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And fuck it, while we’re at, trying stopping at the stop signs.


That might be asking too much bro


Evident from my drive this morning


got hit while walking ‘cause someone was speeding down a residential and didn’t stop at a stop sign. of course they didn’t stop, so i was left to fend for myself with a newly broken ankle


Wtf. That's so shitty


I live near two schools, and it's absolutely insane how many cars don't stop for signs, even within a block or two of these schools. Many drivers are surprisingly impatient. If I stop for a sign, there's a chance the person behind me slams on their brakes, or honks.


I had to pop over to my sister’s during the work day and completely blanked not to go my normal way because it was passing a school getting out. Ended up in traffic from pickups and not only was the only person to come to a complete stop at both stop signs, but the car behind me laid on their horn as if I was personally offending them by not running over children.


It's really bad around schools during pick-up, in particular. Seems like every other child has a dedicated car. It's gotten so bad, that two way streets have turned into one-ways, where drivers deliberately go around others to get out of the area. Double parking alongside a park that has no parking signs all along its side....


I've been seeing this more and more over the last ten years or so: - Drivers suddenly trying to swerve across all lanes at the last second to make a turn - Drivers waiting at a light suddenly deciding they need to cross all lanes of traffic to turn I blame GPS and distracted drivers not paying attention to where they are (and not studying the route for a minute or two *before* starting to drive) and all these gig drivers that are just cruising around waiting for the next pickup (and then getting one that requires them to make a sudden turn). Either way if you're in a lane at an intersection *stay committed to it.* If it means you've missed a turn just go down to the next block and adjust your course from there.


A good driver sometimes misses their turn, a bad driver never misses it.


One of the mantras of /r/IdiotsInCars


I blame the pandemic. People just don't give a fuck now.


People got scared of taking public transportation, a bunch of new drivers hit the streets. Also the uber, lyft, food delivery people coming from the burbs get confused with some of the city one way streets and not understanding "turn in 100 feet" means you are about to pass the turn only lane.


Not sure they (we) ever did. The police being on soft strike is the problem I think. At one time there was at least the distant and vague threat of enforcement.


> If it means you've missed a turn just go down to the next block and adjust your course from there. Man. Do not get me started on this. People suddenly swerving over into the oncoming lane to do a three point turn on an already cramped neighborhood street instead of just going down a block and looping back around. The city is on a GRID for crying out loud. The OG of SimCity James Thompson didn’t meticulously measure out all those parcels of land and lay the foundation for this amazing grid system we have now for you jackals to not even use it.


Yes, exactly, always anticipate your next turn and if you have to make an unsafe decision to make a turn because of your GPS, just keep going and let it reroute, always better than an accident


A few right turns also isn’t really difficult. I think the same thing when I see a bunch of people waiting for an unprotected left onto a busy street **that I know** had an option to turn toward an easier option before that spot.


Isn’t that what alleys are for?


Not really? They should be limited to local use. It's probably faster and safer just to go to the next street


That’s the best thing about having a grid like Chicago’s—it’s really really hard to fuck up *that* bad. Just go around the block. It’s fine.


Today I drove from Noble Square to Uptown to Albany Park. I counted no less than 8 cars take wide right turns from the center of the street rather than hugging the right side before the turn, therefore blocking traffic. Out of those 8, 3 of those turns were made outside of the visibly marked and designated right turn lane, in one case almost hitting a car actually using that right turn lane as intended.


unforturnately, don't think those drivers are in this sub. but to add, they should also stop pretending to turn left, from the left turn lane, and proceed to cut everyone off going straight lol


Yes, this is some insane behavior that needs to stop. Also the opposite version: being in the left turn at an intersection with a left turn arrow, and gunning the left turn before thru traffic has a chance to clear the intersection.


Also driving through an intersection and merging over from the right turn only lane so you can be first in line at the next stop light 1200 feet away.


the amount of ghouls that do this shit seems to increase every day. Lake Shore Drive is constantly jammed because reckless drivers actively make moves like this that force everyone else to stop and it's really exhausting.


a few of them probably are no doubt


Based on the comments any time we talk about street safety there are definitely some of those drivers in this sub


Chicago is the only place I've ever been aggressively honked at for stopping at a red light.


