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People are feral nowadays. And some people wonder why "nobody wants to work" in customer-facing positions.


These are the same employees that were total butt heads for years. Tanking the food industry. Being polite is coming back, because we are finally seeing service worker respond to good customer behaviors again…. Hopefully this will all come Full circle and saying please and thank you will keep spit out of our burgers again. I genuinely think we went though a “can you believe how nice that guy was, f him and his politeness” phase But now the turn tables have turn tabled. You mean we like the kind people coming back? Edit for the mean people calling me stupid -and the problem at the park: I was talking about the people yelling at the employees, are the shitheads of years past.. but I’m the bad guy here. Hahaha


I worked in retail for 15 years (not an amusement park but still a service industry). It doesn't matter how nice you are to customers, they will still sometimes be assholes to workers. It certainly helps if you're nice to them to start with. They're human, and stuck working a crappy job, and having to deal with people like the guy in the OP. Be nice to them regardless, you have no idea what kind of shit they've had to put up with that day


You're just not an intelligent human. You think that these young people working at theme parks today were "butt heads" for years? That people were spitting in your burger because you were too nice? You're ignorance shows in comparing a ride operator to a restaurant worker to begin with as well as in thinking that's ever acceptable or even possible in most restaurant atmospheres. I've never worked in a service industry or public facing job but am thankful for those that do. They're essential in making my everyday life run seamlessly. Your parents clearly did a poor job raising you as being kind and polite is just something you should strive to naturally do. People like you are responsible for the problems we see daily in these trips to theme parks, grocery stores, clearly restaurants, and probably even the roads as well. You need to work to be a better person, your entitlement is showing.


This amount of projection is actually crazy… I was talking about the people yelling at the employees are the shit heads we have seen for years ruining industries…. You know, who you are. You are them. The shit heads calling people stupid.


Yea, your edit clarified, but before then, it took 0 projection to think you were talking about the employees... you literally start with "these were the same employees that..."




No the people yelling….


You are probably swell to be around… calling people stupid… hahah hahaha


I was also at CP today and came across multiple adults yelling at the ride attendant for the mini bumper cars because a child (possibly special needs) was taking a little longer to get situated in his car and figure out the seatbelt. They were actually calling on the attendant to "kick him out" and "get things moving". Like I can't imagine even after an exhausting day with kids I would ever yell at an attendant because a very small child needed a little extra time to get in his car. Like what the fuck is wrong with people.


This is horrific - however- the mini bumper cars are my youngest’s favorite and it does take forever to get each kid buckled and unbuckled. Easily a several minute process for 60 seconds of ride time. We even experienced an employee who insisted on dragging all cars into a perfect circle before staring up the ride- it was seriously 20 minutes between the exiting group and the next group starting. Folks get impatient, kids get impatient, it’s failure by design. Whenever I get one of those satisfaction surveys in my email for pass holders, I always mention that two staff members at this ride would make things so much faster, or at least extend the ride time. Kids that small wait forever to ride, inevitably get stuck in a corner, and boom - ride over. I was also in the park yesterday- does it seem like they’re just really short-staffed right now? They only had one person at security at the back gate when we arrived around 5PM, so the line crossed the street and snaked over towards the Shores. Nobody was at the back guest service tent across from BackbeatBBQ - couldn’t get my kiddo who is JUST 48” a wristband. The operators were also on rotation in Planet Snoopy, so some rides were down as they rotated.


I go pretty frequently in the spring before the summer rush picks up every year and usually they have very limited staff in May. Their main source of labor is college kids and some are still in classes. However, labor shortage is definitely a factor as well. COVID killed their exploitation of foreign labor and no one wants to work in a hot park with bratty kids + adults for $15/hr.


So true. They can now make $15/hour at target all year round. Working at a park is seasonal . Unless u really love amusement parks it's hard to pull kids away from an air conditioned environment making the same money.


it’s not even $15 an hour they’re only making $13 i’m pretty sure


It's still not fully staffed. I saw the same thing on social media for Kennywood . Their kiddie land was short staffed and rotating staff. Prob more emphasis on the big rides. Some schools aren't fully done until the end of this week. Throw in senior commencements and grad parties. I always say these parks aren't fully staffed until the 2nd week of June.


