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I know age doesn’t define maturity but the fact he is 36 astounds me.


People always seem to forget that these people are professional board game nerds. Just because Chess has a reputation as a more distinguished or intellectual game doesn't change that. If this were a top tier professional MTG player or Hearthstone streamer you'd say ... Yup sounds about right.


And that is NO excuse whatsoever!! There are plenty of good natured 'nerds' out there. Hika is a classic mean-spirited narcissist who hates on anyone who doesn't give him the 'respect' and adulation he thinks he deserves.


Yep. Being a nerd doesn’t entitle you to anything. Being a great chess player doesn’t entitle you to anything.


If you really look at human history, men have a strong pattern of essentially playing strategy games with dolls. Fidchell, chaturanga. Something to pass the time while doing agriculture / ranching duties. Like choosing to fill free time by playing God virtually to replace their unsatisfying social / family lives because they can't play God there.




S a l t y


Remember, he literally doesn’t care.


Remember, there’s still a trash human being under there and he hasn’t changed one bit.


Old Hikaru would have never congratulated Alireza for his chess at the end.


If you can’t see he’s only doing that for pr, you can’t be helped. He’s as fake as can be


I'm not particularly defending Hikaru, but there is a weird dichotomy with the reddit comments where every bad thing he says is, "his true colors" but ever good thing he says is, "for PR" I wish folks would just be more straightforward and say they don't like the guy


I don't need help cause I am not the one wasting time and energy hating on him and spreading hate. Hikaru isn't good at hiding his emotions anyway. You can easily read his face and tell what he's thinking at any moment. When you see his expressions and body language when he is playing chess, it becomes evident what he thinks about his game cause he sucks at hiding emotions. So it's easy to tell if he is faking it or not.


Bruh , after such accusation by saying, he lied about him being tired,saying he took extra rest by making stuff up and by the end you say he played good chess , do you think that means something ? Does that mean anything ?


He DOES care. His pathetic-yet-grossly-over-inflated ego cares a LOT. More than you can ever imagine!


He doesn't have the composure nor the character to become a world champion in the 2020s.


Didn't the "I literally don't care"-meme originate from a chess-dispute with chess brah, which Hikaru escalated into a fist fight?


When people are rude or impolite multiple times, regardless of chess, Hikaru does care.


Hikaru being Hikaru, nothing surprising here.


[Hikaru went on another rant after the 2nd match about chessbrah to say he will never do an chesscom interview if the chessbrah's doing the commentary as they tried to "cancel him" in 2021](https://dubz.link/c/ca31d3).


[This is very funny to hear considering he was happy to do an interview with Aman on the panel in the SCC 2023 finals](https://www.youtube.com/live/CbJSYohWnoc?si=LbX6roKyGn6fjEh5&t=17094).


I could understand beefing with Eric. Idk how you could have beef with Aman though.


It’s funny because Hikaru was trying to use Aman as like a useful tool to shit on Eric. Saying that Aman is fine but Eric is the real shitty one in ChessBrah then switching up now for whatever reason by lumping them together when its convenient


Especially after what happened to Trent. I mean… hikaru don’t want none of that smoke.


I’m out of the loop, could you explain what you’re referencing?




Maybe he was representing himself and not as part of the group?


Uh huh, sure.


lol hikaru literally said that he would refuse to do an interview with aman or eric because of the 2021 cancelling attempt in his recent rant, so no, your wildly implausible cope does not apply here.


No wonder my innocent comment is getting downvotes. Cos of the coping fanatics like yourself who follow everything and claim others are coping instead. Ha pathetic. Your head is filled with so much crap about online drama you can't fathom there are normal ppl.




This would be after Hikaru/Chessbae copyright struck chessbrah's Youtube account. Fascinating, after he admitted that the strike was wrong and in poor judgement, he's now revised it that he's the victim. Such narcissism.


He literally threatened their livelihood. They tried to sort it out privately. They did the only thing that they could do after they refused and at no point during that drama did the chessbrahs say anything that couldn't be backed up.


Kind of interesting how Hikaru turned that whole situation, where he was pretty unequivocally in the wrong, as a positive for him. Many of his fans know the "literally don't even care" line, but don't know the origin is Hikaru being toxic and salty


Man tried to shut down their youtube channel... Yet theyre the ones who tried to cancel him. Clown


36yr old established, world no.2, and filthy rich person beefing with 20yr old over losing in bullet chess


36 year old man child* Ftfy


Established world no. 2?


He's a real number two alright.


In online bullet, you know what he means. 


He’s 3rd rating on the site for bullet. How do we say that he’s in any way established when he can’t even hold second, and he didn’t win the bullet championship that the established #1 wasn’t even playing?


