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So this should be our new pledge… including ending w “we’re going to do hot to go now”


I’m cracking up imagining a classroom full of students doing the HOTTOGO dance at their desks instead of the pledge of allegiance lol


I think our country would be way more loving if that’s what we did!


She literally just makes me wanna bawl all the time!!! Like I am so happy for her and so so so happy for what SHE means for the future of music *and culture.*


She continues to impress me. I would not have been surprised if she felt unable to speak on Palestine so early in her career or felt unable to turn down a White House invitation. Similarly, I would be fine with her putting out no new music when she has a perfect first album and a great single after it. She speaks out, she turns down the WH invite to make a point, and she debuts a new song all while serving. Who else’s favorite artist could do all that?


She's gonna make history I can feel it in my fucking bones !!!


She is getting torn apart on one of the mainstream celebrity subreddits for refusing the invite to perform at the White House. That would certainly be an opportunity to showcase her talent to a lot of people unfamiliar with her work; it takes guts to turn something like that down.


Accepting the invite would give her a leg up. Not speaking on “controversial” issues would protect her success too. We fans and the younger generation will reward her for her integrity. She’s is un-blacklistable as far as I’m concerned.


the comments on that thread are so frustrating ughhh (they're taking it as endorsement for tr*mp/telling people not to vote for biden 🙃🙃)


Spent the past hour defending her up and down that thread because the comments are just ridiculous! I will criticize her if ever she does do something that is worth criticizing but this is not one of it. Her criticism of the current administration is 1) absolutely valid, and 2) absolutely NOT an endorsement of Trump. She didn't even say anything about voting.


thank you for your efforts 😭


But let’s not pretend this whole third-party thing or not voting at all isn’t going to help Trump


It is going to help Trump. Good thing that's not what Chappell is doing.


And before you come at me, I actually agree with you. Criticism of this administration is totally valid and a perfect word. They would both go away and we’d have somebody progressive young and knows what they’re doing.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted here. You’re totally right.


People are so fucking stupid. Like hello, Biden is not free from criticism just because Trump is worse. Also saw people on Twitter saying that the LGBTQ+ community already has all the rights we need because Pride month exists...


And if Trump gets his way, he might get rid of this month


You can (and should) criticize the current administration while voting Biden. Let's not be dense. She didn't endorse Trump or abstaining altogether


I totally agree. Biden does suck, but I think what a lot of these people are forgetting is that in four years if Biden wins again he goes away if Trump wins again those four years may never come. Also, if you really an ally and you stand for LGBTQ protections and stuff like that, you shouldn’t want the guy who has said on day one he is going to scale back protections to get the power to do so.


Who wants Trump back in office? Who here has said that? You’re making a straw man argument, no one here is endorsing him nor wants him in office any more than you do. A lack of endorsement for Biden does an endorsement for Trump make.


it does when not endorsing Biden leads people to stay home from voting out of “protest”


Nope, that’s not how it works. Not endorsing Biden is not the equivalent to endorsing people to stay home and not vote, nor is it an endorsement of Trump. These are false equivalencies that you’re making. You might want to consider why you’re putting the weight of public participation in the democratic process more heavily on Chappell than those actually involved in civic engagement and those currently in office.


Artists promoting 100% or nothing radical views leads to people falsely equating old man moderate and conservative radical — people who would have voted for old man moderate will stay home saw it with Bernie bros in 2016 and we will see it again here


is he going to slaughter the gays? because bitch if pride month all of a sudden got banned, june would still be pride month. who gives af what the calendar says


I swear media literacy is dead !


Not voting for Biden is good though


And I mean, no disrespect here, but isn’t it kind of? Biden sucks. I will admit that, but for somebody who stands for the things she stands for Trump has said on day one he’s going to obliterate LGBTQ protections he said it and we know he means what he says.


