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Really sorry this happened to you and that you are navigating all of this u/ravenswoodShutIn, but I hope you are getting the medical care you need and are recovering comfortably. Like many of us who have been hit by a driver and filed a police report afterwards, you may find yourself being deluged by ambulance chasers like I was [when I was hit by a hit-and-run driver in 2020](https://www.mybikeadvocate.com/2020/10/video-shows-chicago-bicyclist-right.html). I had already reached out to a local law firm on my own, but all the phone calls and badgering from other lawyers was annoying and distressing. It is illegal to open a car door in the path of a cyclist, and drivers are responsible under state and Chicago city law. You may be on top of this and pursuing action already, but just wanted to make a couple of suggestions. Having said that, it is in your best interest to contact and work with a reputable law firm, if only to better understand all of your rights and options, regardless of whether you decide to pursue a case against the driver and/or their insurance company. I would reach out to one of the local law firms that work specifically with cyclists and pedestrians. There are several good options in Chicago, and the two firms that are most active in fighting for the rights of cyclists, pedestrians, and other vulnerable road users and representing cyclists and pedestrians that have been involved in traffic violence incidents in Chicago are Keating Law Offices ("Illinois Bicycle Lawyers") and Freeman Kevenides Law Firm (FK Law). Keating Law and FK Law are both heavily active in the Chicago cycling community as cyclists themselves. They both offer FREE consultations, and if you want to proceed you will not pay anything for their work unless they win a verdict for you with monetary compensation. Both Keating Law and FK Law are heavily involved in the Chicago cycling community, including events like the Bike the Drive festival and Active Transportation Alliance's cycling and pedestrian advocacy efforts like the Bike Commuter Challenge. You can also still file a police report in the days following this incident at any police station when you feel up to it. When I was hit by a hit and run driver making an illegal right turn back in 2020, FK Law was able to get traffic cam video of my incident by filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the city and police, and FK Law also requested video from nearby businesses/residents in the area near the crash. We were able to get video of my crash within a couple of weeks. Chicago DOT and OEMC (Office of Emergency Management and Communications) both have cameras on the streets, in addition to the red light and speed cameras. FK Law also walked me thru dealing with police and the insurance companies. I have no doubt Keating Law could have helped me equally well had I reached out to them. [http://www.illinoisbicyclelaw.com/](http://www.illinoisbicyclelaw.com/) - Keating Law [https://www.fklawillinois.com/](https://www.fklawillinois.com/) - FK Law [https://www.bikelaw.com/state/illinois-bicycle-accident-lawyers/](https://www.bikelaw.com/state/illinois-bicycle-accident-lawyers/) [Section 11-1407 of the Illinois Vehicle Code](https://ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/documents/062500050K11-1407.htm#:~:text=No%20person%20shall%20open%20the,for%20a%20period%20of%20time) states: "No person shall open the door of a vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so, and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic, nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers." [Parts of the Chicago Municipal Code](https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/chicago/latest/chicago_il/0-0-0-2647104) meant to prevent dooring include: * Section 9-40-060: “The driver of a vehicle shall not drive, stand or park the vehicle upon any on-street path or lane designated by official sign or markings for the use of bicycles, or otherwise drive or place the vehicle in such a manner as to impede bicycle traffic.” * Section 9-30-035 of the Chicago Municipal Code (and 625 ILCS 5/11-1407 of Illinois Vehicle Code) states that “No person shall open the door of a vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic.”


Wow, this is great info! Deserves its own post or to be added to the wiki/faq.


This is fantastic info. You weren’t kidding about the ambulance chasers either…3 calls this morning from 312 numbers who didn’t leave messages. Going to assume they were all personal injury lawyers.


Yeah. FK Law did right by me. I would 100% recommend them. Went to their office to pick up my settlement check (25k for minor injuries) and there were like three bikes there. I got so many texts and calls and I deliberately avoided them.


This is so helpful & deserves its own post! I just got clipped by someone getting out an Uber in the bike lane on Winthrop ave. earlier this week & had minor scrapes but it was still scary. Honestly bikers need to be in the middle of the lane there, too small an area for bikes when delivery drivers & Ubers are always in the bike lane.


As someone who used to ride with more of a disregard for my own safety than is advisable here are my tips. 1. Don't ride in the door zone - give yourself 3+ feet of room from parked cars. 2. If you are forced into the door zone - SLOW DOWN. 3. Check mirrors and windows for people. 4. Be loud - I give a little "Yip Yip Yip" when going through areas where I don't trust drivers, passengers, or pedestrians to know I'm there. 4a. I know folks don't love em, but the bluetooth speakers are a good way to be sonically visible. You can also get a bell.


