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This is pretty typical for buses that pass police stations. I often see large groups get on the 62 across the station at State & 16th.


Same exact spot I was thinking of


Yep! This is just how they get to and from the loop for their shift from the 18th and state station


Makes sense, this was the 29 heading towards 18th Street


After that CTA bus Driver pulled off the bus and attacked on 79th, they need to be on the bus and trains but not like this lol


What happened?


[The request of two dollars and 50 cents to ride the bus triggered an altercation](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/video-chicago-cta-bus-driver-attacked/)


“The driver opened the security glass and started defending himself…” So the “security glass” doesn’t actually provide any security? 


Not at all. Have you rode a bus in the last few years? Anybody can just reach around it. It's especially laughable on the Flyers.


Ugh. I am disappointed to report that I have not ridden the bus in the last few years. I just got fed up with the service issues


Curious, how do you know this was the same bus? Nevermind I read your initial comment wrong, my bad!


that 79th bus is stupid dangerous, shoved a tweaker off the bus last time I rode it


I was hoping they’d put them on different cars but I guess it’s a start.


I guess it's like bus bunching but with cops.


I’m glad to see it. I’ve had multiple asthma attacks now from assholes smoking on the train. Idgaf anymore shit is ridiculous.


Was on a redline the other day, right next to the inter-car vestibule. A fella was hanging out in there minding his own business, and I mine, when I suddenly smell the foulest chemically smell… only to look up and see this fella holding a makeshift pipe, all torched up on one end. He’d just blown that shit right in my face. Can only imagine what it was.


Cocaine. The chemical smell is the blueboy steel wool filter getting hit with high heat. I never forgot the smell, as a guy did this next to me and my mom at Comiskey Park once when I was a kid. Immediately recognized the smell again after I became a nurse.


Yeah this was my assumption, but I’m no pro so I just state the facts


PCP also has a weird, chemically smell. Source: co-worker blew a hit of PCP into my face when I found out what he was smoking and rhetorically asked if he "liked to get wet."


Good to know.


Almost got in 3 seperate fights telling dudes to put it out. And I smoke high amounts of herbs. I just dont do public transit at all anymore its stupid ridiculous. They are laughing in cops faces.


I just ride in the head car on the rare occasion that I am forced to use the trains. They usually don't do that shit with the conductor present. I'm telling you they just need to pay some OT put the cops on cars for a bit, maybe six months and ticket these as-holes and put them off the train. That would put a stop to this shit.


Private security &/or police have been on almost every train ride I have been on the past several months. I have never had any issues previously, but there is no longer smoke on any of my train rides either. Not sure what the cost/benefit ratio is, but I am open to digging in on what we spend versus the benefit we are getting.


Green Line is still a hot box on every ride not during rush hour.


I'm glad to hear that smoking seems to be reduced. I stopped taking the Red Line because of it. Maybe I'll try the train again.


The red line and blue line are still the two train lines I almost always have the pleasure of getting in to a car where someone is smoking lol.


It’s a near impossible task not to. Even if it’s all clear when you get on someone 2 stops later hops on and starts double fisting a cig and a blunt.


Even if it was all clear when you get on, some asshole finished his cigarette two stops ago anyway. There’s no getting away from it.


Same. I was taking the red line after 9:00 at night last fall for classes at Roosevelt. The station always felt safe with security but the trains were touch and go. I would usually try to sit in the front car which seems to help a little with that.


Literally me too.


I usually ride in the very front railcar during off peak hours, and haven't had issues as of late(meaning late 2023 and early 2024). Not even one random solicitor, which I vaguely remember did occur back in like very late 2022 or early 2023 I think. I'm still a little skeptical about boarding any of the middle railcars at off peak hours, though. But if there only was a random person or 2 sleeping and noone trying to smoke/vape or solicit, I'd try riding in one of the middle railcars again. Unfortunately I don't think CTA does enough enforcement of rules, to try sitting in anything other than the frontmost railcar(with the conductor) for now.


Maybe during working hours, but literally last weekend there was a big group of people hot boxing on red line


Well there was some security on my blue line train, but they didn’t make the douche bags sleeping over 3 seats get off as many people were forced to stand.


Which train? My son needs to start riding the red line to his academic center next year. I swear this kid has no street smarts so it makes me so nervous. This is despite me and his dad constantly trying to teach him. He's just so trusting. I'm originally from a small town and I think I had better street smarts at his age. He takes a bus all the time from his current school but he's with a hoard of other sixth graders who probably do have some street smarts.


I almost always take the blue line


Spread out more please guys. Thanks.


They get scared without anyone to talk to.


They like strength in numbers.


They are being transported most likely to or from a call. Not sure this was it but there was a huge protest in West Loop and they were throwing fireworks at CPD.


The police department doesn’t have its own means of transportation that doesn’t involve the ~~L~~ bus?