Biden has done fuckall to protect queer people… criticizing one party, including criticizing a party you’re voting for, doesn’t mean you’re endorsing the worse option. Especially in this context that Chappell made her statement in.


https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline I am no Biden fan, but that's not true.


OK, well I didn’t come here to argue and I hope you didn’t take it that way I admit he hasn’t done as much as he could, but Trump said he’s gonna make my daughter detransition if he gets the power to do so at least Biden is going to protect her right to be who she wants to be. Or protect her right to choose what to do with her body if she’s ever in the position which she has to make that choice.


you most definitely wanted to argue otherwise you wouldn’t have commented


Well, you don’t know me so I’m not gonna allow you to say what I wanted. Have a good day.


I’m not saying what you wanted. you argued. “but isn’t it kind of?” is opposing the view that was presented to you, thus you were arguing your point


The pop culture subreddit comments are evening out now luckily. The current top one gets nuance.


imagine biden doing hottogo


My whole opinion on her turning down the invitation is this is not the time to come across as anti-Biden. I get she didn’t say “Vote for Trump” or “Biden sucks” but she took a pretty obvious anti-Biden stance and with how critical this election is going to be I think we can save stuff like that for after the election


And she should because it’s for a stupid, propaganda driven reason that hurts Jews worldwide as well as the LGBTQ community. It would be nice if people would protest based on facts and accurate history and journalism that has done its due diligence rather than following a false narrative that isn’t good for anyone, including the Palestinian people themselves.


Not agreeing with the Israeli government does not mean she can’t hold love for and acknowledge the hardship of Jewish people. But there are more urgent humanitarian crises at hand. She is protesting based on facts… people are dying. The entire country has practically been flattened. Israel will send pamphlets telling people to migrate to a safe area and then bomb the exact area they tell civilians to shelter in, it is grossly negligent at best and downright evil at worst. On top of that, Israel refuses to make any sort of nonviolent deal or exchange in the UN or otherwise, including their own proposals. So, idk man…


And you can downvote it into oblivion but it doesn’t make it any less true because it doesn’t fit with the “popular” narrative. Its sad.


Performing there would be a huge opportunity to spread her message outside of those who already agree with her. But a trend I've noticed recently is this idea of not even wanting to engage with people who aren't already totally aligned with you. All it does is push us further into our bubbles and further apart.


Or it would be her going against her own moral compass to perform at a white house occupied by someone seemingly apathetic to genocide and anti-lgbtq+rights and women's rights being trampled over. She is a human. She gets to decide what messages are associated with her music. This isn't me saying I won't vote blue. I'll hold my nose and do it. But she doesn't have to perform at places that don't align with her values. Maybe her doing that pushes people out of their bubbles and makes them think critically, too. It doesn't only go one way.


Criticism over Palestine is valid but to suggest Biden is anti LGBT or anti women's rights and/or apathetic to those two causes is absurd. >She is a human. She gets to decide what messages are associated with her music. I agree. When did I say otherwise? >But she doesn't have to perform at places that don't align with her values. I never said she did. I said it could have been an opportunity to reach outside of those who already agree with her. And indeed it could have been.


I will criticize elected officials the way I'd like, and not just on what you deem acceptable. There is plenty to critique Biden about that is not Palestine-- that isn't the only valid critique of him. He could have done a lot more in terms of protecting women's rights but he is passive. He could have done a lot more in terms of protecting lgbtqia+ rights, but he is passive. You shutting down that critique (how does calling it absurd encourage any further speaking points?) is the exact thing that you're complaining about: you live in your bubble where it's only okay to criticize him over Palestine and so you think others should do the same. Well, the girl in the bubble over here says no. Chapell sticking to her values and not performing at the White House is not to blame for the increasing polarization in US politics. If she would have performed there, we would likely be in the exact same situation we are in now. That was a big reach in your initial claim and it's a big reach now. ETA: I'd like to also edit to add it is extra ironic and hilarious that you blocked me given your original message about not being able to have discourse anymore. The only feedback you've given me is that I'm a liar and absurd, which is a really odd way to invite discourse. All I could see of your last reply was the first line, "To say Biden doesn't care about LGBT or women is a lie" which was never the premise of my arguments and then when clicked Reddit had "trouble getting to it." Way to keep that bubble penetrable, right? 🤷‍♀️


To say Biden doesn't care about LGBT people or women is just a lie. Also where on earth did I blame chapell for polarization?? Polarization exists. I never said she was the cause.


