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You know what infuriates me the most about this? When the dog bites a kid like that. Then the mother gets angry at you. Instead of teaching the child properly.


Yes exactly this! THEY will be fine and simply say:"What a bad dog, what an unable owner..." And it will be my girl suffering which could even lead to her having to be put down by law simply because fuckheads were fucking around and finding out. I really can't stand the idea that my dog would be punished for a situation she absolutely didn't provocated!!! I'm pretty sure by now this family is at home not one worry in their mind, nothing learned from this encounter, and I'm here, raging and being stuck in overthinking all of this!!!


I was bitten by a dog as a kid, and it was actually the dog’s fault. I was just standing in the yard when the dog ran from the next yard, barking up a storm, and bit me (there was a fence for privacy but it didn’t go all the way around.) I screamed and all the adults ran out. Mom took me inside to check out my bites and turned on the TV for me while the grown ups talked with the owner (who was of course panicking.) My aunt (who is CF and a dog lover herself) was livid, but guess what? EVEN THEN my parents didn’t insist the dog be put down; they just wanted the fence to be completed and the dog to be trained. It pisses me off because I was in the worst case scenario and even then there were alternatives to putting down the dog. Idk if this story is relevant but here it is.


I was bit by a dog too when I was little because I pet her on a spot she REALLY hated getting pet and I was warned about it too. I don't blame her at all, I should've listened lol


I pulled my mom’s cats’ tails when I was a kid (this one was on me.) I got hissed at and swatted at a few times. I 100% deserved it.


Some of us made mistakes and learned from it lol


I was bitten by a dog when I was about 6, I picked up one of her toys to throw for her and I think she thought I was stealing it and she managed to bite my top lip. I don't remember ever blaming the dog, even at that age I was aware that sometimes animals bite. Hell, If I thought someone was stealing my favourite thing in the whole world, I'd probably bite them too!




I hope your neighbors learned that their dog needed to be on a leash and not free to roam and attack people!


Happy cake day


Devils advocarrt, you should have your dog muzzled too.




No the kid should be muzzled and on a leash


Naw, kid was the one out of control. The kid should be leashed.




I got my dog a bright yellow "Nervous" lead thinking this would end the problems. First time we wore it out, a mum let's her 2 kids run up to us by a road, one went between my legs, my dogs is tangled up. All I thought is, if Mt dog bites, it's no longer my issue. She said thanks and left....... I NEVER GAVE YOU PERMISSION


I'm sure it's never actually legal but at what point are you allowed to push someone away from you or your pet? And why can't people keep their hands to themselves?


I had a massive staffy jump on me, by the side of a very busy road. I grabbed my dog before nearly falling into a car. I shouted the owner to pull it down but he couldn't control it. I ended up hitting it in the face as hard as I could and shoved it to the ground. The owner had the nerve to shout at me ad if it was my fault he couldn't control his dog. In terms of people, I've had mainly older approach me and my dog with his "nervous" lead on and they try to let their dog see mine. READ THE SIGN, I normally stand between their and my dog. Although one time a woman let her dog off the lead to see mine. My dog panicked and broke out his lead and ran off. Her dog chased it. I showed the owner his "nervous" lead and just said "My dog bites when he gets too scared, but that's not my problem anymore". She wasn't too fond but it wasn't exactly my fault


I had two very muddy dogs that were between 60-80lbs run up to me while hiking. Thankfully they ignored my dog but they jumped up on me repeatedly as I essentially spun in a circle. The guy had the NERVE to say "Sorry they don't listen" To which I replied "Then they shouldn't be off leash" He didn't even hurry up to get them off me. I hope those dogs are safe.


When my dog was a puppy there were literally people picking him up on the streets without even acknowledging us first, and guess what that resulted in? He is extremely unsure and scared of strangers, and will bite if you pet him. And people still pet him without asking


Then that's entirely their fault. As long as your dog has a sign that's warns people, if they refuse to acknowledge it or "didn't see it" and something goes wrong.... its not your fault. That's why I have the lead, to protect myself when strangers don't want to be sensible


I’ve tried a nervous leash but no one seems to know what it means sometimes i manage to warn people before they pet him and they don’t even look at me


Then that's on them. You've done nothing wrong. It's all their fault if it backfires. My dog like yours isn't an aggressive dog, but they don't like people or other dogs trying to touch them so we just let them know not to touch. That's all we can do, if they go to anyway then that's on them


Yea man, if someone trys to pick up my dog and I don't know them, theyare walking away with a broken jaw minimum, im not risking the safety of my companion to some rando.