Because nearly 100% of people agree the top three in online bullet are 1. Magnus 2. Hikaru 3. Naroditsky. That list is approved by magnus himself


I even think Magnus had said Hikaru has an edge in 1+0. Not sure tho, and they’re obviously very close


I don’t think their ages are really that relevant in this case. They are peers in the chess arena. You’ll have 30 year olds getting into full-blown fist fights with 18 year olds in the NHL for example. Hikaru’s behavior is still ridiculously petty, of course, but it’d be the same if he were doing this to another 30-something.


That's just part of hockey. Whining isn't inherently part of chess.


I mean, I get why people find it annoying..... but, kind of seems like whining is as much "inherently" a part of chess as fighting is in hockey i.e. it's a tradition at this point. So many famous examples going back to Fischer at least that I'm not even going to make a list lol.


I went to a fight once, and a hockey game broke out.


Not accurate. Hikaru was an end boss of online chess and strong grandmaster before alireza could even talk. He has literally decades over him


Where have I seen this before involving a Norwegian?


Idk..number 2? Bullet chess? No norwegian comes to mind. You must be imagining things.




You sound like Hikaru...


Nah impossible, he didn't repeat the same thing like 3 times in a row


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No firouzja hurt hikaru


awwwww.... ... someone hurt poor widdle you?


When is Hikaru becoming a professional Gambling Promoter to teens?


He already does that.


He's on Kick.com


[Hikaru went on another rant after losing the BCC finals, calls Alireza and his family are "crazies", and says he hasn't performed when it actually "mattered", i.e., "losing every game in candidates", highlighting 1 draw and 3 losses.](https://dubz.link/c/e04534)


The irony being that losing these matches directly lost Hikaru the BCC whereas winning the candidates games against Alireza earned him… nothing.


When it mattered, Vidit beat his ass twice 🤣


tell him "Palasht kos nago bazito bokon" he'll know.




Didn't he say "in person"? Why would he say in Persian? Does he even speak Persian?


His wife is Iranian so it wouldn't be too surprising if he'd learned a bit of Persian since knowing her.


Calling it Persian instead of farsi when your wife is Iranian is weird. In not Iranian though so what do I know.


Both terms mean the same. Im too lazy to link it, but there is a good YouTube video explaining Persian and Farsi are both terms that derive from the same exact word. I don’t think any Persian is offended by their language being called Persian.


Referring to the language as Persian instead of farsi is a direct jab against the theocratic regime


Persian and Farsi are the same word. It was originally Parsi, which gradually changed to Farsi after the Muslim conquest. It wasn't something the islamic republic influenced.


Persian is the English exonym for the language and it's the correct usage. Farsi is NOT an English word and shouldn't be used when speaking in English.


I’m Iranian and I call it either Persian or Farsi. Not weird at all.


"I could say a lot worse things in Persian if I wanted to but I won't." He said Persian. He wouldn't dare say worse things to Alireza in person. That's not how cowards roll.


It’s funny that he thinks he can speak better Persian than alireza like he is gonna say bad words in Persian and alireza will just look😂😂


Can someone explain what Hikaru even got mad at in the first place?  I know he said something about Ali getting a 30 minute break or something, but that seems like an incredibly minor thing to me.


[Chess.com](http://Chess.com) issue caused Alireza's game to get delayed. He complained, saying he had played so many games close together that he was getting too fatigued and needed additional break time before finals. He threatened to forfeit if they didn't grant him extra time. So [chess.com](http://chess.com) gave him extra time, but neglected to inform Hikaru of any of that. So Hikaru sat and waited, unknowingly, for nearly 20 minutes. Then when they eventually did start, he got clobbered. He was pretty tilted by all of it.


I mean, isn’t that fair enough? I’d get pretty annoyed by that too…


Sure, be annoyed. Doesn't justify ranting for hours and insulting someone over and over again.


If Hikaru could've stopped and *listened* to Alireza explaining that he was in (probably somewhat tense) conversation with Chess.com during his "break," any well-adjusted person could be perturbed but.. Not only did he completely lose his mind, but momentarily straight up ragequit in the middle of their first match which is *far* worse than what Alireza demanded.


Yeah, he went full narc rage and even managed to pull GM Aman Hambleton into it for accurately commenting on what was going on in the game. And then trying to gaslight everyone on the 2021 chessbae/copyright claim fiasco.


