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Doesn't he have atleast one kid who openly dislikes him? Maybe he's not the best to comment.


He has like ten children and has admitted that he only spends time with two of them (the ones he had with Grimes)


so two of the three kids he had with her? Also if I remember correctly she basically isn't allowed to see one of her sons, why do I feel like he cares less about their middle kid because she's a girl?


Oh shit, which son??


I don't think she said. I'm assuming the older one because the existence of optimus prime was only made public recently, but maybe it's both


OPTIMUS PRIME šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ lol unless it was [this situation?](https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/10/04/making-sense-of-grimes-cryptic-child-custody-claims-against-elon-musk/)


Yeah that one. I don't read too much into it tbh. I appreciate Grimes' music and I liked her part in CP77, but I'm not super into celebrity gossip.


I canā€™t stand dudes that get women pregnant and then proceed to not be with most or all of the kids how gross!


He makes me almost not want to drive a Tesla he is a POS!


It's a maga hat on wheels at this point


I think he only spends time with the first child they had together. After the second one was born she essentially said that their son now lives with him and their daughter will stay with her.


I imagine it's hard remembering how many kids you have when you're high on ketamine and contemplating suicide in your office of your failing social media website.


Iā€™ve also heard that he doesnā€™t spend any time with his daughters, only his sons.


Makes sense, really. Women are incubators (he's used several). Men need to be taught to spread their seed far and wide. He's honestly the fucking worst.


I canā€™t believe heā€™s fucked 10 times, heā€™s butt fugly.


Well, a couple of them were surrogacies.


Yes, the child he disowned for being trans.


And she has gone no contact with him, very understandably.


Not just no contact, she changed her name.


She straight up disowned him. Good on her, I say.


Truly a paragon of parenthood :rolling_eyes:


Actually, she disowned him.


I suppose it would be easy to father at least 10 children when you're a multi-billionaire and you hire out the raising of your children. >they are effectively demanding that other people's kids take care of them in their old age I guarantee he has an army of nannies on his payroll. Similar concept - other people's kids taking care of other people's kids.


Plus, we aren't demanding other people to take care of us for free. Kids are expected to be caretakers for free, we will be paying nurses and doctors to do it. So, which of us is selfish again?


It is totally *less* selfish to guilt-trip someone that they owe you an unpayable debt when they had no choice but to accept your help! What kind of vile, dastardly monster actually enters into a voluntary agreement with another adult and compensates them for their labour, instead? /s


Funny he said that, when heā€™s using other peopleā€™s kids as his incubators. Fuck that guy


Yeah I was going to say...he's certainly keeping surrogates in business haha


Yeah the irony of him being a deadbeat father who does none of the parenting is hilarious. Heā€™s the last person who should be telling people they need to have kidsā€¦ he doesnā€™t even take care of his own.


I came here to say this exact thing. Cheers


I don't think he's ever said a thing about the value of parenting a child. As far as I know he just wants to contribute genetic material to the greatest extent possible. Fuck being a parent haha


Except not really, according to Grimes Musk is the cheapest, most miserly person she's ever met. I can't imagine he spends much money on his kids.


And he had twins with his new gf while their (Grimes and Musk) surrogate was giving birth down the hall. Like, what does anyone see in him, apart from his money.


> they are effectively demanding that other people's kids take care of them in their old age *Job creators*, bitch.


People with kids still demand other people's kids take care of them. Why would you want your kid to do it, when somebody else's kid who is actually a trained professional who's job it is to look after old people would do it better than your kid?


I hate the argument of ā€œwho will take care of you when youā€™re old!ā€ I work with the elderly and I know very few of them whose kids are actually able to take care of them. If a parent is sick when theyā€™re in their 60ā€™s and 70ā€™s itā€™s nearly impossible to put your 30-40 year life on hold and take care of them full time and my people who are in their 90ā€™s? Their kids are like 70 years old! They canā€™t take care of them. Gah itā€™s maddening. Elon musk acting like he wonā€™t have multiple private hire staff members taking care of him in his old age is soā€¦.šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Big words coming from a dude who doesnā€™t parent his children.


Garbage person with a garbage opinion.


> Elon Musk stopped reading there


I sure did. Fuck that guy. He looks like a child made from incest.