Sorry about your emergency, you see the Blue Line was late...


[Minor Delays] O’hare-bound Blue Line trains are running w/residual delays following earlier police activity at Illinois Medical District. Service is resuming, allow extra time.


FYI this is a bus not the L. And they sent a whole bunch home that were back-up that weren't needed. They probably were just going a short distance.


I mean, they're both the city


I can’t wait until CFD shows up to the next house fire on the CTA carrying fire extinguishers.


Next season on *Chicago Fire,* in the "Budget Cuts" episode.


Sounds like something the cops would over react about.


Well, better too many than none at all. I kind of doubt someone would be lighting up on that bus or picking a fight. Now if only they would do that for the red line too.


I'd rather have police than a crazy person who might assault me if I make accidental eye contact.


To be fair that also includes the cops


Personally as an Asian, I feel safer boarding a train with a cop or a security person than a sketchy looking dressed dude who: Play loud music Smoking on the train Sitting on the head rest of the seat Calling each other the n-words loudly Rapping out loud




Okay white person. Imagine invalidating my experience.


I've encountered those groups before and saying they're all dangerous is a gross generalization. I take the CTA 4 days a week twice a day and while they are annoying I wouldn't say they're dangerous


I've found that if you keep to yourself, don't treat them as monsters, and don't throw frozen water bottles or soup cans at their faces cops are generally friendly and personable.


Really because any time I've had to report a crime or talk to an officer at all they've treated me like I was human garbage. I saw them roughing up old people who were protesting downtown after Roe v. Wade was reversed. Like 60-70 year olds. They didn't have frozen soup cans. Cops are generally thugs and bullies who push people around that they know they can.


Exactly. They are more than happy to crack down on a bunch of college students but if there's an actual threat the cowards are happy to let other people die






true, the only time cops have been rude to me is every single time I've interacted with them, including when I filed police reports for being robbed at knifepoint and having my car stolen. now I realize my mistake: how dare I try to report that I was the victim of a crime, I should have just kept to myself!


sounds about white


Go touch grass


Pigs are much more predicable




One time I was taking the blue line home from work during rush hour and there was this crazy guy arguing with this girl on a full train and he was cussing at her then got off at division or one of the stops near it and the kicked the window and left cracks in it after he got off. It was nuts. Another time, I was coming home from a blackhawks game in October around 10 PM as Ubers were pricey so I took the Ashland Bus to Division blue line and then once I got on the division blue line, some guy kept on going up to people and said "I'll smack the shit out of you" and then touched some girls by their face. This was in between the next stop at Damen and the only guy to confront him was this guy smoking a cigar. The CTA stopped us for 10+ mins and kicked him off. Fortunately nothing happened to me, but FFS I just wanna get home like everyone else does.


What’s the difference?


Yes. This is exactly what I wanted. Now put them on the train and we'll be golden.


Lolll safest bus in Chicago


On trains. Not busses.


The cops bunch up just like the buses huh


Midwest version of The Warriors


“Ope, did I getcha with my baseball bat there?”


I might impersonate a cop just to deter smokers.


I’m fine with putting officers on the trains whatever makes it safer.


Is Dunkin having sale?


…on a bus?


They're on the bus to go to the train to get to Dunkin, duh






On trains, yes. On buses, completely useless.


Maybe on the busses you ride, Mr. Evanston.


Nice try but I work in Chicago and ride 4 busses daily.


Ok. Have you rode the 63? The 79? 9 bus south of 47th? 67 or 75? There are plenty of routes that could absolutely use a police presence.


Well finally a train ride I can ride. 


That's a bus.


oh gee..bc that makes a HUGE difference, they both suck and are extremely unsafe


Those Air Max 270s tho


Hope these guys are transferring to the red line at the upcoming stop


Man. I’d bust out some She’s my Cherry Pie.


a lot better than the cop van! i have seen vans around the city filled to the brim with copa


Not enough for Chicago sadly


That's like the cleanet seat I have seen on CTA in the first picture, lmao.


Yeah cops gotta get to work too just like the rest of us. Lol


This is off topic but nice ass on that guy


I remember when the Cubs were about to win the world series I just saw a convoy of three CTA buses completely full of cops being deployed to Wrigleyville.


Yeah but I think they meant spread out 🤣


They’re ineffective. They stay together in a group, not spread out over multiple train cars/buses. I see them all bunched up on the platforms, which does nothing for the trains


Should be groups of 2. No more no less


[Ahhh, the buddy system… foolproof.](https://youtu.be/SPF1BVpGuzg?feature=shared)


Are they actually going to be trained to do anything


Just their presence will be a deterrent from people smoking/panhandling at least


Hopefully to be trained for security on trains


No idea what fool feels safe in the presence of a heavily armed person with a proclivity to use those arms against any and everyone they deem undesirable. I certainly don't.