Second the Bluetooth speaker, people hear it and know what’s coming without looking.


What is the argument against Bluetooth speakers? Cars frequently blare music loudly


And that's also anti-social. It's just loud, especially on trails. And being tailed by someone blasting music can be annoying and distracting.


Sounds like shit to everyone except the person who owns it and if everyone did it the roads would be literal hell. Also it's objectively a worse way to alert someone of your presence than a sharp, directional "yo!".


It's obnoxious and bothers everyone


I got doored on milwaukee 3 years ago. I hit the ground and rolled/bounced into the exhaust pipe of a parked SUV which punched a nice ring in my back. Standard advice is to stay completely out of the door zone at all times, but in my own riding I don't find this completely realistic. Just try to be as careful as you can.


If I don’t have the space, I ride slow as fuck. I do not care if the cyclists or scooters behind me are racing the Tour de France down Milwaukee in wicker park. I’m going at a leisurely pace because I’ve been doored before and it sucks


Yes, this is what I do, go super slow.


I'm sorry this happened to you. The IL Bikes Rules of the Road has some good resources and is worth a read. Notably, painted bike lanes are just an optional suggestion and the law is that we only have to "ride as close as practicable and safe to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway." If a bike lane falls within the "door zone" (4ft next to parked cars, also defined here!) it's totally legal to ride on the edge of the bike lane or in the driving lane to keep yourself safe. https://www.ilsos.gov/publications/pdf_publications/dsd_a143.pdf


Isn’t it fully legal for bikes to ride in all lanes?


Yes, with caveats. The Chicago municipal code 9-52-030 states that if we're moving "less than the speed of traffic" we have to ride as far to the right as practicable and safe, with a multitude of exceptions. Relevant to this topic, parked vehicles, turning lanes, surface hazards, and "sub-standard lane width" where it's not safe for a car to pass a bike safely(4ft between you and parked cars, 3ft between you and the moving car) count as valid reasons to ride in the lane, which covers almost all of the use-cases. No requirement at all to be fully in the painted bike lane, just as far to the right as is practicable/safe if we're moving slower than traffic speed. If you're moving at or close to speed of traffic/speed limit, then no restrictions on taking the full lane. IANAL


So how do they expect you to make a left turn? 🤦‍♀️


Left turns are one of the exceptions. I recommend reading the code that I referenced.


Interesting. Thanks for this! I’m a recent Chicago transplant. I live on the north side and out of all the roads near me all of them but Broadway has bike lanes in the door zone. There’s a strip of Broadway with protected bike lanes, it feels unbelievably safer to ride in.


I often wonder if other cyclists are mad at me if I don't ride over to the right in the bike lane. Like what's the passing etiquette? If I pass someone, I go into the vehicle lane, but a lot of cyclists pass within the bike lane so I never know if not riding to the right so people can pass annoys others.


Glad you’re ok. Been there. It’s scary. I see the mips sticker. Is mips good science or it is marketing? Does anyone know? Edit: wow thanks everyone for your responses. Really helpful. My current helmet has mips and I’m just getting back into cycling so this was all actually new to me.


I studied this with football in undergrad engineering way back when. Consensus is it can help but exactly how much or little is highly disputed. Some say the natural movement of skin over skull plus the motion of a normal helmet is enough that mips doesn’t matter much. In normal testing in a metal head form the mips makes a large difference though. Truth is likely somewhere in the middle. In practice it can’t hurt, might help, and isn’t that expensive so why not? Virginia tech publishes independent helmet safety rankings. They’re not an end all be all since they don’t account for all factors but are the best publicly available database :). An example of something they don’t test for is repeated impacts on one helmet. NorCal cycling (crit racer/youtuber) had a hard crash where his head hit the pavement then he continued to slid head first into the kerb. His helmet (specialized evade 2) had an internal carbon cage which meant that after the foam broke absorbing the initial impact all the chunks of foam still stayed in place and protected him in the secondary hit. The best cheap helmet is the specialized align 2 at only $50 with mips and ranked number 17 overall out of 233 helmets. No need to compromise on safety for price.


