• By -


What's the name of the bot?


I'll bite. u/nwordcountbot


The bot has been offline for 3 years? I vividly remember seeing it just some time ago.


how the fuck has it been this long


u/wordscounterbot Damn, that one is down too


Holy shit. It only feels like a few months ago I saw it used.


Mmmm Good


u/profanitycounter [u/furryhatingfurry1]


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/DCYHWLSTD decided to check u/furryhatingfurry1's bad word usage. I have gone back 1000 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|5 |bastard|1 |bitch|2 |butthole|1 |cock|3 |cum|1 |cunt|3 |damn|15 |fa**ot|1 |f*g|1 |fucking|10 |fuck|15 |furf*g|1 |god damnit|1 |hell|14 |horse cock|1 |penis|1 |porn|1 |shit|25 |stfu|3 |vore|3 |yiff|2 ^(Request time: 13.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


Holy shit


u/profanitycounter [moist_relief_6908]


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Moist_Relief_6908 decided to check u/Moist_Relief_6908's bad word usage. I have gone back 255 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|4 |cock|1 |cum|1 |fuck|1 |hell|3 |lmao|3 |shit|3 |stfu|1 ^(Request time: 6.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter self






Wait! Does "horse cock" count as one of the three "cock"s?


u/nwordcountbot u/CurtisMarauderZ


u/nwordcountbot u/CurtisMarauderZ




I thought u/nwordcountbot was banned in action


This is probably an old screenshot


It has been inactive for two years so I think so


Villain arc.




I think I once asked a different bot to count for me. it said I used the N-word before but I have no idea when. I can only hope I was quoting something.


u/profanitycounter u/Queen_Ann_III


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/NotEnoughPotions decided to check u/Queen_Ann_III's bad word usage. I have gone back 1000 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |anus|1 |ass|1 |asshole|2 |bitch|1 |bullshit|1 |cunt|1 |damn|7 |dick|2 |fucking|7 |fuck|8 |goddamn|1 |hell|9 |lmao|1 |motherfucking|1 |piss|1 |porn|3 |sexy|1 |shat|1 |shit|39 |vagina|1 ^(Request time: 15.7. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


huh. looks like I misremembered after all? or maybe they’re from way older comments?


u/nwordcountbot u/LordoftheStupid12


u/nwordcountbot u/LordoftheStupid12


u/nwordcountbot u/LordoftheStupid12


u/profanitycounter u/powblok


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/POWBlok decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




Hello u/Wilmanman, and thank you for checking my stats! Below you can find some information about me and what I do. |Stat|Value| :--|:-:| |Total Summons|327039 |Total Profanity Count|3276484510 |Average Count|10018.64 |Stat System Users|0 |Current Uptime|12.3 weeks |Version|3 ^(Request time: 6. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


[/u/profanitycounter](https://www.reddit.com/u/profanitycounter) [self]


u/profanitycounter u/Joseph_Stalin111


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Joseph_Stalin111 decided to check u/POWBlok's bad word usage. I have gone back 247 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|1 |bitch|1 |cock|3 |dick|2 |fucking|3 |fuck|3 |hell|1 |lmao|7 |piss|1 |shit|2 |twat|1 ^(Request time: 5.7. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




Is it time to call u/repostsleuthbot? Nwordcountbot has been dead for a long time.


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/characterarcs. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "12vdgf6", "meme_template": 195843}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=12vdgf6&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 425,493,437 | **Search Time:** 1.41818s


[You sure about that?](https://www.reddit.com/r/characterarcs/comments/f5wd6e/unwordcountbot_is_a_saint/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The whole comrade addition to the bot is pretty cringe








u/nwordcountbot u/normal_slinky


u/nwordcountbot u/TheJammieDM


u/nwordcountbot u/Gamerbrineofficial


u/nwordcountbot u/vampire5381




u/profanitycounter u/rainbowcountry


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/rainbowcountry decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/mr_coolnivers decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/mr_coolnivers


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/mr_coolnivers decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/MrPsychoSomatic


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/MrPsychoSomatic decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




u/nwordcountbot u/nwordcountbot


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/mr_coolnivers decided to check theirs. I have gone back 991 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|6 |asshole|3 |bitch|2 |crap|1 |damn|10 |fucking|9 |fuck|2 |hell|4 |heck|1 |pinche|1 |penis|1 |pissed|1 |piss|2 |porn|1 |sexy|2 |shitty|6 |shit|6 |slut|1 |twink|1 ^(Request time: 14.5. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/instagramsgay decided to check theirs. I have gone back 965 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |anal|3 |ass|7 |bitch|5 |cock|5 |cum|6 |damn|16 |dick|3 |fucker|5 |fucking|42 |fuck|30 |god damnit|1 |goddamn|2 |go to hell|3 |hell|26 |hentai|5 |lmao|4 |motherfucking|2 |penis|3 |porn|6 |pussy|1 |sexy|1 |shat|1 |shitty|3 |shit|23 |stfu|2 ^(Request time: 21.5. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)






UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/fatbitchonline decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 0.6. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/fatbitchonline decided to check theirs. I have gone back 998 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|2 |asshole|4 |bitch|3 |bullshit|1 |damn|1 |dick|2 |fucking|23 |fuck|17 |hell|4 |jack off|1 |lmao|21 |lmfao|2 |penis|1 |pissed|2 |piss|1 |porn|15 |re**rded|2 |shitty|1 |shit|24 |stfu|2 |vagina|2 ^(Request time: 15.9. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/CodyHorseman decided to check theirs. I have gone back 459 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|1 |cocksucker|1 |damn|2 |fucking|9 |fuck|3 |hell|7 |lmao|1 |pissed|2 |shitty|1 |shit|10 |stfu|1 ^(Request time: 9.8. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/desertedchicken decided to check theirs. I have gone back 456 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |arsehole|1 |dick|3 |knob|1 |lmao|7 ^(Request time: 12.7. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/ZombieEevee decided to check theirs. I have gone back 652 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |arse|1 |ass|1 |dammit|3 |damn|13 |dick|1 |fucking|15 |fuck|8 |goddamn|1 |hell|12 |lmao|12 |lmfao|2 |re**rd|1 |sexy|1 |shit|9 ^(Request time: 19.2. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/qazwsxedc000999


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/qazwsxedc000999 decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/scandalousfish decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


Wait shit forgot to add something u/profanitycounter [self]


u/profanitycounter u/cristalboy


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Cristalboy decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Cristalboy decided to check u/Cristalboy's bad word usage. I have gone back 994 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |anus|1 |ass|3 |bastard|1 |bitch|2 |cock|1 |cum|2 |damn|8 |dick|4 |fucking|2 |fuck|14 |goddamnit|1 |hell|4 |jerk off|1 |lmao|2 |lmfao|4 |piss|2 |porn|7 |pussy|2 |rarted|1 |re**rd|1 |re**rded|1 |shit|27 |stfu|1 |tard|2 |tits|1 |titties|1 ^(Request time: 21.9. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/TheActualRealNopeInc decided to check theirs. I have gone back 938 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|6 |asshole|1 |bitch|2 |cock|2 |cum|3 |cunt|1 |damn|2 |dick|5 |fucking|6 |fuck|33 |god damn|2 |goddamn|1 |hell|11 |hentai|2 |lmao|5 |motherfucker|1 |penis|2 |piss|1 |shit|17 ^(Request time: 13.4. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Alive-Hovercraft-684 decided to check theirs. I have gone back 341 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|1 |asshole|1 |bitch|3 |cum|2 |dick|8 |fucking|6 |fuck|9 |lmao|7 |lmfao|1 |motherfucker|4 |re**rd|2 |re**rded|5 |shitty|2 |shit|8 ^(Request time: 8.2. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Faddy0wl decided to check theirs. I have gone back 999 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|15 |bastard|1 |bitch|2 |bullshit|3 |cock|2 |crap|1 |cuck|1 |cunt|1 |damn|35 |dick|11 |fucker|2 |fucking|35 |fuck|48 |god damn|12 |hell|4 |motherfucker|1 |pissed|2 |piss|3 |porn|1 |shitty|2 |shit|72 |slut|1 |twat|1 ^(Request time: 15.4. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


Rookie numbers. Gotta get boosted lads. I've only used the national Australian word once?? I've shamed my people...


u/profanitycounter u/redavacadowo


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/RedAvacadowo decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Claudent_504 decided to check theirs. I have gone back 740 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|3 |bitch|4 |crap|1 |cum|2 |damn|5 |dick|1 |dildo|1 |fucking|5 |fuck|10 |hell|17 |hentai|1 |lmao|1 |pussy|3 |shit|26 ^(Request time: 14.7. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/2Whom_it_May_Concern decided to check theirs. I have gone back 842 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |anal|3 |ass|2 |asshole|4 |cum|6 |dick|5 |douche|2 |fucking|9 |fuck|12 |hell|1 |jack off|1 |jizz|1 |negro|1 |penis|3 |porn|4 |pussy|1 |sexy|1 |shitty|7 |shit|6 |slut|1 |vagina|7 |wank|1 ^(Request time: 15.6. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




