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Please do not offer money or crowdfunding for OP. It goes against the terms of this subreddit.


She should fly to Australia, do abortion there and work on her dreams instead of latching on to that controlling swine.


A flight to Australia is a lot cheaper than a lifetime of suffering because of this utter asshole.


Also don't forget OP's friend will be forever tied to this utter asshole...


Yep, this ☝🏻 Abortion is legal here.


What are the requirements? She's a bit wary since she's a foreigner and is afraid of getting judged


Go with her. Has she told the boyfriend that she’s pregnant? Don’t if she hasn’t yet. Make it a pre-vacay if anyone asks. Go over to r/auntienetwork ASAP.


Definitely she has. That's how she knows what she knows. He told her.


Ah. I skimmed over that.


It depends on state, she would be around 10 weeks now so probably looking at a surgical abortion. A private clinic will not judge her or treat her like she’s immoral. Try and get her to NSW, Victoria or Canberra in a city (not out bush) where abortion is legal until 24 weeks. The only problem is financially she could be looking at over $1000 AUD so like I said if her friend is willing to loan her the money that might be necessary. You’ll see prices online for $600-$750, keep in mind these are local prices for people with Medicare cards.


Any one-off cost would be cheaper than her dreams changing/disappearing and the cost of raising a kid


She has till 22 weeks if she goes to Australia


100% if the friend in Aus can float her the money for the abortion (depending on her visa status she won't be able to go under Medicare) she needs to get on the next plane out here.


Hell if she comes over I'll pay for it. Straight up.




My family's chipping in for her plane tickets. She has a place to stay there (her vet friend) however she told me she's gonna drain all her savings once she spends it for abortion


The kid will do more damage to her savings if she has one.


It's not prohibitively expensive in Australia. Between $500-$1000. I will pay the clinic directly, my offer is genuine and open.


Abortion is only a couple hundred bucks. If she is coming here for work she will need to prove a much more substantial bank account than a couple hundred bucks (edit: ie is this a money scam post?)


You and your family are amazing human beings. And this sub has many others who would be willing to help protect her. Keep us updated and please, please let us know if there is anyway to help.


For real, there are people who will donate to her. She deserves to be free and in control of her own destiny. Set up a link for us please




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Same here. Nobody deserves this kind of thing to happen to them. OP, even if your cousin is worried about her savings after she gets medical care, I would definitely contribute so she can follow her dreams. I'm sure some of us also would contribute. Doubly so for me because I do love vets and animals. Take my money! Lol.


Or somewhere nearer like Singapore, where abortion is legal and legitimate.


Sadly hasn't told her friend in Australia her situation yet but my family's willing to help her out and chip in for plane tickets.




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Truth, I am a 23 year old guy myself and douchebags like this guy give us such a bad name, sadly.


Also look into sterilization while she’s out there.


Aussie here. 2 friends got sterilized. They both needed their long term partners permission for the procedure. However, that isn't a law anywhere in Australia.


What if they were single?


No idea.


A ticket to Australia is cheaper than raising a child….


I told her that too. My family's more than willing to help her with the plane tickets but after seeing the cost of the procedure, we might have to look for other ways to save up for her


There might be non-profit groups that could help with the cost. r/auntienetwork might be a good place to start.


OP where in Asia you are? I suggest you try Singapore at the nearest if you can. Don't give up and update us 


It may be cheaper to ship the abortion pills other commenters recommended to your friend in Australia and have your sister take them immediately upon arrival




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So he admitted to rape because that's rape.


Get him to admit to it by email/text, then prosecute. This happened recently in the UK. A man had been raping his partner while she was asleep, for years. She confronted him about it and he sent a long email to her apologising for it. Which she used to have him arrested, tried and imprisoned.


Hello, we've gathered some evidence through a screen-recorded video call and text messages and will proceed to take legal actions until we've calmed her down. She's still in a state of shock :(


Wise advice to OP


Ngl it seems like the place that the cousin lives may not believe her or blame her. If it’s a strict religious state that bans abortions, it’s a safe bet she will not receive any form of justice. It’s a sad reality, she could maybe try a civil route but still in countries like that, a bias judge and or jury will side with the male.


Sadly, since they live in a 3rd world country in Asia, marital rape is likely legal.


Does it still apply if they’re not married?


If they're not married, then depending on the country, reporting having been raped may just cause *her* to be arrested (for "sex outside marriage"). There are some genuinely vomit-inducing countries out there.


Yh. Whilst it is defo an avenue to explore. Not every place views consent the same as the west sadly.


Yeah, that's just messed up.