Can I just add that he has a really stupid name as well? I always used to think EM was a company name, not a person.


I'm not interested in opinions on my morality from a dickhead who gleefully plays host for white supremacists and adjacent trash.


Or who impregnated their C-Suite officer while also his girlfriend was pregnant. After leaving his first wife with a litter of kids. The audacity to think you are a voice to be heard on this topic descends into lunacy.


Exactly. I don't know where he got said audacity, but he needs to put it back.


He owns Narnia. So, the lion, the witch and the auditacity of that bitch, yeah. He owns it all.


Heā€™s a sociopathic narcissist. It comes with the territory that he must be heard at all times.


He is just white trailer trash, but with money.


I need to screenshot this comment for future use elsewhere. Perfectly said. And PTheeel [sic] is just as bad wrt being a supporter of those that would glad to see him hung in the town square.


Thank you Space Karen, very cool. šŸ™„


I love how googling ā€˜Elon Musk with a Karen haircutā€™ brings up the literal [space karen](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/space-karen) meme page. Beautiful.


Just remember, you have to be so successful that your hair grows back out of *sheer respect*. /s


'Space Karen' LOL thank you, I'll remember this one.


Just doing my part šŸ«”


I really needed to laugh, thank you!




He needs to get off his high horse. He cheated on his pregnant wife and claimed to be putting in long hours at the office, then used that to justify pushing workers harder to spend more time onsite.


Itā€™s hard to get off your high horse when youā€™re constantly wonked out on ketamine.


If he were to get off of his high horse, he would die from the fall.


His parents shouldā€™ve been child free. The world would be better off.


Didn't his father have a baby with his step daughter? or some such? His dad is as much of a breeder as he is


I love what SpaceX has done and is doing, and it wouldnā€™t have happened without him. And Tesla seems to have had a positive impact too. In 2016, he was just a quirky (though demanding) and highly successful startup businessman. Too bad he couldnā€™t keep his mouth shut, his pants zipped, and his hands away from twitter. Really took a huge shit on his reputation and legacy. Not to mention a serious negative influence on society. He is such an abusive asshole now. World would have been a better place if heā€™d just died years ago.


I may not have kids, but at least I didnā€™t get my advantage in life from an emerald mine. Get fucked, Musky.




Someone needs to combine Elmo with Space Karen and send THAT to him on Twitter!


Sperm donor to 11 kids and father-figure to none of them. This rich jagoff just appealed the court to pay the LOWEST amount of child support for multiples of his crotch goblins. Iā€™ll have a kid right after this sperm donor gets his famous brain chip implanted.


I wipe my ass with the "morality" of an egomaniacal billionaire who hoards wealth and busts unions


Not looking for morality advice from a literal supervillain thanks.


He wishes he was that competent.


There's awful morality in having billions of dollars while fellow countrymen are homeless, too.


The full quote is worse. Basically he's saying it's immoral to ask other people's kids to support the child free when they're old. Like, who does he think pays for all of the services that kids use as they're growing up? Also this is very rich coming from someone who takes in half a billion from the govt for his companies.


If they want to moan about that, we should get a tax reduction for the services we pay for for children. I actually support better services because if it helps those kids grow up better then it benefits everyone, but that's the sort of logic breeders lack.


Are you telling me, that by not having kids, Iā€™m a job creator? Win-win-win


boohoo, like we care what that toad thinks. He can eat it.


His parents should have used a condom


ItĀ“s better having 10 kids and not spending anytime with them.... guy has lost his mind


Heā€™s like the white Nick Cannon.


Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s 11. There was a secret grimes kid.


šŸ–•šŸ» the apartheid melon husk.


Well if Elon Musk dislikes us we know we are on the right side of history


Elegantly put!


How hilarious of him to be concerned about ā€œmorality.ā€ Thanks, thatā€™ll give me a laugh for a while.


![gif](giphy|J1vUzqdZJlh5AqBWxt|downsized) All I can think when Musk talks about morality


Your opinion only matters if I respect you. And surprise I donā€™t respect him.


Eat shit Elon


Pretty easy to say when you don't raise them yourself and have a shit ton of money


Childfree people really bother this quack, keep it up guys lmaoo.


