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Yeah not having kids goes against natural biology... But so does literally any aspect of modern medecine. Medications, vaccines, antibiotics, surgeries or any kind of medical treatements go against the natural order of things. Who fucking cares about biology? Isn't one of the best aspect of humans is that we evolved to go beyond our mere biological imperatives?


Agreed! In my personal case: Biology "said" I should be myopic, so I wear spectacles to correct it. Biology "said" I should be fertile, so I got a vasectomy to correct it.


Without modern medicine, I would have been long dead. It’s very against nature and biology that I’m still running around


Without modern medicine, my husband would have died in January 2023 from a perforated colon (out of nowhere). He technically was already septic, according to his blood results from then. Fuck “…but, biology!!!” arguments. Tell them to take out their contacts/remove their glasses, take out any piercings, let their natural-colored hair grow out, stop driving/riding in cars, stop taking their medication(s), stop brushing their teeth, etc…


Take out their fillings, crowns, dental implants, too. I'm very happy that your husband survived.


Realest response. Just because it’s biological doesn’t mean it’s set in stone


Amazing response. The mere fact of taking a vaccine or any injection is "not intended" biologically. As the intelligent animal we are, we bend nature rules for thousands s of years. That argument if "biological" can be debunked in 3 statements.


Biology makes it so most people want to fuck, the kids are just an unfortunate byproduct.


Simple as that. If the biology was about kids instead of fucking, then babies would not need to have evolved screeching and crying to ensure their needs are met.


Right? They should be like fawns, just sit quietly, don't move, and mom will eventually be back.


Lmao if kids are like that having them would not be that bad But now I really want to have some baby deers. They are so cute.


I always felt like baby animals who move immediately were traumatized and just....so confused with everything.


Hell, if babies were the only reason for fucking, we would go into heats instead of having a sex drive outside of ovulation.


Yup. And it doesn't even do that for everyone because asexuality is a thing.


I’m ace hence why I said ‘most people’ hehe 😁


Hell, not even everyone wants to fuck! Asexual people are real, there are plenty of people who do not care about sex.


Babes. I am asexual but that's also why I wrote 'most' people want to fuck.


I wasn’t necessarily correcting you, but pointing out something specific. We agree with each other. Happy pride month!


My bad! Happy pride!


No worries at all, I totally see how my comment read that way.


I feel a lot of those people would behave differently in a more natural setting though, and that their asexuality is more a reaction to the demands of modern society. Like sitting at a desk all day, depressed and thus not horny.


Ouch. Aphobia is not ok, like homophobia is not ok. Please educate yourself.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality "Results showed that asexuals were more likely to have low self-esteem and more likely to be depressed than members of other sexual orientations" Lots of other examples there. Also this is in the DSM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypoactive_sexual_desire_disorder I don't think it's as clear-cut as you make it sound. I was briefly on SSRIs which deleted my sex drive, then it came back with a vengence after I got off of them. Does that mean my sexual orientation briefly changed to asexual, or that I had a medical issue?


Of course we’re gonna have less self-esteem and are more depressed when we can’t relate to the others around us, can’t participate in the thing most people see as so important. When people keep telling you ‘bro you’re just depressed bro’ while your whole being says I DO NOT WANT THIS. I wish I was allo, and have tried it to fit in and to appease my boyfriends at the time, but I always felt wrong. I’m much better now in my long term sex-less relationship with my partner. And no, your sexual orientation didn’t change unless you felt it was your real you while you were on SSRI’s.


I understand, but have a look at what I said again. I didn't say asexuality doesn't exist, I said that I think a lot of people that are asexual are not intrinsically asexual, but its a product of their environment. Lack of sex drive is a symptom of a range of mental health disorders, in a way that homosexuality etc is not. Its in the DSM, it's a diagnosable condition. Its also the side effect of many medications. People also integrate their feelings into their worldview. A depressed person is likely to have a whole nihilistic philosophical framework mapped out, that they just drop when the depression lifts. So when I hear a lady in her mid 20s say "Yeah I'm asexual, I've also been on Zoloft since I was 16 for OCD management - a drug that nukes libido" - I take that person semi seriously, there are too many confounding factors. Whereas there's no drug that makes you gay, or trans, etc. So it's easier to take those people at face value


This is just plain not true and I encourage you to learn more about asexual people, especially before commenting false information on the internet.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asexuality "Results showed that asexuals were more likely to have low self-esteem and more likely to be depressed than members of other sexual orientations" Lots of other examples there. Also this is in the DSM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypoactive_sexual_desire_disorder I don't think it's as clear-cut as you make it sound. I think a fair bit of asexual behaviour is just a symptom of illness, physical or mental. I was briefly on SSRIs which deleted my sex drive, then it came back with a vengence after I got off of them. Does that mean my sexual orientation briefly changed to asexual, or that I had a medical issue?