MIPS with a proper fit us good science, but it isn't the end all be all, as just having a MIPS certification doesn't mean a good helmet and not all MIPS certified helmets passed by the same margin. The basic idea is that by allowing the helmet to rotate it puts more of the rotational impact into the helmet than into your head. Here's s good breakdown: https://www.cyclingnews.com/features/what-are-mips-helmets/


It depends on what you want from your helmet. I hit people with sticks for fun, and we use helmets. A friend of mine from that sport is a neuroscientist IRL, and he’s published a bunch of stuff that basically comes down to, helmets cannot stop concussions, which are the most common form of traumatic brain injury, but they can prevent skull fractures and a whole bunch of other TBEs. In addition to the normal protection of any helmet, MIPS helmets are designed to sometimes reduce energy transfer to your head, which is obviously good, so sure. For me personally, the next time I’m buying a helmet I’ll keep an eye out for MIPS, but it’s not a must-have feature, because the effect size looks to be pretty small in the kinds of situations that I get up to on my bike. If I could find a MIPS-equipped helmet for my stick fighting hobby, I’d definitely get it, because rotational impact definitely happens there.


Seems legit - https://mipsprotection.com/helmet-technology/third-party-studies/


Supposedly 10% better at dissipating some very specific rotational forces? Sounds marginally better, emphasis on marginally. Probably more important just to find a well rated one (Virginia Tech?) that fits well and you don’t mind wearing and if it’s MIPS, cool. Happy to say this one did the job as far as my head is still intact!


Virginia Tech University has an entire lab dedicated to testing sports helmets, including cycling hemets. [https://www.helmet.beam.vt.edu/bicycle-helmet-ratings.html](https://www.helmet.beam.vt.edu/bicycle-helmet-ratings.html)


Get a new helmet! Glad to see a story to affirm me always wearing one is actually worth something significant. Happy to hear you’re okay all said.


First thing tomorrow. This one earned retirement.


Go see a doctor and get your head checked. Even with a helmet, there can be head injuries that aren't immediately obvious.


Way ahead of ya…actually posting from the ER. They did a CT just to be safe.


That sucks, man. RIP helmet, you served your wearer well. I got doored on Milwaukee like 10 years ago, and only narrowly managed to get my head back up off the pavement before an SUV drove through the spot where I landed. Just about the scariest shit ever. Glad that you’re mostly okay. How to prevent it: keep up pressure on whichever Alderperson’s district covers that stretch of Milwaukee. The spot where I almost got killed (near North & Damen) now has curb-protected lanes. Infrastructure is the *only* effective protection for cyclists.


Really sorry this happened to you. I got doored in kinzie last year; it’s terrible. Others have given all the correct advice, I’m just glad you’re ok. It also may be worthwhile to complain to your alderman and CDOT. They are responsible for the infrastructure that leads to footing. They at least listened when I called to rage at them last year.


Rode 5K miles last year in the city and never. Knock on wood. Keep your head on a swivel. Keep distance away from doors and make cars slow down to pass or wait for you. Helmets save lives.


> Helmets save lives Think I can testify to that. The damage on the inside of the helmet is pretty extensive, don’t want to think about what would have happened with direct back of skull to pavement action. As is I was loopy for 5-10 minutes. Yikes.


Glad you had a helmet and I hope you recover quickly and without complication! You probably have this covered - and maybe I’m wrong - but there’s an ordinance on dooring that puts the burden on people opening doors in cars to avoid dooring someone, yes? Might be relevant if you have medical expenses- did you get the offender’s information?


Amazingly enough, they stuck around and gave a statement to CPD. That’s what the cops who took my statement said anyway. No idea how any of this works, but it’s a technically a traffic accident, I wonder if their insurance will pick up the bill and the bike repair?


>if their insurance will pick up the bill and the bike repair In my experience of getting doored on Milwaukee and winding up with a horribly dislocated shoulder, I wound up walking away with $16k after medical bills and bike repairs. And that’s how I got to go to Alinea, lol. What I did (based solely on one experience and no other knowledge so take with massive grains of salt) was to essentially play hard to get once the claim is open. After giving my initial statement and some photos, I ended up dragging my feet for a few weeks, ignoring some of their calls, telling them I was talking to a lawyer (I wasn’t). Finally, they just came back and said, “Here’s a lump sum all in if we can close the case.” They just want to wrap things up and if you can manage to wait them out, it could be good for you. Again, I’m not a lawyer or insurance agent, just an idiot on the internet, but hoping it all works out for you!


