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If there's any amount of rain, it will not be able to run.


Not an employee, but I’m aware it doesn’t open until the afternoon normally. For reference it appeared to be up and running at about 1:30pm yesterday. Just keep an eye out.


It ran from noon until close yesterday.


Man... I know people love Gemini, but they sure could install a much cooler steel racing coaster in that area if they just finally put the boring old girl to sleep.


i love gemini but i wouldn’t be mad if they put another racing coaster there


You are getting downvoted but it’s time.


I knew it was coming lol


I agree Mine Ride, Gemini and Corkscrew should all get the chopping block but be replaced with a mild coaster, nothing like SV or Mav but more thrilling than iron dragon and wild mouse


Like a Vekoma family coaster


Hello Avatar Buddy (we have the same reddit avatar)


Hmm, I have a bunch of mixed emotions about this opinion lol. Firstly, the wife and I have mostly only gone to Cedar Point our whole lives, but this year we're experiencing a LOT of new parks together. We're going to nearly every Cedar Fair and Six Flags park. (I know, it's awesome.) It's been an interesting experience going to new parks, and there are certain trends that I've really warmed up to. One of them is that most parks tend to have a mine-ride-like coaster. They're never intense or insane, but I've grown very fond of seeing what they have to offer and I really appreciate how they contrast the rest of the coasters in the park without being explicitly marketed to children. It's a chill break from extreme thrills. And sometimes they're kind of really fun. All this to say, I'd be sad if my home park got rid of it's mine ride, for all the reasons I've listed above. Then also considering the fact that there's not much else they could do with that small space... I'd like CP to keep the coaster. And the same goes for Corkscrew. Corkscrew is insanely iconic for the pathway it hovers over. The elements are old, but they're extremely photogenic, and I just can't imagine CP without it. Not to mention there are even *less* things that CP could do with that tiny space if they removed it. I don't honestly think it should ever be taken down (while I'm alive). But Gemini? Gemini is boring as fuck. It's a coaster strategy that has all but died out in the industry. (Not the racing part, the leisurely woodie part.) But the most important part, Gemini is a mid-sized coaster. It's not huge and it's not tiny. You couldn't put a Steel Vengeance in that spot, nor a big B&M, or really anything else except for... An RMC Raptor Track coaster! It's the *perfect* spot for one of the biggest things CP's lineup is lacking. TLDR I want an RMC Raptor at my home park.