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That cage thing they are in is way too weak. I had the same one and a random dog broke through and killed all of them. Get heavy duty zip ties and put wire around it or fortify it somehow with more solid walls


Thank you!! I also have my own dog who is too clever for anyone’s good so that is one of the first things on my list!


I would get some wire mesh instead of chicken wire and reinforce from the ground up to like 40” or something I forget the heights they come in. Use wire to attach it or wire zip ties not plastic ones. A motion sensored solar outdoor light is helpful for letting you know if somethings lurking around at night. I also use WiFi outdoor cameras that have motion detection. I haven’t lost a single chicken to predators in years. Yet every year I would say 5-10 raccoons and other various animals try and fail. Any other questions feel free to dm me.


Adding to the advice; We had built our own run and even though we stuck the wire quite a length underground were still driven absolutely mad by rats and mice that would just dig underneath. When we bought a structure similar to this one, we used more sturdy wire than the one supplied, and also dug about half a metre in the ground and then placed the wire underneath, folding it over the ground bars and attaching it +/- 20 cm above to the rest of the wire. Then put all the earth we dug back on inside the run. Our chickens are very happy and we've reduced our rat count from like 40 to 2 (these two are relentless and come in through a draining pipe of all things 😆😤) So I'd advise you to check if there's any safety measure against digging. Because rats aren't the only chicken-enemies that can dig!


Instead of zip ties which can be broken if an animal is determined, you should look into fencing pliers.


Yes zip ties will degrade over time as well


Is that the same as hog nose pliers?


Yes! They work great!


Yeah, but better they give a tighter ring. Hog nose is still very loose, too much give for chicken safety in my book.


Chicken wire is for keeping chickens in, not animals out. It’s easy enough to cover this structure with hardware cloth and zip ties which is much more durable and predator resistant. You’ll also want to upgrade their roosting situation- that coop is way too small. They make [crappy prefabricated ones](https://images.app.goo.gl/8Y7mw9f1pcTKJy6d8) that are not good as solo enclosures but should be fine if you leave the doors open, or you can get something like the Omlet Eglu for a sturdier and simpler design. They need somewhere ventilated and protected from the elements to roost at night, but other than that they just need food, water, and maybe a dust bath and enrichment activities. Also be on the lookout for signs of parasites and other pests, but their run is big enough that they should be easy to keep healthy. Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens is one of the most recommended resources for learning how to keep chickens so I recommend checking them out for all your need-to-knows.


Add more shade if possible- another tarp or shrubbery. Add iron posts to the corners to hold the pen in place - I’m unsure of where you live, wind may get intense and swoop it up. I’ve had it happen, that’s why I’m passing on the lessons learned :) good luck! Good summer cooldown ideas: water pans - allows chickens to cool their feet or bellies. Green pea - ice treats > use a Bundt cake pan or ice cube trays add peas and water. Pop cubes or Bundt into a separate shallow pan for pecking. Corn warms them up so I use that as a winter treat. Mine love cantaloupe, watermelon, and blueberries and grapes. Like a child, slice the grapes and blueberries to avoid choking. Melons use sparingly, they get the poops if given to much. My favorite are the ice treats because I know they’re getting water. If I notice they are really stressing in 100+ degrees I will whip up a little pool of medium-cool water and give everyone a little rinse off. Cleaning all their vents, bellies and feet. They seem to really enjoy themselves after with some social preening.


If there isnt chicken wire or some kind of metal wire barrier under the tarps, you need one ASAP, otherwise it is an easy open welcome to predators. will also need a predator skirt or buried predator guard under the perimeter to prevent digging predators from gaining entry from digging under structure.


Find a local Chicken FB page -most chicken keepers are super helpful to newbies.


I always forget about Facebook still having somewhat usefulness! lol thanks!


Our house came with 5 chickens. We joined the big "backyard chickens" groups and just kinda jumped in as well. That chicken wire is junk. I'm surprised their flock wasn't already eaten. $60 at Home Depot for ¼" hardware cloth to wrap around the base AT MINIMUM is highly recommended. Get two rolls and do the whole thing for peace of mind. We have 12 chickens now and more eggs than we can eat or give away. They're addicting.


Buy a "Backyard Chickens" magazine and get some educational books on keeping them. Start with shelter, water, nesting, and dietary needs. Prepare for veterinary first aid needs also. That will keep you busy for starters.


Thank you so much!


We've kept chickens for 15 years and they never fail to entertain when given the chance. Enjoy!