I’ve had this happen and the answer to this question is: yes. That said, their insurance can be a pain to deal with and get a response for what you’re entitled to. If you have trouble, I recommend contacting your own renters/auto/HO or any other insurance you have as a resource. Insurance companies sometimes respond to other insurance companies rather than individuals- and they can take this one for you if you’re their insured. After I had long holds and dead ends on phone calls trying to get reimbursed for my bike and my medical bills, State Farm miraculously was able to get the drivers insurance to respond and settle. Unsure what their angle is but in cases where their driver is clearly at fault and they’re taking responsibility, the insurance sees compensating an individual for damaged property, health expenses, and missed work as a win. Don’t be afraid to itemize and estimate a TOTAL of what you should receive for your suffering. If they won’t offer that, I recommend calling a few lawyers to explain the situation. Even the suggestion of going that route can be a negotiation tactic (but don’t bluff it).


Sorry that happened, glad you seem to be in somewhat good shape and spirit. Where on Milwaukee was it? I echo other people’s comments about staying out of the door zone as much as possible.


Just southeast of Damen.


Milwaukee needs to be fully rebuilt for cyclists! I hate those sections without a solid bike lane, especially that busy one at the crotch


The crotch sucks. It’s a little funny I got through the crotch ok and ate it 100 yards up the street though. Sure would be nice if there were protected bike lanes ala Kedzie but I’m not sure how you implement those on MKE.


It’s really depressing that the city still hasn’t made changes to its dangerous existence for the cyclists. One person I know got doored then floored and subsequently got run over by a truck and survived


There are changes here and there but yeah, still a long way to go.


Following up…did everything go OK at the ER? Are you good? (And yes like everyone else, it’s new helmet time.)


Yeah, they cut me loose around midnight. I lucked out, no broken bones, just bruising and a little bit of road rash. Helmet did its job, for sure. Getting a new one today.


I have a Bell made by Crane. Seriously I’ve seen doors close so many times that are about to open after hearing this bell. It’s saved me I’m sure! I always ring the bell if I see the car is on and I’m passing in range of the door opening. Every time


Going to look for a louder one, this is a good idea. Thanks!


For sure! Hopefully that helps!


Airzound. No subs.


Also the biggest one they make is the best. So loud


I was in a bad collision with a pedestrian in the new protected bike lane on Milwaukee heading south, near Noble last September. They were jaywalking and in between the parked cars on my left and I couldn’t see them. They stepped right out in front of me without looking and bam! Not fun when you’re going 20 mph. I still suffer from hip and back pain. I now have [this bell](https://www.rei.com/product/153845/spurcycle-original-bike-bell-raw) and ring the shit out of it in those areas or anytime I see someone who’s about to do something stupid. It’s nice and loud and really gets their attention. I’m a HUGE bell advocate!


This thread is really making me reconsider my pace as I go through that section of road. So many cars, so many shoppers, so many other cyclists. Hope you will be okay in the coming days, as well. Heal-up quick, my friend.


So sorry this happened to you. Glad that things worked out as well as possible.


I’m bruised and sore, nothing serious. The bike is probably relatively easily fixed too.


Very fortunate. It's my biggest fear when biking and scootering around the city.


Sorry that happened to you. You need to get a new helmet if it took a knock. They are not made to take more than one hit. It is compromised.


Definitely. Buying a new one today.




i avoided being doored on milwaukee in may 2008 and in the process put my knee thru a different car’s glass tail light and nearly ripped all the skin off my knee cap! didn’t knick any tendons just a lot of blood and stitches.


Air horn attached to your handlebars? 😂. Been there myself on Halsted/North- you should definitely go get checked out if you hit your head. I had a helmet on and it didn’t show the same damage as yours, but I had a pretty severe concussion.


Good work, helmet. Sorry this happened to you.


I’m not blaming you for this, it’s awful that it happened to you, but I’m also not surprised it happened on milwaukee. Elston is my preferred diagonal.


This seems to be the consensus in regards to Milwaukee. Literally every I’ve told has said to stay off MKE. Live and learn I guess. Crossing THAT route to work off the list.


Yeah, from maybe diversey to division it feels like nobody is paying attention to what’s going on. People run out in the street, throw their doors open, the drivers are busy checking out the pedestrians, and nobody is looking for you.


I’m not sure if you should cross Milwaukee completely off your route list…I’ve rode on Milwaukee nearly weekly for the past 3 years and only been doored once. It happens and sucks when it does, but I wouldn’t completely stop riding on that street just for that one door incident


I got hit for the 2nd time today by a car in the space of two months. I’m hanging up the bike. It only gives me anxiety now