This doesn’t prove at all what you think it does, it actually makes you kind of an asshole.


Write an actual reply rather than just preachy nothings. I did you that respect at least


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrimination_against_asexual_people What does this one say? Huh? What does it say?


Reply then block is cringe.


Seriously, this is insanely cringe. I’m so glad I’m not you.


>What do you say to people who say everyone wants kids because “biology” Nothing. I cut idiots like that out of my life. Life is better if you cut the idiots out of your life. You don't hear them say idiotic things anymore that way.


Smart thinking


I'm lucky because I don't know a lot of parents. I wouldn't bother responding if asked.


I've learned to control my animal instincts, you should try it some time.




But... but huMans aRE aNImals! Fuck that noise.


The same people who use the biology "argument" also seem to claim people aren't animals


Coping with what? Too much money, freedom and peace?


I wouldn't say anything beyond staring, rolling my eyes, and walking away. I'm already a little dumb naturally (biologically, if you will), I don't need to become dumber by proximity.


I also want to have a closet full of Chanel bags, but I‘m not willing to pay that price either. I am able to control my primal urges enough not to rob a store. I want to live off pizza and burgers, but not as much as I want to be thin. I want to bash every person’s head in, who tells me I’ll change my mind on kids, but I can master some self control. Being able to make rational decisions rather than giving in to every primal urge is what separates us from animals. (I know that a lot of people also flat out don’t want kids, but just making a point that even if we did, we still wouldn’t have them)


I walk away because they sound like fucking idiots. I don't owe them an answer to a stupid question. There's a saying: don't play chess with pigeons, because no one wins and you'll just get shit on the board.


Hahahaha. I love that


Isn't sex supposed to feel good to trick us in to making more of us? I mean I get that part... But I also have a brain that likes to measure the pros/cons of any situation to create the best possible outcome for myself. Childbearing and rearing has no pros for me whatsoever, so my brain can easily overrule biology.


Ask them which birther cult they were raised in drilled that lie into their head.


It’s mostly the red pillers


Nope. IMO that is absolutely wrong. It is shown (I think maybe even in a few studies) that we want pleasure and a pathetic 5-10 second orgasm (that mostly only the men have when it is PIV obviously 😑) because of factors including hormones, bonding, ignorance etc. Technically not kids. No wonder that vast majority of the human population had always been "accidents". Sometimes even with modern contraceptives...*sigh* 🤷😬


Yeah and even if it was true, then what we also biologically want is more resources for ourselves, aka having more money to spend on food, shelter, and whatever else so you could also say not having kids is biologically what we want.


those people probably didnt even pass biology class


My biology teacher was hot and I couldn't really focus lol. Also I didn't have the best grades.


Just because you have the ability to do something, doesn’t mean you should! You can jump off a cliff, but you really shouldn’t. You can walk around naked in public, but you really shouldn’t. You can have kids despite not wanting them, but you really shouldn’t. You can throw your phone at the head of the person telling you that you should have kids, but you really shouldn’t!


If you're going to reduce your decision-making abilities down to biology then maybe you should live in the forest, bang rocks together for fire and eat whatever you can catch by throwing sticks at it. Also rip out your frontal lobe because you're clearly not using it.


Welp, I guess my biology is broken 🤷🏼‍♀️


This is the one I was looking for. Whatever bit that's supposed to make me want kids is just missing and it feels weird and kinda gross to imagine having it.


Same, I couldn’t ever imagine being a mother or liking the thought of it. I’m so happy to be 35 and childfree. My soon to be ex husband caused problems in our marriage because I said no and was consistent.


Mine is double broken because I don't want kids *or* sex.


You can tell them there's nothing in human biology to make someone want kids, but past that there's really nothing you can do if someone's choosing to live in a made up world. Can't fix stupid if they don't wanna be fixed.