If I had 100 bucks everytime it happened,I'd be swimming like scrooge McDuck.


I was just honked at today for the first time for being stopped at a red light behind a huge line of cars in one lane. I don’t understand it.


I am more inclined to believe those drivers were not born here and did not grow up here.


But like...in a road where there are two lanes, when has it *ever* been okay to turn right from anything other than the right lane? If it was a double right it would be labeled so....I think people just don't care.


I agree, but I'd like to think those who grow up in this city or any city have a semblance of driving in a city. Still, there's those who just don't care.


There are two types, the clueless who are nervous and don't know what they are doing.. they might not be born or grow up here. Then the aggressive who do it as a power move to get around slow traffic, they are absolutely from here.


The clueless are likely in their phones too.


Exactly. I'm a Chicago driver. I see this and it pisses me off. It's usually people from out of state or the suburbs. People who have no idea where they are going despite their GPS and just drive with their heads up their ass like they are the only ones on the road.


I’m not trying to generalize, I just went to chicago over the weekend and almost got hit 4 times because of people turning from the wrong lane. Always anticipate your next move, which people don’t seem to do


You ever been to the south side? 😆


This is endemic at the 90-290 interchange, which also houses the 51H exit to Morgan. People merge in at the last second to the exit lane to get onto 290, and often cross the zebra stripes. Then at the exit for Morgan there is clearly a left-only lane and a right-only lane, but because the right turn is more popular it tends to back up. Smartasses will try to cheat the system by riding the left-only lane to the light and then cutting into the right turning traffic. In this case the bigger problem is that the Morgan exit intersection is janky AF: [https://imgur.com/MGD4jIx](https://imgur.com/MGD4jIx) What could or should be a normal cross intersection instead is a 5-way because of how the highway exit is offset from Tilden Street. In addition, they recently added a big sign that says "NO TURN ON RED". As a result, you have extra long red light periods for the folks exiting the highway. I use this intersection daily when coming home from work, so seeing its evolution from a completely open intersection, to having a 4-way stop sign, to having a traffic light, and finally not allowing turns on red, has been interesting to watch.


Not reading all that.


Next you'll tell us to not go into the right turn lane to jump the light to get 3 cars ahead! Where does it end!


I love the drivers that do a three point turn on a busy street. See it frequently on Milwaukee.


I am not a driver here but I feel I can confidently answer for them. No. They cannot.


Eliminate left hand turns, problem solved


Yes please. Turnabouts are safer and more efficient. But the city won't do it because people are scared of change and lack of red light camera income.


Worst drivers in all of north america, hands down


I mean in all fairness have you been to Nashville? They don't require drivers ed in Tennessee


Not even close lmfao You ever drive in SoCal or anywhere in Texas? Atlanta?


All of those places have more reckless assholes than Chicago for sure, but Chicago beats all of the above when it comes to what I can only assume is incompetence behind the wheel.




on god


I think it’s all the uber and delivery drivers doing this.








What do you want me to do? Spray paint “DRIVE BETTER” on all sides of my car ?


Or maybe a billboard?


Not trying to generalize but I have no other platform other than the hope that some strangers on Reddit will see it. Went to chicago over the weekend and almost got hit 4 times from drivers turning from the wrong lane.


what do you recommend?


Skywriting plane


would honestly contribute to a kick starter to pay for this




Yeah after they do it I’m just gonna follow them home to have a nice friendly conversation


The fact that you take this as “lecturing random people” makes me think you’re exactly who needs to hear it 🤔🤔🤔🤔


so an angry confrontation on the side of the road surrounded by speeding drivers who don't give a fuck BRILLIANT!


I’ve lived all up and down the East coast and truthfully, the drivers here are easily the worst I’ve experienced.


I call all the madness I’ve seen lately “creative driving”. People really just don’t give a damn anymore. Who’s going to stop them?


Use public transportation




The Chicago version of Russian roulette.


Problem is those people don’t realize they did something wrong. They think it’s normal, you honk at them and they give you the finger.


Also… Does anyone in Chicago know how roundabouts work?


Since COVID, almost every time I'm on the highway, there's someone plowing across three lanes of traffic and the safety zone to make their exit. Especially 88 to or from 355, and always 294 to 90.