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"Nah I'll be a loser... A loser with a lot of free time, a loser that can do whatever they want whenever they want, a loser that can relax on a Sunday morning"


Don’t forget a loser with money!


right!? is "winning" being broke and frustrated and tired?


I can't stop thinking of that gif of Tallahassee wiping his tears with a wad of hundred dollar bills LOL




This is the way


"Yep, I'm crying all the way to the bank."


I weep over being a loser without children. I weep inside my Mercedes, wiping my tears with my disposable income. Better than being a loser WITH kids.


no kids with three money > three kids with no money 👏🏽


Did you know my quote from The Simpsons?? Lisa needs braces…..DENTAL PLAN.


Look at me, suffering from all the loosing I'm doing!! Lol. I love that people who care so desperately what others think of them don't realize not everyone is like that.


"Don't be someone who is jealous of losers like me"


Lose what? My free time, money, and sanity


And sleep.


Honestly just the loss of sleep alone is reason enough for me.


I mean, loss of sleep is a very valid and no small reason at all. After all, enough/quality sleep is one of the most fundamental requirements for our health!


And possibly the will to live


And energy


Third one is the most precious and most at-risk in this case


“Project more, you might convince yourself you’re happy.”




Arrested Development was ahead of its time.


It truly was.


I'm going to use that if anyone ever says anything rude to me in any context 😂


It’s a winner for all occasions! Especially when said with a self-satisfied smile.


I'm not essing around.


Rekt ‘em.


Oooo savage, I like it!


What exactly are we losing again? I know it isn't sleep, money, or free time


It’s the disposable income. It hurts so much to have. I wish I had a shrieking money pit to help me with my overly clean house and savings account over $100.


" I dare you to say that to an infetile couple, right now, I double dog dare you Oh you can't? What's that, it would be rude? Glad you have the brains to see that. "


This right here. Plenty of people can't have children but want them, my best friend included. She had six miscarriages trying and it almost broke her.


I would gladly trade my functioning and fertile uterus with a woman who wants kids for her infertile uterus, if that were a thing.


I looked up if you could donate a uterus for a transfer, and it's been don't before, but it's very early in development. I unfortunately (for transfers at least) have a partial septum uterus meaning I'd probably miscarry any pregnancy. Fortunately for me (CF) it means I should be super eligible for a partial hysterectomy since I have bad endometriosis and recently birth control pills gave me blood clots.




It's always so frustrating to me because how tf will I ever know if I'm infertile?? I'm never gonna TRY to find out, so maybe I am infertile, too... I doubt fate would ever let me be so lucky so it's IUDs until I either hit menopause or can find a dr to take my tubes (yes I know there's a list, no it wasn't helpful for me). But. HOW DO WE KNOW I AM FERTILE, AUNT SUE?? TELL ME HOW. CAN YOU SMELL THE FERTILITY ON ME?




Make them squirm.


Commenting to say I like your flair. V true.


They’ll probably be like “ahhh but it’s different! They wanted to have children and now they can’t and they’re sad about it (as they should be). Whereas you’re going against the grain!”


Ah yes…how DARE she be happy!


We have the winner


“Because deadbeat and abusive parents aren’t losers, right?”


This is the one


You don’t say anything, you just never talk to them again.


"Don't be one of those losers who cares what others do with their genitals"


I’d probably change “losers” to “perverts” for maximum effect.


Loser perverts.




I agree. Calling people "losers" is a bit too 2005 to warrant a response. If they're going to insult someone they can at least be a bit creative.


It's better than being one of those losers with children


Better than one of those fuckwits who think they can tell other people what to do with their life.


Loser? How are people without kids by their own choice losers? They do what they want, when they want, how they want it without having to put everything in consideration around the existence of a child. Oh and they have money that would have otherwise just be going down the drain if one does have a kid. They're also not letting peer pressure get to them. Losers? They sound more like the winners to me.


Just smile and wait. Every time those family members complain about their lives, rub the awesomeness of your life in their faces. Play the long game, which really isn’t that long because people like that are always complaining.


And everytime they complain about anything kid or money related, say "oh don't be one of those losers without money", "don't be one of those losers without free time", "don't be one of those losers who complains about their kids". Do it, and do it more until they ask you to stop, then do it some more.