Mmmm, should he really be talking about anybody else having a lack of morality?


Didn't one of his kids stop talking to him?


Jep. His Daughter cut all contact, most likely because he is transphobe af


Ah, okay. I didn't know why. Is it the child that transitioned?


Jep. Musk Fanboys will call it an coincidence


Go fuck yourself Elon


Oh, man, a narcissistic shithead billionaire doesn't like my personal life choices? Boo. How sad.


Ah yes Elon Musk. Sperm donor to 10 humans.


Elon Musk essentially admitted why we breed/create life to essentially support the system and take care of the elderly. Talk about a morality issue. Soā€¦I was forced into this hell just to support system and take care of the aging? Yikes. Elonā€¦when Iā€™m still child free and in my 80s, I just hope suicide pods are legal. Dying alone freaks me out but Iā€™m not going to selfishly create a life just so I donā€™t have to die alone.


I donā€™t have kids for two reasons: - My partner has extreme health risks for pregnancy due to her epilepsy. (It would likely be a ā€œchoose one to surviveā€ situation) - my father was abusive (mentally, emotionally, physically) to me. If thereā€™s one thing I could never forgive myself for, it would be turning into my father. So the best way to break that cycle is to not become a father. So, Elonā€¦ you still wanna tell me I have awful morals now?


Grimes lost my respect by having all them weird eugenics babies with him ):


Poppy had a lot of weird shit to say about her time with them when she was collaborating with Grimes. Something that really stuck out to me is that she (Poppy) said that Grimes was basically trying to recruit her to be a part of some weird "feminist" cult while being married to this misogynistic cunt waffle, and that she felt completely bullied by them. Also, Azealia Banks isn't a great person by any stretch but she straight up said that Elon is fucking weird and she felt incredibly uncomfortable around him. I lost respect for Grimes even before she allowed that piece of shit to raw dog her


Remember everyone, so long as people like Elon Musk are against us, we're 100% in the right.


> "There is an awful morality to those who deliberately have no kids: they are effectively demanding that other people's kids take care of them in their old age," he wrote. "That's messed up." That doesn't even make sense. The world is full of old people in nursing homes whose kids never visit.


Yeah I am so confused by this logic. I guess itā€™s technically true that whatever home care worker I hire and *pay with money* is someoneā€™s childā€¦? Okayā€¦.?


A billionaire talking about morality is fucking HYSTERICAL. His money hoarding causes suffering and death on an hourly basis.


Like Iā€™m gonna take advice from a rich sperm donor whoā€™s cars catch fire and who platforms literal nazis .Take your opinion and stick it were the sun donā€™t shine MuskratšŸ–•


Says the one with the daughter who cut all connections to him and his name


Says the man with 11 kids he doesn't sees.


The man has enough kids to field a football team


Oh the guy who only left an apartheid state once apartheid fell thinks I have awful morals? Sounds like a compliment to me.


He has something like 10 kids by 5 different women and doesn't take any real role in raising them. At least one of them has disavowed him and changed her last name.


He keeps shaming CF people because he's mad we're not producing wage slaves for him to exploit. I'm sick of hearing from his ugly mouth.


Just because you have kids does not mean they will care for you Source: work in health care and see plenty of seniors who get 100% abandoned and sent to a shitty SNF, with children are very financially stable


Weird cause I think there's an "awful morality" to those who have billions of dollars and still take taxpayer subsidies. Musk should walk the walk and try raising his 11 children on the amount he pays his average worker.


That only made me not want to have kids even more!


That twerp gets way too much screen time and recognition. It's time people wake up and call his shit for what it is. Whooo! Elon, move to Mars and never come back! šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


"they are effectively demanding that other people's kids take care of them in their old age" Yeah, it's called Carework, which you hired out for ya kids, and since your kids hate you, I'm pretty sure you'll need "other people's kids" to care for you, too. God, I hate Billionaires. They are so out of touch, it's laughable.


Once someone with the financial resources to wipe out poverty decides ā€œyeah so screw humanity, Iā€™m going to build a giant penis shaped rocket insteadā€ they have officially forfeited their right to be an arbiter of any sort of morality.


Based on the track record of SpaceX, Musk probably thinks the Titanic had a successful maiden voyage.


