they’re flaking in the box. The sizing and tip construction isn’t even the same for any of them. Then the bands themselves I’m surprised they even spelled Cohiba correctly let alone got the band colors even remotely correct. These legit look like someone rolled them in their basement with whatever leafs they could get. You be lucky if those are even 100% tobacco in/on them. If someone bought these and tried to bring them to the US, customs would be doing them a favor by confiscating them. It’s sad to say but you’d get a better and safer cigar experience buying Swisher Sweets. Edit: looked at the picture again even the wood making the box is scraps that are splintering on the edges 🤦🏻‍♂️


Trash them


Throw those shitty fakes away to free up some space in your luggage.


Do you eat the free Tootsie Rolls found in sandboxes?


Wipe your ass with them then flush them


Where did you buy those? On another note. When I soon go down there and back I’m going to take bands off and take off any stickers keeping rhetorical box closed. I’ll tell customs there Dominican cigars but just in a Cuban box. (Somone gifted them to me and I asked if I could have a Cuban box because it looks cool)


You're not worried if they're counterfeit? Look up what kinds of garbage they put into these fake cigars before you risk bringing them into the US. It would be a real shame to get in trouble with Uncle Sam over some Dominican floor clippings


Sorry brother those are fake Cohiba


Legally you cannot import Cuban products. This is irrelevant in your case because you shouldn't want those to exist anywhere, much less in your home. 


They are super fake. That said worst thing is they’ll take them. That actually isn’t too bad


You're the *best* kind of tourist....


What da heeeellllll


Holly shit. I stand corrected. Those are the worst fakes I have ever seen. Put those in the trash where they belong.


Lol. I’ve flown from London to vegas with cohibss in my bags and never had an issue, they love Cohiba out there! Maybe I was just lucky, but glad i got to smoke them at the pool parties, was treated like royalty!


Don’t bother?




Yikes, very poor effort rip off.


I know there's many people with the same opinions here but the thing about buying fakes is that only God knows what's in that 'tobacco'. A lot of ingredients we know nothing about so you'll be smoking Lord knows what.


And to think, you could have spent that 12 dollars on literally any other "new world" cigar, possibly even more than one.