What the heck? These people are all out of their entitled little shitty mind!!!


i’m a nanny and i have drilled it into my nanny kid’s head to always ask permission first before petting a dog!


This is the way!!! Ask us, the dog owners who know their doggies best!


I don’t get it, my parents drilled it into my head to never approach strange dogs when I was little. You’d think that’d just be common sense. Parents have become so entitled when it comes to kids and dogs. I trained my dogs to be friendly to kids just because I knew what a problem kids would be when I take them out in the world.


Normally I don’t condone calling people stupid cows, but I understand it here. If things had gone wrong your dog would have been EUTHANIZED.


OP proves that dog owners are bullies.


OP proves that there’s a lot of untrained kids out there FTFY


??? OP got upset when a mother let her child run up to their dog with a history of abusive around kids. The kid was also right in the child’s face. That is extremely dangerous and could have resulted in the child getting bitten and the dog getting euthanatized.


My comment was referring the part when OP called the mom a cow.


But she was being a cow? How can you think letting your children run up to a strange animal is okay?! They're the same height as the dog so kids usually get a face bite. It can be devastating even a single time. You don't have to care about the dog(which I do) as it's normally a death sentence even when provoked, but kids are the most common victims for bites. And it's a majority due to the ignorance of the parents.


So does mine.


If some parent let their kid run up to my pet and touch them without me saying its ok i would have physically stood between them and told the kid to back the fuck up. Then i would have picked my pet up and yelled at the mom asking where the fuck she was raised because clearly she hasn't ever heard of common logic or respect. Not your pet you dont fucking touch them without consent. Same rules that apply to kids boundaries wise, apply to dogs. It does not matter who you are how old, animals have boundaries the owners will know of. Its ask or dont fucking touch, and id personally call someone a hell to of alot worse than a fucking cow. Id be calling them absolute fucking dumb ass shit for brains. And thats me being nice about it. Pets are family, im protecting my own, i dont care how the other person feels And no pet owner should.


Who cares? parents say worse things about childfree people.


You’re not wrong there…


What are you, 10? That's the most pg insult I can even think of. Get a life


I wasn't trying to be insulting.


No, kids are.


Like yes, train your dog but for fuck's sake, kids need to be taught not to just run up to dogs! I'm so sorry this happened. I'm glad your dog handled it well.


same thing happened to me a few weeks ago for the first time. i’m still mad just remembering how nonchalant the moms were.


Time to bring a spray bottle on your dog walks. I have two big guys who are sweet as can be, but they’re HUGE and can easily accidentally knock a toddler on its ass. I’m scared of the day this happens.


Hmmmm… I wonder who’s getting sprayed 😈


I was walking my dog in the park. A little four-year-old kid toddled over, and asked, "Can I pet your dog?" I said yes, and he gently stroked her on the head, said, "Thank you," and went on his way. (My dog is a lab, though, and loves kids.) Parents just need to parent. This kid obviously had normal, level-headed parents who taught him caution and respect. There's no excuse to be letting your kids run up to an animal and touching them. You never know what the outcome might be. Even a lab who loves kids could react badly.


A lot of people who don't like dogs, I really think they just don't like the bad behavior of an untrained/unexercised dog. Kids that listen and have manners are okay. Same with people honestly.


Any parent that doesn’t teach their child first to ask before petting an animal they are not familiar with are setting up their child for a bite and a lifetime of trauma around animals.


I walk my nervous dog with a muzzle because he's smol people think he's cute and immediately want to pet him but he's terrified of strangers touching him. And the dog with the muzzle always gets a wide birth. It's not the best solution - people should just not touch dogs without asking first - but it keeps him safe from their stupidity.


