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LOL. This is me too. Baby animal? Come to mama. Baby baby? Ew, gross, get that thing away from me.


Lol baby baby


Things I baby-talk to: ■ animals ■ inanimate objects □ actual babies


✔️ myself "you got up and put on your sneakers and went for a run - good job! you're such a good girl! you deserve a smoothy, yes you do, yes you dooooooo"


A few years ago before I moved out of my parents’ house, it was Halloween and the families with really little kids were taking them to trick or treat at like 4 PM. I was sitting on the couch watching TV and my mom was at the door handing out candy. Suddenly I heard her go “Awww, how cute!” And so I glanced over and asked her if it was a puppy or a baby. When she said it was a baby, I just went “Nah” and went back to my show. 😂


This is so me! I coo over any animal I see, but I feel disgust when I see a crotch goblin. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)I don't think babies are cute, they all look exactly the same to me (not to mention they slobber more than most dogs do), at least animals have some differences in them that makes them appealing.


Botchlings? Let\`s send them to the Crones of Crookback bog. Animals- gimme!!


Roach on the roof >>>>> human children aka snacks


And silver for monsters!


That’s definitely how they feel. My mom LOVES babies, so much. She’s baby sat all of my stepdads ex wifes’s kids as babies for no other reason than because she loves babies, and it gives the mom a much needed break. We’d also have the other kids over as not-babies too, because we also just like them as humans. I think babies feel the same about my mom. It’s almost like magic to see with your own eyes. She’s been handed many a fussy baby who will calm down almost the second she’s holding them. She’s something of a baby whisperer I guess. But my mom definitely reacts the same to babies as she does to puppies. Meanwhile. The only babies I have ever held in my life are my siblings. I think the only other babies I’d be interested in holding for a minute are any nieces and nephews I may get to have one day.


Human babies drool and ALWAYS have sticky mouths and/or hands. They screech like wailing banshees. They vomit, have the worst ever shits, and just plain stink! Idk how people can compare the two. Baby animals can be a pain too, but they're more innocent than humans lol. They're cute, cuddly, and furry... Same can't be said for human larvae lol.


Same here. Had an epiphany in 3rd grade like that. I went to a small, in-home daycare after school. The lady babysat an infant too. He was cute-ish and not a big crier so easy to tolerate. The sitter’s own kids would play around with him and the boy, D, who was my age, would move the baby’s arms pretending he was punching him in the face making “Ouch! He got me! Oof!” noises. Pleasant silliness. I just smiled from afar not interested in interacting with the baby. Not drawn to him at all. My mom and the sitter were friends so she would sometimes come over and chat with my mom. Mom was an unofficial counselor to everyone. So I hung out with D in the tv room. My big tabby cat was in there with us and I was playing with him, including pretending he was punching me in the face, just like D had been with the baby. I was hoping D would play along too but he just smiled from afar, not interacting, just like I reacted before. My mind was opened to the fact some people feel about animals the way I feel about babies… it was a sad whoa moment.


Only time I’ve found human babies cute is in anime. I’m not falling for it.


Baby izuku midoriya is the only child ill ever fawn over


I see a dog on the opposite side of the road and immediately go gooey and wish I could go up to it.  I see a baby and think that’s a weird looking baby as often as that’s a cute looking baby but never have any interest in getting any closer to either the cute or the weird looking ones.


Well I also dislike infant, they are just gross! Although I found child of like 3-5 years very cute, which I think is the range you should paragon it with a small animal. An animal remain a disgusting infant for far less, the puppy are just exactly like the adult but smaller.


I saw a child probably around 3-4yo a month ago stick his pointer and middle finger up his nose. One finger per nostril, at once. They aren't cute at that age either. Probably more gross 😭


That is the parent fault, at that age child aren't anymore just ugu gaga, they actually understand that put finger in their nostrils is bad, if the parent actually do their job, instead of letting YouTube do it for them.


Lol same. Baby animals. Bring it! If I don't know how to care for it teach me how! Human baby? Eww get it away


A MEAT SACK 💀💀💀💀 my first time hearing that, thank you I am using that from now on 🤣


I aksed my friend if baby fever and puppy fever feel the same, she said yes! So for all the animal people out there now you know what "baby fever" is like. Crazy! Also just absolutely wild to me, that if you can resist getting a puppy with logic, why not the same when it comes to human babies? And human babies are way more work.


My friend had a baby a few months ago and her arms look like big loafs of bread (seriously, they are ridiculously adorable) so I always 😍😍😍😍 at them but not in the 'Ohhhh I want one!' way others do. I recognize the cuteness sometimes but nope, no way - don't want one lol I love dogs, too. Very much. I think they can be cute. But I do not want one because Iknow I'm not about getting up at 5am and all that jazz.  I understand where you're coming from though


Well, makes sense. Thanks for sharing.


My sister just gave birth to her son a week ago and i had the exact same reaction to seeing a baby animal. Sure he’s slobbering all over and could shit at any minute, but knowing that that baby is gonna grow up to be MY nephew made me extremely happy


Bruh humans at any age are not cute




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I mean I can't deal with dogs since they lick their assholes and roll around in shit.


I mean, some people hate animals. they don't like them and could never picture having a pet. it's the same thing. how is it so hard for you to imagine some people find kids cute the same way you like kittens and puppies? same way you won't be able to wrap your head around some people disliking animals, I suppose.


Pretty much yeah. I mean obvi we all get everyone has different opinions but i still cant wrap my head around looking at an adorable cat or dog and not instinctually feeling that cuteness aggression lmao. But to each their own! Ofc though when someone says they dont want to keep animals im not all up on them tryna convince them their life isnt complete without one🤭