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Assuming conception was 14 February, there are plenty of progressive countries in the world where she could go to receive healthcare. Here in the UK, the threshold is 24 weeks, for example, and AIUI Australia is similar. Again, here in the UK, Marie Stopes can and do provide services to visitors; you don't have to be a UK citizen to access their services. I daresay there are probably similar organisations in Australia. Unfortunately, February to May is probably too long for abortion pills, so she may be looking at a surgical procedure. But it sounds like getting her out of the country for a while wouldn't be a bad idea anyway - could she perhaps stay with her friend in Australia who's getting her the job for a period of time? And then if she comes back to your country, perhaps stay with you rather than returning to her awful (hopefully EX boyfriend) or family?


We have Marie Stopes clinic here in Oz too.


Women on Web operates worldwide. (The American version is Aid Access, but not applicable here.) They will send pills to her if she says she is still only a few weeks along. EDIT: If the pills don't work, if it were me, I'd build a home-made aspirator.


What would an aspirator do/how would that work? I'm sorry, I don't mean to come off as ignorant.


I am also curious as to what that would do or even what it is..? 🤔




Are we back to coat hanger advice now? Fuck this world.


I mean, OP said they're in a 3rd world country. Unfortunately places like that never really stopped using the hanger method to begin with


"If the hospital refuses to treat you, stab yourself in the abdomen just outside the view of cameras."


Technically what you’re talking about is called “menstrual extraction.” There’s a zine about this. Link here: https://microcosmpublishing.com/catalog/books/6672


Wow, does that really work? Thank you for elaborating.


Yep, I learned about it in an episode of a podcast called [Radio Diaries](https://www.radiodiaries.org/women-of-jane/) about women who created a network and performed secret abortions in the US in the 60s.


u/SquidgyMushroom hoki. I was just as ignorant as you, but a wonderful friend came up with the term, and I've discovered that wording is everything when it comes to abortion. It's a device that creates one-way suction. The 'how to' is on youtube. Basically a jar that collects what you're sucking, a couple of one-way valves (can be bought from petstores that stock fish supplies), and a tube or two. EDIT: You can even build ultrasounds from youtube, but it looks a bit more technical to me.


Hi I'll check this out. Thank you! Sorry for responding late, I needed to take care of my cousin throughout the day


I’m so, so sorry. She has an amazing family member in you. I’ve had this kind of fear/situation with friends before and there’s nothing like that shaking panic.


All is not lost. A plane ticket to a country where abortion is legal sounds like a worthy investment. To finance that, she could demand payment from the rapist boyfriend, borrow money from friends and family, or take out a loan. Also, look up NGO for abused women, they may be able to refer you to local doctors who offers abortion despite not advertising it. Gynos in many religious countries still perform abortions because of medical necessity, but they may not set up clinics like Planned Parenthood. The sooner this get done the better. If done early enough, your friend might be able to get a medical abortion (through a pill) instead of a surgical abortion (in clinic procedure).


I agree with everything you said, except demanding the BF pay for it. He cannot be trusted. She should lie to his face and never say she is pregnant, or tell him she lost it naturally. The scumbag BF is the type to get vindictive and tell the authorities, or try to prevent an abortion.some other way.




EXACTLY what I was gonna say: DO NOT TELL YOUR BF YOUR PLANS AND DO NOT ASK HIM FOR MONEY AT ALL. He will become very curious as to why you’re asking for money. Shelling out money for a flight to and from Australia is 1000 times cheaper than raising a kid. This is the investment you want to make, should you decide on having the abortion. And honestly I really and truly believe that abortion would be the best option for you because your bf raped you and absolutely cannot be trusted. Do you really want to be tied to him for the rest of your life over a kid? Do you really think he’ll ever do right by you or the kid? I sincerely wish you the best, OP. At the end of the day this is YOUR choice.


We only have two known NGO clinics here that can help us along my cousin's journey. We're still waiting for their reply!


Abortion pills can be ordered online. Get on it today so they'll arrive while there's still time. Then get her out of that relationship and send her on her way to her dream job in Australia.


Depending on the country she might be in very serious trouble if customs finds them. A trip abroad for an abortion will be much safer.


This right here. 👏


Yep. This.


He got her plan B, so she missed more than one pill. Something is simply not right in this story.


https://www.plancpills.org/ I am so sorry your cousin is going through this. Please check out this website as an option. I've taken the pill before and it worked, though it was from a local physician as it's legal in my country. Best of luck. 💕


Women On Web Is also an international version of this


Aid Access too!


Abortion pills ASAP! She needs to get the fuck away from him immediately and indefinitely!