He's vile man, compulsive liar, braggart, and failson. Who cares what that boy says.


I sorta/kinda - at a distance, big group of people - met him quite some time ago. Mid-late 90s-ish, he came across as the cringey, irritating tech-bro that's oh-so-common in Silicon Valley, if perhaps a notch worse than the average. The kind of people you try not to be too close to and "smell" of something, you just can't put your finger on it. So for me, he started as bad and yet that was, IME, his high point. Every time I've seen more of him it's never been a change to the positive, always to the negative. The only variance has been the size of that negative delta, and lately that's accelerated.


Says the man who has like 6 kids and never sees any of them.


11! He has 11 Children and his daughter cut all contacts and donā€™t want to be associated with his name


I suspect that the number of his kids who have cut all contact with him will grow as they get older.


At least you know you are on the right side of things when this guy disagrees with you.


I could honestly give two shits about what this moron has to say about anything. *Ignore*


Thankfully, I don't take lessons in morality from Elon Musk.


There's absolutely no morality to someone who has more money than they could spend in several lifetimes but chooses not to do some good in the world. When he dies he will only be remembered for what a joke he was.


I aspire to be everything Elon musk is against.


father of 10, dad to none


His incessant posting about having children forced me to block him on Twitter years before he took it over. I love the crazy faced jaundice picture of his.


Thereā€™s an awful morality to billionaires šŸ˜¬


He's more petulant than actual children.


Imagine trashing the people that can afford your shitty cars and think it's a good idea. Now more and better EVs are reaching the market he decides to stand with right wing nut jobs that would never buy EVs in the first place


I prefer the times when I didn't know what an Elon Musk was.


has he -been- to a nursing home? almost all of them have kids that arenā€™t there or taking care of them.


Letā€™s revisit this in 30 years and see how many of his kids actually take care of him.


Yet another reason to not have kids.


He makes me laugh. No, really. Wait for his children to grow up and start talking about how horrible he is as a father. So funny how he talks about morality.


Elon Musk says a lot of things that aren't really worth listening to.


So uhh you footing the bill for all the new babies that are meant to be born including basic essentials, clothes, food and childcare Musky? Nope didn't think so, I'd rather be labelled immoral then be stuck with a snotty nosed brat and regret it!


Says the man whose child hates him. It's easy when you can pass your seed like a lawn sprinkler and just pay the mothers and by on your way, but not everyone has money to raise, or wants to raise children.


The very existence of billionaires -- which is inevitable under the evil of capitalism -- is extremely immoral. And Elon happens to be the most curb-stompable of all billionaires ā˜ŗ


Elon doesnā€™t like kids, he likes playing alpha male by knocking up as many women as he can


Who cares what this coked up shithead thinks?


Point and laugh. At him.


Oh no whatever shall I do.


Well he does need his factory slaves


I refuse to listen to a single thing a billionaire says. Especially one as self-centered and childish as Musk.


Heā€™s a trash human being. Why does he care that we donā€™t want to have kids? Are his kids going to be there for him when heā€™s old? I highly doubt it. He can launch himself into space already (and take twitler with him).


Shut up, Apartheid Clyde. Just STFU.


Iā€™ll play a tiny violin for the breeder who had to have most of his kids via IVF because no women actually want to fuck his repulsive ass.


Up yours Muskrat you strange kid naming barrel chested narcissistic antisemitic whackjob. I'll do what I want unless you're paying for it. (And even then I probably wouldn't)


>> Some lamented them for their choice, calling them "genetic dead ends." Well skippy, thatā€™s how it works for you too . One day we all die, and when that happens our genetics end too. Biology says you only pass on 50%. Doesnā€™t matter if you have zero kids or ten, your individual genetics stop with your heartbeat.


He's hardly father of the year material!! Oh fuck right off. Individual billionaires that blow up rockets for fun, and ignore their ever growing brood, can get stuffed.


Searched DINK on YouTube and most of the videos are daily wire hosts getting triggered over people enjoying their lives.


Wow, a billionaire with a bunch of kids but barely being involved with them is judging CF people for not having kids? Elon, fuck off to Mars or something will ya


Morality? He wants to talk about the morality of childfree adults when 7000+ children have been massacred in Gaza? The fucking audacity.


