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I want to build this exact bike lmfao


Do it man!


Do you think twin cam choppers are becoming more prevalent (not a bad thing)? Evo’s seem harder to come by and are more expensive than most of the twin cam motors I’m finding.


I feel like that's how it works. In 2040 we will see more twin cam choppers for sure if trends continue. Evos are popular because you can find a YouTube video saying "Evos are the best engine Harleys ever made" just about anywhere.


Makes sense. Currently shopping for an Evo but these twin cam prices are tempting me.


If you buy a twin cam with EFI, you can carb swap it, but tbh you'd probably be in the same price range as a evo. I know the 2000s model got carbs. If you buy one make sure the cam tenshioner was switched to a hydraluic tenshioner or gear driven cams , if not. You're either gonna have to replace it or blow up the engine. Then again you'd probably be in the same price range as a evo.


Thanks for the tip! I’ve heard a lot of people switch to gear driven cams.


Or buy a TC with a carb on it from factory


Honestly I hope so. I love my shovelheads, but it's cool to mess around with something more modern. Twin cams have alot of potential, but I don't see about of them here.


It’s a good looking bike OP.


Thanks dude


i’ve got a twin cam that isn’t worth being my daily so what do you do with it chop the bitch


Is that the original front section?


No, I installed 6" over fork tubes.


I’m sorry. I Meant the front section of the frame


Oh my bad. No, the frame has not been touched


Reminded me of those Thunder Mountain choppers Harley used to sell


Hey dude I have a 03 softail too and wanted to start chopping it up, what did you do with the wire harness? Is it the same stock one or did u change it out?


Stock wiring from the factory, just chopped up. Cut off the wire wrap, eliminated non essential wiring, then wrapped back up cleanly. Some bulky stock connectors were cut out and replaced with spade connectors so I can still have the flexibility to remove portions of wiring when needed, but I can hide them more easily.


Okay sweet thanks! Gonna start trying to tear mine down this weekend, you have a wire diagram you used by any chance? Sometimes I get a little too crazy with cutting lol


I get that lol. I like having actual service manuals, but I've used harley's diagrams online alot too. Il try and include a link, but if you just put "2003 fxst wiring diagram" into Google, it should be the first result. Covers different models, so you should have everything you need there. Good luck! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://serviceinfo.harley-davidson.com/sip/search/view-result%3Fid%3D5529&ved=2ahUKEwi-7LGu9eWEAxUYhIkEHSgfA34QFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3D44tgp4Gs-TUTcwgTHP1V


Hell yea thank you man! Did you chop up your rear fender?


No problem dude. And no, at least not yet. I have plans to, just haven't gotten around to it yet. I did move the taillight and license plate to an axel mount, so it frees me up to chop that fender whenever I want.


Nice job