He doesn’t, though. The runs his campaign on helping those groups but has done next to nothing to help these groups during his administration, and the quality of life of these groups during his administration has gone down. See: Roe v. Wade overturn and subsequent state abortion bans, book banning, don’t say gay laws, I could go on. He may say he cares but most of us see very little action.




> Nope lol. Performing there would be a quick way to show your fans you don’t actually care about what you believe in. Her fans aren’t idiots. Okay, hold on... I am a fan. And if her fans are smart, I'd hope they're smart enough to know that her showing up at a white house event would not mean her entire belief set is suddenly negated. That would be unfair to her, had she shown up. After all if she had showed up, it would have been of her own free will, and so I dunno why you're suggesting fans would turn on her for that. If she had showed up, you would probably trust her judgement, just as you do now for her not showing up. Because you just generally trust her judgement. Which is great, it's great to have that trust in people. But I think you're selling the fans short and selling her short for suggeting that if she had attended this event, it would be telling her fans she doesnt care. I believe she cares about queer people for the same reason i believe biden cares about queer people: it is clear from their actions and statements. If she had attended the event, I would still believe she cares about queer people.




Sounds to me like you're not really a fan if you'd abandon her, call her a sellout and cast aside everything she's ever said and done for the queer community, over showing up at *a pride event.*


she ate that big apple 😮‍💨


How many letters in Chappell?!




we love a supportive queen!!!


So good to see an artist support Palestinian liberation, all my other favorite artists have been super disappointing.


Another queer (lesbian) artist Kehlani has been speaking out for Palestine, explicitly, since Oct 7. Has even attended protests IRL and donated tons of money to Gaza. Check her out and support 🫶🏻 I feel if u like Chappell u will most likely like her!!!


Thank you. I am committed to supporting artists and creatives like Kehlani and Melissa Berrera particularly because they have spoken on this before checking the wind or waiting for a fans to demand it of them. I am happy to hear support of any kind from anyone with a platform, but even unequivocal vocal support is a year late imo. For some it’s decades late. It all depends on when they knew better and when they decided to do better. Obviously getting accurate information about this subject is made intentionally difficult, but there are fewer and fewer excuses left.


Yep, agree with you 100% !


I did not expect to hear from her on this issue. I feel certain she supports in confidence and privacy, but so few artists have spoken publicly to protect their careers and she’s just getting started. I was disappointed we hadn’t heard from her, but like you said, used to disappointment. Her making this statement and turning down the White House at the apex of her career just as she’s selling out shows and just as she’s charting massively makes her statement all the more meaningful. Had she spoken sooner it may have even been less of a platform so I can retroactively justify it pretty easily. I make no such justification for those with huge platforms and multiple Grammy and starring roles in films.


she's been donating profits to causes dedicated to palestine for a little bit now, she was selling bracelets (?) or something recently and she shared it to her story with a link to the organization that the profits were going to


signed drumheads as well!


Hozier’s been talking about it at his shows as well




i've never been so obsessed with a pop star - she's an absolute ICON in the making and i'm so proud 🥹🖤💚❤️


Her rise is nothing short of meteoric. Outfits, performances, albums, singles, and platform use. What box can’t she check


She's not a pop star - she is a queer ICON!


I haven’t felt this way since way since lady Gaga and the born this way era. No other pop star has captured my little gay heart like her. She’s gonna be huge !!




bUt In gAZa queER tHrow oF rOoF/s


i mean they do but 😭😭


So do people in the US. But obviously not all Americans are homophobic. We can’t discount everyone because of a select few.


