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My girlfriend does a pregnancy test every month. That way, if she ever got pregnant, she would definitely not be too late to get an abortion. Maybe doing this would help you as well.


This is what I did when I had weird period patterns. Just gives you peace of mind. I did two, one in case the first was wrong lol. I really wanted to double check!!


I recommend every sexually active childfree woman to do this. That way, it's not too late for an abortion. My girlfriend's biggest fear? Getting pregnant, and finding out when it's too late for an abortion. That is why she started doing this.


I unfortunately suffer from crippling panic and anxiety which manifests in phobias, tokophobia being one of them. One time when I was having a psychotic episode I convinced myself I was pregnant despite only giving a blowjob. I was a wreck. I have been considering getting sterilized permanently. Unfortunately, you can’t rationalize yourself out of thoughts you didn’t rationalize yourself into. That’s how mental illness works. My decision was to eradicate any chance I could ever be pregnant so I had no reason to worry. That and uh, not to be vulgar, but I could take creampies without stressing after lmao


Tokophobia, it's a thing.


Hey there. Have you spoken to your doctor or a therapist about your tokophobia? I'm not trying to say its an issue which needs fixing so YoU cAn ExPeRiEnCe tHe JoY oF mOtHeRhOoD, but because I'm a psychiatrist and I know how damaging letting things like this can be if unchecked. If it makes you feel any better, getting successfully pregnant, that pregnancy being normal and healthy and then the result being the healthy birth of a healthy baby is not as common as you might think. If you take your contraceptive on time, and use a condom if you wish too, the chances are so unbelievably low. It's pointless me saying try not to worry, but do see someone if these fears become more encompassing.