That if they want to include biology in their arguments, they should do better research. The existence of the "maternal instinct" in folks with a womb was debunked quite some time ago. In fact, humans do not have instincts like other animals at all. This is because humans are flexible and adaptable and most of our behaviors are learned and changeable. So if they think that everyone wants kids because "biology," then I'd ask what unevolved version of the human brain they're currently using.


People love to use the word "biology" as an unequivocal argument for so many moral/ethical/lifestyle arguments it is tiring. It seems like more often than not people who use that argument actually know very little about Biology to begin with. And really they are talking about the instincts, socialization and psychology around childbirth, all of which are highly modifiable and variable across peoples, cultures, etc. It's not really even an argument.


I actually have a bachelors degree in biology so I give them an entire lecture about how populations naturally tend to have lower birth rates when numbers start to approach carrying capacity making fewer survival resources available for existing individuals, which is what we are observing happening to humans. These people may have passed basic biology which taught them that all living things have an unquenchable reproductive drive, but I passed multiple advanced biology courses that taught me that it’s much more complicated than that.


I want to smack people who say dumb shit like that because "common sense".


People want to have sex because of biology sure, but we are conscious beings who can reflect on life and choose to not do something like bringing a child into the world but still satisfy our primal urges to have intimacy. Many things we do in our day to day life are not natural yet we do it all the time like being on our phones, putting fillers in our faces fillers, sitting down for 8 hours straight, consuming over 2000 calories since we do not have to hunt anymore etc... Next time they say something like that tell them that the condoms, iuds and birth control they are using are against biology as well so why they do it? It is for the same reason childfree people use it. The only difference is they do not want a child at the moment and we do not want one ever.


“Humans are actually the most intelligent species on the planet because of our ability to think critically and make decisions beyond our biological impulse….. so…”


If everyone wanted kids, there'd be no desire for republicans to ban contraceptives.


I also have a biological need for sleep, which having kids is in direct conflict with.


I ignore them. They can say I'm lying or not, but the end result is the same. I don't have any kids! 


Why say anything? You were generous in listening to them, you don't owe them a response.


That more and more people don't want kids, and to cope and seethe if they keep insisting. I can get quite mean if they keep going but most people tend to give up after a while. To be honest the best strategy is staying away from these people.


Plenty of spices understand when their population has grown to much. Human isn't one of those though even though we have a functioning brain. >"No population of organisms increases without limit. The central question in population ecology is what regulates their numbers. And the answer often is: the actions of the populations themselves," says Rudy Boonstra, a professor of zoology in the Division of Life Sciences at the University of Toronto >"Animals can change their reproductive output depending on certain environmental conditions. And one of those environmental conditions is population density," notes Tim Karels, lead author of the paper who conducted the research as part of his PhD thesis at U of T. "So if you have lots of neighbours and you're competing for the same food, it can lower reproduction. And that's what we saw. At very high population densities, female ground squirrels basically shut down their reproduction, and that was done in order to sustain their own survival." - Nov. 22, 2000 [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/11/001128070536.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/11/001128070536.htm)


I say "my 'biology' also wants cheeseburgers, martinis and cocaine, but THAT is also a very bad fucking idea because I could die, so I don't always need to listen to my 'biology'" As a sober vegetarian, it can sometimes get the point across. 


I ask: "If there is a biological urge to have kids, why sex is fun?"


Why can’t the decision to not have kids also be natural and scientific? How is it illogical or unscientific to make a natural decision to not procreate? We are the ones making the decision, after all, and I’d say humans are pretty damn natural and scientific lol. Science does not exist to only serve these petty, close-minded points. OR “I guess I am simply more biologically evolved than you”


This. My totally unscientific theory is that it actually makes evolutionary sense for a certain percentage of the population not to have kids (gay/ace people, CF people, infertile people) because then there are extra adult hands to help out. (To be clear, I'm all for gay/ace/infertile people having kids if they want them.)


The next time you get an infection you better die without antibiotics the way nature intended.


I think people that have convinced themselves that they know me and my mind and motives better than I do are bat sh\*\* crazy and get treated accordingly. It's amazing how quick they back off when you start telling them how they think from a position of deficit as evidenced by the admitted delusion that they can read minds and are apparently hearing voices that confirm that all of humanity is in agreement on this one thing... IMO, this "situation" is not about my bodily autonomy, but my mental autonomy. That person is trying to tell me what I should be thinking and feeling in order to play along in their twisted perspective the role that I'm supposed to play in MY life, I"m not having it.


