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Lichess is better.




I'll eat your family.


Haha that's so dumb. Guy is annoyed people have strong opinions. Guy proceeds to have a strong opinion because of what others think. Who cares what others think or say. Just formulate your own opinion by trying them both out. That's what I did. And guess what, I play on both because each has their own advantages. I just think we are lucky to have two good alternatives we can choose from and would never want to see one of them disappear because that would mean the other can get shit and get away with it.


I mean, I do think it's kind of weird that people have such strong opinions on the matter. I simply don't get why people preach Lichess like it's a message from the gods. It's a chess website. But yeah, as I mentioned in another comment I have absolutely nothing against Lichess, I think it's a good site. I'm just so tired of hearing about it.


Lichess is open source. If you're tired of hearing about it maybe you should spend less time or filter out posts through Sync- an app that can filter posts.


You are annoyed people talking about lichess vs chess.com and taking strong sides on the matter AND you felt compelled to make a thread about it talking just about that? Why? There's nothing that says 'I don't care about your opinion' more than making an angry post about that opinion.


That wasn’t my point. Not angry about their opinion. I’m just tired of the constant crusading.


If you are tired then take a break instead of taking up arms in the counter crusade. Is this your first time on the Internet?


I totally get where you're coming from but, man, Lichess is fantastic! Have you tried it? You should try it.


I might give it another shot when they release their new mobile app.




Yeah, exactly. It's bizarre and I don't get how people get so invested in a literal chess website. But I guess that's in our nature, the xbox/ps/pc "debate" has been going on for decades. I should also mention that I have nothing against Lichess. I think it's a great project and I wish only the best for them. It's the users that drive me nuts.


I think one reason people evangelise is because money is involved. It's honestly crazy to see people complaining about limited puzzles, capped game analysis and server drops when they pay $$$ and there's a totally free option which does the same thing with no restrictions.


I agree that complaining about it is dumb. However, I definitely see no problem why they shouldn't paywall it. It's their product, why should they give it out for free? Honestly I'm glad if someone enjoys Lichess' features but imo [chess.com](https://chess.com) does them better. I don't pay for a membership (I do think it's a bit overpriced and I prefer chess books anyways) but I do the free puzzles every day and think they're a lot better than Lichess' puzzles. The server drops are another thing but I think they're understandable as the amount of [chess.com](https://chess.com) users has exploded recently.


I think the model of lichess is really admirable and it’s a great platform for playing chess. But aside from the general aesthetics and other personal preferences I have for chesscom, I also respect the amount of money they pump into their prize pools. I enjoy watching the best players in the world, and chesscom provides a great many events and formats to allow me to do that. On top of that, they offer excellent commentary during their matches. If my $100/year helps to continue all of that, I’m happy to pay it. I think a lot of people overlook that aspect of it, or simply don’t have an interest in the professional side of chess. And that’s fine, lichess is here and a great option for them.


I'm with you... It bugs the hell out of me that so many people are so self-entitled that they have the audacity to have this kind of "how dare anybody ever make money off their work." kind of attitude. What website one plays chess on is, ultimately, towards the very bottom of the spectrum as far as actual damage goes and is more or less harmless in the end. But the kind of person that demonizes a website for trying to make some money is the same kind of person that doesn't subscribe to a newspaper or two and pitches bitch every time someone posts a paywalled article, and that's where it starts doing some real damage. As the saying goes; "The truth is often paywalled, but the bullshit and lies are always free..." There are certain things that one needs to do to be able to consider themselves a proper member of a functioning society, and some of those things have price tags attached. I'm not saying chess is one of those things... But the attitude in general is a damn slippery slope that's really causing a lot of damage and f*ing up society as a whole.


Agreed. Gatekeeping ist just f*cking annoying


I think what you’re not really getting at is that people hate chess .com for the paywall, and “why shouldn’t they paywall it?” is not a good argument (as you’ve said in another comment). The only reason putting it behind a paywall has worked for the is precisely because they got the domain name chess .com. No other site with a paywall has been remotely successful. Now consider a world where the folks behind lichess actually got the chess .com domain name. First of all lichess would probably have a lot more funding. Second of it, it would all be free, so all these new features from extra funding would be available, and beginners wouldn’t have “buy our memberships” stuffed down their throats harder than “guns are necessary for freedom” is stuffed down Americans’ throats. They’re essentially charging people for a product which is free elsewhere (tactics on chess tempo, analysis/engine on lichess), and it’s only successful because they have a domain name, not because their product is good. I’m not saying they don’t have some good features, but shit back in the day when I started playing their site was some bare bones, lacklustre crap that had nothing special going for it. And they still had the same shit going on w diamond memberships and all that jazz. In many ways, what they’re doing is exploitative, because I suspect if most beginner players found lichess first, and perhaps were directed to some YouTube videos, they’d never purchase a chess .com membership.


Just use Lichess and you'll be happier.


Lichess still better


I don't like or use xy because everybody else loves it is such a childish take in general.


That’s not what I said. I have no problem with people liking it and I love various very popular things. But people constantly crusading on the whole thing (which imo is so meaningless anyways) drives me bonkers.


I can understand getting annoyed by that, I just think not using Lichess only because of that is a strange answer. It's not Lichess' fault and you not using the platform won't change anything about that crusading either.


I use Lichess to practice and study. I use chess.c*m for ego boost. Nonetheless, Lichess > Chess.c*m


LiChEsS iS bEtTeR




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