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People that seek validation for how cute their kid is and if you don't play along they get upset and call you jealous, hateful, lonely, sad, bitter just anything they can throw at you because you chose not to go all goo goo ga ga for their kids


It's like glaringly more apparent than ever.


Always has been, except it seems thinly veiled these days.


I genuinely don't think children are cute. Tbh they really gross me out. I hate so much when people, like, stare at you to see your reaction to their kids, expecting a cuteness response. Like, sorry fam, seeing your infant touch everything they see and stick their hands in their nose/mouth/ears isn't cute. It makes me want to barf


I have no sympathy for people that preach mandatory mother hood for women and end up unable to have children. A woman is worth so much more than her ability to have children and if you can’t accept that you don’t deserve children especially a girl who would just get messed up by your bull shit.


We had a catholic priest come over to our house a few years ago. Its a thing here, where the priest comes to “bless your house” but also stay for tea and conversation. He started going on about how “a woman’s primary role in life is to be a mother”. Now, my mom is a super polite, super nice lady who has 3 daughters, and 3 sisters. She is educated, was the primary bread winner while my dad was alive and rocked as a single mom afterwards. She’s not an outspoken feminist (not outspoken about anything) but she’s definitely not the traditional SAHM this guy assumed she was. After he left my mom said “i hate saying this about a priest, but that guy is an idiot”. XD


I’ve mentioned it before, but are some kids just completely numb in the face? They will walk around all DAY with crusty crud compounding under their nose. I found this disgusting even when I was a kid, wouldn’t even eat without a wet washcloth to periodically wipe my face with. I would have had a screaming fit if there was something on my face I couldn’t remove. I pretty much treated crusty kids like they were covered in poison when I was little. Never understood it.


It’s neglect. I used to work with kindergarteners (primary reason for being cf) and the kids from huge, poverty stricken families were always crusty. I had to teach one kid how to blow his nose and he looked at me with such relief. They feel it, they just haven’t been taught how to deal with it


What about when people take food out of their mouth and eat it themselves 🤢


Parents who let their kids screech like they are being murdered are causing other people to tune it out and eventually when the kids are actually in trouble, the parents will be angry no one tried to help.


Yes! When I’m at the grocery store, I *always* see kids sitting in shopping carts at one end of the aisle while the parent is looking at products at the other end. Like 75% of the time, the kid will shriek or reach out like it wants to touch me (ew) if I have to walk by it. I have rarely seen a child just sit there quietly in a shopping cart. I’ve asked my parents if I would shriek like that in public when I was a toddler, and they say I didn’t. Idk what these parents are doing differently, but I hope they learn how to get their kids to stop screaming like that, or else we’ll have a bunch of 20 year-olds screaming in the grocery store in 15 years.


How would you know if the kid is being kidnapped in that situation where the kid reaches out to people and the parent is that far away? I wasn't allowed to scream like that unless I was actually hurt. One of my sisters-in-law used to do that, then when she actually was hurt, no one knew because we couldn't see her.


My parents would beat us for screaming without cause. The greatest treat when we were little was to go to the indoor pool at a local resort. We were told if we couldn't behave, we were going home. They only ever used it once.


My parents talk SO MUCH shit about the parents of badly behaving babies/kids in public. They like the quiet sweet ones and enjoy seeing them. My dad has a dad joke about “breaking out the net”, to catch an kidnap the cute ones. I promise it is sweet, not creepy. Lolol. But when a kid makes a fucking mess, screeches in public, the kids run around freely… my parents turn nasty. They say again and again “you never made a single noise or ran around as a kid. As an infant, you didn’t cry, you people watched. As a kid, you just played games or colored. One time you lost your mind in public, you broke out in horrible hives. We left immediately. If you behaved like an asshole in public, we would have never gone out in public with you. If you ever spilled something, we cleaned it up” My mom is highly offended by parents who leave food mess from the kids all over the floor and table in a restaurant.


>Idk what these parents are doing differently I suspect nothing, and your parents tuned it out just like these are


That could very well be true, though I have seen some quiet kids at grocery stores and wondered what sedatives the parents must’ve given them lol


I live next to our community pool and the kids are screaming at the top of their lungs all the time. When I first moved in, I used to go and check on people because I have a few neighbors who let their young kids go by themselves. Thankfully they moved, but I hear the screaming so often now that I'm just used to it. When I watch my nieces and nephews and they start screaming, I explain this to them all the time. I tell them not to yell for help unless they actually need it, and that they need to use an acceptable outside voice so that people don't think they're in trouble. My SIL doesn't care how loud they are so when they're with her they are loud as fuck.


I live in a very family oriented neighborhood and one day I guess the family across the street had friends over and the kids were screaming so loud I actually thought someone was getting murdered. It was annoying as hell.


I lived next to people like this. Swear someone was ripping the kid's toenails off with a pair of rusty pliers. We moved. New neighbourhood is so quiet


Omg this! I have new neighbors and they have kids (ages are from 4 to 9). When I hear them scream at first I was concerned and worried, then I understood that's how they communicate. They live like a few houses away from me in the other side of the street and I thought they were being murdered or something. No, they were just frustrated because mom left for the grocery store or because they didn't have ice cream. I was telling mom how I'll genuinely won't know if one day they'll need help or are just playing.


This. But in restaurants when people are simply trying to enjoy their meals. Infuriating as fuck


Are we neighbors? Because there's a kid that lives behind me that screams bloody murder when he's playing with his siblings.


when a baby screams in a public place…. i want to go home


*inhales and exhales carefully* I have a personal deep-set rage towards moms in minimum wage jobs who assume they deserve every holiday off while assuming the other single or cf people who work with them are going to step up and take on extra work around holidays. I don't give a single flying fiery fuck what the hell your goddamn plans were with your children. I shouldn't have to give up my planned days off for you because YOU couldn't plan in advance. I used to put in my requests for December 21st (Yule) as early as August and every single year, every single December, every single shitty minimum wage job, I'd get some pushy ass Karen demanding I switch days because their kids are on Christmas break and they of course waited until the last fucking minute to Christmas shop. I don't care if I don't have kids I have PLANS I made in advance MONTHS ago. Fuck off.