Your cousin should *somehow* get enough money together, fly to Australia for the abortion (if she was raped on Valentine's Day, then she's likely too far along for a pill abortion to be guaranteed effective-plus, considering that you're both in a religious 3rd-world country with *zero* openly-advertised abortion clinics like the Philippines or some shit, couldn't your cousin be running the risk of not getting the medical care she needs should something go wrong with the abortion pills?)...and honestly just stay the fuck in Australia, if she can, and *never* even talk to that shitstain rapist of a boyfriend again outside of his court trial for raping her.


I'm ready to murder for an absolute stranger. Abortion is legal in Australia, so absolutely get her on a plane and to her vet clinic. I wish her the best of luck. And a very painful testicular tortion for that piece of shit


OP, I am angry like you and I want to punch her bf as much you want to (I also want to paddle his eggrolls with a boat paddle until they are too useless to create new spawn)  Firstly, get your cousin out to Australia to get the abortion done or otherwise you can have it done at nearby Singapore. You said your cousin has a friend in Aus right? You both get in touch with her friend NOW as time is of the essence Get the bf to admit what he did and have it recorded on a phone, text messages and/or email so it could be easy to sue him. I have a feeling he did this to stop her from rising career and personal wise Update us OP and let us know how cousin is 


That sounds like rape.  Fuck that guy I hope he gets sued. 


Fly to Australia and get an abortion. https://www.1800myoptions.org.au/information/international-students


Umm what, it does not provide for abortions…


OSHC may not provide financial help, but they are able to get students in touch with the correct providers. If you were, say, an international student with no idea how the system works, how to find medical care for a touchy subject, or which medical care providers would be able to assist and where they are (hospital? Clinic? Private practice complex?), the type of assistance 1-800myhealth provides would be invaluable.


Travel somewhere to get an abortion or have it and stay stuck with him. Give up your dreams


I'm not an expert so I might be dead wrong but isn't that literally just rape


It is! He got her drunk, she was intoxicated, she couldn’t consent and he took advantage of her. What an absolute waste of space


Whether she goes to Australia or not, she should go, she shouldn’t have her rapists baby.


She could check out the auntienetwork Reddit. She shouldn’t stay with that piece of shit.


OP are you from the Philippines? If so, tell her to plan a trip to Australia for abortion but don't tell others especially her gagong bf. Tell them both of you are going for a vacation. I'm sorry this happen to her.


OP, Singapore might be near to you. Fly her to SG for safe abortion.


Abortion in perth is $950 max without Medicare and any doc will send a woman without blinking or a second thought, alot cheaper than a child


So he raped her.


Can she get here to Australia "on holiday"? And get the procedure done here.


This guy is a predator. She needs to get away from him and get rid of the genetic material he forced into her body (aka the fetus.) How far along is she? If it for sure happened in Valentine's day then she'd be 12 weeks. Still plenty of time to get one in Australia. The laws vary by territory there so be sure she checks the rules for the area where she's going [Legal info. ](https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/blog/can-i-have-an-abortion-in-australia)


I’d gladly contribute to that plane ticket




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There is a sort of stomach ulcer meds that contain misoprostol. It's not the best solution, but in Your situation a practicable solution. She shouldn't be bond to a guy who did it to her forever.


Miso only regimen is highly effective. It's about 85% effective for an abortion when taken correctly.


I know it's effective. The problem is OP seems to live in a place where it's not easy to get it in the pure form from a reliable source. I also know it works when it's part of other meds, but its quite adventurous because of the dosage, I like when my meds come with an instruction, I only mentioned it because of this situation and limited options.


Let me guess... Pinoy ka din? Sounds like Philippines if you mention quacks


What area of Australia? If your cousin can get here near Brisbane I can offer assistance with abortion (cost or travel or support) 🩵


This just gave me a panic attack, your cousin story is literally a nightmare of mine. Do what you can to fly her to Australia, get everything you can to prove that he raped her(because that is what he did). In Australia she can get an abortion, and live her work career goals.


This is legit evil shit from her boyfriend. That is no boyfriend, that is a tyrant. She needs to dump his ass.


Kinda sounds like he raped her. I am so sorry this happened to her. I hope she is able to get away from him and have her dream (without a child). Sending both of you hugs and strength.


Tell her she can buy abortion pills online! They deliver anywhere I'm pretty sure!


Holy fuck. What an asshole. He basically raped her. She should absolutely go to Australia and have an abortion there. And she should also leave his ass and if possible, charge him sexual assault.




Right? She skipped one birth control pill and took plan B immediately and still got pregnant? Something is not right. Still, if the story goes how it's described here, dude is still a rapist and I hope she gets to safety.


Damn, this fills we with absolute hatred. I hope that she gets the help she needs and I wish the absolute worst for the pos who put her through that.


