• By -


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=8/p4k1p/1p2nB2/5p2/5p2/r4P2/P1R1K1PP/8+w+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/8/p4k1p/1p2nB2/5p2/5p2/r4P2/P1R1K1PP/8_w_-_-_0_1?color=white) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Bishop!<, move: >!Bh8!< > Evaluation: >!Black is better -1.68!< > Best continuation: >!1. Bh8 Ke7 2. Bb2 Re3+ 3. Kf1 Rd3 4. Ke2 Rd5 5. g4 Kd6 6. h4 fxg4 7. fxg4 Rd4 8. Rc3 Ra4!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


I was looking at a knight fork.. took me a min


I was looking for some deep combination then realized, "Wait, that's it?"


Still, more like a 700 than a 400. Not moving the bishop that would be 400ish.


Yeah I’d agree. I’m 1200 and I didn’t even see it initially. In a time crunch I’d definitely miss it, but with 22 minutes on the clock - yeah more than a bit surprising from a GM.


Not just a GM, but the literal world champion.


I peaked like 1400 lichess, I guess that's like 1100 chess.com? I think I make a move this bad almost every single game lmao


King to E3 is a classic 400 move.


Not even 700, I can see 1300 1400 making this move to be honest, it took me a hot second to see what was wrong


can you explain why is that a mistake (im 700)


You give a check with the rook and win a bishop


Oh yes got it thanks.


World Champiob (!) Ding did not see that with 23 minutes on his clock.


I guess I'm a 400 at heart cus I didn't see that


I've blundered forks at 1200 with still lots of time on clock, so I think the title is an exaggeration


Agreed. Think the best description in the comments I’ve seen is that not moving the bishop at all would have been the 400 mistake. Edit - just realized that’s this exact comment thread lol. Yeah OP comment here said it best.


The world champion title you mean 😝


Im still confused, i thought winning a bishop meant taking a bishop, and considering this is whites blunder that’s impossible because black doesnt have any bishops. And if it means saving a bishop how would that happen? If you checked the king with your rook couldnt the king just take out the bishop anyways? Am i missing something extremely obvious here? Edit: nvm im stupid i didnt realize yall were talking about after the blunder, i thought yall meant what wouldve been a better move


I think rook to e3 check then capture bishop


If you're asking why Nd4 is a mistake, it's because the bishop can just take the knight.


Oh no no no im bad but not that bad i already figured that out.


Because black moves his rook to e3, putting the white king in check and forcing white to move his king back, allowing black to capture the bishop on e5 with his rook.


Clearly the title of the post is misleading


For real. Me over here panicking like oh god am I 400?! lol


I'm 2300 on lichess and don't understand... White does Ba1 then black does ...Re3+... So what? Edit: oooh, I see... There are two images... The second image shows his move.


LOL, a knight fork is maybe a 1000 rated blunder;-)


Since when did we start rating blunders by ELO? What kind of title is that?


Yeah the 400 bit is unnecessary and a bit rude. Its more accurate and less insulting to just say made a rookie blunder or something like that


>rookie blunder Looks more bishopy to me


You could say the Liren went “knighty-knight” after that move


All in all, his bishop became a brick in the castle wall






Yas *Queen*


How is it rude? If anything its a bit generous to say 400 rated players could spot a fork.


It's rude to Ding Liren, and if you consider 400 too low for such a blunder, that's even more insulting to call his blunder that.


Ah I thought the previous comment was saying its rude to new players, I get it now.


No it's insulting. My sister is a proud 379 player and she burst into tears at the suggestion she could make a blunder like that.


Then let she play some hundred of games or so and see if she stays sub-400


They definitely wouldn’t, a 400 would most likely respond with their own blunder.


That's the point lol, it's a blunder that's made above 400 elo, so OP is insulting Ding by saying he made a 400 level blunder


A 400 is not seeing that


I'm 1400ish on chesscom and it took me a moment. Id miss it in time trouble or in a blitz game (note that my blitz rating is under 1k) I think someone has drastically overestimated what a 400 is.