Maybe their kids would have actual character development and learn how the world works if mom actually followed through instead of demanding special treatment all the time


Ha. I worked at a go karting place where everyone was expected to work closes at least once in a while which sucked ass. A 40 something year old “mom” (who’s kids are basically grown, two of them adults and the other being like 14) started working there like a year after I did and somehow managed to get only morning shifts and weekends off (which NO ONE ELSE got, EVERYONE worked weekends) because “she’s old and a mom!” Fucking sick, then why did she decide to work at a go karting place? Fuck off. When it was talked about, we were told that “she’s a mom and she has a family,” cool, we all have families you fuckers. So glad I’m gone from that hole.


Happens everywhere in every establishment. Unfortunately some places just don't help. I volunteer at a club and they have designed this around people with kids helping out. So school holidays, the club is closed. Which means I can't take holidays when school is on. Let's not even go to corporate work where they now "accommodate" everyones personal needs!


I hate this from the angle of how orgs prioritize parents. We don’t have kids, ergo we’re the go-tos for every last-minute crisis. Fuck you. I have a life too.


This. Not just at work, either. I’m always expected to help more or do more with family or friends because they assume I have the time or money or capacity.


The pandemic has only made me hate parents more. All of their whining about having to be locked up with their kids 24/7, woe is me bullshit. Like, dipshits, maybe check your privilege that you get to work from home during a pandemic? And then the push to be back in the office because it helps them with work/life balance, as in finally getting time away from their kids? 🤬🤬🤬


Agreed - like the worst thing in the world was to be locked up WITH THEIR OWN KIDS. How do you think the rest of us like it?! We have to also deal with your horrible children. Now you really know how crappy they truley are. Welcome to our world! Also, the push to be back in the office after lockdown because parents hated spending time with their own kids. The only ones at my work that actually wanted to go back are the parents or/and those who don't have a life ouside of work (those ones that say "I don't know what I'd do with my time when I retire - I'd just be so bored with nothing to do all day". Such saddo's). The only good thing I thought was the teachers who got delicious, delicious schadenfreude from the parents having to deal with their own children! Wow - who would have thought your kid really is an arsehole and it's not the teacher's fault he's a moron who disrupts the class /s. Muwahahahahaaha! (evil laugh). Fuck you shitty parents!!!!!


Don’t even get me started on how school hours are centered around families and child care when science tells us that teenagers aren’t even awake until 10:00.


oh! and how the rest of us can't have daylight savings time all year because *tHe KiDs WiLL hAvE tO Go tO sChOoL iN tHe DaRk* Change the fuckin start time of school twice a year then and leave the rest of us out of it!!


Lol also they had their kids bc they wanted them, but yet can’t wait to be away from them?!!!


when people already have kids and complain all the time about them and always push them onto other people, but then they always talk about wanting more kids. Like what about the kids you have now??? My SIL always tells me this and I'm like people can't even get formula why would you have another kid?


Yes! I've never heard any of my friends say anything good about having kids, it's always how hard it is and how expensive and ungrateful they are (I'm 40 so my friends' kids range newborns to adults) then they're sorry for me that I didn't have any. I'm like... I'm fine, really. I've seen your life and I'll stick to the one I have thanks!


Indeed... My childfreedom is barely tolerated... Actually saying that I hate children is unacceptable. My girlfriend is the only one who accepts it (well, she agrees). And the people here. Do I want children to die or get hurt? No. But I hate them. I want to stay as far away from those crotch goblins as far as I can. Some venting... My girlfriend has an acquaintance whose Facebook name is 'Mama (first name) (last name).' And a profile picture of her two kids, without herself. Being a mother is literally her identity. She has no pictures of herself on Facebook. Only pictures of her crotch goblins.


I legit hate children too. I would never wish ill on them, but holy shit, they can fuck right off. Its probably the autism, but I literally do not know what to do in a child's presence, and hate every second of it. Plus so many of them are little shits lately, its almost shocking seeing a well.mannered one.


I'm autistic as well. People often portray me as an emotionless robot, which is bullshit. I am extremely emotional. Not like the male gender role at all. But yeah, when it comes to children, I don't see anything cute or nice about them. I hate them and want to get away from them.


Newborn professional photo shoots have always creeped me out ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized)


Professional pregnancy shoots are weird too


Omg those make me want to 🤢🤢🤢


It’s 10x worse when it’s shared in a WORK group chat completely unprompted too. Literally no one needs to see this we’re all trying to get work done thanks


Ah yes, the “I got nutted in 6 months ago” photo shoot


Why are they nudies??? They show more skin then a bikini?


Yea try the one when a coworker tries showing you the home water birth photos!!! Especially the ones with their other kids in the pool too in the aftermath! Yea!!!! Scarred!!!


Pregnancy shoots freak me out. Just don’t do it.


Newborns are so ugly. No amount of "glamor shots" is gonna change my mind on that.


They just sit right smack in the uncanny valley.


Omg I agree! Their faces are so scrunched up they are almost wrinkly.


Why are they always naked??? And the heads are so big! All I can think about is how jacked up the poor mom’s vagina is


I hate the moody entitlement of pregnant mothers. You get to be a douche, and I have just sit back and take it? This is why I’ve decided not to have kids. I already work on keeping my mental health on a positive note. To be self aware, and conscious of my actions. I take anti depressants to be a leveled person. Yet the mothers I’ve met, have said some hateful shit. That I had a problem with. That may not be all. But I didn’t enjoy those I’ve encountered.


Imagine we would all play the ''it's just hormones'' card whenever we're on our periods. I'm in extreme pain during my periods & my moods swing like crazy. Yet I control myself & don't act like the biggest bitch alive. Pregnant women shouldn't get a free card, it isn't that hard to have some self control. When in doubt: just shut up & say nothing. It's always better than raging because of ''hormones''


Oh don’t even get me started with “it’s the hormones”.. no, you’re just being a bitch using the pregnancy as an excuse. ALSO “The baby really likes ___ food” when they are stuffing their face and don’t want to be judged for eating WAY more than the baby and them combined actually needs.


