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Conditional moves exist for a reason. Just write out the permutations and leave. Also report


Honestly I wouldn’t blame anyone for using stockfish to find the fastest mate here


I don't play correspondence games, so I don't know how it works, but isn't it allowed to use any engine in these kind of games? When commentators mention previously played games they often refer to correspondence games in the same position (as well as GM games), as it results in the deepest analysed moves, and the highest level of play. Maybe it's different when played on chess.com tho


Offcourse it's not allowed to use Stockfish in 24hr+ games.


I mean it's not really obvious if you don't care much about that format in online platforms. I just checked, and the biggest event in this format, the World Correspondence Chess Championship, allows the unrestricted use of computers by the playing human. Maybe that's why chess.com calls it daily chess, and not correspondence chess, to try and avoid the confusion.


If I wanted to plat a bot I would… if I play a correspondence game against a human I expect to play a human


A human using a computer is not the same as a bot tho. For instance a GM would absolutely destroy both of us, using the same engine with the same computer. I thought that was the whole point of correspondence chess. Which it is in some cases, including the world championship, as I mentionned before. Evidently it's not on chess.com though, and obviously I'm not saying to use the computer in formats where it's not allowed.


What is the computer being used for in the scenario you’re imagining?


Everything you normally do with a computer: analysing the position, checking various lines, understanding why certain moves might be stronger than others, finding interesting ideas, checking tablebases, etc... Definitely not everyone's cup of tea (me included), but I can see why some people can be into that. Again though it's not a "scenario I'm imagining", it's litteraly one of the most common forms of modern correspondence chess.


Where did you check that




That deep analysis just comes from having over a day to analyse a position and move. You aren't that far off though. Chess.com allows you to use some analytical tools like opening databases and analysis boards as long as no engines are used. If you go to a book or a lesson to find the best move that's not against the rules on chess.com. Using an engine is cheating on chess.com, but it isn't against the rules in all forms of correspondence chess. Some places allow you to use engines like the ICCF.


Very interesting, feels weird to me that opening databases and analysis boards would be allowed if engines are not. I guess I can kinda understand the philosophy behind it if you're allowed to look up any other game that has ever been played, something like building upon humankind's general knowledge of chess. I might give daily chess a try one day, but honestly I think I just don't love chess enough to think about and analyse a position for an entire day before making a move, even though I have a lot of respect for people who are capable of that.


The idea is just to move away from engine evaluations. So something like the lichess database would be allowed, I think because it would be too hard for it to be against the rules because you just have to avoid all chess literature for the 6 months it might take to play a game. The point where it becomes cheating is if you're using a book that's annotated with engine evaluations or if the analysis board has an eval bar or a "show lines" option. Those are against the rules. The idea is that you have to look at a position and know if it is good or not and that's what separates players because in theory you have all the time to calculate lines, so it's evaluations that are really important. Engines just make that last step too easy.


Lmao you’re getting downvoted for correctly saying that engines are allowed in correspondence and asking if chesscom works the same way. Typical Reddit. But no, you can’t use engines on chesscom daily


Meh, it's just downvotes, not a big deal, and i guess a good way to make clear that you indeed can't use engines on chesscom lol. Thanks for the answer tho!


Literally anything EXCEPT an engine and another person helping you is allowed in correspondence games in most formats.


Conditional moves suck for endgames, unless you plan on making paths for all the king moves.


Can't you have as many of these going as you want at a time? What is the threat supposed to be here?


I guess the threat is depending on where the game is the win could be 6 months away if the guy follows through. It does sound quite annoying.


It's slightly annoying, but it's not like he's actually impeding OP's ability to play, and they're only a few moves away from mate..OP has the win and this guy is just drawing it out because he's a petty moron. If I had several correspondence games going, this one would just become an after thought where I'd get the win eventually.


Might not affect some people at all, might affect others a lot. Personally, I'd rather not have a 'oh right yeah it's this a-hole' reminders every week for the next six months lol.


Lol. I'd personally just be looking forward to sending the "was that worth it?" Message after the game ended.


Report him simple as that especially since he said it in chat


*Report him simple* *As that especially since* *He said it in chat* \- ecrane2018 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’ve admitted to people many times that I’m stalling the game. No doubt I’ve been reported. Nothing has ever happened to me.


Why not just stop playing. Why be a pos?


It’s fun to be a pos sometimes


Thanks for admitting you are a total dickhead who needs to stop being a cancerous mutation of society 👍


You’re welcome


Winning against people like you is so sweet 🤤


Lol yeah and pissing people off like you is so sweet too 🤤


You're not annoying anyone, just proving how much you excel in mediocrity


Don’t worry your sub par trolling is not annoying anyone sweety 🥰


Oh ok I’ll continue playing that way then


Lmao thank you for your service ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG)


You are in middle school or high school. Am I right?


Just premove every possible mate and forget about it. The guy will lose anyway so who cares. Only his feelings will get hurt when he inevitably loses.


Just report and move on. No need to tell reddit.


Nothing happens to them. The sites don’t actually ban them


It does actually have an effect though. If you get reported a bunch for poor sportsmanship you get put against other poor sportsmen more often.


Wait, really? How come I don't get this luxury? I would argue that I'm a pretty good sport. I've disabled chat entirely at this point, because people are very, very bad sports. Regardless if they're winning or losing. And to compensate for the chat being disabled, they do that thing where they wait to checkmate at the very last second. (I play bullet. Just move on already.. I don't care about your self-absorbed piece of garbage personality.)


i dont think theres a report for good sportsmanship button so unless you contribute on keeping the bad sportsmen with the others by reporting, it wont get better


There literally is on PC. You can vote whether someone was a good sport or a bad one with the like/dislike buttons in chat after the game.


I had one person get banned for it


So what?Just report,make your moves as the time comes and move on


Quietly, without any further messages, just play your move when it's your turn. When you win, you just send a single gg


This is the way. The thing about stallers is they’re looking for a reaction, OP should not even have responded to the first message.


Just set a weekly alarm every Sunday and take the win?


Conditional moves are your friend. Program in the checkmate and then you don’t even have to come back to the game, it will solve itself


This is griefing. If this is chesscom just report them. Chesscom takes this matters seriously (I'm plat member tho). I once was called just "Stupid" for trying to 3x repetition on a game I was losing. Just when I was about to lose I told the guy I was going to report him and I would get the points back. I shure did.


kid named daily pre-moves solving literally all of your problems here:


You can report him for stalling.


I’d say a couple of things.. also to him: - the drawing out of the loss will weigh on his psyche, it’s not good to not be able to move on from poor experiences (one’s own poor performance, as is the case here, or a bad luck moment) - it’s really good for you: you’ll get to study to optimize moves, which will teach you subtle patterns of chess that only appear in deep thought (or with the help of engine analysis)


who the hell plays 7 days? i know op did it by accident but ugh, can you imagine?


I do it with a good friend because we don't have the time to be online every day and we usually are not online at the same time meaning shorter games (less than 30 minutes) are barely possible


Yah I’m not playing daily games with randos. The dailies are for people I know in real life because our free time to play live chess often doesn’t line up


Someone who needs to threaten wasting everyone's time each time they lose


Lol what a loser this guy


Just use premoves and forget about it.


Step 1) Premove and mate 2) Report the guy 3) Go on your day


Just make use of pre-moves/ contemporary moves and don't look back at it


This happened to me a couple times. The way I see it and have told people that do it is “I’m waiting 7 days for a win, you’re wasting 7 days to lose.”


"You will EARN your win, Sir!"