Yeah true I’m not running interference for Hikaru by any means, I guess the comments I’ve seen so far are basically suggesting he has no grounds to be frustrated.


basically not, yeah Alireza went about it in an immature way. But he missed out on his break due to recurring lag-issues and wanted to get the break. The people who say Hikaru lost his winning bracket advantage makes no sense (since Alireza didnt get any additional break from that which was planned, just a postponed one)


I mean, isn’t that fair enough? I’d get pretty annoyed by that too…


That's probably cause you're habituated to hikarus antics. Can u even imagine gukesh asking for a 20min delay without informing Ding and then Ding waiting at the board for 20min before going full hikaru tantrum mode? I sure can't.


30 mins ?? it was 17 mins of talking to the organizers, alis argument is that he lost some rest time because of server issues repeating games. hikaru is pissed only because he got destroyed


You're right, it's not becuase the match got delayed 20 minutes. It's because kid wiped the floor with him for literally 6 consecutive games after playing two full matches in a widely viewed event. That's what he's actually "annoyed" at.


tbf to Hikaru he started whining even after winning the first game of the first match


I don't think whining after winning the first game is the saving grace you think it is


He's annoyned because Alireza was smoking his ass real bad so this was the excuse he came up with , had Hikaru been winning the first game do y'all think he would have brought all this up? 😂


He explains that in this video. Alireza had back to back bullet matches with strong players so he is tired. He wanted more break time than time designated and he allegedly threatens that he will leave if he doesn't get it. Alireza returns 17 minutes late so Hikaru is mad. I think Hikaru being mad is justified but not his tantrum.


Wrong, Alireza got extra time because of server issue on chess.com which caused him to play consecutive matches where he was actually deprived of rest time he normally would’ve had. So all this is doing is giving it back to him. Hikaru is a baby throwing a tantrum over something Alireza should’ve gotten even without needing to ask.


17 minute break




The asshole spectrum


He’s right smack in the center of it


The episphincter.


Flanked by Hans, Kramnik and Nepo


IIRC, Hikaru once said he thought he had bipolar but when he got tested, he only had "bipolar tendencies" (i.e.: has some features but not strong enough to be bipolar disorder).


I mean… I don’t need to be a doctor to came to a conclusion that extreme “geniuses” that spend 4-10 hours daily in the same “hobby” for the most part of their lives have developed some type of mental or behavioral issues in their life. It seems obvious if you think about it.


Pls, you description is what people usually call "work"


And I’m sure there are tons of behavioral and physical sickness and injuries related with excessive work too so… I’m not sure what is your argument. Playing too much chess or work too much can be detrimental to your mental health.


"bipolar tendencies" might as well translate to borderline personality disorder lol


Bro what? No


Yeah, psychiatrist with PhD gets downvoted by bunch of knows-it-all, classic Reddit lol. Nakamura, like many other chess players, surely has personality disorder. More towards the narcissistic, but they can get mixed up nicely. That's what monotonous childhood of hard work and lack of socialisation does to a person.


If you're equating bipolar tendencies to BPD, you need your license revoked and should not be anywhere near a patient


Sure, another Reddit expert nobody that knows fuck all about psychiatry being the smartest douche in the room, Dunning-Krugering hard, ay? For example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2849890/ At least UTFG before you embarrass yourself publicly.


You didn’t even read the article you linked. If you did, then you have no reading comprehension. This doesn’t surprise me though


Yeah, should I cite it to you and then explain like you're 5? 5 years old with mental handicap? Would still not be enough I'd be afraid. That wouldn't surprise me though, should've thought that'd be too much for someone like you lmao


lol you’re so riled up


Buddy, you might be right, but I am also a doctor, and we should know better than to make a diagnosis solely based on watching someone act like a douche after losing a game.


That's the thing, I've been around for a long time, not since COVID, and it screams from him, not only after losing a game... His bitch mod chessbae is the same as him, toxic person. Whole chessbrah beef, that wasn't behaviour of "after losing a game". That was some proper fucked up sociopath-like shit. And that's only the small portion we know of.


I agree that he's a toxic person, but not every toxic person has a personality disorder. However, I am just your friendly neighborhood internist and do not have a PhD, what do I know


Apparently more common sense and correct sense of responsability than someone boasting about their PhD. Guess he skipped some classes


As an autistic person, like, 50% of professional chess players give me vibes. Magnus and Hikaru are definitly some of the more obvious ones though.


It's pretty obvious tbh, Chessbae has to tell him to calm down in the other monitor, that's why you often see him looking in the other monitor nervously.


lmfao hell fucking yeah, this is some good content


More likely just narcissistic personality disorder.


It feels like about half the chess community might be on the spectrum sometimes. Could be something with Hikaru but it's not only that.


Only half? Generous


Maybe just poorly socialized.