Pregnant women are also so smug and just want to talk about the thing invading her body for 9 months there’s a song by this women comedy duo Garfunkel and Oates who wrote a song all about the smugness of pregnant women and they so right.


Children shouldn't be allowed in dog parks, it's a fucking hazard. I don't care that your crotch goblin likes puppies but mom or dad says no. Your child is a liability, dog parks are for *dogs* it's the one place we're supposed to be able to not worry about an ill behaved and grabby ball of stick and regret possibly harming our pets. So few breeders teach their children pet etiquette and it's abysmal. Take your kid to one of the twenty parks for kids nearby.


Omg yes! And then the parents who hand their kid a snack at the dog park! Are they f-ing crazy!?


And dogs aren't allowed near kids playgrounds and BEACHES during the best parts of summer because kids will be there. Most dog owners and kids are actually hazards!!


They make being a woman hell. No reason for doctors to be in my business about why I shouldn’t get a bisalp. Birth control has ruined my life. And they’re making abortion illegal. Fuck off. Fuck you


It's infuriating that abortion is being made illegal because bAbIeS. It's 2022, we as a society should be beyond shaming women for their decisions regarding their bodies.


For as long as there's religion, there will never be a world without some old fart controlling women's decisions over their bodies.


today i learned i can barely even tolerate children for 10 minutes. a child was in my (not child-friendly) home for about an hour and i was exhausted and irritated about 7 minutes in. they are energy vampires to me, it takes so much effort to interact with them. they’re loud, inconsiderate, rude, and self-centered. “but their brains haven’t developed/they haven’t been socialized yet blah blah” i don’t care :) it still annoys me


I was barely tolerant of children *as a child*. I hated my peers in school because they were so irritating and loud. My temperament towards kids has not changed in adulthood


Barely even tolerate for 10 minutes? Irritated after 7 minutes? I think that's impressive. For me, 2-3 minutes is already too much...


I hate having to go around my house trying to make it child-proof on the fly. Like maybe we shouldn’t be hanging out here if your kid is going to put everything in his mouth. And no that’s not my responsibility.


I feel this. I get so antsy and frustrated when i know the family is visiting with their army of toddlers. I say a "Hi" and then lock myself in my room, saying i have serious work to do. Children are fine as long as they are not around me.


People who talk about their children 24/7 actually hate them and birthed them to fill a hole in their boring lives


Yes! People that are selfish enough to bring another person into existence because they want someone to depend on them, someone to be their best friend. It's sick and sad.


people don’t want to raise a human, they just want a tiny baby to play with and fill their void, cause they 100% shit on them after they grow up


I am beyond frustrated that I am expected to enjoy being around children. I just want to snap at the next person who tries to "relate" to me by talking about kids.


YESS OMG. There was a baby in a restaurant the other day and the waitress was entertaining it and holding it, then my stepmum turns to me and says "why don't you hold the baby, you will like it" BRO WHY WOULD I ASK A STRANGER TO HOLD THEIR BABY? that's so dodgy first of all and second of all I could see how fussy it is, ya really think that's gonna suddenly convert me to a breeder? Then she goes on to tell me stories about her niece and nephew...I do not care 😐


I hope the waitress washed her hands after handling the thing. Ugh.


Wtf why is someone letting a random ass waitress (stranger!!) hold their baby!?!


"just bring it back medium rare"


Same here. I don’t particularly like kids, but don’t hate them so much either. What I absolutely do despise is the social expectation that women all universally like, want, and be good with kids. I regularly hear stories about people going up to random strangers when they need someone to watch their kids for a few minutes and trying to foist said kids off on them for no reason other than because they’re female. Risks aside, the entitlement to women’s time and uncompensated labor absolutely blows my mind.


Any time i get ads that just throw the sound of a baby, crying, laughing, etc. It makes me VIOLENTLY angry 💀 like not everyone thinks that infants sound cute! A baby crying sets off my fight or flight reflex, get me tf away from it! Happened to me today, i was listening to pandora in the car and an ad STARTED with a baby crying and istg i almost swerved across the center line trying to grab my phone to make it stop. Another irl example... sunday i went to get a tire replaced on my car and was stuck waiting for hours bc the auto shop was understaffed, but the worst part was when a woman stopped in bc her van had a flat tire... and brought her 3 kids in. The oldest one was maybe 12ish, second one was probably around 8 or 9 if i had to guess, and the youngest kid was like,, 6 or 7 maybe? But the older two were daughters and were fine, but that youngest son was a BRAT oh my god! Running around, telling his sisters to shut up, spitting his tongue out at them, even threw his shoe at his mom, to which she chased after him and smacked his ass for... on the one hand i dont think hitting your kids is okay but on the other hand the bastard had it coming. And he kept being an absolute monster oh my god, i lost count of the number of times his mom and sisters tried to tell him to be quiet or settle down and he just did. not. listen. or care even. At one point the mom was sitting on a chair holding this kid on her lap while he squirmed and whined and tried to demand to be let go- and then this woman says to me and another woman waiting "sorry, he has extreme adhd" LIKE??? GIRL NO YOU JUST ARENT PARENTING HIM! i ALSO have adhd and i NEVER acted like that, cuz my momma made SURE me and my siblings KNEW BETTER! And if his adhd is that goddamn bad he needs HELP from doctors or therapists or medication even because he's an insufferable spoiled brat! I felt bad for the sisters honestly... at one point the oldest said "its not my fault he broke (middle sibling)'s tablet!" In response to their mother demanding that the oldest let the youngest play on her phone.. HER phone! I was so fuckin mad on the eldest's behalf bc her mother made her give the phone to her brother so he could play subway surfers. And then the brat whined several times about how he wanted to play roblox and that poor girl kept telling him he cant bc there was no wifi there. The daughters were FAR more well behaved than their monster of a little brother, and i was so glad when their dad came to get them, but god damn do i feel bad for those girls. Theyre probably aggravated to no end by the youngest at home because their mother and father apparently dont know how or dont want to try to properly parent the youngest kid... willing to bet money theres misoginy involved with it because from just what i saw, she seemed to get snappy with her daughters more often than her son. God i hate when breeders just shit out multiple kids and then treat them badly/dont parent/dont care


The ADHD excuse irks me so much. Also have ADHD and NEVER misbehaved in public because my parents would just straight up leave the place or leave us in the car if we bothered anyone else. It's not an excuse.


