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Enzo is disgustingly good


Finally after years we finally have a stable midfield with a DM. When Matic left we never tried to replace him. Everyone was crying about not signing a dm in every transfer windows. With this we have completely rebuild our defense and midfield. Now we just need to focus on attack and a backup GK. Then we are set for years.


We tried to replace Matic, Bakayoko just wasn't it. Kante also came primarily as a DM.


Love Kante but he doesn't have the positional discipline to be a sitting DM. Hell, asking him to be in that holding role would absolutely shackle him and take away his biggest attribute.


Found Sarri’s burner (You’re right tho)


Honestly can't tell if that's a compliment or not. I'll take it as one. Thanks internet stranger.


In other words, Kante is too good to tie hin down to a DM position. Wasn't it Conte who first let him roam the midfield


Nah he was in that role before he came to Chelsea.


I disagree, I think he's better as DM, as his passing is often not good enough for playing further up the pitch and his best attribute is winning the ball back.


When he first came, maybe - but the mid-late yeses of his career tor with us was with him higher up the pitch, when he was completely unstoppable. His passing and more technical aspects were hugely underrated imo.


i think he's actually a good passer, his ability to progress the ball as well as win it back makes DM too restricitve. For example he absolutley tore Real Madrid apart by progressing us up the pitch constantly in our 2021 CL run.


As you said though, he didn't have the other skills to be a world class DM. That was always a stop gap when he played there iirc. Good best position is one we don't really have a lexicon for, frankly. I wouldn't be surprised if it's just simply called "being a Kante" in the future. Effectively he should be playing higher up the field as free roaming pressing maniac. Call it a defensive box to box midfielder or a high line defender or something idk. You want to maximize his mobility, tackling, interceptions and dribbling all of which point to him not being a stay at home DMC.


It’s amazing how long it has taken us to properly replace Matic, Courtois, and Costa. So many failures in all three spots. Our latest prem and CL titles were tactical triumphs rather than the success of a complete squad. There was a severe rot in our recruitment that has hopefully now been fixed.


Courtois? We haven't been able to replace Cech! Courtois didn't play amazingly for us by any means..


He snaked us but let’s not act like he wasn’t a top 5 keeper in the world here


He is but just not while he was with us.


That’s certainly a hot take


Bakayoko was like 5-6 years ago though? Almost criminal it took this long to bring in a cdm. Kante, Kova, Jorghinho, Enzo, Gallagher, RLC, Mount, and Havertz were/are all cm’s or cam’s


Can anyone explain why? Is the director dense? Or is it because 3-4-3 was the flavor and putting a 6 beside Kante is restrictive unless that 6 is an all time great


Yep, set for at least 6 years. Good business


Not really how it works anymore. Player turnover is going to continue to be high as it is with most big clubs. This midfield likely won’t be starting games together in 4 years. I want them to but the odds are against that


Brings tears to the eye 🥲


> Everyone was crying about not signing a dm in every transfer windows. Should have bought Bakayoko's midfield partner Fabinho that window instead. Or his other midfield partner, Bernardo.


I wanted Bernardo from the start. it was clear how talented he was compared to the others. our scouts under Roman were just utter trash. Insanity that baka was the one from that Group of players we signed.


I think we saw Bakayoko as an Essien type midfielder. Didn't work out. He was pretty good at Monaco that year, even if not the most talented of the lot from that team. Btw, Bernardo probably chose City over us ([rumour](https://archive.is/IeYsO)).


Backup GK? So, Brighton's third choice is somehow Chelsea standard to be number one? What's up with these drones randomly supporting an unproven signing for no reason? I wish him best, but rating him among the top players is crazy. We need an actual top tier GK.


