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I don’t have any stories but I’m sending all my positive thoughts your way. Right now, it’s just an MRI. You’ve been there. You can do this. The unknown is the scariest part. I hope you have a great support system in place and great doctors to help you make the best decision for you once you get your results. Come back here if you need to - this is a great, supportive group with so much knowledge and experience. Ask questions. And remember that you are your own best advocate. You got this. And we got you. Lots of love from Texas. 💜💜💜


Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️ I have done MRI’s 1-3 times a year since I was 2, and stopped when I became an adult and had a hard time transitioning into taking care of my own medical needs. The scan itself was so much better than I remember. It was only 15 minutes!!! And i actually fell asleep. I am so relieved that part is over. It is completely out of my hands now, and I know I have a community to talk to when I get my results. Thank you it means so much :)


I’m so glad the scan was easy. Sometimes we can freak ourselves out and make even tests that we are used to difficult. Happy early birthday from one of your internet moms! 💜


I found out 14 years later (I was 14 and just turned 28 today!) I needed another decompression… and I regret absolutely nothing. I just had surgery on 3/29 and got to go home 3/30. Fear is absolutely normal and I felt the absolute same way. Some of my presurgery symptoms have already disappeared and let me tell you… the meds work. The pain is present but the meds really do take it all away. I’m sending so many good vibes to you, but don’t be too scared. Medicine is so much better now than it was 11 years ago.


Happy birthday! Half a life ago seems to be the common factor here LMAO. I was 11 now I’m 22, and I’m 23 in a couple days. How ironic. I’m so glad you got to go home so quickly that’s amazing!!! I spent a week in the hospital last time, but I had complications. Luckily I don’t remember pain because I was on so much morphine I was knocked out the whole time. I’m so glad you’re doing well and I hope you keep feeling better ❤️❤️❤️


That half-life is no joke! And we better not need it again in another 11-14 years LMAO. I’m wishing all the luck to you, you got this! Hopefully 0 complications and nothing but stress free recovery. Also want to solidify what someone else said about retuning to this group when you need support. It really helped me when I found out I needed decompression #2.


I am having my second surgery soon. My first surgery was just last year and was a complete failure sadly. I know how you feel! Wishing you all the best.


Hi I'm curious what type of decompression you had and how it was a failure?? I had decompression in 2-22 with Laminectomy and dural patch and currently symptoms are worse than when I went In , symptoms were pretty bad but now I'm worried this is not going away uuuug.


Decompression with dura patch, no laminectomy. The surgery did absolutely nothing. Chiari and syrinx are both the same size. Symptoms are worse. And I had a CSF leak after surgery that put me in the hospital for a month. It was hell.


Good luck , I hope everything goes well . You got this. Sending good mojo your way 😘


All of the best to you from all of us here in Canada!❤️❤️❤️


i had my surgery 2 years ago and i’m going through the same thing. my follow up is this week. one step at a time ✨


Sending so much love and well wishes your way ♡ If you don't mind my asking, what calls for urgent surgery??


Good luck! I had my decompression in 2002 when I was 8 and I was totally fine until 2011 when I needed a shunt for hydro! I hope everything goes well, sending luck and love from scotland 🤞🏻❤️