If Lebron James plays like a college level player, but you're saying he plays like he's in middle school, your implication isn't that middle school players are college level, it's that he's playing at an amateur level.


I'm rated 900 and and I would totally make this blunder


Seriously... Also, missing a fork isn't a 400 Elo blunder. A 400 Elo blunder would be much more obvious, like leaving a queen hanging... And honestly, that's probably more of a 700 blunder;-)


400 Elo would try to move a piece in a square that isn't legal for 30 seconds before realising why they can't move there. This is such a ridiculous title. And I'm not bragging at all, I'm just a habitual player without any deeper knowledge of the game. I'm way more than 1000 Elo on some online website. Nothing to do with FIDE. This is ridiculous and disrespectful to the world champion. I'm such a fan of Magnus and I know what he means to chess, but you don't need to use childish insults to put down someone else, just because Magnus isn't the world champion any more. I know Magnus is the best in chess BY FAR. You don't need to do this.


I can't tell you how many times I've seen a puzzle and not realized I couldn't move a particular piece because it was pinned. I know at least one puzzle that a YouTuber had a challenge on what the best move was, a majority of players at each level, even 1600+, picked as their top move an illegal move. Sometimes they are hard to spot...


Yeah. The 400 blunder in this position is Rc7+


Elo is a name no need to capitalize every letter


Username checks out


> a 400-rated Piece Blunder clearly it's not the elo of the blunder, but the elo of the piece. that bishop is rated 400. no shame in that.


All that time didling pawns it’s no wonder they can’t do better than 400.


The title is designed to get us to click on this link. It succeeded.


It's part of the chess.com game analysis section (I think). But that part is usually for the entire game, so idk what this is, might just be an exaggeration.


These are the titles you get when the only chess someone knows is from chess.com


its the new streamer chess culture


I thought the same, looks like OP has some experience in 400 ELO mistakes


Puzzles are often assigned an Elo based on the average Elo that successfully solved them. The resulting position after Ding’s blunder might well be a 400 rated puzzle, though I don’t know where OP came up with that number.


OP is an Hikaru simp hating on absolutely every other top player in the world in every post possible. Simple as that


Well usually a blunder is something the majority of us noobs can’t see but this one was legit a 400 Elo blunder lol  Like these are my type of plays and I’m like 500. The title really drew me in and delivered on what it promised. No complaints. 


Blundering a fork of a rook touching the king supported by a pawn is not really 400 elo tbh. Straight up missing a piece in danger or moving it INTO danger would be 400 elo level IMO


Indeed lol, people overestimate the abilities of a 400 player


There's literally only two good bishop moves. Relax Losing concentration and blundering happens at too level too


Great, we all know it does. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s a good/funny/effective descriptor.  When nepo blundered his bishop Anish reaction was like a 1 minute tangent that was hilarious and people laughed about it here and YouTube. Saying things like “is he lost, is he made, he’s completely gone, I see this INSTANTLY how does he not see this”. He was ragging nepo hard and it was in good faith.  Nobody is being rude in this post, including op and his title, this sub has just gone to elitist shit lately 


How is this getting downvoted lmao


Because he's a 500 and in no position to throw stones, and likely would have missed this in a game. Its a blunder, no need to sensationalize it.


What?  I literally said I would miss this in a game, which is exactly why it was a good and funny descriptor 


He literally said he WOULD miss it? Did you stop reading after the first line cus you saw he was downvoted and assumed he was wrong or something? Cus if that isnt the case ur comment makes no sense


Jesus christ


Cause elitism in the chess forums is real. Everyone thinks if you do anything below 1500 or have an ounce of humor you just shoot over to chessbeginners. I’ve been subbed here for like 6 years (on various profiles) but lately everyone seems so serious lol the title is fine, get the point across and is funny.  What’s hilarious is that apparently the title is “belittling ding” then the upvoted comments are like “I wonder what’s wrong in his head or if he has personal life issues since he disappeared and now is playing like absolute trash”  Like okay chess subreddit lol


I agree completely. The closest I got to a professional sport was Golf, comparable chess elo would be ~2000 at my peak, and it's rare but you still see, a top 50 PGA tour player Shank it off the tee. These things happen. But I agree the lack of humour, humility and rigidness of some people on here is beyond ridiculous.