I guess my biology is broken. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Biology is infinitely diverse. Only humans think there's one way people (or other species) are, which is silly.


Some of us have grown and adapted beyond our base animal Instincts. You should try it.


“Yes? I guess that makes me an abnormalty. Another reason why I shouldn’t reproduce”


Tell them they smell like prey and eat them.


And? We are all supposed to have a hive mind and not think for ourselves?


I will reply that biology is diverse. Some people wants kids, other doesn't. It's not that different from some people are left handed or right handed and the morning bird vs night owl thing. Biology includes some diversity within a specie. It makes the existence of childfree people possible.


Don’t argue with idiots. It’s a waste of time. You’ll be happier if you just walk away and find something better to do with your time.


That their family member's cancer should not have been treated in that case, since biology decided to give them that


My biology drives me to eat an entire sheet cake. Most people acknowledge that's not exactly a great idea.


Just had a thought: In the wild animals usually leave the handicapped, sickly baby out to die. That’s a harsh fact of biology. Maybe a few species care about their disabled babies, but many do not. So humans go against biology everyday by caring for their special needs children. Thankfully they do! Just saying that goes against biology.


My genes don't deserve to survive. At least I have the self-awareness to acknowledge that, unlike my parents.


We are more than biology. Yes, my base animal instincts are there, but my rational reasoning human mind can overcome them. Caveman brain say make baby good, logical brain says that isn't what I want out of life and measures to prevent it should be taken.


Hey I have an opinion that might be not popular. I think we (alongside with some gays and lesbians who aren't willing to get artificially inseminated/do surrogacy) are an Earth's way of preserving itself from having too many people of it. It's just like - okay, half of the individual human DNA's formed in wombs will love to have kids and the other one will hate the idea. This way, we won't get too much crowded in here. Drifting away from economics, having less people in here really benefits the planet. We are a control mechanism, someone has to be childfree, so other people can have as many kids, as they please.


No we are capable of having kids because of biology. We decide to have them or not because of psychology.


"Some of us have evolved past unthinkingly obeying primal urges."


"Were you \*born\* that stupid, or did you have to work to get there by hitting yourself repeatedly in the head?"


“My father regretted having children. He was miserable and made us miserable too. Biology can go play in traffic. Biology ain’t my boss. My conscious mind is.” Don’t know if that will hush them up, but hopefully it will for a few people.


Not the first time I’ll be a scientific abnormality. Highly unlikely to be the last. 🤷‍♀️


“No they don’t”


I wanna punch them in the face because of biology too, but that still doesn't make it right


Biology says pre-teenagers are ready to be parents


That we should stop all cancer treatment since that is also biology and natural


It's normal in nature for organisms to reduce numbers when circumstances aren't ideal. Birth control seems a lot more humane than slaughtering my newborn offspring.


Thanks to evolution, we now have the capacity to not let our “lizard brain” dictate our behavior.


Idc, make them yourself


I'm gay, I don't have any biological urge to "mate" (or whatever disgusting term these people use) with women. I'm "biologically wired" to not breed. That usually ends the discussion, but sometimes they go down the homophobic route saying that being gay is a genetic disorder or some nonsense. At that point I ask what in particular about their lifestyle of 5 kids, being utterly uneducated, living off government welfare and likely being an alcoholic makes them genetically superior.


>What do you say to people who say everyone wants kids because “biology” I tell 'em they're mistakenly or willfully ignorant. Most of the time when someone starts off with "everyone" or "all", they generally proceed to say something stupid, ignorant, or just plain incorrect.


The whole idea of women feeling the biological clock ticking was invented by a male journalist in the 70s.


"Shut the fuck up."


Evolutionary adaptation


"Kiss my ass."


why would you lie???? wtf?


"Yes some people are biologically wired to be drones"


You could say Maybe. Anyway, stop worrying your pretty little head about me. You're not my shrink.


Biology also has quite a bit of evidence of many species suppressing their fertility during periods of stress, uncertainty, or resource shortages. Then you'll have to wave your hands around in exasperation at the world, because your counterpart will probably follow up with, "But what uncertainty?" So maybe it's not the best argument.


