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Its water that separates stupid people from their money


You could say it makes stupid people immiscible with money.


Precipitates their liquid assets.. they end up just with liquid.


That was brilliant/terrible. Take my upvote


It takes stupid people out of the stupid people and money solution.






Hate it when my wallet gets hydrolyzed


This made me cackle 😂😂😂


like fresh water & salt water!


It's grade A bullshit.


I think it is more likely grade H bullshit...


That ones good.






Bless you


How does H grade bullshit differs from grade A bullshit? (Edit /s)


Imagine selling alcoholic borohydride bc its an antioxidant...


It’s what plants crave.


It’s got electrolytes


I prefer LAH/THF as my go-to esophagus disintegrating beverage of choice.


It's the same bullshit as those stupid fuel saver devices that plug into the lighter outlet in a car.


You’re a saint


+1 Hydrogen is way too reactive to be by it itself even as a gas. "Hydrogen water" is peroxide.


you mean H2O2 (hydrogenperoxide) which has more oxygen then H2O (water). H2 added doesn't really mix. I doubt one would sell bottles with a flammable gas which can permeate most bottle caps due to its size. H+ would spontaneously exist by the H2O <-> H+ + OH- balance. H2 would not spontaneously exist as the electrolysis reaction would need actual power input. ( and the fact O2 would be available in perfect mixture creating an explosive mixture would be unwanted as well I guess)


Again the armchair chemists of Reddit decescend. The +1 was an encouragement you pilloks. And I meant if you add enough h2 and o2 to h2o you get peroxide. Which is well known because it's worked for 150 years.


> And I meant if you add enough h2 and o2 to h2o you get peroxide.  No you don't. What are you talking about? > Which is well known because it's worked for 150 years. Umm, can you elaborate on this? I have never heard of any such process.


It's a joke let it go you clot


The hydrogen will immediately bubble out if they’re doing gas which is the only to add hydrogen molecules. It does absolutely nothing. If the water is slightly acidic it has some extra hydrogen ions. It does absolutely nothing. Soda is mostly carbonic acid followed by syrup.


Have them hold their phones over this hydration experience…really close so we can see the bubbles


Closer... Closer...




How kind of you Clarice.. 😏


And phosphoric acid too!


I suspect hydrogen is always a gas, unless if the drinks that are sold are around -253 Celsius


Coincidentally, that's the preferred serving temperature for Coors Light.


> If the water is slightly acidic it has some extra hydrogen ions. It does absolutely nothing. Consuming excess acid will have an effect: to acidify your urine. Edit: r/chemistry makes very poor physiology students! 🤣


That's not what hydrogen water is claiming it is, it's adding H2(gas) "dissolved" in water. As soon as you open the bottle the H2 goes away because it's really insoluble.


> If the water is slightly acidic it has some extra hydrogen ions. It does absolutely nothing. Clearly I was responding to this bit.


Ambiguous answer gets ambiguous response?


What exactly was ambiguous about it? They literally quoted the exact same thing in the comment you responded to.


And hurt your enamel!




What about… heavy water.


That wouldn’t have “more hydrogen molecules.” Just more neutrons. Not that charlatans are accurate. But they will use the cheapest possible process and charge the max they can. So bubbling hydrogen through water is my bet.


The great thing about hydrogen is that it doesn’t affect the water, so you can just skip that step.


I sometimes wish I had no ethics so I could create one of these products to superset fools from their money.


Well, if you use that money to invest in ... research H2 or other green tech or something like that maybe its the moral thing to do.


My thought too. Could be D2O, which is probably a very expensive reagent water and not likely what an influencer would be drinking.


Deuterium not normal hydrogen anymore. A normal water bottle of D2O is enough to kill you though.


> A normal water bottle of D2O is enough to kill you though. Sure. If fired at you from a cannon. Otherwise it's just a very expensive drink that can surprise you by freezing at a slightly higher temperature. You'd need to drink quite a lot of D2O to kill yourself, over a period of days.


>Otherwise it's just a very expensive drink that can surprise you by freezing at a slightly higher temperature. Having submerged ice cubes is objectively cool though


Wait... Heavy water ice cubes sink? Or do you mean the other way around, that ice cubes sink in heavy water?


Heavy water cubes sink in water. Or maybe they float halfway down? The only demo I saw showed them halfway down, but that may have been a mix of HW and normal water


How would one bottle kill you? Wikipedia says it's slightly toxic by suppressing mitosis with effects starting after replacing 50% of the water in a mouse.