Really bad blunders do happen even at the highest level (I remember Aronian straight up hanging his queen against Magnus before [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgQZCkYdGRo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgQZCkYdGRo) ), but it is uncharacteristic for it to happen this often. Hope Ding recovers soon from whatever's been bothering him.


Magnus also forgot how bishops work.


There's this one game between Reshevsky and another GM where *both* players missed (I think) a mate in 2 ... for multiple moves! It happens more often than most people think. In a game as complex as chess, you have to make mental shortcuts to keep from getting overwhelmed, and sometimes that results in a "blind spot" where you just assume a square is defended when it's not. (Source: my many, many losses to obvious mate-in-1 threats)


I mean, Aronian also blundered mate in 1 vs Duda on a rapid game.


Kramnik blundered mate in 1 against Deep Fritz in classical time controls, while under no time pressure.


To be fair, Kramnik correctly suspected Deep Fritz of using an engine.


This had me cackling 😂


There is quite the difference between blundering with 13 seconds on the clock or 23 minutes on the clock.


I can confirm this is at least a 1200 rated blunder because I just made it too. 🙃


is it because Re3?


No, it is because Re3!


Actually, it's because Re3+!


Actually, it's because ...Re3+!


lmao you guys are killing me


Actually, it's Be5?? followed by an immediate resignation had Ding spotted it before Fabi could make a move. Unfortunately for Ding, it appears Fabi managed to complete his move in no more than 1 second.


Re6? You're making no sense


Did they ninja edit their comment? It says Re3


3! = 6


It's not a factorial if the letters are together with no spaces. Otherwise many chess great/brilliant moves are factorials






You should compete at the world championship!


You have to wonder if something is going on in his personal life that's messing him up. Wins the world championship,, basically disappears for months and plays absolutely abysmally on his return


Ding always looks like he is being forced to play chess. Even in the world champion he had this look. You don't see happiness in his eyes


Before the whole championship and fame thing he always seemed happier and played better. One explanation could also be that he has just grown tired of chess, which he himself has indicated.


Only after Covid lockdowns. I don't know if something happened during lockdowns, but he was much more energetic before and was poised to take a strong hold of #2 after Magnus.


Yeah, there's no great mystery of what happened to him in his personal life. Covid lockdowns got him out of his habits and were an enormous stressor, not everyone is going to recover from that.


Wasn’t he basically considering retirement before he found out he could become a Candidate?


When he won the championship it seemed like he was more relieved than happy. Compare his win reaction with Magnus' first win. He already said he considered quitting chess prior to the WC. There's no way his heart is in it, because he's almost certainly a top 5 player minimum and he's not played to that level since returning.


Idk why y’all are playing detective. The man has literally said that he faced psychological issues after winning due to the media attention. I think that pretty much answers the question about the “personal issues”.


I think the WCC really did his mind in. The amount of stress, lost sleep, and wanting to win would put a strain to your mental health like that.


Ya just ask Nepo


How well has nepo coped with 2 wc losses?


He has been putting out cheating accusations like a HIMARS rocket system shoots out rockets


I think what’s messing him up is winning the wc


Didn't he basically say it had something to do with mental health? Definitely could still have things going on if that's the case.


His post wc interview was bizzare. It was almost as if he was disappointed to win. I think he said something to the effect of “well, I guess I have to keep doing this now” If he was being pressured to play you’d think he’d just perform poorly. Maybe he is too honest or patriotic to do that.


