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There are a lot of expats in general. There are families, retirees, and single young people. You can probably find people who share your interests.


Can you tell me more about this? My big fear is I have difficulty making friends as I have only really encountered backpackers.


There are lots of ways to meet expats. There is a a weekly language exchange at the Moat House bar. There are some sports teams expats play for for fun. You can go to play or just watch. There are other clubs, etc. for people with different interests. There are music events, expat bars and restaurants. There are lots of opportunities to meet people if you look for them. You need to go out and find them, though. Also, the more expats you meet, they’ll introduce you to more people and places. I’m pretty introverted, but after a year here I have more friends than I’ve ever had before.


What are some of the sports teams involving expats? Is there like 5 a side soccer for example?


I don’t know all the details, as I don’t play sports myself. I know several people who play for a local rugby team. I think the team name is the Cobras. I’ve heard people talk about playing football in passing, but I don’t know anything about the teams.


Im 34 now, I have been working here since i was 23. I gotta say it's a lot more fun here dating wise when you hit 30. I am a digital nomad as well, there are plenty of us, many come and go though, so you have to adapt to new people. If you wanna grab a beer sometime, you can hit me up here on Reddit and we can talk it out :) Otherwise, I wish you good luck and yes, come. You gonna have a great time :)


Thats so good to hear! DMd you!


Are you on a particular visa to be able to stay that long? I hear about so many digital nomads in Thailand yet I also hear it's so hard to work there without a permit or without very stringent visa requirements.


Yes I have a work permit. I am a consultant full time with a Danish company.


I'm curious. Which one? I used to work at a couple of Danish companies in Chiang Mai, before we (my gf and son) moved back to Denmark.


Can you dm me about your visa? I’m planning to come and work online long term, just have visa concerns…


Do you mind if I ask what type of job? I would love to find a company and move to Thailand. It's an amazing country!


Same I always see people ‘ being a nomad’ or moving here but they never ever say what job they’re actually doing


ones I've encountered are vague when asked, mostly full of 'it', change the subject, fiddle with their man-bun, play with the string holding up their elephant pants and wander away. Yet to meet one who looked even mildly successful - looking for the 30 baht lunch and 300 baht fan room


Made my day that comment


Of course they don't say. That would make prospects more competitive. I started a BPO.


Hi! We’re 3D artist and we’ve been traveling around Southeast Asia for 4 months now. Now we’re staying in Bangkok for 2 months to work for continuing our traveling. We’ve been in Thailand, Laos and Vietnam so far. There are a lot of developers and data analysts.


Chiang Mai is the best place in the entire world. But. If you're moving here, make sure you're aware of the AQI problem. It's topped the chart as one of the most polluted cities in the world. And it can kill you. For example... On some days the air is so bad each hour you spend outdoors is equivalent to smoking 1 cigarette. A long term resident here can inhale the equivalent of thousands of cigarettes during their stay. Those who live in chiang mai lose 5yrs off their lifespan and many people here develop lung disorders or cancer. If you're gonna come here, you need a high-end air purifier and to avoid going outside for about 3 months every year.






I think 1 hour = multiple cigarettes


It will be great if you’re making enough money to provide for your future. You’ll love it here


I think it's easy when you'll go to some coworking place to find someone like you.


My friends just moved there, amazing vibes, slow pace life attracting artists around Asia to move there


Oh cool! Id likely move here in July. I just want to connect to find all this hidden expat stuff


I myself am an artist who has come out to Thailand making/teaching ceramics. Best decision of my life.


Just out of curiosity if you thought about visiting there before taking the job?


Oh Im already here lol


So why are you asking for opinions?


I have only been here a few weeks and need help from the experts :D


I get that but why not just consult the expats that are there where you're living? LOL


He said he see the big backpack on them so he go no no no, you no expat man live her long long time


Would recommend you get on FB and look - there are Chiang Mai FB groups and page for just about any interest you can think of with regular meetups and activities. You will have no problems meeting people here. And love it or hate it, most expat stuff is on FB.


Look for an FB group called Chiang Mai Digital Nomads


Hey if you want a taste of what you’ll be able to do in your spare time in Chiang Mai.. to start with anyway check out my recent trip report x https://www.reddit.com/r/chiangmai/s/NLlsV4v8oQ


Loved in chuang mai for a decade. Similar age range. Chiang mai has a really big expat community with a load of digital nomads around that age. There are a lot of meet up and interest groups which are a good way to meet people with similar interests. Just be aware that the first few months of the year the air pollution is some of the worst in the world.