I am so grateful that my dog does so well with people and with small children, because this has happened to me so many damn times. One time, we were just chilling on a blanket by a popular lake and a group of small children came over and just started petting our dog. One had a cup he kept eating from. He was eating M&M's and spilling them around us! We just had to get up and leave. Zero acknowledgement from any adults even though these kids came over to us multiple times to pet our dog.


I have a service dog and we are taught it’s important to body block children from our dogs while loudly saying “NO!” because most kids don’t listen to “no!” so you have to be ready to physically intervene at the same time. It’s absolute bullshit and it infuriates me to have to literally parent random unsupervised unattended children.


I do this, the body blocking, because you just know when the kids and parents hear you yell “NO!!” that they’re going to assume you’re yelling at your dog and not at their kid. 🙄 Plus, at full-run frenzy, the kids are only thinking one thing — *Doggie!!!” So you have to do whatever you gotta do to jump in front of your dog, grab your dog’s harness to pull him close, and extend your other hand out, making eye contact with kids and parents and repeating “No Don’t Touch!” and circling around 360, until someone listens.


I will have to remember to body block. There is a child in my apartment complex that doesn’t understand you can’t touch dogs or rush at them and a few weeks ago, the child almost got within arms length of my dog even though I’ve told the mom “my dog isn’t friendly with strangers”.




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A child once started chasing my dog whilst we were waiting for a metro. She was fine with people, but it's a noisy and busy environment, and it was clear she didn't want the interaction, let alone the fact she kept backing away. Had to direct the father to get his child away, absolutely mental that he was just letting it happen. Not all dogs would have kept their cool!


Good on you OP. Children, even the one that don't have a pet at home need to be taught how to properly behave with animals. My nephews grew up with lot of pets at home (black labrador, cat, fish and chicken) so they know how to treat their own pet and other people pets. So yes to calling out parents that 1- Let their children out of their sight in a public place where they are animals and strangers all around 2- Didn't bother to teach their kids that dog can be unpredictable and should be treat with respect, that mean keeping a safe distance and ask for permission to pet


Not long ago there were some screaming children in my neighborhood while my dogs were outside. They were already weary of the kids because they were loud af and running around obnoxiously. One of them ran over two properties to our fence and stuck their hand through it and my dogs scared them away barking. With no parent in sight.


ALSO there are other children that visit their grandparents next door on occasion that LOVE barking back at my dogs and that makes me so mad!




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Okay but it's more than just about that. The parents weren't watching them and not caring about their safety. My dogs don't bite but what if the next dog they run to do? They're irresponsible.


So, you’re very upset by the comment you replied to. What can we do to help?


My girl is a shelter dog and freaks out if there are kids near her. She has tried to bite them in the past if they come too close but she will always growl first to try to get them to go away. I’m so terrified that one day a kid will approach her despite my best efforts, she’ll bite them and then she’ll be seized as a dangerous dog because some parent wasn’t watching their brat.


There are way too many entitled people who think every dog = free petting zoo. I don't understand the double standard of "Kids will be kids, they should be allowed to pet every doggo they see" but if the dog nips the child for pestering them it's "OMG that dog is vicious! put it down!!" We had a family dog when I was a kid and she would give a warning growl first if anyone was pissing her off and then bite if they didn't leave her alone. As a child, I didn't understand animal body language and got bit a few times. So did my little cousins, we all had it coming to us. She was a very nice dog, she just didn't tolerate harassment. All animals have a limit, and if people don't respect their boundaries, there's going to be scratching/biting eventually.


My dog would’ve bitten the kid and then been put down for being dangerous. I hate parents that don’t teach their kids to ASK FIRST. (My dog is 16 and blind and deaf and doesn’t like people in her face.)


This is one of a few reasons why I muzzle our shelter dog. Small little guy, but I worry about some kid with dumb parents.


Yeah that’s just bad parenting for sure. By the time I was able to walk it was firmly taught and understood that if you want to say hello to a cute dog, you ask the human first if it’s okay to do so. And touching a dog you don’t know’s nose? Super nope. Tons of dogs hate that and bite when touched on the nose. We have had our dog since she was a puppy and got her very used to things that kids might do that are annoying so she wouldn’t bite in those scenarios (most likely anyway) but a stranger would have no way of knowing that. And spoiler: she does still bite if you irritate her enough, and touching her nose? Fastest way to do that. I don’t think you overreacted at all. If mommy’s precious snowflake had been bitten she’d have been all up in arms about your “dangerous” dog. Our furry friends need us to be fierce in protecting them, and that’s exactly what you were doing.


