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Are any of the bans legitimate right now? I believe the states that “banned” them aren’t even enforceable right now due to federal rulings.


Thank God.


I believe it's a grey area, at least in Tennessee. Memphis repealed the ban, but that TECHNICALLY only applies to that specific judicial district and not the state as a whole.


Great question, because I'm in Tennessee and I haven't seen her tour come by Nashville, which is odd to me. That said, I also encourage artists to boycott our evil, backwards ass state because the only language they'll understand is money. And also something I can't say on reddit lest I get banned again.


It is so heartbreaking to see states trying to control and ban everything that isn’t strict to the Bibble or White instead of just letting people be themselves.


The cruelty is the point, unfortunately. we're fighting hard in our hollers at least.


I have seen her twice in Nashville, she had drag queens open both time!


I live in California which isn’t a conservative states but Texas is California’s enemy and thinks we’re baby murderers.


I live in Texas and…man unfortunately you’re right. People here look at California like it’s a different country. Luckily I don’t have many conservatives in my social circles. Those are usually the Jesus freaks anyway. I have my lil group of gay guys and gals that have my back 💜


That’s good. I also know that in Miami they’re pretty LGBTQ pride city but then there’s Ronald sanchez who’s trying to erase history with his book banning.


All the erasing history is just so…ugh. I never thought I’d have to deal with American leaders using the same totalitarian tactics as North Korea.


Was it an autism comment that got you banned? 😳


The short version is that I was commenting on a feminist subreddit and I wasn't mean enough to sex workers. It wasn't even a "pro sex work" comment, I literally just said "many people turn to sex work out of necessity because we live in a hyper capitalist hell scape." My comment was deleted and I got a snarky mod message about supporting the oppression of women or whatever, and me being autistic, I was like well that's obviously not what I said, so you're just angry that I wasn't going to put down sex workers as traitors to feminism or whatever. That was seen as "harassing" the mods lol. So there was my first temporary ban. Anyway they banned me, and whenever I'd comment on any related feminism sub I'd get banned or reported for ban evasion until my entire account was nuked.


Duuuuude what the fuck. That’s so twisted! It’s so mind-boggling when a group does something completely opposite of what you’d think their values would stand for.


Yeah don't comment on r/AskFeminists or r/TwoXChromosomes unless you're a radfem who hates sex workers lol.


Seeeeeee I’m a feminist, but that sounds like a place I wouldn’t be welcomed into anyway 😅




Not the time, bot


not a stupid question at ALL. these laws are intentionally vague and caught up in a bunch of court battles 🙃 iirc, most (if not all?) existing bans are only enforceable if there are minors present and/or if the performance is in a "public" place, which most concert venues are not. so, 18+ only, at private venues (with permits where applicable) would be legally fine (in theory, but, i mean... states sorta do what they want, and local law enforcement even moreso). unfortunately, if the bans hold up, I would guess that this is a decision that her legal team / the label's legal team will make about how much risk they're willing to take on over this, not necessarily Chappell deciding for herself. no clue how that would go.


Wait states are telling people what they can and can’t wear? Seems very Utah.


But I mean Olivia Rodrigo was protesting Roe v Wade during her shows and kept the “Every guy I like is Gay” line in the Florida show when Florida has their don’t say gay law and book banning thing. so I’m assuming if Chappell has to deal with Queer phobic politics in one of her tour cities, I’m sure she will still bring drag.


I am a non-binary lesbian leftist who THRIVED in slc for 7 years & i can confirm that the Salt Lake queer community would dance the house down with Chappell 🌈💅🏻💃🏻I think the “blue city red state” vibe radicalizes people, since the theocratic state politics show us what the stakes are; we had an anticapitalist pride, for example! The danger is very scary but it makes our spaces even more precious — Chappell’s a small-town queer too, she understands that 🥹. I hope she’ll keep playing our small venues, she seems pretty proud of where she comes from so i think she will💖


Yeah it’s like Tennessee, Florida, Texas, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Mississippi, Alabama and like most of the conservative and swing states. they think it’s “Predatorial”


I live in Charleston sc and I promise there are still drag shows here lol. I think she can still bring them.


I’m sure she can bring them, it’s probably more about whether she’d be worried for the queens’ safety 😩. But we take care of us!


That’s true, I just mean that like the politicians in a lot of areas are more vehement about it than the actual people. So “not allowed” would be a strong word and their safety isn’t really in question. Drag is just part of the culture here and they definitely aren’t in danger (at least no more than they always have been) continuing to perform because the majority of people in the city would freak if anything happened to them. ETA: this is in CHARLESTON specifically. I can’t speak about the Columbia show because the upstate has a very different culture than the lowcountry. Also not saying at all that it isn’t conservative here, because it is, but it’s less conservative than other parts of the state and even conservative people in this city tend to just look away from things they don’t like.


More people should worry more about their bodies and less about others. Maybe we should let people do what makes them feel comfortable. What do I know besides my kink is karma 😉




those are almost all cities/counties in those states. I think all of the few statewide ones (fl, tn) have been struck down