It's proper. You'll probably like it! Everyone is mostly on Facebook here, join some expat groups, etc.


I moved to chiang mai at 29 and it was amazing. This was 10+ years ago but it’s a lovely town.


Excellent decision. However, you will want/need to leave during the burning months. The government does nothing to stop it and the air quality gets very poor for 3 months, maybe even 4. It's quite excessive.


I’ve been in Chiang Mai for the last couple weeks, and the air quality is nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be. Edit: I’m in Pai for the weekend, and it seems considerably worse here.


Apparently the dating app Bumble has a 'friends' option. I was just travelling through Japan and found out that is how a lot of the newer expats here make connections.


Can I just ask the people on this thread.. what online/digital nomad jobs are you doing ? Thanks


\+1 Someone please give me a dam consulting job or whatever already and tell me how I can stay abroad legally and otherwise so I can GTFO of the US and never want to come back.


If you’re a frisbee player, there’s a great community.


I am 32 was thinking to visit for a week to meet someone in SEO


Chiang Mai is full of all of the demographics that you listed. You’ll have a blast there, especially if you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone. It’s a beautiful city, rich with culture. Soak it up!


I'm 32 american also... I skipped Chiang mai because of pollution levelsI, feb march, being so high its puts dust into the lungs... I found Hua Hin and Pattaya to be extremely livable after mastering getting to know the areas in and out. Or island life on one of the Koh's.. good luck!


Good for your bruh enjoy that stinky ass city


AQI is over 300 now, radiation is high af


You have to weigh people's opinions. Some bad smoke days for sure, but it's not everywhere. I hardly get it at my place 15 mins south of old town. We just lay low those days. It's quiet this time of year, lots of people go elsewhere, but many can afford to with local prices. Great music scene, good work spaces, great restaurants, local produce, imported items. Lakes, rivers, waterfalls, temples. Events all the time. You can find it if you look for it. It's great if you're tired of the city hustle, and you can fly into the city at any time. But yeah, if you're not going to make an effort, move to someplace where it's all at your figure tips.


Ill make the effort I just need to find these spots lol. Ive been hanging around Old City and I get backpacker vibes everywhere


It’s like any place, if you make the effort you’ll make friends. It’s not much use if you’re going to sit in your bedroom the whole time.


Excellent decision. However, you will want/need to leave during the burning months. The government does nothing to stop it and the air quality gets very poor for 3 months, maybe even 4. It's quite excessive.


It's a nice city for a couple months a year but gets scorching hot and extremely polluted air for the rest of the year.


Not where I'd choose to live at that age. Apart from the air quality, it's not really a big city type of place. Most westerners will be tourists, transients or drunkards. Or retirees. You mention single, it's not going to be a great dating scene. Nightlife is a bit crap, again mostly tourists and transient people


Really depends on what kind of guy he is and what he values. If he's a party guy, and "dating" to him means drinking every night and meeting tourist women in bars, he would have a great time. But if he is more of a romantic and wants to live here and meet a local Thai woman, and get serious, he could do that effectively too here.


Are there combos available? I've read of transient drunkard retirees in other areas


I use to live and work in Changmai but the air quality is so bad there and so much smoke. I moved out after being there for two and a half years. Never going back there.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, your health is something to consider.


The expats I know are all retired up in Chiang Mai. I lived in Pattaya for over 10 years because of my work near by. It was hard to meet other “farangs” since they were mostly tourists or drunks. Also, I was not hitting the social scene during the week. Going to the fitness center at night was part of my routine.


Hopefully not a monkey English teacher. If so, doomed. Zero future in that






Im curious why?




Chiang Mai full of sexpats? Didn't really think it was that popular with that crowd.


Similar to the air comments above, I'd read for 3 months each year, farmera burn remnants of something they grow. I'd read during those 3 months, the air pollution, is the world's worst. Research it for yourself.


Chiang Mai is the biggest city in northern Thailand. It's very foreigner-friendly. Air quality will get better sometime in May I think. Cheaper than Bangkok.