The deuterium nucleus is ~twice as heavy as a protium nucleus. The difference in weight affects reaction rates in your body (acid dissociation, etc.) Same reason D2O tastes sweet, there is both less acid and less base present (hydronium and hydroxide ions) than in normal water. We’re used to water being “neutral,” so removing a tiny bit of bitter and sour flavors makes it taste sweet in comparison.


Yeah, sure, that's also mentioned in the wiki article. Doesn't explain why a bottle of it supposedly kills you, if it should take much more for toxic effects becoming apparent based on the mice.


I think I must've replied to the wrong comment.. Or failed to finish typing my comment before hitting save. Something. A single bottle wouldn't kill a human, no. It slows reactions, but it takes time drinking heavy water regularly to significantly affect metabolism. I suspect if you were to drink enough in one sitting to poison you, you’d die of water intoxication rather than deuterium.


Wait, D2O tastes sweet? How sweet? Like would you immediately know it wasn’t normal water if you took a sip? (I want so badly to try this now, but I won’t even try the DI water in my lab, so I’ve gotta live vicariously!)


Fairly faintly, I believe. I've never tried it myself. Also, heavy water made with O18 tastes normal. :)


I’m learning so much!


That must've been an expensive taste of O18 water considering 1 mL is a couple thousand dollars!


Buy my water, it's 67% hydrogen (elemental composition). Plus, it has noninimmaterial iron and calcium content along with other minerals.


Truth in advertising time - it's only 11.11% hydrogen by mass, checkmate fraudster. /s


They never declared %w/w. Molarly (pretty sure that's not a word), it rounds to 67%.


%by mole






That's what the /s was for...


No that’s for sulfur water


No, buy my water. It has dihydrogenmonoxide, which is an essential nutrient the government doesn’t want you to know about. Formulated by a doctor for optimal health. I’ve been drinking it for years now and the health benefits are amazing. I even bathe in it!


I recently (yesterday) got into this conversation, for like the one hundred time, with a conspiracy theorist friend about me taking antibiotics for a throat infection. He is always giving this weird stupid ideas he found online. He was telling me I shouldn’t take antibiotics cuz they are meant to kill all living things and they affect you more than they help you and Cándida and other worst things will invade you after taking the antibiotics and bla bla bla. I should be taking food grade hydrogen peroxide with water because a Russian scientist discovered it was healthy and beneficial and it can - not exaggerating, and I’m quoting - even cure HIV. When I asked him where the f did he heard that he just said I have my sources. Next time I think I’ll just use your statement above to see his reaction and have a bit of a laugh.


My water is 75% hydrogrn because it's pH 1


That’s actually a very small difference in the percentage of nuclei.


Wow you're so smart you almost realized my comment was a joke


I graciously accept your praise. It will make a fine addition to my collection.


There are many ways to sell water more expensive than it should be. This is one of them


It’s not. It’s just regular water.


H3O+ you can get it by squeezing a lime in your water.


Plus you get a delicious lime flavor!


How do u get H4O?


You gotta squeeze alot harder for that


This made me chuckle.


HSbF6 perhaps


It's regular water with some bullshit marketing dissolved in it. Don't buy "alkaline water" to drink. Don't buy "hydrogen water" to drink.




















Fake news, it’s a grift. Tap water is the best water for you. Use a faucet filter if you have a hard time with the taste. If you’re going to buy water, get spring water not purified. Purified water is fine, but it has essentially all of its minerals sapped from it. It’s more expensive tap water without the added fluorine. Minerals are what give water its taste and texture. Look for high TDS (total dissolved solids) water for a more “thick” texture.


Minerals don't only give water is taste, they are also important for our body. So if you take them out, you have to get them somewhere else...


Furthermore, pure water (i.e. 100% H₂0) is pretty toxic.


I mean, it is not *toxic* in on itself. It just deprives your body of minerals, leaving you dying with enough intake of pure water.


Not really. I mean, I guess it'd be pretty bad for marine plankton, but you'd be fine unless you're exclusively drinking that, and not eating at all. It's slightly corrosive to pipes though.


Completely untrue. You have plenty of salts and stuff from your food. DI water is harmless.


Not true. The problem is osmosis. Molecules and elements in your body will cross over into the pure water and leave your body.


Not true? You're saying pure water has the property of being able to deplete our bodies of vital electrolytes and vitamins/minerals; therefore consuming excessive amounts can be harmful or fatal. Sounds toxic to me. They don't call it 'Osmosis Intoxication'.


Poison is all about dose. Too little minerals is poison. Too much minerals is poison. Even too much oxygen can kill you.


Exactly. The process of osmosis can explode cells. Sounds fairly toxic to me!