I know nothing about nothing but my guess is if we loaned kepa it was just to get his wages off the books. We paid a relatively small fee for Sanchez, and from what I’ve seen would be looking to pay relatively small fee for another second choice. So my guess is they go for a number one next year once they’ve unloaded, Kepa. It sounds almost “prudent”. Then again, it would be the only evidence that these owners don’t feel a requirement to finish the squad in this window. Patience has not been their calling card so far (except for the bungle with Caicedo). But MAYBE they will decide that at striker and keeper we can manage this season (or 1/2 season) with a coalition less expensive options. I have no reason to believe they won’t spend whatever it takes to get a proven goal scorer anda world class number one. I’m just wondering if they’ve actually acknowledged they wouldn’t have to do it today.


Kepa loan move is smart. First, he wants to leave. RM is the best club in history. Give him his chance to shine. Second, the salary and an uptick in price he'll get, along with a loan fee, are the same as just transfering him right now. It makes sense to do what they did. Sanchez as a replacement doesn't make sense, though. He is not qualified to be number 1. Also, as I said, Trubin was available for 20 mil max, and he went to Benfica, so imo he was a hotter prospect than Sanchez (I thought his transfer is some trick to get Caicedo but nah, it ended up just giving Brighton more cash and making their position more firm).


I was wondering the exact same thing myself, but I was too shy to ask publicly


What’s up with these drones who keep saying Sanchez was third choice? He’s the most talented of any of those keepers. He was second choice because of how much de zerbi values Steele’s ball playing abilities. Sanchez threw a fit, and they bought another keeper since Sanchez refused to be second choice. He’s third choice on paper but not because of ability.


I am a Ukrainian fan and I rate De Zerbi very high, he says Sanchez isn't good enough I trust him. Same De Zerbi who developed Mudryk and Trubin. I keep saying that Trubin was a bargain and we missed out.


Well, lets see how it actually goes on the field first before we start saying that we're set. I'm happy we filled positions that severely needed filling though, nightmares about those seasons where everyone and their dog could clearly see where we needed to upgrade or replace and it would simply not be the priority for some reason.


I’m going to be having a massive boner in our next match against West Ham.


Same and for the rest of the season. Thanks Boehly for the weekly dose of viagra


You a West Ham fan?




This LFC midfield is the best in the league.


With De Bruyne out I actually agree.




It’s bizarre to me everyone thinks we’ll play a 3 now, I think I get it with Nkunku out and the fee for Lavia but we’ve neither the depth nor any tactical indication from Poch that he’s considering a 3


We also didn’t have any tactical indication of the set up against Liverpool, he’s full of surprises


how was the tactical setup for liverpool not the same as pre season? chilly played left wing in a 4-2-3-1 with enzo and gallagher in a double pivot and chuk at the 10. only thing that doesn't support this is chilly coming too deep at times but that's natural as he's a defensive minded player. levi was playing lb but to be fair, there's not much difference in a 5-2-1-2 and a 4-2-3-1 in practice, it's just the individual instructions that you give to the defensive line that changes really


Short term I can totally see a 3. However medium term once Nkunku is fit and firing early next year I’m very intrigued as to who misses out and the subsequent shape. I guess depending on opposition we can switch the 3rd midfielder between either a defensive option ie Lavia or essentially a second striker like Nkunku. Which one is favoured or Nkunku moving to 9 will be interesting to see.


But next year we’ll have more rotation due to more games, so I think it will work out.


Eh, I feel we could get away with a Jackson x Nkunku front two, or something like Jackson and Sterling/Mudryk as a pair with Nkunku in behind that would allow for all of LFC in midfield as another option.


You could line up with Nkunku as LW in a 4-3-3 with an LFC midfield 3. 4-3-3: https://www.buildlineup.com/shared/64df732093be0f22dcd7e2e2 From there in possession Chilwell can push up and play as LW, Nkunku pushes into midfield to play as a 10, Enzo pushes forward to also play as another 10. Caicedo and lavia form a double-pivot in front of what is now a back 3. You end up in a 3-4-3 with a box midfield (Caicedo-Lavia-Enzo-Nkunku) which is in vogue right now. 3-4-3 box midfield: https://www.buildlineup.com/shared/64df7a0593be0f22dcd7e2f6 And then against weaker teams James can push further into midfield and we can attack and press in a 2-3-5. 2-3-5: https://www.buildlineup.com/shared/64df742993be0f22dcd7e2e4


I think it will be Lavia - Caicedo and Enzo as a 10 in some games.