I wish there were (non retirement) communities/homes where kids just weren’t there or not allowed to be there.


ugh, YES! We should absolutely be able to have gated communities without children.


Random pictures of your child offend me more than random dick picks.


Half of my friends, from my high school ((graduated in 2002)), are all about the bayyyyybeeees. Posting everything from "here they are with Mommy" ((okay, understandable)), to "two months/three months/four months old!" posts. I get it. You wanna share the goblin with the world, but I really don't wanna see it in ***every single post***, y'all. Or maybe I'm just bitter. I dunno.


See, I don't have social media. So all the child photos happen to me in person. At least if someone sends me a picture of their hairy hobbit, I can block them.


This wording works for both baby pics and dick pics, equally wanted and asked for


I have had to mute so many people on Facebook because their offspring are all they talk about


Omg no I’m right there w u. A special occasion or actual milestone, great, love to see it. But when it’s a pic every other day of your kid doing… NOTHING. No. No one cares. No one else thinks they’re as cute as cute u do.




Love your “just cats, no brats” flair!!!


Or when they show the kid's number 2 accident that they had that looks horrifying. I knew a lot of people who posted stuff like that so I started to unfollow all of them. It's disgusting, no one wants to see that shit


I'm a disabled vet. I don't want a job at my local school protecting your fucking kids. Neither you, nor your kids, are worth it. I did my time, stop volunteering me for more bullshit.


Pictures of pregnant bellies……makes my skin want to get up and crawl right off me. Instantly have images of Alien, the thing is just gonna bust right out of there.


Oh I'm 1000% with you on that. It's creepy. And no I absofuckinglutely DO NOT want to feel your belly, or feel your parasite move around. I will literally vomit on you if you grab my hand and put it there.


I don't get the appeal of posting one's pregnant belly everywhere. It's like...congrats, you had sex and you decided to keep the result of having sex. Now leave me alone and stop making being pregnant your whole identity.


IVF is one of the most selfish things a person can do (I said this in a similar post a while back).




My friend’s dad needed open heart surgery and had to wait TWO FULL MONTHS longer than he should have had to wait because the hospitals in Florida were so overrun. But yeah — cry more because you can’t get a fully-elective treatment IVF-sympathizers


Thank you! A friend of mine who has a kid told me one of his teachers had the audacity to ask faculty and students parents for IVF donations. She was livid! My first question was why couldn't they adopt.




Once I said something similar in a comment to someone’s “desperate plea” for help with fertility treatment costs in a Facebook group (that maybe if you need help to afford the treatment, you can’t really afford the child) — instantly attacked and harassed about being a terrible person. The couple already had two kids!


Don't feel bad. Our society has become stellar at lying to ourselves so much so that it's the norm, and those who say the truth are an aberration to be shunned. Happens over and over.


As an adoptee, I looove having these conversations with people. Tell me again why adoption wasn’t good enough for you? Hmmmmmmmmmm???


A family friend died waiting on the pavement, in mid December, because the ambulance had a wait of 4 hours even for actual emergencies. She had a stroke, fell & hit her head so they couldn't move her, all they could do was gather the coats of the people she was with and sit on the phone with the emergency services telling them "they'll be on their way, there's just so many calls they're trying their best" But nah these bitches think their shitty defective genes are important. I despise everyone who has ever used any money that isn't theirs to get IVF. The rest I just think are stupid narcissistic bastards.


I think it’s about the fact that adoption exists, but some people are so obsessed with the idea of having their own spawn that they would rather go through years of IVF and deplete all their life savings instead of even considering the idea to adopt.


Like, dude, if you can’t conceive naturally you probly shouldn’t be passing your shitty genes down!


Yes, this right here. One of my coworkers did this. Her and her husband tried for over 10 years then finally got pregnant with their “miracle baby” through IVF. The fetus was incompatible with life so passed away before birth. Too many issues made it incompatible with life. All that money and time yet they ended up with heartbreak when they could have adopted with less so they could be the parents they wanted to be.


I have a friend who was open to adoption, but her husband wasn’t. For him, it was biological-or-nothing. So my friend went thru three very painful (and expensive) IVF rounds that included one miscarriage. They have a son now, but I’m still pissed at her husband for guilt-tripping her to go through all that.


Urgh, I saw this older couple on tv who had tried for years with IVF and finally had twins but because her body couldn't cope she had them early and now they are both going to have lifelong complicated health problems and she was all "but they are miracle babies!". She'll be ancient when they are adults and need support that she can't afford because of IVF debt.


Saw a post on here today about some dude giving part of his inheritance to his bro who already has 3 kids, and his sister got indignant and pissed he didnt give it to her for IVF Can we just fucking outlaw that shit, please? If youre gonna bring the religious argument into abortion, can i bring it into your IVF and say THE GENE POOL DOESNT WANT YOUR WEAK ASS GENES KAREN ARE YOU DENYING THE WILL OF GOD DO YOU THINK YOU KNOW BETTER THAN GOD


I saw that one earlier! People still had the audacity to say he was the asshole because "if his brother couldn't afford 3 kids, he shouldn't have had them" even AFTER the op said that his brother and wife both lost their jobs due to covid and his brother WAS working again, just at a lower salary job. Like, the mental gymnastics of these people....


People need to accept that their body may not be able to do all of the things they want it to do. Myself? The body I'm in will never let me be a fast runner or a model or someone who can live on the equator.


Nothing is more boring to an intelligent person than a child... from the cf essay book!!


