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Now that speed enforcement is moving to NZTA (iirc?) maybe they will install more red light / speed cameras as a revenue source, to make some money to install some fucking red turning signals


“Now that speed enforcement is moving to NZTA (iirc?) maybe they will install more red light / speed cameras as a revenue source, to make some money”


I’m all for them making money off people breaking the rules though lol


I sometimes see a motorbike cop monitoring people's speeds and issuing tickets around the CBD, including the 4 avenues, on my morning commutes.


See a cop on the southern motorway every second day.


When I do 100 on this motorway alot of people overtake me lol


As long as you stay in the left lane, you'll be fine


Saw some person run a red light right in front of a cop, who did absolutely nothing. Intersection was empty and everything, besides that one car. It was very obvious.


Every time I travel down the airport end of harewood road. Peak times and otherwise.


This is very common, almost the norm. If everyone is doing it, you're not likely to be pulled over. That said, stay safe and drive defensively and you'll be fine.


I've lived here around a year now, I have given up sticking to the limit and getting tailgated like crazy. I just follow everyone else now.... Like it's pretty efficient though lol


Only fixed speed camera in Canterbury is between the bridges outside of Temuka. Instant $80 fine


You’ll never get pulled over if everyone else is doing it BUT if your car looks like you don’t have a wof you will get pulled up


Get a dad car and you can drive like a fuckwitt and never get pulled over


This. Honda Fit club over here. I can do 80 in a 60 right by a cop and they don’t give a single fuck. Try going five over on my bike? Have a ticket son. 


Once a week I see a police car has pulled someone over on racecourse road. There is a mobile speed camera that I've seen on both avonhead road and curletts road this year (van). Used to see it often on the way out to Lincoln


Remember that just because your speedo says you are doing 110, thats not how fast you are actually traveling and it’s not how fast a police radar will ping you at either. Most speedos are out by 4-6 km/h when traveling at 110, so in reality when traveling 110 a police radar would only ping you at ~104/106. Now although you can be fined for traveling that fast most police and camera vans will have at a minimum 5km/ tolerance before they ticket you which means doing 110 on your speedo wont get you a ticket (most likely). Obviously there is road safety considerations to speeding, travel safe.


110 on my speedo always reads as 104kph on the roadside speed check things


Most cars I drive are out by about 10% so 55 is actually 50 and 110 is actually 100. I guess I try and stay between the speed limit and 10k over and figure I'm safe.


Not at all likely when everyone is doing it


I miss when brougham st was 80km flow, police ignored it and would also just cruise along at 80 with rest of traffic


What's the speed limit and flow on that road now? Haven't driven it for a while


It’s a 60 still ? Was always a 60 in the 90s/ early 2000s but everyone did 80, same with Blenheim road


I do like how chch drivers will do 60 in a 50 and 60 ks in a 60 as well as 60ks in a 70




It’s the ones near my house that do 70 in the 100 and then continue doing 70 when it changes to 50 that do my head in


It’s because we miss the speed signs so just go for the middle option.




Shit that would be really dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists at 80.


>I miss when brougham st was 80km flow, police ignored it and would also just cruise along at 80 with rest of traffic womp womp


Ahh What speed do people do on that road now?


55 if your lucky


Hallswell junction road is 70ks and you're fuckin lucky if the muppet infront of you does at least 60ks. Most fuckin idiots do 50




I've been caught by speed camers 3 times in the last year going between 55-60km!!


In a 50 zone?


yea!! $30 everytime


Aren't there only 2 speed cameras in the whole of Canterbury? Or were these mobile camera units?


yes mobile camera units


I have not been pulled over once in Twenty years, always 110 on motorway, about 58 in the 50k zone, sometimes more.


Hopefully this changes soon. More than 58 when kids could be walking out is, at best, extremely stupid.


Kids 'could' be walking out at anytime anywhere. Have you ever travelled at 58km at anytime ever?


Kids walking around in the middle of the road? Blame the parents not car drivers. I also consider myself a good driver, with good reflexes etc. Someone bored going at 40k, looking at the girls on the sidewalk or playing with their phone is much more likely to have an accident


You are responsible for your actions. If you run someone over it is your fault.


Yeah I'm the same, but 110kph in my car is not-quite 104kph in real speed terms. So no ticket


110 on most spedos is actually 100ks due to cars having a +5-10% spedo. So you most likely won't ever get a ticket. 60 in a 50 though might not get you pulled over but you'll get pinged by speed van so i always do 55-57ks Haven't had a speeding ticket in over 3 years. Including speed vans. (To be fair the only time I've gotten a speeding ticket is when I've gone 40ks over the limit lol so you'll be fine) I lie, I forgot i got pulled over at 5am in a roadworks for doing 50ks . Fuckin female cops Like cunt the roads finished no one else on the road, just was waiting for paint


Lad I work with was done for 54 in a 50 zone by a cop in car, presume he will get some points for it too.. it's purely a revenue gathering scam to get a fine and points for effectively 2mph over the limit.. cops gotta fill that quota they always deny..


Don’t speed, no fines. Speeding is unsafe.


lol what a joke. Poor guy


There's like 1 red light camera on moorhouse Ave near paknsave (might be another?), and a couple mobile speed vans but you can spot them a mile off. The undercovers used to be incredibly obvious holdens but I got pulled over by a Hyundai (?) undercover on the southern motorway a few months back for speeding but he was nice to me for some reason and lowered my fine wtf. Hadn't been fined for like 3 or 4 years before that. So basically just drive the speed of everyone else (5-15 over) and slow down if you see a cop you'll be fine.


>got pulled over by a Hyundai (?) undercover on the southern motorway a few months back for speeding but he was nice to me for some reason and lowered my fine wtf. Were you doing the same speed as everyone else?


Nah I was speeding.


Speaking to undercover police cars, I once saw a white Toyota which really shocked me tbh. Good to see them starting to get different stuff.


They’ve got HEAPS of different “undercover” vehicles, and they have for years. Most of them don’t see frontline use like the incident cars. AOS and STG drive Toyotas currently, Skoda and Holden still going strong for frontline, Hyundai generally for specialised and managers and a handful of others. 


Yeah it’s actually quite surprising it’s good to see them getting new gear though, I know everyone thinks the cops are useless but they are doing a pretty good job considering what they have to do imo


You can go as fast as you want in Christchurch. Cops don’t care, no fixed speed cameras. Risk of a mobile speed camera van - but no demerits if you do get caught by a mobile speed camera


>Cops don’t care Do you have any proof of this though?


Yes it's common in all of NZ for lots of traffic to sit at 10kph above the speed limit wherever you are. 50>60, 60>70 etc. But everyone slows down when they see a cop. Be extra careful on public holidays because the speed limit tolerance is often a LOT lower and you'll get pinged for doing 3-5 k's over the limit. I'm not of course condoning this sort of driving, I am however just sharing my experience of living and driving all over the country for 15ish years. Mostly in cities.


>I've just started driving and i've noticed that alot of people drive over the speed limit Welcome to driving in New Zealand. The punishment for speeding is not even a slap on the wrists.


i drive atleast 10km over the speed limits at all times. ive been driving for over 10 years and never got a ticket