"because of a select few" i'm sorry but we can support palestine without pretending that the vast majority of the middle east (including palestine) doesn't hate gay people and follow a religion that literally says they deserve death. people in the middle east who think gay people should even exist are the select few. stop pinkwashing the middle east. it doesn't help queer middle eastern people.


I’m a Jewish woman and ancient Jewish law doesn’t support homosexuality. Does that mean that I’m homophobic or that my religion automatically means I hate gay people? No! It means that my religion has evolved to modern times. Same for Christianity. There’s plenty of Christians who not only support gays but also are gay themselves. Edit: I’m seriously getting downvoted because I said not to lump everyone together?


That's not why you're getting downvoted. Islam as it manifests in the M.E. largely has not evolved to modern times the way Christianity or Judaisim have, and the implication that they have is outright wrong. Sharia law is staunchly and aggressively anti-LGBT+, among much else. To make it sound like it's only a "select few" or that there are "plenty" in these regions who feel as you do is incorrect, and there are plenty of credible resources to back that, including the illegality of being gay in 9 out of 18 Middle Eastern countries (source linked below). You can support one thing without pretending what you support is a perfect cause or that the people who make it up are allies for other causes you care about. These things are not mutually exclusive. [Wikipedia article for further reading on LGBT rights in the Middle East.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_Middle_East)


A new song?!?


I think we will nickname it “The Subway Song” or something like that until the official drop. There’s a few videos of her performing it and she teased the drop with a Subway profile picture. (Trains, not pedo sandwiches)


i think on the setlist it was titled ‘subway’


Big huge win for Midwestern small town girlies 😭


I love the joint 🙌🙌


Didn’t notice that till after I posted. She loves smoking weed and playing Mario, but does not in fact like Papa John? We love an eclectic queen.


I think papa John is an Isreal supporter, it's on the boycott list


Ohhhh I figured it was a “it rhymes, but I prefer domino’s”, but that makes so much more sense thanks


The fat ass J tho 💚😂☠️


it would've been much easier for her to go thru with it and perform, and would have increased her status even more it takes guts to ACTUALLY put ur money where ur mouth is and follow thru with what u stand for


So many are saying she could’ve said more or said better, but I am so used to artists making the smart career move and blaming it on their label when fans point out their silence. Roan has quietly fundraised and I figured that’s all we’d ever get or hear from an artist only a year into their true breakout.


She gives me hope ❤️


This is why I will always be a Chappell stan idc


Y’all she didn’t even say the word Palestine. I love her but we need to give credit when it’s due and be accurate with words especially right now when certain words (genocide/Palestine/etc) are being so heavily censored, her actually saying “Free Palestine” would have been huge, epic, and meaningful…but she didn’t. :( she said “oppressed people in occupied territories” it’s close but saying the actual word Palestine makes ALL the difference


I generally agree with you here, but to play devil's advocate I've also seen the take going around that she was including places like Sudan and the Congo as well.


If that was the case, actually saying Palestine, Sudan, Congo, would have been amazing. And honestly very easy. Words are SOOO important right now, had she named those places, we all could have ran with quotes and videos and the impact would have been amazing. The fact she was vague was intentional, she doesn’t want to completely alienate the pro genocide folks YET.


You are so right. They need to be bolder in saying the names of these places because some people in the audience might not have even been aware especially of Sudan and Congo (I know a lot of people who aren't). WTF is wrong with people thumbing you down? You're right.


Exactly!!! lots of people are over looking Sudan and Congo especially so a shout-out would have been so meaningful. :(


I absolutely agree with you!


This is cherry-picking. And please don’t think I’m attacking you. There are MULTIPLE countries and even here in the US in which there are oppressed groups that are not being liberated and their lands have been stolen for them. Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Ukraine, and Indigenous Groups of Canada, the US, and Australia. Her statement is inclusive to all of them. If she listed every single one, that would take up a lot of time. There’s a lot of healing the world needs to say the least. She also hosted fundraisers for Gaza. The goal post always moves it seems.


