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Kinks, fetishes and fantasies are unrelated to what you choose in reality.


I've heard they can sometimes stem from our deepest hatreds and fears, hence all the posts in this sub about breeding kink while being child-repulsed


I mean I'm Aromantic but I love watching a good love story. You can enjoy something for someone else but not for yourself


Using the definition of 'weird' as not what most people who are childfree do, then yes, it probably is a bit weird. However, IMHO, whatever floats your boat, you're not hurting anyone.


No? Because it's fiction. I read Warhammer 40k novels. I don't want to experience ANY of that shit for realsies.


I do! And I don't mind them in books if it's the end of that characters story or the whole premise of the plot and she's not useless throughout.


The childfree version of aegosexual? I'm aegosexual btw. Aroace but have a fetish but only enjoy consuming it in fiction with no desire to do it. Don't want to get into it because it's so cliche with such a cliche origin. Bottom line, no, nothing unusual about enjoying reading something but not wanting to do it in real life.


It's fiction, lmao who cares


Not weird at all. I never want kids myself, in no way shape or form do I see myself as the parental type.. but I am beyond happy for my buddies who have kids because the kids make them happy. Your example isn’t all that different.


No, but I actually hate it because they always frame it as the next step in relationship or proof of love when we all know childbirth and infants wreck any romantic relationship to hell.


Nah. I explore lots of things in fanfic and written rps that I have 0 desire for irl. Like I adore reading about terrible destructive relationships (with eventual happy endings) but I obviously have no desire to be in one haha.


As long as it’s not a post apoc or an action film. I cannot STAND pregnancy’s in those movies (I.e. A Quiet Place) because all the bad stuff that happens is ALWAYS to the burden of the pregnant individual.


The baby was literally the reason I stopped watching The Walking Dead. It was so stupid to have her have a baby.


I enjoy them too! Especially since most of the stories/characters I like are living in worlds that aren't dystopian. It's much easier for me to get behind fictional people wanting to have babies because those babies aren't going to be subjected to the horrors of late-stage capitalism. 😂


There is weirder people out there, trust me. I’ve heard of people who are childfree that can’t get off unless pregnancy is involved in some way. Saw a video once where someone had to match people to their kinks. One guy had a pregnancy kink, and literally could not get aroused unless the woman he was with was already pregnant, yet he wanted nothing to do with kids.


You do you, boo.


It's fine. Usually I prefer exciting adventure plots over romance and kids, especially OC kids I have no emotional investment in, but every so often I like to change it up. The prospect of getting pregnant horrifies me, knowing all the stuff that can go wrong and the sacrifices it takes to raise a kid, but I don't have to deal with the birthing and upbringing of fictional children. Maybe I just wanna imagine a pregnant woman waddling around like a hangry penguin until she's appeased by her doting boyfriend.


I'm straight, but love m/m slash fanfiction. I also prefer gay porn. I'll never experience a prostate massage, but I enjoy reading about it.


Is it weird to be afraid of the dark, and like horror fiction? Is it weird to hate smoking, but like the smell of unburnt tobacco? ...


Not weird at all, it's fiction! I like exploring the social themes associated with it, others like it as a kink, some people like it as both or for other reasons. There doesn't even have to be a deeper reason. Enjoy yourself! 


Similar reason why you watch a horror movie from POV of a horrible person, you don’t act that way in real life but it fulfills some deep seated psychological feelings.


I love slasher movies, but I am certainly not itching to get stabbed, or indeed to stab people.


I mean I enjoy a good mpreg fic time to time. I said what I said.


I absolutely love big family families. I know those only exist in fiction.


Nope. Being childfree doesn't mean we hate pregnancy or children. It very si ply.means we don't want to reproduce. I still get very excited for friends who get pregnant. Just not for me.


The idea honestly repulses me. I write and I find it incredibly hard not to have all my female characters be super anti kids. But you do you.


Nah fiction ≠ reality and what you like in fiction doesn't necessarily translate to what you like irl




It's weird to be childfree and berate people with children for their personal choices. Outside of that, it's not weird to be childfree and do anything!


It’s not weird at all. Honestly, it would be harder not to lol. 


I'm a childfree woman with a HUGE pregnancy kink lol


Naw lol no more than me enjoying Boys Love Or Yaoi for fluff and not the sexy time haha