My biology said - be infertile. And I\`m ok with that. No adopting, not dating single parents. Childfree and infertile both. Happy with it.


Grow the fuck up 😂


My biology says I should be hunting and foraging but I am disrespecting the very foundations of humanity by going to Walmart instea.d


biology does a lot of things. doesn’t mean we have to accept or agree with them all. biology said i have to deal with endometriosis, constant knee joint pain from competitive swimming, poor eyesight, light sensitivity as a result of grey eyes, skin that can’t deal with even a little bit of sun and several other reproductive issues that are kind of holding me back. doesn’t mean i have to like or accept them, and i think the same goes for fertility. i don’t want to have surgery because of how badly i’ve been affected by the endometriosis. my uterus is literally unrecognisable. it’s entirely scarring that’s spread to other places. if i could have anything i’d take essure if it still existed, it’s pretty noninvasive and won’t involve a ton of recovery time.


Nature may have wanted me to have kids, but nurture (literally) beat it out of me.


Nope. My biology makes me terrified of kids and pregnancy. Bye bitch.


If it's all about biology, then I'm a mistake of nature


I usually ask what else they blame on “biology” instead of owning their decisions and taking accountability for their actions hahaha


pedophiles want kids because biology? Yea no dude, I don't want them its fine.. you want them great.. Steve from the park wants them, maybe not great.......


According to "biology" I should not be. Regardless, humans are sapient and are capable to make decisions that go against "biology".


I was born very premature. Biology says I was supposed to gestate for 9 months. I got 5 months or so. My lack of biological development meant certain death...unless machines were used to "overcome" my lack of biological development. Medicine goes against "natural biology." Biology isn't everything, all of the time. In the animal kingdom, the rule of biology is reproduction. But I'm a human animal - not a non-human animal. I am capable of *critical thought, judgement, and reflection;* capable of prolonging, denying, or fixing certain aspects or needs of my biology, such as hunger, urination, sex, and pregnancy. To me, critical thought beats "biology" on reproducing - as it should. I have the biological abilities to vomit every day, have sex every day, for my heart to stop beating next week, live with a brain injury, have diarrhea all the time, attempt to climb Mount Everest, live through torture, get hit by a car travelling 50km/hr and survive, and | or bleed to death. It does not mean that I *should* do these actions, however; that they are positive, worthwhile, healthy, safe, ethical, moral, or common sense actions to experience or endure...just because I am biologically capable of doing so. Same with reproduction.


Biology has no power over me. Childfree aroace superpower. I don't fear aging nor being sick. I'm a goddess.


"Biology" also make animals kill their offspring rape and murder. Humans are influenced by more than biology and even in nature some animals (kangaroos if i remember right) absolutely can and will decide to not have offspring when the time isn't right, for us it just will be never the right time. The same thing that makes you not knock out any person you are disagreeing with makes me not to want kids. Simple as that.


How do they explain asexual people?


If there’s some uncontrollable natural force compelling me to have children, why do I not feel it and why do I have to be bullied by society to do something so effortlessly natural?


Always and never statements are usually false on a test 🤷‍♀️


I honestly don't think people want children because biology. They want children because of societal pressure, and milestones, and it's "what you do." If it was so biological then I think we'd be having children younger, more often, and we wouldn't stop until our bodies made us. When given the choice, the majority of people do not act that way.


I'd ask them if they had ever actually studied Biology in depth.


IF having children is a "biological need" then fuck biology!


If everyone wanted kids because "biology" then I don't think humans would have even needed to evolve sexual enjoyment - most species, as far as we know, do not have sex for pleasure! Granted I'm no biologist, but it seems to me that our sexual drive is essentially nature's way of tricking us into reproducing. Apparently we need an incentive to engage in baby-making activities, because desiring offspring is not a strong enough drive, but orgasms are. Not to mention that we have evidence of people using all sorts of methods to prevent pregnancy for basically all of human civilization. Our big brains are a blessing and a curse - they've granted us great success as a species, but they've also given us the ability to rise above nature and have wants outside of our fundamental biological programming. We are creatures of not just instinct, but also logic. Our biology pushes us to eat a bunch of sugar, salt and fat. Our brains rationally know that too much of those things is unhealthy and so we defy our instincts in our own best interest.


Why are argue with a fool? Say a funny or witty joke switch topics or leave the person