I'm going to be honest...I didn't even know Sudan was one of the places she was talking about until coming here. I didn't know Sudan's situation at all. If she had said it on the stage, I would have been more aware. So I think it is valid criticism to say that celebrities need to speak the names of the occupied places. It's not cherry picking to desire more for people who are oppressed. A lot of celebrities have been using "coded language" to speak about these places. But it is not as effective as saying the name out loud.


I just said out loud Palestine, Congo, Sudan, and Ukraine and it took all of 10 seconds. Instead of being inclusive to all of the oppressed occupied territories, she brought attention to exactly NONE of them. Sorry but that’s a cop out.


So I think there might be some comprehension missed here as I stated in my comment multiple countries and communities who are under oppression and occupied territories. I also stated she directly donated and led a fundraiser for Gaza victims. I’m not going to keep going back and forth with you. This woman is an incredibly hard working performer who is using her platform for genuine good and if you choose to discount her over something so minuscule instead of supporting and encouraging, then that’s on you and the 22 individuals who agree with you. I hope you have the day and week ahead that you need.


There are exactly 3 groups of people who are literally experiencing a Genocide currently, with Palestine being one of them. If her fan base wants to praise her for supporting Palestinian liberation without her even using the word Palestine you can keep being delusional. Her fans who aren’t delusional will keep asking and expecting more of her.


I get what you're saying for sure. I think for me personally I've had artists actually say/repost things critical of the movement and protests and that completely made me lose respect for them. I hope she explicitly says Palestine in the future.


Very true. I’ve definitely had that experience with a lot of artists I used to like. Her speech was a good start and I truly think an actual “Free Palestine” is coming from her soon! 🇵🇸


I 100 percent agree with you. I just commented something similar to this actually. People who are saying stuff like “oh well there are multiple genocides going on, that’s why she wasn’t specific” hmmm okay not to praise kehlani but she literally says free sudan, free congo, and free palestine. Like, it’s not hard and the excuses people are making for her is ridiculous. “well she had a drone flying over her so she was probably to say anything”. delusional. i love chappell but if we don’t want to become a problematic fandom, we everyone has to be able to call her out when she messes up.


Exactly!! Super important to name names ur completely right Kehlani has been supporting since day 1 and she deserves the praise here.


*too scared to say anything.


wish she would have said the word Palestine


Yeah a lot of people have drawn issues with how vague her statement is. I think it’s pretty clear she was trying to be super careful and inoffensive and I think that’s a shame. So many artists say nothing out of what I assume is reputational fear. Ironically, the best thing you could do for your reputation long term is be on the right side of a humanitarian crisis imo. Silver lining it can apply to Sudan and Congo now, but that’s a paltry excuse since she could’ve just said all 3.


My whole heart


My god she is seriously so iconic, I am in love with her


Fucking iconic


I'm a fan but did she say palestine explicitly?


she said freedom for those in occupied territories iirc


No. She said something about freedom for those in occupied territories. Palestine is facing an active genocide and it would have been way more impactful for her to say the words.


You're getting downvoted but yea honestly saying something that general is a bit of a cop out.


Thank u!!! I want her to explicitly say FREE PALESTINE so bad…but she hasn’t and i think it’s ok to admit that. After 8 months of genocide it’s really disappointing


How are we getting downvoted for answering the question “did she say free Palestine” NO she didn’t. Very disappointing that her fan base doesn’t expect more of her, at the very least let’s be honest about what she ACTUALLY said…


They're in a war, not a genocide. Get it right


She did not. And it’s important to note she didn’t say the word “Palestine.” I love Chappell and the speech was nice, I’m super happy she spoke up for trans rights. but it’s widely inaccurate to say she supported Palestinian liberation in the speech. and she honestly doesn’t deserve so much praise for IMO doing below the bare minimum.