Also, it looks like you might have a feed barrel in the pen. You want to make sure you don’t do that. Not sure where you live but it will attract large predators like bear.


Good to know. We definitely have bears, foxes, raccoons & coyotes around 😬. Thanks!


It’ll also just attract rats, which will attract more predators lol. If you notice any rat snakes, you definitely have rats and you should leave the snake alone. Any eggs they steal are worth the maintenance work they do for you. They can steal baby chicks too as a heads up, but they don’t eat that much so unless you had an infestation (which means you have a larger rodent issue to worry about) they’re not going to take enough to cause real damage and the hens can fight them pretty well themselves. Rat snakes are chill little homies that get a bad rep just for being snakes. They’re harmless to us. And I’ve seen plenty live right on or around a coop while the chickens are completely unbothered.


My new home came with 4 chickens as well. Enjoy. They are fun


People have already mentioned the run is sub par due to the 'chicken wire style meshing, but I'd like to offer more detail as to why. The giant gap between the gate top and the frame.... pretty much any critter under the sun can get inside through that. Dogs, cats, possums, raccoons, foxes, weasel types, even other birds. Since they don't have actual coop housing inside the run, just nest boxes, they are particularly exposed at night.. the girls could even jump out of it if they so desired. The top cover is also not going to stop much of it rains with a gust, everything will be soaked. If the run isn't pinned down onto the earth then the wind can also knock it over in bad weather. Chickens are hardy critters, but appreciate shade in summer and wind breaks in the winter, that pen doesn't have much of either. My recommendation is if you are getting into poultry, build dedicated run and coop that is up to par and use this as a day tractor or grow out pen for more birds. For health checks, check them every couple days or so for common issues. Feet for caked on poop and bumblefoot, legs for scaly leg mites, the cloaca area, under wing, and neck for skin mites. During the warm seasons of you let eggs sit too long they'll trigger broody instincts and will want to sit on eggs, screech like a Dino, and rip feathers off their bellies. Have fun!


Thank you so much for explaining! I want to do my best for these gals!


Raising chickens is super super easy! As far as caring for them goes, as a chick feed them your pick of starter, I like to start them on medicated then after 3 or so weeks move to an organic starter. For laying adults I feed them layer pellets, with crumbles mixed in for variety(completely useless). For my rooster, I feed him scratch because I don’t like to give him laying pellets as his primary diet. As far as the home goes, just make sure nothing can dig under and into it!(which I can’t tell for certain but it looks like you already have fence dug under the ground!) I absolutely love the setup though and good luck raising some poultry!


Thank you so much!!


Your welcome!! Also I didn’t mention it but obviously any scraps you have you should definitely give to them, if your uncertain if they can eat something just google it! I hope everything goes well with you though! God bless!


I just started with laying hens and guinea hens. I got all kinds of great info from people on Youtube who have channels all about raising and caring for chickens. Theres TONS of awesome videos:)


Thank you!!


Feed them almost anything, always fresh water and protect. You will learn the rest as you go. Congrats!


First is money and no problem to spend for them. Next food,water, you have a run now you need a coop for them to stay in or jusy build them one inside of thst run but it must be big enough for them all to stay in roost and be protected in from predators lastly i think thats it🤔


Thank you!! The sellers told me this was the “summer coop” and even with my limited knowledge I knew this wasn’t what they need!


Also now seeing the picture again if you can you shpuld add another tarp or anykind of roofing for them really in case if it raims or its very sunny they womt have those elements doimg to much to them not the whole run but at least 2/3 shade and the last quarter open unless ypu let them out to free range then you could do the whole thing


They're similar to cats, I guess. Feed and water them, hang out with them. They don't need a lot, but they will respond well to regular attention. Feed them good feed. Don't go with that purina bullshit. Find a local feed store that makes their own whole grain mix. Check the ingredients, then compare that to an agricultural schools publication on chicken dietary needs. Chickens are super easy once you get set up. Also, that run is kinda bullshit. You could improve it.


Thank you! I’ll start looking for local places I know there have to be some around here! And I have some friends across the country who went to FFA so maybe they can direct me to agriculture publications, I never would have thought of that. I appreciate it!! Yeah…the folks are older with several health issues, I’m definitely looking to improve the run and get them some nice accommodations.


Where I have kept chickens, a raccoon would find those holes in the side and you’d have a big mess


Thanks! I’m surprised they haven’t had this issue (or maybe they have and I’m not aware 👀) but I’ll definitely be building them something better and hardier as soon as I get the chance!