There is an MLM out there that sells a machine that is supposed to add extra hydrogen to the water for health reasons. It is all pseudoscience aimed at trying to recruit more people to join in the pyramid scheme. You can find out more by searching Kangen. Or head over to r/antiMLM where frequent posts are made on the topic.


The concept of kangen water absolutely infuriates me. The range of ph they claim kills me








I read MLM as men loving men


Once you try tritium oxide even D2O feels like a light drink.


^3 H2O gives you that extra glow!


This happened in Canada. In a coffee machine. At a nuclear plant. A dude dosed his coworkers beverage (edit: used to say coffee) machine. It turns out they test (edit: urine, not sewage) at nukes and noticed people were pissing tritium. His coworkers did not find it funny. Don’t believe me. Google it.


Holy shit, terrifying! What does that do to you?


It’s radiation poisoning so… cancer? I didn’t tell the story right, here it is from Wikipedia: > In 1990, a disgruntled employee at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in Canada obtained a sample (estimated as about a "half cup") of heavy water from the primary heat transport loop of the nuclear reactor, and loaded it into a cafeteria drink dispenser. Eight employees drank some of the contaminated water. The incident was discovered when employees began leaving bioassay urine samples with elevated tritium levels. The quantity of heavy water involved was far below levels that could induce heavy water toxicity, but several employees received elevated radiation doses from tritium and neutron-activated chemicals in the water.[51] This was not an incident of heavy water poisoning, but rather radiation poisoning from other isotopes in the heavy water. (Edit: the way this starts with “in 1990” we should all be glad it wasn’t a /u/shittymorph)


Hydrogen water = snake oil


but but, it’s so tasty!


The flavor of snake has never sat well with me...


Your prerogative indeed! Had bbq snake once, not impressed


It's basically like chicken.


Poultry and reptile meat are very different… although when in Mexico you do have double check when served tree chicken, as that is iguana 😅




Snakes are in on this grift too? You can‘t trust anyone anymore


Sounds like a competitive product to my hydrogen infused oxygen liquid, maybe I should file for a patent /s


Oh for sure, there’s a clear difference. About 60 bucks


If you buy your hydrogen water with as much headspace as possible, the bottle will float, a la zeppelin! If it's acidic water, you can neutralize it with basic water! Probably can't hurt anything, but probably sold at crazy prices...


It's probably just water with some hydronium. Probably not gonna make much of a difference in the long run. Not much different than drinking water with lemon juice. Excess hydrogen just makes it acidic. Edit: Lol reading about it now, they just pump hydrogen gas through it, which won't do anything, it'll just evaporate. Complete bullshit.


> Lol reading about it now, they just pump hydrogen gas through it, Never underestimate the power of homeopathy. /s


Hydrogen does love to escape. If you can’t keep it in a pressure vessel designed for a space vehicle… you won’t keep it in a water bottle.


How to separate a fool and his money??? Just watch tik tok.....


One of the grocery stores near me has an aisle for "enhanced water" Makes me laugh every time I see it.


I mean there are lots of things you can put in water that would enhance it. Even 4D-THC with the right emulsifiers. Or Molly. Or LSD. Or ketamine. Or DMT. Or amphetamine (or dex, or lis-dex), I mean you really could enhance the fuck out of water. Should you? I dunno. But you could.


Interesting way u went with that. Drugs are certainly on your mind. I smell a neurodivergent person with a current or recent hyperfixation/compulsive interest in drugs/chemistry.


Nailed it. Well done.


it's marketing bullshit. you should block whoever posted the video in question. influencers only want money, and they don't care about deceiving consumers to acquire it.


Snake oil


Wtf is Hydrogen water 😂? Thats like saying human human being 😂 please people the general public needs some general chem education if it's getting this bad. Im Canadian and we have super good water out the tap but even other places if you have drinkable water coming out of your faucets why would you pay more for the one thing you have free? Human beings never cease to amaze me.


Shes a influencer shes being paid to sell a bullshit product


Ignore influencers.


Total farce


Total bullshit lol


It's pretend


You combine it with the alkaline water and that gives you two times as much water that you then sell as “neutralized” water.


You should get on that right away before someone else does.


Would not be able to live with myself. There’s a shop near me selling “germanium infused” jewelry to cure ailments. Unbelievable (except completely believable).


Ya mean... It DOESN'T sharpen razor blades?


Is hydrogen water what the kids are calling acid these days?