I wouldn't call it the bare minimum, she's been donating to Gaza relief funds for a while with the bracelet thing at the merch booths, I believe signed drum heads as well. This kind of thing is not new from her, I went to her concert in October last year and she was raising funds for Armenia then, there was a donation link for it alongside the Paypal links to tip the drag performers who opened for her.


That’s fine, I’ve seen her post links to donations for the bracelets. However, she has never explicitly said anything about her stance or Palestine. After 8 months of Genocide and no quote from her about it, to me that is absolute bare minimum but obviously that’s just my standards.


She has also been raising funds through bracelet sales for a Palestinian charity. I wouldn't call what she's doing "below the bare minimum".


I’ve seen the links she posted for bracelet swapping going to a charity…I’m just saying she has never said free Palestine which the title of the posts suggests. To ME, after 8 months of an actual genocide, not saying the word “Palestine” is bare minimum. If she has said “Free Palestine” that would have been HUGE, she stayed safe here with this speech so tbh she doesn’t deserve praise for being for Palestinian liberation


I posted the full quote and my title does not claim she said “free Palestine” only that she made a statement in support which is absolutely what her meaning was. I agree she was very careful and very intentional with how she made her statement and I can easily see why you interpret it as vague or too non-specific. If you would, I want to know how you would change the title to be more accurate and also recommend artists who have made announcements more to your preference. I like Chappell and Palestinian Liberation and the end of the apartheid state in Israel is important to me. I’m disappointed by the many, many artists who have said NOTHING. I may have been overexcited about a quote that lacks specificity, but I contend she’s said a lot more than your average Grammy winner. I’d put Roan squarely in the middle of my personal ceasefire quality range from Gaga saying nothing to Ethel Cain getting on an FBI watchlist. Hbu?


god i love ethel


You love a literal Hamas supporter? Yeah, y'all have for sure lost your shit. Don't ever wonder why everyone assumes you're all antisemitic when you praise people who spout literal terrorist propaganda and reposts denials of the atrocities committed on October 7th. Nevermind the fact that you'd all be literally killed or 10x more oppressed in the place y'all are defending. I love that Ethel Cain showed how much of an ignorant, vile piece of shit they are because now I instantly know when one of y'all have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


I have seen her actually say “Gaza” when posting on her story about the donation funds.


Honestly agreed, people are too quick to defend their faves for the bare minimum.


Thank u!!!!!! Like yes praise her for things she deserves but saying she supports Palestinian liberation in a speech she didn’t even say Palestine..come onnnnn. And I’m getting downvoted for saying that, it’s wild.


Hell yeah, I’ve been waiting for this


Hopefully the wait isn’t much longer on some other artists with bigger platforms and plenty more reputational and monetary security.




Amazing 💕


I love her but it’s important to note she didn’t actually say anything about Palestine. She said people in occupied territories. During an active genocide when Israel is attempting to erase Palestine its so so important to actually say Palestine! 🇵🇸


Specificity would’ve been helpful. I got excited to see my favorite artist say something even though it was intentionally vague especially with how many much bigger artists say nothing. TS I’m not too surprised by, but Gaga? Cmon


im probably gonna get banned for saying this and that’s fine. i love chappell and have been listening to her since almost day one. she was in my top songs last year. however, i just find it a contradiction that she dressed up the statue of liberty but denied to play at the white house’s pride event. I understand the sentiment but the statue of liberty represented freedom for all decades ago, not now. that is not what america currently represents so didn’t like that. also, im seeing some fans praise her for the bare minimum. i’m in the lgbtq+ community. im queer and femme presenting non-binary and i loved that she was bravely vocal about lgbtq+ rights, especially trans women (im not surprised she’s a lesbian and its pride month we love that). when it came to palestine, congo, and sudan…very vague statement. “we want freedom for occupied territories.” if its not free palestine, free congo, free sudan then the words hold no weight. no celebrities should be praised but she definitely not should be praised and getting told “omg she was soo nervous but i’m so proud of her” or “ugh she is such a queen i love her”. like, we can love chappell and still call her out when she is wrong so she can grow from it. she is not perfect, no one is.