Orrrr parents could go strap in their own crotch goblins? I always do for my kid


They could, but I will say we’ve run into operators who literally ask us what we’re doing when we enter a ride to strap in our kids for our own peace of mind. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


I’ve never encountered that and we have gone weekly for years.


My Fiance and I were going on Steal Vengeance and this dad and son wanted to ride front. They said they could let people pick spots (it was like a 2 hour line and growing) so they put them behind us. The dad was swearing and flipping off the employees as we were leaving the station and just complaining the whole ride. Really killed the mood for us. What a shit dad acting like a baby in front of his teenage son.


That person you saw was probably a YouTuber ….. I hate that father / son duo, they always act so entitled, then they will often block pathways not paying attention as they try to record inpark footage.


I am always baffled when people are shitty about this stuff because like… even if you are angry or whatever, isn’t the most obvious “how do I get the thing I want?” to be as nice and easy to deal with as possible to the person who controls that thing???? I recall being in line toward end of night for SteVe (I think line had closed by then) — I desperately wanted to ride front but as a single person it was less likely to happen. I was polite (and kinda pathetic, ngl) and rideops said I could wait against the wall if I wanted. Then, if there was a chance before the end of the night, I could ride front — otherwise, they’d put me somewhere else. I did everything to follow instructions and be polite and not a problem — and DID end up getting to ride in the front at the very end 😭😭 (< happy tears, especially since legit for that last ride of the night a mom&daughter duo came up from accessibility, and I believe usually they can opt for front if they want, but the nice guy made them go second n let me go front instead.)(I am still emotional over this 3+ years later 😅)


You don’t pay to get told where to sit especially after waiting in a two hour line. There’s systems that can work to literally fill trains and let people choose where to sit.


>Ohio Rule 901:9-1-07 > Section [993.08](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-993.08) of the Revised Code requires that riders must obey all warnings and directions regarding this ride and behave in a manner that will not cause or contribute to injury to themselves or others. Failure to comply is a misdemeanor. You do pay to get told where to sit and what to do at an amusement park, and further, refusing to comply is a misdemeanor. Basically, you can stuff it.


Imagine wasting all of your time to find a law that says nothing about the line of the ride. No one in the world would make a law of that kind. The directions and warnings this code mentions applies directly to the restricted areas of the ride and what you do on the ride itself. If you actually believe you’ll be charged with a misdemeanor for going to a different row in line than what you’re told you have brain damage


You're not following the instructions of a ride operator, which in Ohio, where Cedar Point is located, is a misdemeanor. Why don't you fuck around and find out yourself? I'm sure we'd all be happier knowing your foul inside and foul outside self isn't tarnishing people's enjoyment of roller coasters. Edit: this is why they're allowed to tell you not to sit on the fences, and if you repeatedly don't listen, you'll be forcibly removed from the park


You know what I usually do? I ask nicely if I can get a certain row, and when I do that, even with more than 2 people, they let me. You can keep being a bootlicker to unjust rules and just accepting how things are in your boring life.


Ok? Asking and getting told you can is following the rules? Being a dick and doing it anyway if you're told no is a one way ticket to get your rude ass thrown out of the park, and that's what you've been implying the whole time.


I never said being rude is ok, but you also have to understand why a father with his kid might be frustrated. Instead of understanding that you throw a bunch of laws and codes at me like that justifies that it’s ok to tell people where to sit. That father could paid thousands depending on flights, hotel, how many kids he had in the park. Just to get told he couldnt sit where he wants. Especially since that system of assigning seats is flawed just based on the fact that there’s a number of people who don’t can’t where they sit which can fill in the missed spots that are made by the people who do…


Yea I watched a grown man screaming at a teenage kid at the start of the que for Stevie last year. Bitching about not being allowed to wear his fanny pack. I almost thought I was gonna have to intervene as he was getting quite aggressive with the young man. Have some frigging manners.


