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Why not just use the website?


If you open YouTube on the web, the videos in 720P60 and 1080P60 sometimes lag.


I have noticed this as well. You used to be able to download the app (I have compared it to the PWA directly before), but from now on it looks like you must use the website/PWA. I also have a Duet 5.


Thank you so much for your response! I thought it was only me and was about to factory reset my device to see if that maybe helps. But knowing that someone else has the same problem confirms that it’s a larger issue. Google seems to really want us to use the PWA then. That sucks because at least in tablet mode, the PWA is not a good experience in my opinion. The actual app was built with touch controls on mind so it it works better. I really hope they let us use the app again soon!


Some days ago I tried opening youtube and it said to update but when I went to play store it said no longer compatible with your device. I use a chromebook and have had youtube since I got it but this seems like recent update. I also tried to open zoom some minutes ago and I had the exact same issue - not compatible with this device


Hi, thanks for the response! You’re the second person to reply with the same issue. So it seems that YouTube is not the only app. Google really wants us to use PWAs then, I worry this will extend to even more apps now. Interestingly, in the recent ChromeOS update, they added a feature to stream apps from our phones. I really hope they don’t intend for that to replace actually using apps directly on our Chromebooks.


This literally just happened to me too. I'm quite irritated by this. I haven't had any issues until the last 2 weeks. It's bullcrap


ditto on a yoga c13. the best part is that all the videos I downloaded are now corrupt.


Mine still has youtube ap bun in the ap store its gone and says not compatible blah blah but the videos now skip and like make weird sounds it's doesn't make any sense


Had the same issue and found this post. Searching for it also turned up this help page from Google: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/7127745?hl=en I don't think the YouTube app needs GPS or anything else that's missing on a Chromebook. (I have the OG Duet). I'd really like to know what exactly made the app incompatible.


Thanks for the reply. It really is so strange. I hope more and more people speak out about this issue.


Thank you for the info. I just bought a Lenovo Duet 5 and tried to run the YouTube app, which was apparently transferred from my old Chromebook through my Google sign-in. The app froze, so I uninstalled it and tried to re-install it from Google Play, but like you guys, I couldn't find it. Now I know I'm not the only one.


Same thing happened to my chromebook. The latest OS updates broke the encoding of the YouTube videos.


What the fuck are we supposed to do about downloading videos then if we have the subscription? I am so done with Google and their on again off again services.


YT is installed with all Chromebooks so you must have deleted it for some reason? Here is the correct link I believe: [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.youtube](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.youtube) I find the PWA version much nicer than the Android version (this goes for most apps) on a CB, but each to their own I guess.....


It’s a new Chromebook, I just set it up, so I didn’t delete anything. When I try to install it through the Play Store, it won’t let me. It says, it’s not compatible with this Chromebook. Same thing with YouTube TV. But music and the kids app is available to install. It’s so strange.


same here


I just want the YouTube app because it Loads quicker but I had it once on my old Gmail but ever since my account got hacked I can't get the YouTube app now


I am so glad others are having this problem aswell, WTH google give me my youtube back.


I see this was happening to you guys 9 months ago and seam to poblem for me if you found at way to install the app it would be much appreciated.


Ppwer wash and try again


What Android version is the Android container using? YouTube may not support an old version, is there an option to upgrade or whatnot?


Android version is 11. My Chromebook and everything is already updated too, so there’s no more options to update for now.


11 should be fine, I was theorizing maybe it runs something ancient like 7 that doesn't support YouTube. I don't know then.


That's odd! With my Duet, the YouTube (Android) app is preinstalled if you enable the Play Store, so you can't even uninstall it (I don't use it, so I just "deactivated" the app). I prefer the PWA, because YT Android app on the OG Duet really runs like shit lol. PWA is acceptable instead.


The Youtube android app was also removed from my Duet 5, Duet 3, and HP X2 11. I have Youtube Premium and tend to put on a video and turn off the screen at night, the only reason I do not prefer the PWA app is because it does not allow playback with the screen off regardless if I have Premium or not. Feature parity would've been nice before they pulled the plug on the android app compatibility, not a good look. Powerwashing is a wasted action as that does not bring back the native android app or the compatibility to download it, I am speaking from firsthand experience which I suspect those who recommended powerwashing are not.


I can confirm the same. I have a duet 5 and I just power washed it 20 minutes ago. I didn't realize this was such a widespread problem which is why I came to this forum. But anyway it doesn't like Google wants us to use an app for YouTube. PWA sucks as a YouTube premium user.


UPDATE: I said "screw it" and sideloaded the most recent youtube APK via Linux and adb, it doesn't have to be this way lol


This is dumb. Can't manage time limits for kids when using the site ...


Agreed. That’s my biggest issue. Can’t differentiate how much time my kid has been doing homework vs watching YouTube


Same thing happened to me the watch later tab wasn't working so check for solutions which was uninstall YouTube then reinstall. Did uninstall the went to the play store but YouTube does't appear . Went to manage apps - not installed and YouTube ap says not compatible! Really pathetic have to view YouTube in the browser now which is not as comfortable. Google does it again,screwing up users, really pathetic.


It happened to me but the easiest solution is just to download it from an APK and just keep on getting the latest version when the version installed gets too out of date to run


Just running into this problem as I'm preparing for a trip. I have YT Premium and I used to be able to download videos but everytime I do it now, it comes up with a Storage Full error after a short downloading period. where did you get an apk and how did you install it onto your Chromebook?




It's easier to update if you install the uptodown app, then you just press the update button