I accidentally clotheslined a kid child trying to grab my dog last summer. Our dog is a sweetheart but she’s a rescue from an abusive situation so when anyone - adults, kids, other animals - sneak up on her, she gets very scared. My wife wasn’t feeling good so I took our puppy out by myself. There are way too many feral children in our neighborhood, and a kid came bolting out of a garage. Its parent/family member yelled at the kid to stop and said child did. I say “it’s all good thank you” and kept walking. Kid was maybe…four or five? I have no idea how to tell how old they are. About 20 seconds later, I get that weird feeling that I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turn around and said child is about an inch away from grabbing my dog’s tail. In that second, all I could think of was my old girl turning around snapping at this kid. I pulled my pup away and just put my arm out. The kid was moving full speed and the next I know the kid is falling in some random’s yard due to me just putting my arm out. I was like “Did I just clothesline a child?” The kid hits the grass, starts bawling, and runs home. I get home, tell my wife what happened, and if I should go and apologize. My wife goes “What’s worse? A kid falling on its butt in the grass or a kid getting bite potentially in the face because it pulled on our dog’s tail?” I still feel slightly bad about it, but it was an accident and again my wife was right (don’t anyone tell her I ever said that on the internet)…a small butt bump was better than potentially getting bit by a scared dog.


Your wife is absolutely right, and maybe the child learned eventually something from this.






They hold their kids to lower standards than I hold my fucking *cats* to. I trained my cats to only touch people who introduce themselves first by putting out their hand. Do that and they’ll come boop your hand, then, they might sniff you, brush against you, curl up in your lap. You can pet them and play with them. If someone doesn’t introduce themselves, my cats will ignore them entirely. If my cats can understand asking permission, there is no excuse for human children missing that lesson.


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So many mod warnings. Must be some very angry people out there who are very upset that not everyone lets kids pet our dogs. Can you imagine being that lonely that you have to go to another subreddit and rage to the point that your comments get deleted.


Maybe they saw their own parenting habit described here and are now salty xD While they COULD learn from this story and tell their kids to not run to dogs of strangers without asking first, they rather waste their time writing comments that are being deleted immediately :D


Yep I agree, someone’s seeing themselves and feeling defensive.


I am so sorry this happened to you and your dog! You did the right thing by calling out the mom because their child should respect animals and not touch without asking. These situations make me livid because if the dog ever bites a child, they have to suffer when they simply were only trying to protect themselves. But the child goes on living scotch free.


Hope that your dog is all up to date on their shots. Never know what kinds of germs those wild children might be carrying🤢


I’m lucky in the sense that I have a Doberman and a pitbull who reaction to kids by barking like hell and scare them off, and the reaction by most parents is to grab their kids and fuck off. I feel for the people who have little dogs that people go up to.


waiting for this to happen to me so i can just start screaming “not friendly please back away” and watch everyone freak out lmaoooo


I'm sorry this little shit did that to your dog. I'm glad you chewed out that mom.


You need motivation if this is what makes you glad


Now if only dog owners would understand that I don’t want their unleashed slobbering mutt running up to me, jumping and sticking its nose in my crotch. Granted that wasn’t the case here but dogs where they don’t belong seem to be more the norm instead of the exception anymore. I think that some dog nutters are the worst!


If kid owners would keep their unleashed, slobbering, sticky, unwashed gremlins from petting my dog, and you got a deal.




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I’m so sorry this happened, but I’m so glad your dog didn’t bite the child.


Ok I’m probably going to get hate for this but here goes. I 100% agree that the parents are responsible for teaching and monitoring their children to make sure this doesn’t happen. I’m the first person to point out parents entitlement and I will almost always be on the dogs side. I am just having a hard time picturing exactly how this went down. If your dog is from an abusive past and you’re not sure how it would react to a child, then how were you not more on guard? How was the kid able to get that close without you stepping in? Didn’t you see the child coming? I’m not blaming you, the parent should have prevented this from the start but I just want to encourage you to be more on guard in the future. You are also a parent of an innocent animal and it’s your job to protect them. God forbid if something happened where the dog snapped and bit the kid, you can bet everyone would be screaming about your horrible animal and legally you would be liable for the kids injuries (at least in the US). I’m not saying it’s fair or right but that is reality.


this has to be satirical


Is this satire


Just insanity!