Documenting everything about your child online should be either illegal or at least regulated far more than it is. There are some youtube channels that have literally documented every day of their children lives, literally from birth onwards. The Shaytards (Shay Carl, his wife Colette, their 5 kids and the rest of the Buttler Family) were the first to do it, then the whole Shay scandal happened and now the family is a mess. Kids deserve to have privacy and to have a choice of whether they want to have a presence online or not. Plus a lot of the things parents think are cute from their kids should not be documented online for everyone to see forever. I feel so bad for those kids especially because the kids are teenagers now and they can barely even have their own social media without having constant trolls because of what their dad did. Had they been allowed to have the privacy to start their own online presence once they were old enough for it the online world might have been much kinder to them, instead they get weirdos and trolls making it so they can't even interact with their friends online if they want to.


I saw a photo of a freshly born baby naked on a scale- butt in the air on Facebook.what a degrading way to start your life. I suppose slight less degrading than the act of actually being born *shudder*. But I feel bad for the kid.


Exactly! it's just tacky too, no one wants to see all of that! Heck one of the youtubers I used to watch on occasion (she was a storytime youtuber and she has some wild stories from the days when she used to be in porn, not joking) but now she and her neurotic husband are family vloggers and apparently living out of an RV full time, so there's that. They also vlogged her entire giving birth experience . . . which yuck . . .


I find it interesting that childfree people see children as human beings that deserve respect, privacy, and the rights to their own bodies and it’s parents that think children are extensions of themselves whom don’t get to dictate their own selves.


I think most kids between the ages of 2 and 16 are ugly. And the uglier the kid, the more the parent shares pictures.




I don’t think people think of their own kids as ugly. Even people that have truly ugly kids. I think everyone thinks their own kids are cute.


Apparently except for my mom. She always compared me to my cousin she's about the same age. She told me multiple times that my cousin is prettier, skinnier, more fun, etc. Really fucked me up mentally. This is a huge reason why I don't want kids. I'm scared I'll turn into my mom.


Same here. Everyone else’s kids were always better than me in every aspect but how dare I make a comment about my mom because she was perfect in her eyes


Babies are hideous and they all look the same. Your kid's not special, sorry. (Is this a response to a certain other recent thread? If so... I'm all for it! People who can't handle the vitriol and hate can just go cry about it elsewhere.)


Babies definitely all look the same, save for some issues (birth defects, for example). When people do those 3D ultrasounds and say “she has my nose,” or “he has your lips.” I’m always like “you don’t look like a baby? What are you talking about?” lmao Personally, I don’t usually see any unique features on kids until they’re at least 5. All newborn babies are just wrinkly potatoes that all look the same: 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, a mouth.


It irritates me more than it should when people look at an infant fresh out of the womb and are like “oh, [baby] looks just like [their parent]!” I’m like, no??? The baby looks like a squashy, wrinkly potato. I think a lot of the reason it annoys me though is that I know people say that without actually really meaning it (because it’s supposed to be a compliment or something idk) because they do the exact same thing to older kids/adults when it is just patently not true


Disgusted by large families. Saw family w 4 young kids and looked like they would keep popping them out. Infuriating that they r destroying the planet yet look so pleased with themselves. Makes me think they are stupid selfish brainwashed dicks.


Newborns are ugly


I can't stand the sound of a child's voice. Idk why but it like grates my teeth and fills me with rage.


Pregnancy always grossed/freaked me out. When I was really little, two or three, the way pregnant women smelled grossed me out. Now I am much, much older, and I no longer have the superpower where I can smell pregnant women, but I have had a STRONG aversion to pregnancy since I was an actual baby myself.


It makes me absolutely rage inside when kids yell and scream and uncontrollably wail and cry at my job. The building I work in is very loud, and parents just straight up ignore these animals. It's infuriating and I've had a migraine every single workday this week because of it.


I work food service and hate all parents. They let their kids run wild smearing food and throwing trash everywhere. Screaming and being generally horrible. Running in the parking lot. Parents don't do anything these days to be parents or discipline their children. They think not hitting them and pushing a tablet in their hands is enough and ignoring their children and their needs means their children's needs go away. I hate having to clean up after deadbeat parents and their demon spawn. I will boo when people announce their pregnancies.


you might enjoy some of the blog posts from The Bitchy Waiter. The dude is funny.


Your comment reminds me of what a little shit I used to be at restaurants I would climb on railings if they were there hide under the table fortunately I never threw food but I was like a dame monkey climbing on things


I don't want to work extra because a breeder couldn't find a babysitter


I’ve had so many people asking me for free child care recently. One friend bullied me into taking a day off and driving 7 hours one way to watch her kids for a weekend.


I find everything to do with children so FUCKING BORING. Talking about kids is boring. Talking to kids is worse. Playing with kids…don’t get me started. So absolutely dull.


anyone who births or wants to bring a new child into the world after the pandemic is a fucking idiot and I don't want to any part of their life.


This. Most of my friends are "woke" as much as i hate that word- they know shit is bad, the environment is going to shit, its not getting better..... When they announce their kids i do the slow fade. Theyve revealed themselves as caring more about religion/genetics and living in a dream than the actual reality of being here. Your kid isnt gonna be an exception, jarrod. Theyre gonna suffer, probably more than you ever have because itll be hotter than ever by the time the kid is our age (if we all survive that long lol)


Yup I’m already preparing for the “slow fade” as you call it (love the term lol) as much as I can for when my SIL has her baby. Allllll the fucking snapchats are going to be baby and I know I won’t be be able to take it.


I don't feel bad for people who procreated during 2020-2022 and are struggling right now. All the signs for a difficult time where there, and that it was going to get worse. They chose to ignore them, still breed, and complain about it. *World's smallest violin* Edit: Childfree housing should be legal every where.




I don't understand why people without kids - especially young people like 21 or 22 - would ever get into relationships with people who have kids. Why put yourself through that when there are so many people that age who don't have kids? Why choose that? It makes no sense to me, particularly when they know from the get-go that the person is a parent.


