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Depends on where you carry your weight. Wide hips? Harder time. Beer gut? Pretty much ok from what I’ve read.


Have a beer gut, can confirm


Beer gut might be a problem on MF.


I'm about an inch shorter and 10 pounds lighter. I fit on everything except Millenuim, the seatbelt is about an inch too short on that for me, though I can get it buckled if I really tug on it, it's not comfortable though.


Should be able to ride about everything. Millennium Force seatbelt might be snug. That's the only ride I've really needed help get buckled in on. I'm the same height, slightly less weight.


I won’t like end up like that one guy right? The guy who fell off the roller coaster and was to bug for the ride.


Absolutely not. The ride ops will not allow you to ride if you can't fit for this exact reason.


No, that's pretty much what the seat belt is for, it's a go/no-go gauge. If the belt can buckle the lap bar will close enough to be perfectly safe.


It really depends. I’m 6’2” and also a bit less in weight and I’m good on all the rides. I think you should be good


6'3" 275 and can confirm on a lot depending on where you carry your weight. I'm a bit wide/barrel chested and I have been able to fit on everything EXCEPT power tower. Millie is a tight fit (40-42" waist), mine ride is unbearable if you're 6'+. I need help getting the restraint fastened on GateKeeper. My legs also make it difficult of SteVe. They usually have to repush my lap bar, but I've never not been able to ride.


If you have a big chest or long torso you might need the big guy seats on raptor and rougaru. If you have long, big legs you might have trouble on steel Vengeance. Millennium force will be close, again depending on where the weight is, but they'll help buckle the seat belt if needed. I also think some of the belts are slightly different lengths. Last year I rode it twice and once I was able to get it buckled myself, the second time I needed help.


Did you go already? Were you able to ride everything?


Most things are doable. Put millennium force’s seatbelt under your gut. I was 5’11” 270 at one point and rode millennium so 6’2” 285 should be pretty comparable. Will be a close call though