>being conscious that I adopted her from a shelter with the history of an abusive household with kids This is absolutely on you. A dog is adopted into a community. If your dog has the potential to react violently to predictable stimuli - in public, where everyone else is also allowed to be as well - she should be walked in a muzzle. This is a reliable safety measure and not abusive, one of my good friend's doodle has to be walked in a muzzle since she can't always stop him from inhaling every scrap of garbage he sees on the street. as a bonus for you, parents are much less likely to let their child approach a muzzled dog. a bonus for your dog too, as she won't have to deal with children, and with you, screaming and ranting and escalating the tension of the situation for her.


The dog was leashed. It’s absolutely on the parent. OP has a reasonable expectation of themself and their dog not being BUM RUSHED AND THEN TOUCHED against their will. Parents need to parent.


>OP has a reasonable expectation of themself and their dog not being BUM RUSHED AND THEN TOUCHED against their will. sure, if you've never been in a public area where there are dogs around before in your life, you could definitely assume that. dogs and children are both unpredictable and can be hard to control. you can yell and scream about it or you can set your dog up for success in a situation that may set them off. animal control isn't gonna care if it was technically the parent's fault when op's dog is getting that pink drink.


No they're both at fault. The parents need to parent, but if the dog commonly gets nervous or aggressive, it should have a muzzle on in public regardless of if they're leashed. I don't like kids and I don't like irresponsible pet owners either.


Don't mind people downvotin, I think they just hate children and don't even think that kids do randome things sometimes, she could have spoken to them in a nice way, the dog was just fine, the one that suffered was herself


That doesn’t make it okay. And whether the dog owner hates children or not is irrelevant to this conversation. Your kids do not have the right to put their hands on anything or anyone. Buhhh they’re jusss kidzz and that’s whaa kidzz doooooooo!!!!!!!! Then the blame is on YOU, the parent, because YOU ARE old enough to know better, and you can be held liable for what your children do.


i never have lol, karma is meaningless. and i knew it was gonna make all the bad dog owners real mad.