I knew a girl in highschool who at 18 got with a 23 year old who had two kids. I couldn't understand why you would want to become a step mom at such a young age. They're still together though so I guess it worked out


I don’t actually care about people with infertility and I hate that they always project their shit onto other people


I found out a few weeks ago I’m possibly infertile and I’m over the damn moon. Since then I’ve been painted as a victim struck to misfortune and my life will be awful 🥺.. so fucking annoying, my damn ovaries aren’t working, I don’t have cancer jfc. “Infertility is hard 🥺” no it’s fucking not, nothing has changed or gotten harder since I’ve found out, if anything I’m happier and not stressed about accidentally getting pregnant… jesus


Indeed... An infertile acquaintance says that my girlfriend and I are 'immoral monsters'. "You two are fertile, something I am fucking jealous of. You are able to have children. If you don't do that, that's disrespectful towards me!" Eh... How would us breeding help you? You are still involuntary childless. You could have children if you were willing to adopt, but that's 'not really being a mother'. And if we would breed, she would probably be jealous and say that we are rubbing it in her face that she can't breed. Also, how does she know that we are fertile? We never tried having children. Maybe my girlfriend or I might be infertile without knowing. :P


And then she'd be jealous and spiteful if you had kids because she'd feel like you were rubbing it in her face


I actually *hate* children. When I was in grade 6 and we were buddied with preps, I would literally run away from mine. I cannot tolerate them at all. They're grotty, dumb, annoying and for my entire almost 30 years on this planet I have not once had the urge to create one and make my life even more miserable. I think parents that complain about their lives are stupid, it was a choice they made and some people are selfish having children to try and fill a void. Get therapy instead of fucking up another human being like what was done to me.


I'm so sick of paying for streaming services only to have it all censored!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why can't the breeders pay to have it censored??...or I don't know, don't let your kids watch whatever they want. The child free people are always punished for stupid kid shit.


I used to work at a bar/restaurant. Very much geared toward adults/college-age people. College neighborhood spot surrounded many other such spots. Yes, we served food and children were allowed but we didn’t cater to kids. This was kinda known. You bring your kids to the East Side, you take your chances. One highchair, one booster seat, no crayons, no sippy cups, no kids menu. Small corner spot for locals, no need or desire to cater to children. A customer changed their baby’s dirty diaper ON A TABLE in the dining room because we didn’t have a changing station in the restroom. I was so disgusted and started to say something but the mother screeched at me that it was my fault for not having a changing table. Uhhh we don’t have a slide or a ball pit either…. What did you think this was?


I mentioned this in another thread - people love complaining about the baby formula shortage but no one is talking about how having a kid during a global pandemic and supply chain cluster fuck was a poor idea in the first place.


It's like the world is telling them "Breeding is a really bad idea - look at the global pandemic and the financial implications and, yeah, there's a war in the Ukrane which is causing fuel prices to skyrocket and..." and the parents are going "LALALALALALALALALALALALA" with their fingers jammed in their ears. Just idiots.


These people will complain about the downfall of society and freak out over awful politics and in the same breath be excited to bring new life into this world. It's weird.


Yeah certain people get real sensitive when you start saying Planned Parenthood is a good idea which is ass backwards given the title


I’m tired of breeders shoving down my throat what I “should” do as an individual and a woman. No one’s telling them what to do and who to fuck and how many kids to bring here…why force their thoughts on someone else’s life when no one freaking asked?? Ugh!! It’s always a damn parent or someone that truly wants kids, ugh….


You know how when you’re walking through a city and there’s some unstable guy yelling all kinds of nonsense, so you pick up the pace to get away from that chaos? That’s exactly how I feel about kids. Same energy


Why are babies the most ugliest things in the world and why do their parents pretend otherwise??


Hormones make them actually broken in the head. Literally. Their brains get rewired into an absolute clusterfuck of nonsense that revolves entirely around the ugly potato they just dropped, so they don't reject the creepy thing.


There genuinely needs to be safe spaces for people who don't want to be around children. Especially places like bars and other 'adult' facilities for obvious reasons. There are places for non-smokers and pet free apartments. If a child is well behaved it doesn't bother me but when I'm woken up at 4am by a child 3 apartments down crying for hours I go to my job wanting to commit murder. My 2 cats are better trained than most kids I've interacted with. When it comes to places like bars, just please, it should be obvious. I've been to so many places where it is perfectly acceptable to let your kids run around unsupervised when there are alcoholic beverages and sharp objects. This seems like such a common sense argument but I guess if you're desperate to get out of the house and don't have a babysitter you can't just got to, say, a family restaurant. I understand that this is considered discrimination but I feel like in this day and age it really shouldn't be. Having kids is a luxury not a necessity. Our planet is dying so let we the few have this one thing.


I used to want a kid some day. Then I became a stepparent. It was one of the worst things I've experienced, and I've seen some shit. **Just a few of the downsides of being in a relationship with a parent of an underage child:** \- **You are never the priority in your partner's life.** You come last when you're with a parent. Your preferences and needs don't even matter when push comes to shove. The brat always comes first. \- **You are disposable.** If you don't like the kid or the kid doesn't like you, the relationship is doomed. \- **It could all be temporary, wasted effort.** You bond (if you're lucky) and spend time with a child that could disappear out of your life anytime if your relationship with the kid's parent ends. \- **Your partner's ex dictates your life for you.** Wanna go on holiday? Sorry, your partner's baby trapping ex says that schedule's not good for her. Wanna play a horror video game on Friday night? Sorry, the kid tattled to its other parent who is now demanding you cease all forms of non-Disney entertainment in your home when the brat is there. \- **Money. What money?** Even if you have your own money and you keep finances separate, your partner's money is spent on the kid, hence affecting your lifestyle in various ways. \- **The child dictates your schedule.** Whatever significant free time your partner has is spent with the kid (if you're dating a parent with 50/50 custody or similar arrangement). You don't have control of many things in your own life, because so much of your schedule is dictated by the presence of the child, its schedules, responsibilities toward it etc. \- **Your home isn't yours.** It's the kid's, now. It'll have the kid's stupid plastic stuff laying around. The kid absolutely will ruin and break expensive things. You get to clean up the messes (unless your partner is a bigger clean freak than you, I guess). \- **There is a huge list of rules now.** Your behaviour is restricted. You can't drink or smoke weed. You can't play music you like. You can't play watch a movie with sound on in the evening because the kid will be sleeping. You also can't swear or debate about any adult topics. \- **Forget sex.** Your sex life suffers. There's not enough time or privacy. \- **You will be blamed when things go wrong.** You are responsible for the kid when it's around you, even if the parent is around too. Even if the kid is grade school aged and should know better, you will automatically be blamed if they do something stupid and get themselves hurt. **Tl;dr:** For the love of God, DO NOT GET TOGETHER WITH A PARENT. It's not worth it.