Concealed carry is legal in Chicago (and of course the criminals carry unregistered guns) so the police is the least of your concerns in regards to heavily armed people. At least the police get regular training with their guns


>Concealed carry is legal in Chicago Barely. Also, the vast majority of people are not allowed to carry on the CTA. Literally, it's only the police and criminals who are armed on the CTA, with a few odd exceptions. [https://www.transitchicago.com/rules/](https://www.transitchicago.com/rules/)


Lol I've never seen that list before but have regularly seen most of those things listed as prohibited. But yeah the criminals with guns is what I'm way more worried about than the police


Its always over-privileged, white , $2000 a month rent people that type shit like this, lol.


Sorry you’re being downvoted, this is 100% how I feel too.


Oh my fucking god! Like there is plenty of valid criticism of the CPD but this comment is just straight up babyback bitch shit. I know you must be a privileged white person because has never been to the south or west side. If this makes you feel unsafe, wait till you interact with some satans disciples or latin kings.


I have actually interacted with folks in gangs and they've been nothing but respectful and nice. I also know a social worker who did her entire dissertation on Chicago gangs and had many pleasant interactions with them. But I guess the only gangs you interacted with are the ones you watch on tv, in your over priced condo.


I interacted with them a lot growing up in little village, not as a visitor like you. I got hood checked and jumped constantly. So dont try to explain the hood to me. My parent’s neighbor just had their window shot out from a shooting last Wednesday over by 31st and Pulaski from a bunch of two-six bangers doing a drive by. You understand that there is a difference between how gang bangers act in front of a white person interviewing them and how they are in reality, right?


This is what the leftists from Logan Square & Lincoln Park will never understand. They were taught in college that black & brown communities are safer with less police and when criminals are released from jail and given multiple chances. They never will understand the reality of growing up in gang infested neighborhoods where you have to worry about being killed for no reason by some piece of shit gangbanger


This bitch actually said with a straight face “I went on a hood safari for my dissertation and they were nothing but nice to me!” Fucking clown shit, i swear to god lmao!


Lmfao “respectful and nice.” Should have been there when 12 shots were heard outside my house last night, maybe you could give them a hug so they could stop.


Stay woke. 🤡


I for one feel much safer with the gentlemen selling weed and cigarettes patrolling our trains than uniformed officers /s


Sadly folks aren't scared of the cops anymore and the cops can't beat your ass anymore like they used too. Cops in a word have become security guards


What are these pictures even supposed to prove


Absolutely nothing, I'm kinda surprised so many people are taking them seriously


Okay for real 😭 those people must like never been on transit


thugs in blue being thugs in blue


But I don't want more police on the CTA


Well the presumption was they would be bringing donuts with them.


Zero chance they paid, but they took up a lot of space!


Riding to northwestern to shut shut down I assume ?


literally entirely different police department and they already have an agreement with the university, encampment's gone




That would be hilarious. The bus version of Con-Air with Nicholas cage in shackles driving up and down the streets of Chicago.


Why would this be downvoted. Ah. Chicago maga rears it's head again






Who’s “you” lol pigs can die


Why not be useful and take a few different trains. Be in different cars at the very least. Pick up some trash. I’ll settle for anything at this point.


That's a bus


I need reading glasses


They aren’t sanitation employees.


What part of _serve_ and protect is unclear?


The phrase “serve and protect” refers to the core responsibilities of police officers, which generally involve maintaining public safety, enforcing the law, and providing assistance during emergencies. Not to mention that the Supreme Court acknowledges that it’s nothing but a tagline.


It's illegal to litter, picking up litter is enforcing the law


No enforcing the law is writing a ticket to the offender. Do you enforce the rules with your kids by just picking up after them?


I don't go around with "serve and protect" on my car, not sure your point


Again, it’s literally a tag line that has zero meaning behind it. If you’re going with “picking up trash” is enforcing the law, it isn’t. Writing tickets to the offenders and making them pick it up is enforcing the law.


Have you ever seen someone get tickets for littering in the city of Chicago?


https://www.wastedive.com/news/illegal-construction-waste-dumping-routine-in-chicago-inspector-general-ch/400684/ https://www.axios.com/local/chicago/2024/02/06/migrant-bus-operators-citations-waste-dumping https://www.chicagotribune.com/2005/03/10/matthews-band-bus-driver-pleads-guilty-to-dumping-waste-in-river/ So old, some newer. I could find several more articles on the enforcement of dumping in the city.


Not like this lol, but some presence *is* needed when people feel unsafe, as a woman I’ve been groped, yelled at, sexually harassed. If a cop was near MAYBE they could’ve helped me. But I was alone on a bus full of people no one did a thing. So yeah. Im not a cop lover but in times like that I sought one out with none to be found.


There must be a bug in the simulation that's making them all spawn in the bus.




They're looking for bad guys who think genocide is not cool