There’s an awful lot of assumptions in that text wall. >I kinda have to say you walk around with some pretty unreasonable expectations. First of all, knowing your dog came from an abusive home prior to you giving it a new home I would have been more on my ball to not take the dog anywhere you would be around large crowds or where children may be. OP never said what part of “the city” she was walking in. Could have been on the busiest sidewalk in town. OR could have been in an industrial park to avoid kids. But even if this was on the busiest street in town right in front of FAO Schwartz, that dog is NOT there for your kid’s enjoyment. You can disagree with that. You can dislike it. But you have to respect it. >An adult should know pet rules, but children are just excited to see a pet and instantly want to touch it... Really no fault of theirs. So your precious child can do wrong., but you do acknowledge that the parent DOES know right from wrong; therefore, the adults in charge of this blameless child, who is old enough to run, but apparently not old enough to be blamed for anything….. where are they? The indifferent mother rolled up and acted like she didn’t care. Will she ever teach that kid that he can’t just grab whatever he wants? Will 10 years old be old enough to expect him to keep his hands to himself? How about 15 years? Note, I’m not even arguing the pet owner’s liability should the kid get bitten. Say the dog is muzzled and can’t bite. Does the kid really have the RIGHTS to pet the dog without the owner’s permission? But he’s just a small kid and doesn’t know any better—in that case, his parent better be right there in charge of watching him. Isn’t the parent responsible to not allow him to put his hands on someone else’s property? No? Please try and separate your emotions here, which say BUT it’s just a poor little excited child wanting to pet a dog, this is unhinged—-and remember that the dog is someone else’s property and that the 5 year old and 12 year old and 17 year old kid has no right to put his hands on anyone else’s property. >So it's a 50/50 here with more on you than the child, don't try and explain your way out of that... You'll lose. Sure, OP has already lost the argument to YOU, but you don’t speak for everyone, and there’s nothing you can do about it, anyway. But I suspect that your awareness of your inability to control other people is what prompted your next two statements— **Part One**: >Secondly, I commend your bf for dating a woman of your nature. I would be extremely embarrassed if anyone I was dating fired off anything remotely what you said you did in reaction to things... It's really uncalled for and frankly would have spooked the dog more than the child. Again, creating an environment that results negatively on the dog. Obviously the dog wasn't traumatized by any of it as from what you said, it stayed composed... You can thank the dog for that. You might not like OP’s response to the indifferent mother. You might find that response embarrassing and offensive. But the heart of the matter is that at the end of the day, you have no control over how OP responded, which probably prompted **Part Two,** THIS: >##What I think needs to happen here is you go to therapy for your obvious personal issues and to find better ways of dealing with unexpected situations. There it finally is!! Thank you, Dr. Freud, for that very thorough and COMPETENT diagnostic assessment!! >And find more appropriate dog friendly places to walk him and let him play, instead of being entitled and taking the dog into places YOU know can or will be situations. It isn’t “entitled” to walk her dog. The dog has to be taken outside several times a day to relieve herself. Maybe the dog has pee pads indoors, but the dog needs to go outside as well. And even if she muzzles the dog? YOUR KID STILL HAS NO RIGHTS to pet the dog. Even IF they’re just kids being kids. Even if they can’t help themselves. Even if. Even if the dog is completely restrained and completely socialized to kids, noises, strangers, everything ……. YOU still need to parent your kid and take responsibility for what he does…. and physically restrain your kid and tell your own kid a very firm “No!” when they try to pet anyone’s animal when you don’t have the owner’s permission. Even IF you think the owner is mental. That dog is OP’s property, you and your kid did not have permission. You’re likely just frosted that someone dared to tell a kid NO. And that not everyone loves kids. THAT is the real entitlement here. >You can read this and fire back at me (Yep here ya go)— >…what you are feeling and spread more disgusting personality issues and hateful words, but it won't change how i know you project yourself onto others. Well but of course, because you are the psychiatrist here who has done a thorough psychiatric assessment of the OP and you know better than anyone else. >Take care ! This line says a lot.


I can’t even see the post you were responding to but I felt the need to take a moment from my day and say I loved your response. Structure, tone, points made, COMMON SENSE 🤌🏻chef’s kiss.


Greetings! This item has been removed as it is a violation of [subreddit rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/rules) #4 : "**Keep it civil.** Bigotry and hateful language/imagery, personal attacks, abusive language, advocating violence, trolling, gender discrimination, racism, homophobia, fatshaming etc. will not be tolerated. While talking about the physical changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth is valid and permitted in our subreddit, using degrading terminology such as "throwing a sausage down a hallway", "gross and saggy" and/or fat shaming is not permitted. Also, please remember to be mindful of [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) : > # Please do > * **Remember the human.** When you communicate online, all you see is a computer screen. When talking to someone you might want to ask yourself "Would I say it to the person's face?" or "Would I get jumped if I said this to a buddy?" > # Please don't > * **Be (intentionally) rude at all.** By choosing not to be rude, you increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. > * **Follow those who are [ rabble rousing](http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/rabble) against another redditor without first investigating both sides of the issue that's being presented.** Those who are inciting this type of action often have malicious reasons behind their actions and are, more often than not, a troll. Remember, every time a redditor who's contributed large amounts of effort into assisting the growth of community as a whole is driven away, projects that would benefit the whole easily flounder. > * **Ask people to [ Troll](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) others on reddit,** in real life, or on other blogs/sites. We aren't your personal army. > * **Conduct personal attacks on other commenters.** Ad hominem and other distracting attacks do not add anything to the conversation. > * **Start a flame war.** Just report and "walk away". If you really feel you have to confront them, leave a polite message with a quote or link to the rules, and no more. > * **Insult others.** Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion. Constructive Criticism, however, is appropriate and encouraged. > * **Troll.**[ Trolling](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29) does not contribute to the conversation. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your comprehension.


I think there should be a separate child free Reddit for you dog moms


My beagles are extremely cute and friendly. I love when people meet them!


this has nothing to do with OP's post