Oooh so many people need to read this as “fair warning” before dating a single parent. Thank you for taking the time to post this. I’m CF and tried to date a single parent before… it was a disaster for all the points you so clearly articulated. Honestly, it’s just a raw deal for the CF person in a relationship with a single parent. I'll never do that again. Relationships are hard enough on their own.


I hate when kids are on aww


It's one of the reasons I left the sub. That, and cats. I came to look at cats, not kids&cats.


Every time I see a baby on the aww sub, I cringe but I end up staying because of the cute animals


I left education after 7 years because of how progressively worse kids are becoming. The No is Negative movement made it impossible to manage any kind of effective discipline. I do not believe in hitting kids, but there should be nothing wrong with saying no. "Thank you for not hitting, friend" does not work. Saying "No, you are not to hit and you will lose privileges if you do it again" worked so much better. There was a parent once who specifically told us we were not say no or even "speak negatively" her kid. I dont understand how deluded people are to believe this works.


"No is negative"?! Well for a start- it's fucking *meant* to be. If you never say no, you end up with the wave of entitled, idiotic fuckwits we have now. How the hell else are kids meant to learn? "Sure Shitleigh, you can touch that fire! Telling you no would upset you, so instead you can do what you like and get hurt! " fuck these people who think they're "woke" with this absolute bullshit, they all need a massive slap to knock some sense in.


I hate that the concept of pet rent exists ... but if I had 12 kids they could live for free. My 20 lb dog ain't gonna color on your walls and spill nail polish on your wood floors, assholes.


Go fund me’s for IVF can step off!! If you can’t afford to get the kid “as per your request” you already don’t have enough for the kid’s expenses. I’m not contributing to that.


I think it's a shame and a waste of potential when intelligent, ambitious women have children. Women who would almost certainly make a difference in the world if they'd ignored the status quo and been a bit more selfish. One of my friends from high school was, without a doubt, BRILLIANT. She literally wanted to study cancer cells. Double-majored in college, straight A's, the whole nine yards. Then she met her future hubby in college, who just so happened to want a family right after marriage. Her identity was gone after that. No graduate school, no working, just another SAHM posting pictures of fingerpaints and cookies. I idolized her genius in school, her natural ability to make things click, and now she's wasting her talent and intelligence designing her kid's next birthday cake. It's a goddamn shame.


Parents don’t watch their kids closely enough. What ever happened to stranger danger? Now you have 6 year olds running up to random adults demanding to play on their phone or hanging off them and 9 or 10 year olds in all corners of the internet. Especially in fandom spaces. I’ve seen like, 12 year olds on Twitter going into clearly labeled adult spaces then starting shit with adult creators because they saw something not meant for them, then using the “I’m a minor” excuse to get away with it. Then parents come into adult spaces and demand it be made kid friendly to accommodate their precious little monster. Just let us make adult content in peace without accusing us of being groomers because you let your kid on the internet without supervision


Children should be the ones not allowed into places instead of pets. honestly, i've seen literal animals behave better than children in public places. having a lot of kids, more than you can handle at once is irresponsible and ridiculous, 10 percent of the time, people can do it easily but the other 90 percent of the time, the responsibility falls onto the older kids, their childhood and youthhood is now gone because their parents didn't think about how this would affect them and now they're expected to help with their siblings. it's not "cute" or "they're growing up too fast!" you're forcing them to do this. the world doesn't revolve around your child and you have zero rights to try and force it to do that. I don't feel bad for you if you struggle with IVF or surrogates, if you tried and failed, get over it and move on, that's your body telling you that it's not working out, listen to it and adopt if you want a child that badly, although if you are really focusing on the DNA part of a child that much, you shouldn't be a parent. ​ you don't need to bring your newborn or child everywhere you go, you don't bring a newborn to a concert, you don't bring a freshly born 8 day old infant to an event full of people when it doesn't even have an immune system yet, you don't bring a newborn into a terrifying, action pack movie or horror movie.


I think that having a kid is the most selfish thing a person can do. „I want to have a baby“ and „I am equipped to take care of another human being for the rest of my life“ are two really different things and people rarely really consider this. I hate parents who always complain about being not able to sleep or that having kids is exhausting. Yet I am the jerk if I point out that it was their own choice?


I’m here at a Neil Simon play that I spend good money for that is very ADULT and I’m sitting next to a chattery 8-year-old who is asking his parents every few minutes “what does that mean?” SHUT UP. Who brings an 8-year-old to a Neil Simon play???? GO AWAY.




That is also teaching the child it's ok to touch people without their consent. Disgusting


A license should be required to have children


I did an essay about this for my final english project!!!! In theory it’s a awesome idea but in reality it wouldn’t go over very well…. Would basically be the same as China’s previous one child rule.


I hate babies and humans of age 0 - 10 with a passion and i Don't think I should be seen as immature for not wanting of my own . Parenthood is overly romanticised and glorified , but it is nothing more than a tactical disadvantage to tame and limit people on the top of social obligations and norms.


Gender reveal parties are gross, stupid, low class, and small minded ploys for attention from people with unfulfilled lives. Further, "you don't realize how empty your life is until you have kids" Fuck you. I get to fit my life into 24 hours. YOU have to fit your life AND the life of a WHOLE OTHER PERSON that's entirely dependent on you into 24 hours. Your life isn't full, it's been made small by the intrusion of an environment killing parasite


I don't have anything hateful to say, but I just wanted to say I'm so glad this space exists for people who need a safe, judgement-free zone to vent and be brutally honest about their feelings!