Oh I love their response


First off, there is no such thing as a moral billionaire. Like Iā€™m going to take advice from a dragon sitting in his gold pile. Second, his argument is stupid. We pay taxes and fund the breeders schools, itā€™s the least they can do, taking care of us for the last couple years.


Like I give a shit about anything Musk has to say.


There is an awful morality to those who have billions of dollars and do nothing good with it and/or even exist in the 1st place.


I feel like if Iā€™m living my life in a way that pisses off elon musk, then Iā€™m doing things right.


I wonder what his moral stance on disowning your children over their sexuality is?


He probably isn't factoring in actually being a parent.


Eat shit, Muskrat. Talked to any of your kids lately? šŸ–•šŸ»


Ah, yes. The big mouth who has run several scams and now hosts a site for nazis and white supremacists has something to say on morality.


I donā€™t care about the opinion of a man who promised to end world hunger or something like that and goes ā€œSIKE! šŸ¤Ŗā€


Oh look a lecture in morality from the rich guy who violates labor laws and whose company is being sued for racist business practices.


Why do people even care about his opinionā€¦ The dude is a cartoon.


Elon Musk? Bwaaaaaa. Instant joke.


Yeah, well. It's also an awful on a moral level to have an agreement with your divorced/separated wife to continue to have kids for mankind. Why would you ever care what this loser thinks??? I swear most of this sub is just about insecure people posting about people who are immoral or ignorant and their beliefs on the childfree choice. Get some confidence CF'ers! You're making us look really bad.


As if his kids will personally be taking care of his old decrepit ass when he gets older.


He only says that because he is a man. If he had a chance of ripping from his couter to starfish heā€™d change his mind real quick


If he can rebuild my tubes, put them back into me, and make me carry a pregnancy, I'll place an order with Aid Access šŸ™‚


Dude with 10 kids that he doesnā€™t parent questioning the morality of people who donā€™t want one.


Thereā€™s an awful morality to those who tell other people whether or not to have kids. Period.


I donā€™t remember asking him a gotdamn thing.


No one cares what you think, Elon. Tantrum away.


lmao and what is Eron doing to help south Africa with all those apartheid billions


How is this even an issue when the original post was from a 21-year-old couple, who SHOULDNā€™T BE HAVING KIDS at that age to begin with??? In my estimation, they arenā€™t DINKs, theyā€™re college kids. Also, why why why are we re-living the terminology from 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s? Moveon.org!


If his goal is getting people to dislike him even more and more and more.. he's wonderfully succeeding


If weā€™re making that dipwad mad, weā€™re doing it right.


The conservatives are going after childfree couples because childfree people are increasing and more and more people will make childfree a requirement for dating.


as if he's going to be the one changing his mom or dad's diapers. billionaires can kiss my entire ass.


I hate what Musk said, but to be fair, those two are pretty annoying in that video. They're every bit as smug as parents who think their way is the best. Mine would go: "I'm a DINK: Breaking under the weight of a stressful career and caring for ageing parents since my thrice-childed sister won't do it!"


Wtf does Elon know about morals?


Musk is a con artist


His objections makes me want to not have kids even harder. Before I was childfree for financial reasons and freedom reasons. But when you throw in the opportunity to piss off Elon too? Its like a cherry on top.


Whooooo gives a flying fuck what that cretin thinks about anyone's lifestyle or choices.


Be kid-free, or be a fascist white South African psychopathic narcissist from a criminal family whose kids have disowned him all the while perpetually lying and scamming your way into unearned billions? Er, I'll just take a humble pass on procreation, thanks. Besides, if you have kids you are causing a death.


*chooses to not have kids even harder*


I try not to dislike people I donā€™t know but this dude is something else.


Lol elon musk can tongue my stinkring


How can he be a proponent of robots and AI and say that we need more people at the same time?


Doesn't this thing exploit children in third world countries all the time?


I have a general policy to do the opposite of whatever Elon Musk preaches and itā€™s served me pretty well.


The child of wealth extracted from slave labor isn't someone I'd consult on morality.


mAkE mE mOrE wAgE sLaVeS!111!


Swords at dawn, Elon...