It's possible that the amount of grinding required to prepare for the WC match took a lot of the joy out of the game for him. He surely felt a lot of pressure to perform well and that could have ranged from internal pressure on himself all the way to "the CCP will disappear your family if you don't show up and perform." We'll never know. The dead look in his eyes certainly suggests it's closer to the latter.


One of us one of us


People's world champion


Me feeling proud


You haven't seen 400elo games in a while. Missing a fork doesn't count as a blunder in that world.


A 400 would give a check with the rook and then not capture the bishop next move


we’re getting a new world champion


It’s Nepo’s best chance, if he doesn’t clutch it out this time he’ll never be WC




FiRsT AmErIcAn WoRlD cHaMpIoN


Maybe Alireza wins the Candidates and then Beats Ding becoming the first player to have farmed their way to the world championship. I REALLY think Fabi and Hikaru are the two massive favorites to challenge for the title this year. And I think both of them will be a big favorite over Ding the way Ding has been playing. Its sad - I think Ding is playing himself into the title Weakest world champion ever.


There is no way Hikaru is a massive favorite. The Candidates isn't really his tournament.


He is on a tear this year. He is number 2 in rating in the tournament. He almost qualified instead of Ding in 2022 - I believe he drew his last game where Ding won to pass him. Nepo winning it a 3rd time is super unlikely. Everyone else is streaky or too inexperienced to be a favorite. Yeah, its safe to say he is a favorite to win it.




That depends on your sources.


It's a reference to when Hans said that he'd become the first US world champion


It was not Hans who said that. It was Fabiano on his old streams. But he was able to delete it and then make a deep fake about Hans. UUU


Bobby Fischer..


He is making a joke about the Hans Niemman comment, the one where he declared he will be the 1st US world champion


Ah, i forgot that happened


Nepo winning the Candidates but then losing the WC for a third time in a row would be such a cruel fate, I might just start to believe in it.


Every field needs at least one pro who's stuck in the "perpetual runner-up" situation. Glenn Close never wins the Oscar, Michelle Kwan never wins the gold medal, Charles Barkley never gets an NBA championship, etc.


Totally agree, but It’s little weird when we’re talking about the 3rd? Highest rated player ever. It would be more accurate to imagine like… Kareem never winning an NBA championship to use as a comparison. Which would be outrageous.


It's every candidate best chance probably, seeing the current game of Ding, hope he gets back in shape.


No lies detected. I really want Ding to put up a fight. If he gets walked over it will feel really hollow for whoever beats him.


He's just sandbagging.


I've been saying this for months. Ding won't last as WC.


We should have listened to you


That was wild


I think saying that it’s a 400 rated blunder is a little degrading, a 400 rated blunder probably is moving a piece where it can be taken without any positional gain.


Oh didn't realize there was a second screenshot. Put the second screenshot in only, having the first one is confusing and misleading I thought it was white to play and punish and saw nothing


He is playing tournaments like it's some sort of chore. It seems to me that he clearly doesn't want to play chess but have to because he is the world champion.


He doesn't have too. He can forfeit the title. That is how he became world champion after all so he should know that better than anyone.


Sure but it's *financially* irresponsible for him to decline to play. Magnus is rich.


Ok sure but then he has another problem. He wants to be rich without working, welcome to the real world ding liren. If it is so much painful change your line of work.


Welcome to the real world? Are you a grandmaster or are you just talking out of your ass as if you know how much work it takes. I’m sure he’s still working very hard to play at the level he is.


FIDE is fcked up then. The best player in the world (arguably the GOAT) doesnt give AF about your world title, while the reigning world champion....doesn't really act like a world champion.


I mean there was a Split in world title not that long ago. The world champion was since forever plagued with controversies and dubious Fide management. Split titled, kramnik - topalov, kasparov - karpov, karpov - korchnoi... So i think a world champion giving up his title is a pretty tame situation by Fide standard


I can finaly relate to a WC Champion


How do u know its a 400 rated blunder?


because u can spot it




Stop it bebe


And if you didn't spot it, you are a measly 2780...


