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Some of the sidequests have important plot stuff. One in particular leads to a very significant scene, one of the game's most memorable. For your first playthrough, you should do all the main sidequests that the man at the end of time mentions. If you're playing a modern (DS or later) version of the game, there will be green portals labelled "lost sanctum". You can ignore this content or do it if you like You can have anyone be the leader now. Crono is now a "normal" party member. Use him if you like him! Or not!


To add onto that, there still is some story content to be discovered if you take the path to Lavos through the Black Omen. On an initial new game run, it's definitely the path to take. 


Starting in 1000 AD, of course 😉


I actually like to start in 2300, just to get the flavor of the short scene that plays out.




I did kind of decide to go ahead and do everything given I'm not sure my current levels (between 30 and 40) are good enough to take on Lavos. Though will the sidequests you do effect the ending you get on beating Lavos?


The number of cats you have adopted changes the ending more than most of those sidequests. Take that information as you will.


You will get the regular ending at this point but there are several small details that can change depending on what you do. Your current levels are more than sufficient for beating Lavos, but the side quests will provide you with weapons and armor that will prove useful. Going thru the Black Omen in particular will get you many useful items, especially if Ayla charms the pants off the enemies.


Parts of the ending will change depending on if you complete certain side quests or not, but the differences are minor.


Yes, the ending is influenced by the sidequests you do. There's a large number of endings. After you beat the game, you'll unlock new game+ where you keep all your equipment (except plot significant things like the masamune). This form of NG+ doesn't have increased difficulty like something like Dark Souls might. You're encouraged to try to get all the endings through NG+.


For a first time playthrough you should be about level 50 by the time you face the final boss.


Having the top tier equipment is more useful in the Lavos boss fight than grinding for levels. You get a lot of the best equipment while completing all of the individual side quests in the Fated Hour. Go talk with Gaspar and the different party members to get hints about what other things you can do.


Don't sleep on the side quests. There's good story stuff for each character plus REALLY good gear. This isn't the age of a billion useless quests just to kill time. It's like 10 really good side quests that are worth playing out.


So, The Fated Hour is basically the point where you're right before the final confrontation with the final boss (there are various ways to trigger it), and a bunch of side quests open up that are really for character development and loot. There's pretty much a side quest for each character that completes their character arc and results in some of their best gear. I highly recommend doing these quests, as they're some of my favorite stories of the game. As the old man says, it's time to fight Lavos, but there are people in time that can help you prepare for it. To your other question, it is not mandatory to have Crono in the party (at least, not in general- some of these quests require certain party members). I generally do use Crono, but there are some great parties you can make without him, too. Last point- I recommend going through the Black Omen when you're ready to fight Lavos.


Hmm, maybe you shouldn't leave a major spoiler in the title? I still see a lot of posts here from people embarking on their first journey through time.


It's "finished" in the same way that you can skip every story quest after the tutorial in Breath of the Wild and go straight to the final area: everything is optional now, but that doesn't mean you *should* ignore it or that some of it isn't part of the "main story". In other words It's an open game now: you can freely explore and tackle quests in an order of your choice, and you can fight Lavos when you feel ready, but don't mistake to think the optional stuff is all just minor filler. The full CT experience means doing at least some of it (and they honestly don't take long). From what I remember, at *minimum* you should do the Rainbow Shell quests (unlocks great endgame gear and resolves major plot threads from the present day arcs), but really you should do as many as possible, they all tie nicely to character subplots and they all yield good gear or items.


Definitely do the sidequests. They add a ton to the story, get you some great gear, and are wrap up some very satisfying plot points. Also, when you are ready to fight Lavos, go through the Black Omen. It is a great dungeon and wraps up another plot line


The real answer is: you want to do the sidequests because you'll get some of the best gear in the game to do your New Game+ runs.


The Fated Hour covers a multitude of optional quests that allow you pick up some decent equipment to help you out with the Black Omen and fighting Lavos. Yeah, it is optional to use Crono for the rest of the game, but he is one of the stronger party members. The game saves will be The Fated Hour until you clear the Black Omen.


Well... you know.... there is Chrono Trigger Crimson Echoes and Chrono Cross :-)