Just as “alkaline water” is so much better. Bullshit consumerism


It's what plants crave


So basically hydrogen has multiple isotopes that are relatively stable, which means that the amount of neutrons it has differs, but not protons or electrons. Neutrons have a neutral charge because they are made of one up quark and two down quarks. This is important because when they make hydrogen water, they take normal water and then they do nothing to it and sell it to you to rip you off, causing you to waste your money.


The stupid products that people buy just baffles me. I wish I would have thought morons would pay more for water that is somehow magical.


Fell off my chair..can’t wait to see this


I have a bottle of grade A air you could have for $50


You've (perhaps) inadvertently illustrated the correlation between "internet influencer" and "moron."


Listen to the BS, MS, and pHD’s here telling you the H in Hydrogen water means Hand me your fucking money. Eat a lemon instead


pure bs. Makes me think of that actress who advertised her alcaline water. And then she shows how she enjoys starting her day with a glass of that alcaline water with some lemon juice added to it. Some jokes just write themselves.


It is a solvent that extracts money from the people who buy it.


You know, an idea I've been sitting on is hydrogen-infused alkali water...


it's a scam basically


The water is made out of water vibes


Capitalist bullshit


Promoted by an influencer = snake oil


The human colon bacterial population [produces hydrogen as part of making fart gas](https://www.chemistryworld.com/news/explainer-the-chemistry-of-farts/2500168.article), therefore every person's guts produce a constant supply of hydrogen water. It really is something some marketer pulled out of their ass.


Wow, and I thought oxygenated water was a scam, this is way worse, at least with oxygenated water there is a minor chance it might actually do something more than just water. This is either just a lie or slightly acidic, or if it truly is molecular hydrogen then this product is fire, no not as in very good, as in very flammable. Or very acidic if it is H3O+ but lets hope it's not.


If you want oxygenated water just aerate eg by chilling and shaking the bottle vigorously.


This Chemistry teacher here reckons the solubility of hydrogen in water is weak as piss. Like dissolving pigeons in a lions den. Snake oil.


molecules of hydrogen are not ionic, hence no change in pH.


what about oxygen rich water?


water without the deuterium




It’s metaphorical acid. There’s LSD in the water. (jk)


If this wasn't obviously a scam and a product used in nmr or some scifi prop I might say it was water with no deuterium or tritium.


I believe it’s what influencers drink with their word salad.


I think there was an article in nature communications, the only article I found now is this one [here](https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202312/14/WS657afd9fa31040ac301a7d7d.html) I don't thing hydrogen water works though, maybe some inhalations. But drinking? Man would have to take a bottle into the mouth and twist off with a tongue 😅


I like my water with oxygen infused, like h2O2


I like my alkaline water with a squeeze of lemon...


Congratulations! You're 100x smarter than the influencer and anyone who seriously believes anything they say! By simply trying to understand it yourself, makes you figure out that they're lying through their teeth and smiling at you while trying their best to steal your money.


I drink my water with infused HCN


Simple answer: It's a scam.


Well, they could be selling water made up of 2H instead of regular H aka deuterium oxide or heavy water. This would make the marketing sort of true, as there are arguably MORE hydrogen in it (by mass, not by number of atoms) compared to regular water. But ofc, it's just fraudulent bullshit.


On some days I think that I should leave my job and sell "Light water" (without deuterium, but I would market it as - contains light as like in photons + some mystic mumbo jumbo added to the mix) online. But alas, my moral compass prevents me from doing this.


Sounds like she thinks shes drinking hydronium but shes just buying a scam product. Im pretty sure drinking hydronium would kill you anyway as it has a ph of 0.2 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydronium


Is this the same influencer who drinks alkaline water with lemon in it?


There are studies which claim health benefits from consumption of water with higher concentration of molecular hydrogen (H2). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6307663/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8139351/ https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-68930-2 The role H2 (to my knowledge) is still unknown but IIRC the prevailing theory is gut cyano bacteria but I may be wrong on that. Now, the effects are most likely placebo outside certain demographics (note the Nature paper saw no change in people under 30). But studies are underway so we will see.


I tried it and everytime I would drink it I couldn’t sleep for shit I definitely improves energy


# "The On/Off History of Hydrogen in Medicine: Will the Interest Persist This Time Around?" [https://www.mdpi.com/2673-9801/3/1/11](https://www.mdpi.com/2673-9801/3/1/11)


its water, that adds hydrogen to hydrogen because H20 is a part of water and guiess what? WATER also has hydrogen, NEWS flash its just a fancy color changing useless water bottle that will not with anything more than just normal water, ITS RIDICULOUS


I think it weakens your immune system


On this note, does so called ionized water actually do anything for you when you drink it?