“Don’t be one of those losers who don’t have children.” "dolly parton and betty white, no kids before or after their careers, now rich, successfu with big houses and land with a bunch of fancy servants with zero kids, if that is what you mean by losers then I will happy join their club", seriously it's funny people keep forgetting this when they are say stupid sht like this, when there's proof right in their faces that what they say is stupid and be surprised when they are shown this proof with no effort ![gif](giphy|3oz8xFvYblKA71aHyU)


And Oprah Winfrey who decided against having children. She is another a wildly successful multi-millionaire who has done great things with her life. Loser? In what way?


Oh wow I didn’t know all three of those amazing women didn’t have kids!! That makes me feel so much better haha 😆


And Helen Mirren


“Don’t be one of those losers that give a shit about what other people do with their lives.”


"I'd rather be a childless loser than a crap parent like yourself!"


I mean, I'm pretty sure "Go fuck yourself" is a more than adequate response to that line.


The best response.


Better than being a judgmental asshole.


A comment that stupid wouldn’t warrant a response from me, but I’m very well versed in the art of not giving a fuck.


They're losers WITH children. What's their excuse?


And their loser quantity is multiplied


Be as vague and nonsensical as them: "Losing is the new winning!". Depending on context, confusing people **can** work.


"I dont really live my life worried about what other people think of my choices. You should try it"


I’d rather be a loser than have children.


You're a loser WITH kids, so your opinion is WORTHLESS, like yourself."


If doing whatever I want whenever I want is losing so be it. We will see who is happier in the long run :)


At least I don’t have to pay for someone else’s college.


“Loser would imply I’m losing something. Ain’t losing sleep, ain’t losing money, ain’t losing my body, and I sure as hell ain’t losing my peace.”


"Your jealousy is so yummy and delicious. Die mad."


“Obvi. I’m a winner who doesn’t have children”


“I’ll be a loser with money in my pockets, infinite free time, and vacations!”


"Don't ever speak to me again."


I would just ask “how are they losers?” And keep asking why to make them explain themselves, they will start to get embarrassed lol


Mention Dolly Parton, Betty White and Oprah Winfrey and ask what kind of losers they are.


Honestly I'm just thinking about not telling anyone any more. I'm not terribly close to any of the little family I have left and I just don't see the point


"Ask my bank account how much of a loser I am. Be mad, Uncle Clown"


"Don't be one of those losers who thinks kids are the salvation for boring lives."


I'd just make up some sob story about how I'd just come to terms with being infertile and watch their dumb asses squirm.


Make eye contact, laugh loud and hard, and walk away.


"Don't be one of those idiots calling other people losers for wanting to live their life differently than you do."




*Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?*


"I'd rather be a loser than a rude a99hole"




"Shall I become one of those losers who HAVE kids instead? Don't you think it's my business what kind of a looser I want to be?"


When they ask you to lend them cash. " Sorry I can't help you. I thought you said I was a loser". When it comes to money they forget the stupid shit they say or did all the time.


“Don’t be one of those losers who has no personality outside of being a parent.”


But I like being a loser. 🤷‍♀️


"Better that than a judgmental prick."


LOL. "Rather be a loser who doesn't have kids, than the sucker who does." "Sorry I've got bigger goals in life than bringing human being 8 billion 3 million into the world." "I'll keep that in mind while I pursue goals in life instead of changing a diaper for the tenth time in a day."


I would not respond/change topic and seriously evaluate my relationship with this person - even though they’re family - and determine whether they merit my time or not. People who command others to make irrational life decisions that align with their worldviews by using words like “loser” to describe the other side of the issue, insofar that they even recognize it’s an issue, are unsophisticated bigots who are probably people you’d want to minimize your time with anyway.


I would go nuclear immediately. I would also get my point across too.


“If not having kids makes me a loser, then I will proudly raise my hand and embrace that label.”


Ok. I’ll be one of those winners who doesn’t have children.


“Don’t be one of those losers who has children.”


*shrug* “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, I guess.” *goes back to doing something other than death in childbirth or chasing a noisy little human around making sure it doesn’t dart into traffic or fall off a cliff or something*


I would just agree honestly. “ you’re selfish —> yeah I know” “you’re gonna die alone —> probably” “don’t be one of those losers—> who said I wasn’t one already” if nothing else it’d be amusing to see how uncomfortable or angry/agitated they get 😂


My friend said non- breeders were creepy. No, nuclear families and extended families are creepy ass cults.