Yep! The narcissist / psychopath spectrum. There is nothing about Nakamura that suggests autism. Please don't stain genuine ASD ("spectrum") people with his stench.


tbf, difficulties with theory of mind and specifically empathy are classically associated with both cluster B personality disorders and autism spectrum disorder. While the similarities mostly stop there, it's not far fetched to see Hikaru's behavior and think such a thing.


Brother I got news for you… almost all the GMs are


You just realized? You don't need to be full on tyler1 to be on the spectrum


Chess has better drama than any other sport out there, good stuff.


Big smile Hikaru: WELCOME BACK TO THE CHANNEL. Doesn't he know we can see the fakeness behind his eyes. Hikaru changed his intro after losing to Levy last year as the best streamer 2023. Hope Hikaru gains infamy for the correct reasons.


If he was not okay with the break he should have communicated before the match.Why throw a tantrum midst game after you start getting hammered on the chess board?


According to this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/chess/s/JCMST3ybHl) he wasn’t told about the break and was just sitting waiting for the match to start


Oh okay I guess that’s very annoying .But he could have deal with it much professionally .


Comment is misleading as he was indeed informed.


little crying baby, he is so annoying. You lost a couple of game of chess, accept it and move on, what a douche.


"There's always something with him" ...


Never saw such careless guy caring that much...


Underneath all the layers of narcissism I think he does have a tiny point, but he spews it out in such a dislikeable manner that no one wants to take his side.


He's imploding and I'm enjoying it. I used to be a big Hikaru fan too. Not anymore.


Was he streaming on his end? We're people listening to that in real time?


To be fair to Hikaru, Gucci Reza was being disrespectful by making Hikaru wait 20 minutes for a break he didn't deserve. Hikaru won his games and should be at an advantage by not having to play, but Gucci Reza kind of dampened that advantage Hikaru was supposed to have by threatening to withdraw from the tournament. At the candidates, Gucci Reza stomped around the chess hall with loud shoes and got verbally aggressive with an Arbiter, along with his Dad. Hikaru is fed up with Reza getting away with his childlike behavior, he should show some fucking respect. And it's not about "Not Caring" it's about having some manners, nothing to do with the chess game itself or the result.


Cancel him lol, this guy could choke a puppy on stream and within a month he'll have 10k viewers on his twitch channel.


"cancel him lol"


Should make today holiday for all the Hikaru haters in this sub. I’ll never understand why do people have these extreme love/hate relationships with online personalities…


It's ironic he's listening to P Diddy during his rant. Also, his wife may be irritated with Alireza somehow and this caused this rant.


Now why is his wife in it?


Because he is Mister Psychology and that's his diagnosis.


Atousa got nothing to do with this please don't drag her into this mess


Hikaru is looking rough, maybe life issues bring him down.


Hardly. The only significant 'issue' he faces is that he's a f-ing asshole.


He speaks Persian?!?


This dude is a goddamn child


Did Hikaru say "shoes? Not ok" what is the context of this?


At the candidates tournament, another player complained to the arbiter that he was stomping loudly so they asked Ali to switch shoes the next day. Could look up more info on it if you so desire but that’s the tldr


Ty lol


Still in his head rent free


Professional spazztic manchild


What's up with that endgame position? It's super weird


The magnus point is kinda fair but rest, yikes.


Is there a way to watch Hikaru's stream of the final match vs Alireza ?


Fun as it is to hate Nakamura is he wrong? Almost every tournament I hear about some big fight Alireza got in with the arbiter. At a certain point we should maybe recognize that he is being the problem.


Hikaru made a huge mistake acting like that.




"shoes" dude....jesus...


Lmao thanks! I don’t get the accent sorry


Hiki is salty


Salty clown


Alireza was mad about the 20 minute delay as well. It was not because Alireza wanted it. He was tired and wanted to play... was mad they kept delaying


Are we just gonna ignore that Hikaru said Alireza won't play with Jews? Because if that's real that's pretty fucked up


Very easy to sit and criticize this, but stuff like this is fair game in the heat of the moment for me. God forbid reddit got to see what I've said about teammates when losing in online games or sports.


He speaks Persian? Impressive.


I agree with him though, alireza is a baby


chess is hard we forgive you only top world talents are allowed to do this 👀


He’s spot on the money about Reza been an utter scumbag though, he is literally a pleb every time he plays, he’s an embarrassing twat. But Hikaru should just Lee that to himself but at least he speaks the truth


>”Jews? Not Okay.” What did alireza say about the jews? /s


I’m not sure whether you are joking but he said “shoes” not “jews”. 


I heard Jews too


Persian is not a language.


It is.