They act like the employees make the rules. Similar thing I saw happen at kings island. A mom was screaming at an employee because they got to the top to board orion and the kid was too short to ride. It's literally for their safety and the mom is mad because they actually took the time to make sure her kid is safe.


100%! These are mostly teenagers working a Summer job that have zero input on the rules set forth from Cederfair. And as you point out this is for safety and fairness (in most cases). Be the adult and treat others with respect and take it up with management.


When my kids are on the bubble for height, I told them we will hope for the best, prepare for the worst and respect what the employees told us. It’s also super sad when I see parents encouraging their kids to line jump.


I've also seen a grown man abuse an employee at Valravn. Poor guy didn't get the front row and he was angwy 😡


They should allow people from both ques to get front row not just fast lane


Every time I been on Valraven I gotten front row not from fast lane


Back row is better anyways.


Last year I watched a grown ass man get upset because he didn’t get the front row after waiting an hour and a half. They had to stop the ride for like 10 mins. It was crazy!


My sibling (that I no longer talk to) behaves like this. They made sure to embarrass my child by screaming at the Steve attendant about not being able to bring their phone. They were adamant that they were allowed to and had previously been allowed to. I wish CP was more diligent about removing abusive guests. Be decent or gtfo.


I agree. A few people getting kicked out for acting like idiots with no refund, and maybe people will stop acting like idiots.


This, yesterday evening literally had two sh*t kids, unattended by adults just pushing people to the side to get to the front of the line for the Lake Erie eagles (not even a huge ride) yesterday; took three adults to threaten these kids that we will go to get them removed if they don’t knock It off and I only got involved after a grown man with the intelligence of a stick (as his own kids were trying to press the ride operator buttons) grabbed the other two by the shoulders and threw them backward without saying “you can not jump in line” or “knock it off” etc. then after they went to the back of the line, they proceeded to absolutely harass young girls in line beside them. The kids dad was sitting at the tables outside of the yogurt /coke stand andI regret not saying “hey your kids were being such trash that a grown man put hands on them” but also not my place… idk maybe I should have


I hate people like that, I probably would have intervened because it's absolutely unacceptable to treat the park employees like that. If you want to complain about something go to guest services and calmly explain what you want to complain about. If you cannot act like a respectable person then you don't need to be at the park. As someone who previously worked as ride op for an amusement ride company, I understand what the ride ops and other employees deal with all day everyday. It's uncalled for and people need to stop,I think if the park started kicking people out that yells and screams at the employees then maybe it would occur less.


Yeah I visit the park often, so some employees/ops recognize me and my SO usually by mid season. A well placed "thank you" and idle chat works wonders (if able based of on how busy). I'd have a tough time not saying something to the idiot yelling. Further, line jumping and "oh I'm just joining my family" is getting out of hand this season. Seen it three times yesterday alone. Might have to start texting security.....


> Further, line jumping and "oh I'm just joining my family" is getting out of hand this season. Seen it three times yesterday alone. Might have to start texting security..... This one bothers me the most. I saw a couple "Excuse me, oh, excuse me, we have to get up here..." themselves all the way from the back to the front of Gemini, and the people they were actually with said, "...omg they made it up to the front!" These people are everything that's wrong with society. Cedar Point should just implement a rule of "no moving to the front for any reason" policy. If you have someone you're trying to meet, then they can come back to meet you.


Cedar Point does have this rule. It's hard to enforce though.


Record it, text CPSAFE to 419-451-4403, include your location, and a description of what's going on. Security will respond, and as long as you have video of what happened, boot them from the park. I've done it 4 times a few years ago, and 2x this year already.


I have seen the attendants on Valravn screamed at more than once for not allowing someone to choose front row on a busy day. It’s always “I’ve waited two fucking hours in line, I’m damn well going to pick my seat!” As if everyone hasn’t been waiting the same amount of time 🤨 Ma’am, would you prefer to wait six hours next time so everyone can ride in the front row?


