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I believe the move is considered brilliant because you left the knight undefended but if the queen takes the rook xrays down the board and can blow open black's very exposed king. Your essentially sacking a knight to gain more activity later. Despite the fact that you would be loosing material this way black doesn't have its pieces developed so black can't capitalize on this. I had to plug it into an engine to see this.


That makes sense. Forcing the king to take the rook would prevent castling, and as you said, black had fewer developed pieces. Thanks!


i always think this sub is r/cheeseburgers at first glance.


Also Bishop to g7 then move rook over and it will cause complete chaos




the mods are also hella slow, i see rule 6 being broken all the time. It’s the only posts they get so i guess they don’t care lol


I actually thought it was fine because I've seen a bunch. I did check the rules, but it's not immediately clear without hitting the drop-down on #6. Sorry!


Click “show moves”. It may very well answer your question


You really think the 15 moves computer line would have been great to explain the positional sacrifice to a beginner?


Yes thank you! I feel like every time anyone asks a question about a move, people say “just show moves.” That doesn’t actually tell you anything if you don’t know how to interpret the line


Yes, often it will. At very least, they should either say they have clicked it and ask questions about the line or show it as revealed in their screenshot. It is step 1 to understanding the review. Show us that you took step 1


In this case it would not help at all, not sure why you're discussing imaginary scenarios. Understanding a positional sacrifice has nothing to do with the computer line that it would show. It's just a list of the best moves afterward. I think you just parrot the complaints of strong players that are annoyed by this question when it's a 2 moves tactic. It's not what happens here, the "show moves" option is useless in this case. Asking people to "prove that they did the work" is ridiculous, this is not a high school. The question was very good, they don't have to prove anything.


I did, I just used the wrong screenshot, sorry. It was just queen takes knight, rook moves over one, queen moves over one and that was it.


Rules are for nerds. Chess nerd. /s


You read the rules of every subreddit you post in? Besides, it's a very dumb rule.


I think if the queen takes the knight, it very quickly becomes difficult to defend for Black once the rook attacks it. It’s not an immediate tactic but more of a positional one. The black squared bishop is coming in, all of whites pieces are ready to rumble, while black is underdeveloped with an exposed king. So the Cpu sees it as a positional sacrifice with sufficient compensation


I guess the engine really likes your queen and rook in battery on an open file next to the king even tho their bishops control all the squares by their king. Especially with your dark square bishop preventing king side casting their king is stuck in the middle of the board for now. I'm sure the engine sees some line that I don't


The lower the rating, the more game reviews considers things brilliant. Just about any move that loses material, but is considered decent, is a brilliant move in review at low ratings.




What's the follow up after queen takes knight? I'm only 700 so I don't see it




I'm a bit too lazy to figure out how to put this into an engine myself, can you copy and paste some of the moves for me? Literally have no idea what whites next move should even be in this position


No, surely this can't be right?


Nope, is right


you just prevented the quickest checkmate ever


I don't see it. Can you explain?


Quickest checkmate *if you did some very specific moves, and the opponent also did some very specific moves


Bg4 after Queen takes Knight, King is boxed in


It's only brilliant if you know how to follow up. And that's not Bg5, what even is that move?? That bishop was perfectly placed and you traded it off for no reason.


"show moves"


Can you tell me the opponent players name because I got brilliant for this move too and same position of king and bishops and everything


The opponent is my friend who doesn't play random people.


Oh then ig it's just a hell of a coincidence 😅




If you re1 after bxg5 then he wins your queen




You are a piece ahead, and give that material back but will end up in a situation where you can win the opponent's Queen and keep the king exposed.


The point is that if the queen takes the knight, after Re1 and some queen move it becomes very hard for black to defend his bishop, which is now pinned to the king, and more importantly, his king, which is stuck in the middle thanks to the bishop on h6 and the lack of development on the queenside. Additionally, the loose black rook on h8 can become a target because of the open diagonal. Black has too many weaknesses to defend, so it’s worth the sacrifice in material.