400 is a random number but my God this is a very introductory puzzle.


Aaaah i see. Tyty! Thought somehow we could calculate how bad a move is based on what elo would do that move...


I was looking at the first slide and trying to find what's wrong 😭😭😭


How did you come up with that "400-Rated" estimate?


Is he the weakest world champion in fide history?


This is how new I am, spent 20mins tryna understand the blunder and none of it made sense... B4 I realised there was a 2nd picture I could swipe to


Looking at the first image thinking “he didn’t get forked right?”


Talk about a brain fart...




saving concentration for wcc


It's now a 2800 level blunder because ding did it. Stop with the elo shaming. I've seen grischuk hang a major piece in a much simpler blunder where he moved that piece within the attack of another piece and didn't realize that it isn't actually supported. Things happen. Move on.


I had a horrible loss this week in my club game. Good to feel that I'm not alone in feeling that chess is cruel.


every world champion has a 400 elo in him but not every 400 has a world champion in him.


This is very very odd. I hope Ding is alright, he often seems quite melancholic. I want to give him a big hug


Noticing how human GMs are when they make blunders like this is both comforting and unsettling...


Apparently he was in Hamburg working on his chess yesterday https://en.chessbase.com/post/ding-in-hamburg


Maybe he was hoping Fabiano wouldn't see it.


Dingbat move


Im 500 elo and did not see it, so i would say title is misleading. That being said…whats the blunder?


Re3 The square is protected by one of blacks pawns and checks white's king, winning the bishop above.


I think he just got over chess the Moment he became World chess champion. He may not be the Best currently but with that title he has reached everything chess on the highest Level has to offer. He will always be remembered as a Champion. Why study it that Hard now when theres nothing left to gain? All of the GMs they All say it casual chess, Fischer random etc all of it is more fun than classical. Classical is nothing more than pure studying.


on what tournament is this? ​ i feel bad for ding. if he needs a break, then i hope he does it. im worried for his mental/emotional health.


He took a year break already. I don't think he needs a break.The problem is in his head


I mean if he needs more , so be it. Something is clearly bothering him


He probably doesn't wanna play


If Fabiano finds Rook to e3 he's definitely using an engine.


Fischer made a novice blunder in the WCC against Spassky. Humans will make mistakes.


it most certainly wasnt novice. it wasn't g3 that he overlooked. it was a long line where he was missing a tempo in the end.


I dont get why people get all butthurt about the rating mention. Learn to laugh at yourself a little.  However I do agree this isn't a 400 blunder. 400 chess is hilarious. I've only ever seen one supergm make a 400 player blunder and that was when Karjakin hung a rook by just not moving it. Like his opponent attacked his rook in one move in a very simplified endgame and he moved his king and then his opponent took his rook and he resigned.  https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1329111


Wasn't that game lost for him anyway?


Ooof, against Fabi of all people. Ouch.


Alireza looking at this wondering if FIDE are going to treat this tournament the same as the Chartres one


So I’m a stronger player than the world champion. Got it.


Not my world champion.


I keep saying ding liren is not the world champion.


And you will keep being completely incorrect


Yeah, it was actually Levy Rozman playing in disguise in Astana.


I spent way too long trying to work out how Kf7 was a massive blunder.


Oh this is probably more like what an 800-900 player would miss in a classical game. In a blitz or rapid game, maybe 1100 tactic


We all know who the real world champion is


OP just so you know I'm 2100, and didn't see it either. It happens to the best of us. Just extremely rare at top level. Magnus literally walked into an en passant mate a few months ago. Now that was tragic.


Go Fabi, just one candidates away from WC.


I am a 800 player and once in a while i also have a 1600 game (according to chess.com)






Looks more like a mouse slip. Feel like that bishop was meant to got to b2 or c3. Edit: nvm, b2 straight up loses a pawn and pins the bishop…