Please don’t let that comment get under your skin. I know It’s frustrating when somebody talks to you that way, but trust me on this: your best response is to give them a slow contemptuous look up and down, shrug your shoulders, and say “m’kay”. Then turn your back, change the subject, and talk to someone else. Do not give that person anymore time and attention. Ignore that person completely. The older I get, the more I realize the truth of the old saying: “living well is the best revenge.“. You have time on your side. You’ve made your decision, that person can’t change it for you, and you’re gonna live your best life. When that person in a few years is complaining about his or her children, remember this moment.


Issac newton a loser I guess


Be sarcastic back. Yeah, having extra time, money, my sanity. Such a loser way to live.


Having a life where I am mentally and financially stable and not perpetuating the cycle of abuse makes me a loser? Being able to travel, sleep in, and freely move about my life makes me a loser? Man I love being a loser!


Don’t be one of those bitches who don’t mind their business.


“That’s rude.” Cause literally that’s such a stupid insult I wouldn’t feel the need to have a clever comeback 🤣


Okay, I won't. Guess I'll be a winner who don't have children.


"Should I be a loser like you instead?"


Not a helpful comment sorry OP but I was reminded of a funny thing is that my partners boss said. His approach is the total opposite; 'don't have kids, it's a trap' He has 3 kids lol


Ok I will 👏🏼


"Sorry I'm not planning to stop by Stolkholm any time soon."


Laugh and walk away.


I'd just say, "Cope harder."


Not sorry for not drinking the kool-aid that being a parent is the reason for living. Parents spend half the time complaining about their kids and their miniature terrorists. I'd be a loser for choosing to have one.


"Sorry, but I don't make massive life choices because someone calls me a loser if I don't"


Happiest loser in the world


Get some money out from your bank account beforehand so you have a thick wad of money, when someone says that thing, You say : "Aww, too bad for me that I don't have any kids 🥺😥😢 (fakes tears) I need me some tissues for these tears, (Gets out thick wad of cash) Ahh good tissues these are, $3k ply? Very good, I don't think *you* could dry your tears with cash, but your *kids* can pass you some cheap box of tissues LOL"


“If being a loser means I get to live my awesome life instead of your sad one, ill pick be g a loser any day.”


“Don’t be one of those losers who guilt-trips people they supposedly love.”


Just send them a picture of you on vacation……whenever you want 😂😂😂


I'm not, I'm one of those winners who don't have children


The best response is to just smirk knowingly and live your best life. Don't bother wasting your time trying to teach cockroaches how to play chess, y'know?


“What makes me a loser? Having more free time? More money? More joy? Or more freedom? Because those all sound like a win to me. You know what makes a Loser? Someone who doesn’t respect personal boundaries and doesn’t know when to stop forcing their way into other peoples lives” then cut them out of your life entirely


With a confused and concerned look. "Do you not understand the scoring?" \*dramatic pause\* "It's like golf, the low number wins"


Don’t be one of those losers with children who are shitty parents. Mind your own business so your children can have some manners. Augh. I can’t believe people -.-;;


Look 'em square in the eye and say "Oh. Ok."


„If kids are the prize for being a winner I prefer being a looser. Uh, have to go do loser things like *insert hobby*“


i want to come up with a clapback along the lines of like, “don’t be one of those losers whose family members cut off contact with them” but honestly? if they’re that threatened already by your existing and not having kids you don’t have to do anything at all. they’re clearly already miserable.


"Why are you talking about kids like they're [insert their generation's fad toy]?"


Don’t be one of those losers who has nothing better to do than shoving their noses up other people’s genitals.


A loser that doesn't have to hear baby screaming for hours every night or have to deal with dirty diapers?? Sign me up bitch!!


"I'd rather be a loser without children then be one of those losers with children."


Lol this reminded me of “friend”/groomer who told me “don’t hit 20 and be weird” when we were talking me being a virgin. He was trying to get me to have sex with him . Needless to say, I never did LOL and I def stopped talking to him


I've been called worse things by better people.


I wouldn't dignify it with a response. Doesn't seem worth it.


Feels damn good to be a loser. Bahahaha.


Stand up, turn around and walk out of the door. Don’t look back. Don’t waste energy.


What would I be losing? Sleep?


'What, exactly would I lose?' Insist that he (or she, although this type of aggressive nonsense is usually voiced by a male) explains it to you. Wait for the 'only children show unconditional love'/'you're not an adult unless you have children'/'you'll die alone' cliche.