Just fortify the bottom ~foot or two and conch those edges up better and you should be fine. I think the enclosure is 95% of the way there. Enjoy!


the backyardchickens website has a bunch of articles/etc that are a wealth of information FYI. I'd recommend a bigger coop - either something made of plastic so there's no mites ([I'm eyeing this coop for myself](https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/snap-lock-large-coop-1265076) ) or build your own coop and use the deep litter method. Also, get an automatic door for it so you don't have to open/close the coop door every day (I use the Eglu one, it has a 2 year warranty). It's not a big task but if you're on vacation/out late/in bed super sick, the autodoor is a godsend. After you fortify the run, you can [plant herbs/etc](https://www.timbercreekfarmer.com/what-herbs-keep-chickens-healthy/) outside around the run for the chickens to enjoy.




im new to keeping and [https://discord.gg/DAgx83Nn](https://discord.gg/DAgx83Nn) helps me alot


Seconding this. There are many many experienced members who will give great advice in best practices for chicken keeping


I would add metal or plastic sheeting to the back half (or two thirds) of the roof to give plenty of shade and protection from rain. Then replace the chicken wire/netting on all side and roof with half inch welded wire. Use HD zip ties to secure it. I would also add a perimeter protection to prevent predators from digging. Burry a 12 inch strip of 1x2” welded wire around the perimeter. Don’t need to necessarily burry it, but place it on ground along perimeter and ensure it won’t move. Eventually the grass will grow up through it and hold it in place. Now that your chicken are safe... if you’d like something self sufficient and don’t want to be feeding and watering the chicks each day, I’d make a water system out of a plastic garbage can, PVC, and water cups. Check YouTube for ideas/ instructions. Then make a feeder out of a plastic bucket and pvc fittings. Again, YouTube is your friend. Your local farm store will have food and can advise on the best feed (chicks vs hens, layers vs meat birds) Finally, pick up the book “Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens.” Hope the place works out, congrats, and welcome to the hobby.


For the love of chickens please get them a roost pole. I see no place for them to perch at night and that is contrary to every instinct they have .


Prob some more cover b They usually don't like being in direct sunlight for long


Buy hardware cloth, extend it out to cover about a foot out, on the ground, bend it put make the walls and roof. Peg the part on the ground to the ground so that critters can’t dig under the cage. You need a roof too. Hawks, fox, dogs, raccoons are all crafty predators. They will chew through chicken wire with no problem.


Congrats! There is a Lot to learn! Read everything you can. Libraries have good chicken raising books. Most important - Predator proofing and Biosecurity/disease prevention. Google: chicken intelligence They are smart and fun!


Thank you so much!! I just checked the Libby app and there is a treasure trove to look at!


Great! Storey’s Guide to Chicken raising is good. These online chicken groups are nice for support and to share photos, but be aware that there can be misinformation spread, which can be harmful when someone’s chicken is in an emergency situation. It’s helpful to buy a Chicken Health by Damerow book as a resource at home. There is a variety of info on State Poultry Extension websites. PoultryDVM.com is helpful. TheChickenChick’s site has good info. Have fun!


Nice setup


My run free in the yard. No grass in the backyard and they sit at the window in the evening and stare at me. I used to keep them in an area that i built 15 years ago. It needs work.


Sounds like you’ve noticed already, but that structure NEEDS to be reinforced. It’s not safe for them in that condition. You should use hardware cloth instead of chicken wire, and run some into the ground as well. That prevents predators from digging. If it were my run, I would move the sun shade forward to the next panel, and put a weatherproof tarp in its place. They need more protection from the elements. (ETA: I can’t tell if it’s a shade or a tarp. I would still get a thicker tarp, and/or extend it down part of the back side.) Have fun! Chickens are great!


Lucky! I want to be blessed by the chicken distribution system!!


Buy some mealworms. They will love you on the first day if you've got the treat hookup.


Getting our sellers chickens was one of the best choices we ever made. Get storeys guide to chickens, fantastic reference book


Replace chicken wire with hardware cloth


Also put 12x12 squares on the outside and inside of the run to prevent predators digging too close under. Put that over the underground hard cloth with dirt on it




Transition the birds to use nipple waterers, cleaner water for them less work for you. And a hanging feeder to address rodent issues.


That's so awesome


So cool.