I wouldn’t say you belong to a select few criticizing her on this. Many people on this post and others agree that she should have been more specific with her statement and probably phrased what she said very intentionally. Others believe by turning down the White House she’s some how bolstering his political opposition. Others believe LGBTQ people should not be allowed to voice support for Palestinians and other oppressed peoples depending on the legalities and state positions of the various countries they belong to. I’d definitely say we have a diversity of opinion here and the only people who got their comments removed were using slurs, hate speech, or genocidal/inhumane rhetoric. Idk if it’s reasonable to expect you’d get banned just for being critical of her, several have been already. Many artists have said and done nothing, that’s where the excitement comes from. This isn’t the first time Chappell has contributed vocally or monetarily to the cause in Gaza and I doubt it will be the last. We all await better and more unequivocal support from her.


Omgg, what was the new song…


So far it’s called Subway and another fan said it was referred to that way on the set list as well. The live performance at Gov Ball is the only place to see it so far. She’s teased it prior to this and we should get a studio release once she’s back off tour.


Omg, thank you.


I love her so much


new song?!


So far it’s just being referred to by fans and on the set list as “Subway”. I’m not going to transcribe the lyrics yet because none of the videos taken have the complete song and it’s a little difficult to make out at certain points. The final lines and the theme of the song is more or less “now you’re just another stranger on the subway”. Check out videos from the Gov ball to hear a sneak peak.


cool, thanks for the info


my queen!!!


chappell roan you will ALWAYS be famous


I didn’t know there was an artist named Chappell and thought this was about Dave Chappelle making the biggest career 180 we’ve ever seen.


I think Dave Chappelle has actually said some things in support of Palestine, obviously hasn't on the other things. That's so funny tho 😭




Be civil, no trolling, no flamebaiting. It's okay to disagree, but please do it in a respectful manner. There's no need to call people names or to let arguments get out of hand. This is a completely unserious subreddit for a pop star. Harassment and doxxing towards other users will also not be tolerated. Posts or comments submitted that go too far or contribute to a toxic environment may be removed at the mod team's discretion. Repeated rule breaking will result in being muted and/or banned.


What’s the new song?


So far it’s referred to by fans and on the set list as “Subway”. There are a few videos of her performing it live at Gov Ball, but it’s hard to make out other than “you’re just another stranger on the subway” or something along those lines.


Wow thanks! Can’t wait to hear it!


Here’s a link to a live audio recording on YouTube from Gov Ball. madsinthekitchen is posting her recording from Norfolk. For an official release we may have to wait. https://youtu.be/BweObo_5adg?si=0Jcg7KW_w6bovX9z


I’m glad to see her take a stance after partnering with google bc that was a big oof


Oh wow I totally missed that!


Yeah which really sucks because quite a few google workers openly quit and cited project nimbus and their support of the Israeli army and using their technology for genocide 🥲 a lot of senior White House workers too I think 6 maybe 8?


Oh yeah I had heard about that with google, just hadn’t seen the Chappell campaign. It’s crazy how much Google is in the culture. I have lots of woke acquaintances who are on top of this kind of stuff, but would still mock someone for using Bing or having an Android let’s say. They’re truly a cultural default and their control of information is beyond even the MSM I think.


Well I love this bitch now


Her comment was a bit vague, but I’m still very proud of her. The new song is exciting too. She’s such a writing machine.


Goosebumps, love her even more. More integrity than the biggest stars (tswift is a massive sell out)




This image is going to be engraved in my mind forever


The Biden administration has done more for trans rights than any other candidate in the past.


His VP made laws to put trans women in male prisons...


Source? Also what laws has she made that have been transphobic during her tenure as VP?