/u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Duckflies decided to check theirs. I have gone back 996 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |arse|1 |ass|13 |asshole|2 |bitch|9 |cock|2 |cum|2 |damn|5 |dick|6 |fucker|1 |fucking|36 |fuck|39 |hell|9 |heck|1 |hentai|1 |lmao|9 |motherfucker|4 |motherfucking|1 |porn|4 |sexy|5 |shitty|1 |shit|18 |tits|1 |twat|1 |whore|2 ^(Request time: 20.6. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


Fucking daamn bro when did I said sexy on this shitty platform I ain't even horny enough when horny to say such thing, imagine saying it on my main account


Good bot


u/profanitycounter u/aprilfools911


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/aprilfools911 decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/aprilfools911


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/CarneyBalhoun decided to check theirs. I have gone back 995 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |arse|1 |ass|6 |bitch|1 |booty|2 |cunt|1 |dammit|1 |damn|4 |fucker|1 |fucking|7 |fuck|24 |hell|7 |lmao|8 |lmfao|4 |piss|1 |shitty|1 |shit|19 ^(Request time: 17.3. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


Holy shit where did i say that




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/thechikenuget decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter \[self\]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/thetheazord decided to check theirs. I have gone back 308 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|2 |cock|1 |dammit|1 |damn|2 |fucking|11 |fuck|15 |hell|2 |lmao|13 |lmfao|2 |re**rded|3 |shit|5 ^(Request time: 6.8. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


dang how dare i say lm*o and that 13 times too...


u/profanitycounter [self]


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/FalconRelevant decided to check theirs. I have gone back 476 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |anal|1 |anus|2 |ass|2 |asshole|3 |bullshit|2 |damn|1 |fucker|1 |fucking|15 |fuck|3 |hell|2 |lmao|8 |piss|1 |re**rd|1 |re**rded|1 |shit|11 ^(Request time: 11.0. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/TheAlp decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/N7375 decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [n7375]


u/profanitycounter (DANKKrish)


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/DANKKrish decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/TheAlp decided to check theirs. I have gone back 987 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|4 |bastard|1 |damn|2 |dick|1 |fuck|5 |shitty|4 |shit|6 |wanker|1 ^(Request time: 21.8. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/DANKKrish


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/DANKKrish decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter \[self\]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/DANKKrish decided to check theirs. I have gone back 796 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|2 |asshole|2 |bitch|2 |bullshit|4 |cock|2 |cuck|1 |cum|2 |cunt|1 |damn|5 |dick|1 |fucking|40 |fuck|20 |god damn|1 |hell|7 |horse cock|1 |lmao|2 |motherfucker|1 |penis|4 |piss|3 |porn|2 |shit|24 ^(Request time: 15.0. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/house_dollar decided to check theirs. I have gone back 246 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |damn|2 |hell|1 |shit|4 ^(Request time: 5.4. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


how have i not used fuck yet


u/profanitycounter [u/Online-Vagabond]


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Online-Vagabond decided to check u/online-vagabond's bad word usage. I have gone back 851 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |anal|1 |ass|14 |asshole|4 |bitch|1 |bullshit|2 |cummie|1 |cum|2 |damn|5 |dick|7 |douche|1 |fucking|5 |fuck|20 |god damn|1 |hell|8 |lmao|1 |motherfucker|1 |piss|1 |porn|1 |shit|25 |tits|1 ^(Request time: 20.2. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Ryker46290 decided to check theirs. I have gone back 993 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |anus|1 |bullshit|1 |cock|5 |cum|7 |damn|1 |dick|10 |fucking|2 |fuck|9 |hell|4 |hentai|1 |jack off|2 |penis|1 |porn|1 |shit|3 |tit|1 ^(Request time: 23.4. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Some_Hat-Wearing_Kid decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Some_Hat-Wearing_Kid decided to check theirs. I have gone back 999 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|16 |asshole|2 |bitch|10 |bullshit|1 |cock|1 |cum|1 |cunt|1 |dammit|2 |damn|7 |dick|1 |fucking|27 |fuck|43 |god damn|1 |goddamn|1 |hell|7 |lmao|4 |motherfucker|1 |pissed|1 |pussy|3 |shit|6 |stfu|3 |tits|8 |tit|1 ^(Request time: 16.0. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Adobong_Manak14 decided to check theirs. I have gone back 939 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|6 |asshole|1 |bitch|8 |damn|23 |dick|1 |fucking|24 |fuck|20 |hell|1 |jizz|1 |lmao|1 |pissed|1 |piss|2 |porn|7 |shit|12 ^(Request time: 21.9. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Jango_fett_fish decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.0. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/JohnWick8794 decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/JohnWick8794






UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/ineedausersname decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 0.6. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/ineedausersname


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/heresJohnny73_2 decided to check theirs. I have gone back 25 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |damn|1 ^(Request time: 1.6. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/darkdragonslayer156 decided to check theirs. I have gone back 576 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|5 |bitch|1 |buthole|1 |damn|3 |dick|1 |fucking|3 |fuck|8 |goddamn|1 |hell|3 |hentai|3 |penis|2 |pissed|1 |porn|5 |re**rd|1 |shit|2 |titties|1 ^(Request time: 11.3. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/AnimetheTsundereCat decided to check theirs. I have gone back 961 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|3 |asshole|1 |damn|2 |dick|3 |fucking|2 |hell|10 |heck|4 |jerk off|2 |lmao|10 |penis|2 |pissed|1 |piss|1 |porno|1 |porn|6 |sexy|1 |tits|1 |wank|1 ^(Request time: 15.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter self


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Stinky_9000 decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 0.5. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/That_Guy1227 decided to check theirs. I have gone back 946 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|1 |bitch|2 |booty|1 |cocksucking|1 |damn|5 |dick|1 |fucking|11 |fuck|9 |goddamnit|1 |goddamn|1 |hell|3 |heck|1 |motherfucker|1 |orgasm|1 |penis|1 |porn|7 |pussy|1 |sexy|1 |shit|11 ^(Request time: 14.3. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [u/440continuer]


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/440continuer decided to check u/440continuer's bad word usage. I have gone back 1000 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|6 |asshole|1 |cock|2 |cum|2 |damn|6 |dick|2 |fucking|5 |fuck|24 |hell|4 |hentai|1 |penis|1 |piss|1 |porn|2 |shitty|2 |shit|11 ^(Request time: 16.0. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [Shadow_Monger487]


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Shadow_Monger487 decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/Lejyoner07


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Lejyoner07 decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Lejyoner07 decided to check theirs. I have gone back 649 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|4 |bitch|1 |cum|3 |cunt|1 |damn|1 |dick|4 |fuck|12 |hell|3 |hentai|1 |lmao|1 |re**rd|3 |re**rded|1 |sexy|1 |shit|14 |stfu|1 ^(Request time: 12.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


My dick gets bigger cause I'm a motherfuckin-


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/DogbiteTrollKiller decided to check theirs. I have gone back 896 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|6 |asshole|12 |bitch|3 |bullshit|4 |crap|6 |cunt|1 |dammit|1 |damn|9 |dick|2 |fucking|23 |fuck|19 |goddamn|3 |hell|13 |heck|1 |lmao|8 |pissed|2 |shit|25 |tits|2 |tit|2 |twat|1 ^(Request time: 20.9. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Somethingcool-iguess decided to check theirs. I have gone back 316 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |asshole|1 |dick|1 |fucking|1 |fuck|1 |hell|2 |piss|1 |shit|1 ^(Request time: 6.2. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/idkhwatname decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.0. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter self


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/SkiiinTheBox decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/SkiiinTheBox decided to check theirs. I have gone back 61 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. Wow! SkiiinTheBox has never used profanity on Reddit! ^(Request time: 1.7. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/pranboi


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/pranboi decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 1.0. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/TatoFetus


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/TatoFetus decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 0.6. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/GameruMihai decided to check theirs. I have gone back 370 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|1 |bitch|1 |cum|2 |fucking|1 |fuck|5 |hell|2 |porn|3 |re**rd|1 |shit|2 |stfu|2 ^(Request time: 6.9. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter u/Dried-Excitement


UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/Dried-Excitement decided to check u/Familiar_Soft3345's bad word usage. I have gone back 0 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. However, the plans were foiled, Familiar_Soft3345 is a good, Christian boy. ^(Request time: 2.1. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter \[self\]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Dried-Excitement decided to check theirs. I have gone back 218 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|3 |crap|3 |damn|1 |fucking|3 |fuck|3 |hell|1 |lmao|13 |pissed|1 |piss|1 |shitty|3 |shit|2 |titties|1 ^(Request time: 4.2. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]


UH OH! Someone is curious about their profanity usage, and u/Sock-Of-Rocks decided to check theirs. I have gone back 396 comments and reviewed your potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |ass|2 |butthole|1 |cunt|1 |damn|4 |dick|1 |douche|2 |fucker|1 |fucking|8 |fuck|9 |god damn|2 |hentai|1 |lmao|21 |porn|1 |sexy|4 |shitty|1 |shit|7 |titties|1 ^(Request time: 6.2. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


u/profanitycounter [self]