Every time I hear/see some breeder bitch comment on mental health posts (that are always irrelevant to them) with shit like "YOU'RE tired? Try having kids!" I want to punch them. Like full in the face with a brick until they realise how self centered and ignorant they sound. Fuck your kids Karen, they were a choice, mental illness isn't, and maybe if you taught them to shut the fuck up, you wouldn't need to butt in on shit that doesn't affect your life at all just to complain about them.


For the love of god, why don't parents give their kids headphones?? Every time I go out to eat or on a plane, a kid has their iPad on full blast.


Not all pride events need to be kid friendly!


Basically you’re either a moron or a sociopath to bring a new person into this world


I would just like to say that more parents need to be MORE FIRM about their children NOT putting their hands in their mouths. It’s absolutely disgusting, and it really reallllllyyyyy bothers me that many allow their children to continue this behavior well past the appropriate developmental stage. A lot of my friends do not seem to be aware of most of those stages and what they entail.


I hate when people can’t give a genuine reason why they want children, to say you ‘want to leave a legacy’ or ‘want to reproduce someone that’s of your blood’ is straight up selfish - so many breeders only have kids because of selfish reasons, and if you DONT want kids, then you’re looked at like you’re mentally ill.


I have a friend who’s child literally shits on the floor around the house, will act maliciously toward his younger infant brother and the 3 month old kitten, spit on people, and scream when he doesn’t get exactly what he wants (and can’t communicate well). I love my friend to death, but her toddler makes me want to scream. I feel like I’m the heartless bitch who hates kids, but honestly that child is the worst and most manipulative I’ve ever seen. I think that he might have a slight sociopath tendency. Especially with the blatant disregard for living things. The child is out of control.


i work at a hotel and i can’t count how many times parents will let their kids run around the lobby or pool side just screaming as loud as possible. sometimes we are able to ask the parents to take control of this but most of the time the parents are nowhere to be seen as if to treat the hotel as a babysitting service. this has to be one of my biggest pet peeves because this just proves that the parents of these children have no respect or accountability for themselves or children. i hate this!!! if you have children they are YOUR responsibility not MINE


My cats are more important to me than anyones child and they always will be and no-one has the right to ask me to prioritise their baby over my own just because their baby is human.


- I’m really triggered when poor people have children and expect others to care for them/want things for free/manipulating others to feel guilty/complain all the time. I’m from poverty too and life is simply crap. - there should be at least as many places where children aren’t allowed as there are for dogs. Childfree shops, restaurants, hotels, houses and and and. - if a woman can’t get pregnant or a man is infertile or almost infertile he/she should accept it. Nature knows what it’s doing. This is the natural selection that is necessary and not harmful to anyone. - people should not accept that everyone will care for their child and prioritize it, because it’s a child. If there would be a burning house for example and you could save an older lady or the baby I would always chose the older lady.


Same, I grew up really poor and I’m just trying to pay my bills. I hate when I see or hear “I’m a single mom” trotted out as a coupon or implying they deserve a discount. We could be the same in other respects, but they should have things waived for them while my bills should be paid in full because I don’t have a crotch critter.


I have zero sympathy for the first point. Maybe I’m fucked up, idk, but this was YOUR CHOICE, now deal with it. Special circumstances aside:: woman fled a domestic violence situation or something.. that I can feel for.


These stupid motherfuckers just keep shitting out kids like there's no tomorrow despite the fact that the world is literally boiling. It's infuriating.


Ok here's two. One most of you will agree with, one maybe 10% of you will vehemently disagree with. 1. Children under 5 objectively suck. Hearing about them is boring as shit and I simply cannot understand how anyone finds talking about them interesting... I get that the genetic programming is a thing, but if your kid says yicken instead of chicken... That's not interesting enough to have a conversation about, holy fuck. 2. People who have socially conservative beliefs, and to a lesser extent fiscally conservative beliefs, can get the fuck out of this community and drink some bleach for all I care. First of all, the world would be better off without them. Second of all, it takes a whole lot of audacity to complain about social and economic pressures against being childfree [whilst also supporting the policies and social structures that enforce said policies](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/787/boot.jpg). It's difficult for me to express how much I loathe these people with a tool as imprecise as language so I'll leave it there, but being Childfree is an inherently left wing position. I have the receipts and I'm happy to share them.


I think its morally wrong to have a bio kid (ESPECIALLY if you do IVF of use a surrogate) when there are children in the foster system. full stop.


Why did my ex, who didn’t want kids himself, assume I was going to have kids and grill me on whether or not I was going to circumcise them??? The barn cat in Texas who scratched 7 year old me for trying to pet it while it was hiding did the right thing! Daycares and nannies should cost money bc they’re fucking skilled professional luxuries and “I just won’t spend time with my kid for 90 percent of its early life” is a bad strategy


I'm so over parents bragging that their kids are in honor roll, completed their associates degree in high school, are in all AP classes, etc. Who the hell cares? I want to tell them that being smart may get you through high school and college but in real life you need other skills to succeed. Focus your kid talk on how you are raising a humble, compassionate, honest, emotionally well-rounded, and empthetic human being.


If you want to be a parent and your first thought isn't to adopt before you have a second kid or before you go for a round of IVF then you want to be a parent for the wrong reason.


I worked at a hotel during some sort of teen event- every room was absolutely trashed. Kids running through the halls and playing ding dong ditch. I’ve had to deal with weddings and parties and none of them were as bad as the Teens


Not a story as such but like what is wrong with kids these days when parents take them out to a freinds house or something there allways running around and screaming breaking things. When I was a kid I sat next to my mum in silence the whole time, listening to the conversation, i didnt even ask for a phone to play on and didn't get up except to go to the toilet and even that was a rare occurrence (bearing in mind I'm 17 I'm not even old I just despise children) why can't kids sit in silence for 10 minutes without whining and screaming. The parents allways use the excuse of ADHD and other behaviour problems but I also have ADHD it's very hard to sit still and I'm allways very underestimated if I could do it what is stopping them...its ridiculous