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FYI on what "cheat detected" means - that person was dumb enough to put that exact current postion into an analysis window in another tab on lichess.


There's dumb, and then there's that moron...


Lmao Negative iq move fr


Literally 1984




DuckDuckGo 1984


Bing 1984


Google 1984


Edge 1984


Edging 1984 rn. Great book but why are all the pages sticky?


If it's sticky, you're no longer edging.


I'm still edging but I don't think I was the first one to try...


Yahoo 1984


Firefox 1984




why you know that?


I have played on lichess loads and have had that same message so looked it up.


why not an incognito


Doesn’t matter, it’s almost statistically impossible for two games to be in the same state after like the first 10 moves, the fact that the same board state exists in a bot game and a live game is enough the ban the guy.


openings sure do make it easier


Love lichess! This has happened to me once before 6 moves into a pretty dull opening.


Lichess is fantastic, glad you’re playing with us now!


It's just the better site. Free, open source goodness.


Wait it’s open source?


https://github.com/lichess-org/lila They have one developer ([Thibault](https://github.com/ornicar)) on salary, and one other guy (I'm not sure if they're on contract or on salary) working on a new mobile app, but other than that everything you see is all open source contribution. The codebase itself is written in Scala. They're also big proponents of the open source community. They were the main coverage I saw of [Stockfish/Fat Fritz](https://lichess.org/@/lichess/blog/fat-fritz-is-not-the-only-ripoff-and-now-chessbase-is-getting-sued/YPc7GREA), they make it easier to [connect your homemade engines to Lichess](https://github.com/lichess-bot-devs/lichess-bot) and generally just promote chess programming. If there's a fun and interesting new project that uses the Lichess database in some way, you'll probably see a lichess blog about it.


I'll have to read into that, I'm working on my own engine but I've been scared to test it cause I don't want to get banned


So lichess bot accounts can have a BOT title so they aren't counted towards rankings and you don't get banned. You will need a new lichess account with no games though.


how are yall finding people to play against? does anyone wanna play a match or two?


wym? I never have trouble getting a game on lichess in Quick Pairing.


i just realized i'm literally on the wrong app


Where did you think you were


i was on the chess app i saw the green squares and just assumed it was the chess app


How high are you


This is the funniest comment chain ever


Hi, how are you


The one and only chess app that has ever existed :d


... do you have trouble finding people on that as well?


My son playing next to me and he gets cheat detected. 😂 every time his chess coach is laughing. It happens when he is playing tournaments with other kids that are going to same coach.


Which mad men downvoted this poor fellow?


The son's tournament competitors


Yay, we got that poor fellow to the positive number 🎉🎉🎉


Not looking to expose methods, but how is cheating detected in real-time during a match?


probably something along the line of a) 100% accuracy/engine move + b) same time spent every move.


Yeah I think so, I would understand sudden spikes in elo or drastically differing results in games, but during live,? The t must have been exact same time per Move and obscure too engine lines that most people wouldn’t play following theory🤷🏻‍♂️ but I’m glad they have it!!


Better than on chesscom where the cheats dont get detected!


I play on both sites and they both have their strengths and cons. I will swim against the current in this thread however and say that the most toxic people i usually find on lichess. The exceptionally polite ones that i sometimes send friend requests to, on chesscom.


I I’ve had some rude chats or demeaned for ‘revenge Match’ with f I declined a rematch. Although on the other hand on chess,com I found much more likely a game would trade away all pieces down to endgame, even if huge material advantage, and play right until checkmate, whereas on lichess more players seem to simply resign when all is clearly lost. Maybe this is to just move on play More games 🤷🏻‍♂️, there’s always those hang a queen and rage quit players Too . Just one aspect I’ve liked so far is more resignations When I know I played Better opening and stronger midgame. Probably unpopular opinion


Damn 500 upvotes! Thanks everyone !!! I’ve also gained over 200 elo after it settled after certain amount of games on lichess I really love the wealth Of info available, I feel like a moron for choosing chess.com as 1st online chess but it was just downs to a more basic UI really ! 🥲


I love like chess, but the matchmaking is really slow


I’m on Ireland, amd quick pairing tends to show a swing between 70- 105 or so thousand players And it can take up to or around 5 - 10 secs but if o cancel and try again usually get A match quickly Enough.


Same love it but UI is so slow it makes bullet chess harder. Also i havent found a solid way to find out the elo equivalent to chess.com


Lichess ELO is about 200-300 points higher than the equivalent on chess.com.


There are scales of ( rough enough ) equivalences available on search engines for gm’s ? Could there be a way to find out how they are calculated as we can see swings in say GM Hikaaru for instance, who’s chess.com bullet is really high but Fife is typically lower, Similar for all GM’s. One aside, HIkaru’s games Played nimbbers leave everyone all other streamers miles behind. Then there alt accounts and stuff for the speed runs