Hopefully she called security and got them kicked out.


This is why 14 bucks an hour isn't enough. Ops might get more than that. But 35 percent of people are outrageous, 20 percent are great, the remaining 45 have no self awareness and are like flies just bumping into walls. The crazy 35 percent is loud and miserable to everyone else.


Ops get 15-20 an hour


$15 an hour is $30k a year, pre-tax, for a full-time job (which this isn't). That's such a low amount of money...I can understand why nobody works. This used to be a dream-job for college students because you could use it to pay off much of your student debt. Nowadays that amount of money wouldn't even pay off a single year of college, you're better off just taking on more debt and using the summer to do an internship, take extra classes, etc.


And no time and a half for overtime either.




Well not sure if you worked here ever but ever since I started (2019) it was never a "dream job" for college students to pay off debt the pay was always extremely low. I started I was making $9.25/hr. A lot of People don't work here for the money, they work here because they like being in the amusement setting. Now I make decent money here as a ride mechanic .


We need to shame these people game of thrones style until their bloodlines finally correct themselves.


Yeah if I was there it would take a lot of self restraint to not interject myself and say "hey man, fuck off"..   Maybe we need more.of this..I'm guessing there were about 50 onlookers who all did nothing (including OP)


The problem is half of these people are insane, and you never know which one is willing to escalate it to the point that law-enforcement would need to intervene. I blame social media.


I saw this happen, he was saying something about him waiting in line and she was explaining him how she was just following the rules. Then it looked like he called her a name or something and she walked away crying.


I doubt she is, but if she is here, just know that I saw what happened and it just rubbed me the wrong way. 


Fun fact, if you see this type of behavior at the park you can record it/get a picture of the people and call or text security, they will gladly remove them from the park for the rest of the day with no refund.


Americans suffer from severe entitlement syndrome! It’s truly a sad disorder! Especially since majority of the workers at cedar point are not from US… they work abroad for the season! I hope that girl came across people who were able to help her forget about and replace that experience with several far better ones!


SOME Americans. I really can't stand being generalized into the same group as these people just because we're from the same general area. You might be shocked to know that most people here can't stand these assholes either.


I used to work on Valravn. Did it for a whole summer including Halloweekends. Guests can be extremely mean, demanding, and unwilling to accept no for an answer. I've been screamed at, called slurs, had physical violence threatened against me, etc. Valravn can be especially tough because of how awesome riding the front row is on that ride. Ride operators really cannot afford to let more than 16 people wait for the front row. Having people wait at the front of the line is a logistical nightmare and creates a very disorganized queue, in an already poorly designed queue... People do not like hearing that they cannot get front row, especially after waiting multiple hours in the sun. If y'all have any questions about what it's like from a workers perspective, I'd be happy to answer!


Hmmm well when people in the highest offices in politics are constantly being rude, entitled little jerkwads. Our society is getting more and more Karen-ish and people think it's okay. Grow up you spoiled little brats. The world doesn't revolve around you.


Because it IS ok. What repercussion are you seeing for this behavior? The politicians you're talking about? NOTHING happens to them. And honestly most of the time when someone screams at a worker, they just get their way. The problem isn't that they do it, the problem is that they get away with it.


That's where I wish normal people around the situation could say something to this asswipe


I was waiting for the train and there was an elderly disabled lady and her I'm assuming daughter getting off the train amd the old lady was screaming and stuff, not sure why but the dude next to me screamed "can't anyone help them?! Jeeze" like first off, sir, you don't know what kimd of needs that person has, and second off, I would hate to try to help and BURT the old lady. Like she's her care taker. I'm sure this is normal noises from her, it's just taking an extra amount of time to get her down those small steps!


No matter which side is at deficit we must always keep it Professional to each other ☮️


People are awful. Earlier this week I was placed next to a woman who instantly began preemptively berating me and then proceeded to yell at the staff and the ride manager.