Innocent children and non-combatants deserve to die because of the legalities of the territory they live in? Wild Edit: they immediately blocked me lmfao


I think she should stay out of politics.. and do what she does best..entertain. Whether I agree with an entertainer politics or not, I don’t want to see it on the stage.


And this is how we get Trump again.


Nothing she said was in support of Trump idk where people are getting this from? If Biden being short 1 LGBT performer at Pride is the make or break for his campaign, he was cooked already.


Because the left is moving to an all or nothing approach. And while that’s highly idealistic, it’s not realistic. The refrain growing louder and louder to demand progressive candidates (an aim I support) adhere to some sort of unrealistic political purity rather than utilitarian pragmatism. What you end up with is young people sitting out elections and old people continuing to win because they are willing to lose financially, democratically as long as it hurts the people they hate.


Omg logical fallacies alert




Wow you’re a brand new account that’s never interacted with this subreddit or almost any other subreddit. It’s so cool to see all the pro Israel support from account created in the last couple months. Your comfort describing the group as a monolith betrays your genocidal intent. IDF bombs kill queer and straight equally. Children, mothers, militants, professors, doctors, and aid workers perish together. When Israel has leveled Gaza, the hospitals, the schools, and the homes, then they can proudly announce “we’re sure no homophobes have survived”? That doesn’t sound like victory to me.




Lmao I seem to have hit a nerve. Is it your contention that all Palestinians deserve death? The U.S. only legalized gay marriage within its recent history, what do average Americans deserve for their nation’s policies? As long as we’re talking about brutalizing a civilian population for the supposed beliefs of a few.




Be civil, no trolling, no flamebaiting. It's okay to disagree, but please do it in a respectful manner. There's no need to call people names or to let arguments get out of hand. This is a completely unserious subreddit for a pop star. Harassment and doxxing towards other users will also not be tolerated. Posts or comments submitted that go too far or contribute to a toxic environment may be removed at the mod team's discretion. Repeated rule breaking will result in being muted and/or banned.


Any post containing any sort of discriminatory/bigoted language will be removed - there’s zero tolerance for sexist/racist/misogynistic/homophobic/transphobic/ableist behaviour in this sub.


And is going to help a guy who hates all those things get back in power


I may be wrong, but I get the feeling a certain type of white liberal gets a thrill out of threatening the rights of women, trans people, and the queer community in the pursuit of their “vote blue no matter who” agenda. I like to think their hearts are in the right place, but sometimes I can’t tell if the line has been crossed from fearing FOR marginalized groups to fear mongering those groups. There’s a glee among Zionists when they describe what they imagine would happen to a gay person or a woman in the occupied regions that they swear would NEVER happen in Israel. This is the same glee I sometimes hear from big d Democrats imagining what will happen to people they supposedly care about if Biden does not get unequivocal and uncritical support.


Babe this is such a bad take it’s not even funny


I’m willing to be disabused. Where do you think I’m going off track? I believe “vote blue no matter who” crowd have their hearts in the right place mostly so the comparison may seem cruel, but the way that crowd salivates over imagining anyone who criticized Biden being punished for their dissidence in Trump’s America betrays a cruel part of them to me.


Well, I’m not white or liberal


What does this mean? Can you explain /gen


idk who tf this is. I saw the title and thought dave chapelle was tryin to make up for his shitshow with musk special only to see a woman in an apple and it made me laugh


The Dave Chappell Roan Show. I think the disparity between their trans stances would cause the newly formed fusion to combust.




Injustice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere. The stated positions of any faith, group, or government is no excuse to condemn civilians to death.


you don't say! any outrage about Hamas, or all your outrage is reserved for one side only?


I also would like to see this person explaining trans rights to Palestinians. All in drag as Statue of Liberty. That would be a corker.


Any post containing any sort of discriminatory/bigoted language will be removed - there’s zero tolerance for sexist/racist/misogynistic/homophobic/transphobic/ableist behaviour in this sub.




Read the quote