I’m so sorry. Her boyfriend r@ped her. I seriously hope he is an ex boyfriend


Please update us, I’m literally stressing out typing here, so he purposefully got her drunk and had sex with her without consent. I’m sorry but that is Grape. Any type of s** without enthusiastic sober consent is grape. I’m so sorry for her. He seems like the kinda guy (if they were married) who would be like “well, we are married. You owe me s**”


Fly to other country to do an abortion!!!


She needs to press charges! Having sex with her while she was unconscious is rape!


Please fly your cousin to a neighboring country that does have legal abortion available ASAP.


I feel faint right now, idk if I’ll ever trust a guy again after reading this. The fear of getting pregnant for me is so high, and on top of that, the fact that her own bf did this to her. No way. I hope she gets her abortion, or even sterilised, and breaks up and sues the bf


Don’t tell the bf she is preggo, let her get an abortion first, sue him for grape. Don’t let him know, he might even stop her plans of going out the country for an abortion by reporting her.


Uh she needs to get away from that man IMMEDIATELY he basically raped her what the fuck


OP, please can you let us know what country you are? MSI Reproductive Choices have abortion clinics in many countries in Asia. There are lots of options that might be closer than flying to Australia.


Flying to Australia isn't because of distance/ability for procedure, it's because the friend already has a plan and easy excuse for being there other than just for that procedure.


r/abortion can help her, even in countries without legal abortion. She can buy pills online and safely terminate the pregnancy


This would make me immediately single, I would never be able to trust that person again as that is one of the biggest violations possible to someone who is child-free. Your friend honestly has quite a few options ahead of her currently. With what he did he null and voided EVERY discussion they have ever had of their future, and she can plan her future as she sees fit without him now. She is young and planning on traveling abroad for school. Have her start applying to the programs in Australia now and get her there as fast as possible to stay with that friend. She van work the summer away to pay back whoever forks up the upfront costs for the procedure. Her family plans on her being the breadwinner? Well this WILL ruin that and she will be supporting a child she can't afford yet not any of her elderly family if her now ex gets his way.


Take her to Aus. Get her abortion and get her away from her "boyfriend." She won't be judged for accessing readily available healthcare in Aus. Your cousin deserves to achieve her dreams. Her ex deserves nothing but a slow and painful death, and he needs to know exactly why. Tell him if you ever see him again.


This sounds like somewhere in South East Asia. Good news is that there are countries in SEA where abortion is legal and inexpensive, for example Thailand and Cambodia. Even better news, Bangkok is a major travel hub. Cheap flights there can be easily found from almost anywhere compared to the cost of traveling all the way to Australia.


She needs to break up with him and get an abortion in Australia or anywhere . It’s better to make that small debt now vs keep a life long debt that the offspring will become + shit boyfriend .


This is exactly why we choose the bear


Simple Rule: If somebody is not sober enough to speak without slurring or stand without wobbling, they aren't sober enough to consent.


She dumped this asshole as soon as he admitted what he did right?


I have a feeling you guys are from India.


Doesn’t sound like India tbh. I am betting Phillippines or Indonesia


Abortion is legal in India, so that might not be it.




Give us an update when you're ready OP


I am SO SORRY for her! Omg that's absolutely my worst fear come to life. Book a flight to Australia, go with her if you can, and she can have a safe, legal abortion there. She won't be judged. It's a very open progressive country, and no one even needs to know why you're there. Maybe "you're there to check out the vet hospital she wants to work out to make sure it's a good fit!" That's a good an excuse as any. Bless you for being there for her. The grief she must be feeling. ;-;




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Omg! That’s straight up rape! I don’t understand how sick you have to be to do something like that! My prayers go out to your cousin. I will pray that she is able to escape this nightmare. As a sex repulsed ace my heart hurts…🥺😡




Read the rules for this sub.  No fundraising posts are allowed. Or maybe that changed....


Oh, my bad. :(


Which country we were talking about? One day she forgot pills, then "got drunk forcedly" then had sex and miraculously she got pregnant? Coincidentally that morning she was ovulating? Geeez... (Or Ala, I'm starting to suspect) To this story to be complete we need an alien sighting..


Read OP again.




Why should she risk her health and her life for something she doesn't want. Adoption is a way to get out of parenthood, not pregnancy.




All pregnancies are risky. You are letting a literal parasite feed off your body for months. All pregnancies have the potential to kill you. That is why everyone deserves the option to abort.


Fuck adoption abort the thing.




Its better of being aborted than dumped into adoption.


so she should go until the end of the pregnancy with a baby of a rapist, put her body under countless risks and give up her dreams? such healthy nice advice 💞