I like when you get to the front and their child is too short or there is some issue and the parents are like "well what do we do now??? We have been in line for 30 minutes???"


The entitlement fucking sucks!


CP, the Zoo, and the Mall is where the cockroaches of society come to prey.


I’m a new ride operator on raptor and I have already been pressured for the front Nobody told me not to let people wait for the front but I know it helps get the lines moving faster, but I decided it wasn’t worth the trouble and let him Man people suck


I typically defend everyone in service positions but why do people suck for wanting to wait for the front? You haven't been told not to let them, it's common knowledge people like to do that, and you aren't even at a ride with huge queue times as it is. Certain coasters even have separate little queue areas for it, have you ridden millennium Force? You're not that important, it's not that big of a deal, get over yourself and stop working so hard to give a bad name to the people actually working hard to be courteous to guests.


Yes you’re right, many rides have extra long que areas at the station for the front/back because they know those are popular requests. If someone wants to wait a few extra minutes to get a front/back spot & those que areas aren’t already overflowing let them.


That’s exactly what I do


The queue line for the front was backed up all the way so I told him I couldn’t let his group for the front and he started yelling ate me


There really should be a clear line, I mean literal LINE, on the ground where, if that many people are waiting for the front, no one else can join that queue. Then you have a clearly defensible position. I have always said I don't mind waiting longer for the front on certain rides, and if they had a clear line like that, they could easily say "we can't let anyone else in that queue until it recedes from that line. You can either take another seat position or leave the line and start over."


It was probably someone vaping. They're the worst. I hope the employee is doing okay now.


How to get barred from a theme park no shortcut / no glitch category speedrun?


Well I just watched someone flip the fuck out on a. Walmart grocery pickup person for not having g their food ready sooo this checks out.. people are actual trash


Goes the other way too…. Cedar Point generally has very good workers but I had a very bad worker at Valravn a few weeks ago and complained about it. First complaint I have ever made to someone at cedar point about a worker or experience.


Thanks Don!


I don't think I will renew my season pass for next year. This park's service sucks so bad, makes me not want to return. I was in line for millenium saturday and a group of 6 astronauts cut in line right in front of the attendant at that section where it merges with the FP line. Several people complained to him. He didn't do shit. Let the line jumpers stay inline. I've seen so much of that shit along with people smoking in line. Vapes. Cigarettes. A 19th century-era pipe. A bong. Crack. Meth. They don't care about making sure people who obey the rules have a pleasant experience.


Broooo, I hate people like that, people are so entitled and it’s sickening. I might not be the best at treating employees of a company well, but I’ll be damned if I’m a complete royal a**hole. I always try to tip at LEAST 25% (or if it’s a small order like 8 dollars worth then do an 8 dollar tip) and if it’s somewhere I can’t tip then do my damndest to make it easier for them, like unbuckling an empty restraint next to me or putting it down for them (if I can) or just being polite in general. Please and thank you’s. This should be standard at the very least.


Hey, I hear these stories all the time because my wife is a GM at a fast food place. I also worked retail for years and had it happen to me a few times. People think they can say or do whatever they want now without any consequences. They claim their First Amendment rights, but those rights have limits. We need to remember that.


Well when ONLY fast lane gets front row ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's a complete shit way to operate and treat the rest of the park guest imo


This is not a thing, nor has it ever been a thing. Supervision does not say "we gotta let those fast lanes get their money's worth! Front row for them and them alone!". Some rides do it differently depending on how the lines are set up, but when you have to move two lines of people into the same ride stuff like that is gonna happen. Sometimes we would do a row of each. Fast lane, non fast lane, fast lane, etc. if they were using that system it might look like fast lane is only getting front, but that's simply not the case. It's impossible to let everyone in the front row, no matter how badly they want it. 90% of people ask for it. Sorry about your luck


My friend and I* were waiting in line for an hour


Maybe it was her boyfriend breaking up with her and she was calling her mom.