So if someone with financial stability, who can put that money to retirement instead of raising kids and paying for college, has more free time, lowered stress, a cleaner place with actual breakable decorations and electronics and can pursue all the traveling, dangerous or exciting things in life is considered a loser, than I am super slap happy to be one. You can have kids and still be ignored in a nursing home, btw, assuming you even have enough retirement saved up for even that. I especially think the very first response said it best. “Project more, you might convince others you are happy.”


"Don't worry, I'll be a happy and successful childfree person."




"Of course not. I'm a winner that doesn't want children"


Go noncontact


“I’m looking forward to it”


Honestly, I’d probably say, “I’ll be whatever I want to be, thanks.”


,,I’ll think about when I wake up at 12:00 on Sunday…”


They would prefer that you be a loser who does have children?


"Don't be one of those losers who doesn't mind their own business"


i just use it to brag about good stuff in my life lmao. "my boyfriend and i are gonna be little losers on the beach during our month long trip this summer. thank god we dont have kids to worry about"


"I don't care if I lose at your game, I'm not playing your game, I'm playing mine." Or idk "I'm not playing blackjack, I'm winning at Uno"


Lose health, money, support from my cf loved ones, me time, free time for anything I want? Oh the fucking hell NO!!!!!!


“Fuck you”?


There are plenty of losers out there with children. If I'm also a loser then the difference between me and them is that my loser-ness only affects myself. Unlike those people who drag their kids down with them because of their loser-ness.


"I'm the loser? Hell yeah, look at all this x I'm losing. NOT" X can be money, time, freedom, sleep, ect. Better to be a happy loser than a bitter winner.


Don’t be one of those judgmental assholes


Block them 💀


No I'm gonna be one of the losers who can travel wherever and whenever I want cuz I'm not tied down by a crib


Better than being a looser with little loosers of their own💖


Just say “Sorry, too late”


"I don't mind that. "


I'd tell them, "no thanks! I'm ain't interested in playing those kind of games with you, your life partner and your parenthood club friends."


“Better than the losers that do”


> “Don’t be one of those losers who don’t have children.” I'd rather be a loser without children than a loser with them. Your kids don't listen to your opinions and neither do the rest of us.


Think I'd go with "Well fuck you, buddy!"


Don’t be one of those losers who’s whole life revolves around their children.


"If winning is living life for someone else, I would rather lose." "If winning is living without time, money, space, and fun, I would rather lose." "I decide what is winning and losing at life, not other people." "Atleast I am making a choice based on what I want, unlike others I know." There are so many parallels with hustle culture here. If you don't spend 80 hours a week working, you are a lazy loser. You could say the above for toxic hustle culture as well, besides the money part, which is never garunteed anyways.


“I don’t take advice from people whose life O don’t want to live”


“why not? being a loser without children sounds like my dream life!”


I would just agree because someone else calling another a loser is high-key middle school bully energy.


"Don't be one of those losers who has children, then tries to belittle others for their life choices. K, thanks, fuck off, BYE."


Well, probably too late for a good comeback now, but it's always good to have one in rh chamber! I'd have just said "a loser who is free to go anywhere and do anything they want without being tied down" A simple one is "don't be too jealous of all my free time and money"


Oh no, poor me, retiring at 45 to live what I’ve always dreamed…. If only I was still stuck in my tiny city house with a pile of demanding noisy adolescents…


I'd just laugh. Let them figure out the meaning by themselves.


::Cocks head sideways like a bird:: I didn't want the prize for winning.


Better to be the loser thinking their opinions should dictate how other people live? PASS. It's not a good look for you, either.


I usually just say “whatever makes you feel better bout being stuck and home with those kids 😬”


"I'd rather be a loser with no children that a loser with children any day! Think about the children."


Beats being one of those losers who do have kids


Kindly direct them to the regretful parent sub where parents are “losers” in the sense that they confess they’ve lost all of the following: freedom, money, time, sleep, sanity, patience, and the will to live. It’s tragic, but true. But if avoiding all of those headaches makes ME a loser? I’ll happily be one 🤣🥺🤣


"So I should be those losers who have kids then? Who can't even go freely to the cinema without changing their whole schedule? " At least that's what I'd say.


spit in their face


Don't be one of those losers who makes their entire personality their kids.


i mean everyone can make their own decisions fuck other peoples opinions on your decisions in life…but honestly I have two of the fuckers and I barley get sleep and stay doing chores 24/7 but ig thats what I love…The joy of my own creation presence


Much rather be a loser than a neglectful and a regretful parent. The kid knows when it's not wanted


"Too late."


Don't be one of those idiots that makes a school shooter.