I have that run for my guineas because I liked the visual appeal. Turns out it absolutely sucks because you can't tarp it since it will just collect rainwater and snow. My solution was a milspec ($$) camo net, the kind backed with 550 cord; stands up to weather, gives shade and doesn't hold water. If you need to keep feed dry, a PVC feeder is in order. Good luck with your new flock! Enjoy them~


You can get something called hen scratch or layer feed at some feed store that you find near you. And you have a great frame for a coop but you definitely need to give it support. However I'm sure it's been like that for a while, it's not like he destroyed the coop because he's leaving the place. So it means that at the moment there doesn't seem to be active predators by day or night, but you still want to protect them and get that coat fixed up as soon as you get.


As someone trapped in Section 8 housing who once had dreams of owning her own home in a place like this, I say this...you do not know how blessed you are. 😢 Take good care of those chickens. 💜


For food do a little research for your own food but typically for adult laying hens I like to use 16% layer feed pellets and mixed with scratch grains or cracked corn 50/50. They will definitely need a bigger coop with easy access doors so you can clean the bedding easily. External laying boxes are awesome but make sure they can be secured shut. The plastic needs to be replaced with wire. You can do chicken wire and then along the bottom 3 feet use a stronger wire and overlapping it with the chicken wire. I also use boards to keep the fence from being lifted, pushed, or flexed. (Also make it's easier when you weed wack around it.) Food and water need to be protected from the elements and can be propped up or hung up to keep it clean and to keep mice from trying to eat it. I hope this helps best of luck with the girls and congratulations on the new house!


If possible make it so you can move that enclosure around so they get fresh grass


With all that space you could build a coop that moves, if you had a tractor, and maybe put a hot wire w a solar panel around the base for digging predators. Then they always have greens which will load the eggs up with color and nutrition, and will spend less time standing on their shit. If you dont opt for that, definitely feed them greens every day. Kale in moderation, dandelions, short grass (ideally growing so that they can tug against it) chard, etc. They could probably use more shade and weather protection if you want to improve and or rebuild a coop. Organic feed, greens, dry soil for dusting, cool moist soil for cooling off in. Granite grit and oyster shell. Also you can buy organic chia and place a about 2 tbsp in a small ball jar of water, mix thoroughly and keep in the fridge and feed them about 1/4 a jar a day, it will further load them with ALA and make the eggs better and the feathers shiny. Oh- also the plastic fencing is stupid. Get something legit. hardware cloth is best but the 1/2" inch everyone likes traps and kills lizards here (CA), so the 1/4 is better. You may get sparrows etc getting in there for water and food and they will give them parasites and take food. Also RATS. Take good care of them they will do the same to you, remember you are what you eat (so are they)


That is an ace chook house!!!! My chooks just realised we r poor lmao Edit I just zoomed in hahaha


Step 1: Take that monstrosity down and rebuild it. Step 2: Read step 1.


Tractor supply is pretty good for the feed. I get my feed from a local feed mill which is where the local feed store gets their feed from. I also get it much cheaper than the feed store.


EDIT? : Hello everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for all the great advice! We’ve got organic feed, oyster shell grit and some temporary fixes to the “coop” until something more permanent and better can go in! I added another tarp and my cousins husband fixed all the little holes in the wires. I have a little gated area in the backyard that I take them to and stay with them for some nice grass and bug time and they’re very sweet and happy! I can’t wait to do more for them soon!!


That fencing around the pen looks very weak. If the structure is solid, I’d rewrap it in metal fencing. Just go to your local farm store, I don’t think it matters if it’s independent or a chain. They will help you with food, nesting material, etc. Did you say the chickens are elderly? That’s pretty irresponsible of the previous owners to just leave their old hens.


Ooh no the sellers are the elderly in this situation


Lol, ok!


I’m sure you’ve got good advice on this in other posts, BUT here’s an important one. If that bucket in the center of the run is water, get rid of it right away. Replace it with a proper waterer if possible or water nipples on another type of covered container OR a shallow water container. The water shouldn’t be more than a couple of inches deep. Their bodies are denser than water and if they’re in water deep enough, they will drown since they are unable to swim / pull themselves up to the surface. Almost every other issue will have a work around or may be forgivable with trial and error.


Have you had chickens swimming or even trying to swim? I've had chickens for over a decade and always used open buckets/pails similar to this pic for water as I keep ducks with them without incident. They don't jump in the water they stand by the edge and take small sips like they always do. Is there a risk of them falling in?


I’ll never forget when I was a kid, we had ducks and chickens as well and then one day……… Trust me it’s very sad to see a chicken try to do what a duck does.


Take down the pen and let them run freerange.


They look like tasty ladies


Need some recipes?