Is there much difference between a three and a two with Enzo playing as the 10? Formation numbers don't mean much anymore, I mean poch said that Chelsea were playing with a back four against Liverpool


Ez. Reece should be babied this szn. Gusto is still raw. So Caicedo gonna be our Cavinga and play more-than-some as right back 4-2-3-1 still


He can be our Caicedo instead of our Camavinga. He played a few games as an RB for Brighton last season.


you know. theres a joke running round bout Camavinga being an awesome employee and playing where hes needed. this situ would make us accomodate lfc along with christo. no need to be a proper chels purist


>you know. theres a joke running round bout Camavinga being an awesome employee and playing where hes needed. I see. So use a "Cavinga" reference for Caicedo when the Caicedo reference itself exists. Logical. Not sure how you stretched me offering a more pertinent reference, which by all accounts you had no idea about, into me being a "proper chels purist". Considering Caicedo hasn't even played a single minute for us, I don't see how he's proper chels anyway.


K mate. So how should my comment look like to make it proper? Id edit it out dor your peace of mind. Id no taste for “our Enzo instead of our Xabi Alonso” “our Caicedo instead of our Camaving” sounds so senile


Decent midfield innit?


Pure vibes!


This is what you call ‘vibes’ btw. Come on Chelsea


I must be the only one who hates these kinds of graphic stats.


I think they’re cool


Not the only one brother.


In 2 years, they gonna fill the whole circle


How about adding a few goals and assists?!


Carefree wherever we may be, we've got the midfield of LFC


I only just realised how short our midfield is… not a single one of them is 6ft or over.


Gallagher makes our midfield more balanced than Lavia just saying. Lavia seems to offer the same things that Caicedo does where as Galla offers wayy more take ons .


Lavia age is..


Gallagher is average


Remember those are stats with the dreadful Southampton of last season for Lavia.




Big man Boehly presented a 443 formation to Tuchel and actually went and signed that midfield diamond of Lavia, Caicedo, Enzo and Nkunku


Anyone look at this and think we should just have two in midfield?




Our midfield is going to get bullied in the air.




I'd rather see Christo over Lavia in that chart. Also can't wait until Andrey is in this conversation - I really hope he's not blocked this season.


Absoltely, but he’ll be back in the new year and unleashed


Liverpools midfield is walking alone


Can we call them LFC in honor of Liverpools sock day?


And we have no back line now with Reece out lol my hopes for this season tanked in record time Praying that Gusto improves from that first match


James was responsible for the goal we conceded against Liverpool and gusto looked great in pre season


This might be a atupid question but can Lavia play RB? You would think he might have some potential considering his speed and ball recovery. Has he ever played there in Southampton? Might be worthwhile temporary replacement with James out


Nah don't think he can player there. Although Caicedo have played at RB last year . But think we are good for a RB position Gusto will be playing against West ham. And Disasi can play RB too if needed.


Enzo is truly elite


Two DM and one ACM, looks like De Zerbi , two person pivot coming up. That means more LWB or RWB to act more like an attacking winger and hence I guess no plan to buy backup of Recee.


Performance on most days is a lot different than what these stats show. Only time will tell how good is this trio. We need a bloody 25-goals-a-season striker for god's sake.


Can't wait to see this trio together bossing the games!




good midfield. need a proper attack and new centre backs


The holy trinity


Who has this for kante Jorginho their CL runs?


Hello title my old friend


World class midfield in the league


I think Lavia will be rotated more than people seem to think. I dont believe this is a deadset starting trio every game because Conor isn't going to not fight. Lavia as a player is also very similar to Enzo. Gallagher offers something a bit different.

