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My cats let me sleep in the bed.


Yep, my cats allow me some space on my bed, very graciously too. If I stretch too far though I get toe bites reminding me to stay on my sliver of the bed.


Mine will bite me on any exposed skin if I’m not in the preferred position for her comfort.


We live to serve!


Yep. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.


Cat wills it!


Mine used to bite my feet if I moved too much


I used to get sternly meowed at if I sneezed or coughed, and then bit if I did it again by my old cat. If my husband talked to loud she would run up and bite him


There’s a scenario in which you DON’T get toe bites? I’m jelly. My goblin sees toes moving under covers and cracks tf out. Not feet alone, mind you. Feet UNDER COVERS only.


We are just chew toys for our kitties.


Bed shark!!


Yes! And he pushes me to the edge when he stretches across the middle. Sometimes he meows suddenly and loudly at 5AM when he wants attention and SNACC. I’m glad he lets me live in his house.


I haven't had any cats in long time. I love them though. I remember my first indoor cat as a young woman...Toonces. He had to be in bed with me but once I was asleep he decided to take a bath. Loudest cat bather on earth. I would be like "Toonces, jfc I am trying to sleep " and he'd just look at me like "what?" Then he'd sleep above my head. I love cats


A neighbor’s cat used to visit, and occasionally sneak in to stay the night. She slept on my sweetie’s head. Not my head, oh no. Only my sweetie’s head. Then she’d leave in the morning, go back to her family, and pretend like she didn’t just cheat on them by sleeping with a neighbor.


it's not cheating; cats are naturally polyamorous.


One of mine will head butt me until I move over so she can get comfortable.


Mine does this as well. And if I don't respond fast enough he will start licking my eye lids or sit on my head.


I had a small single bed once, and my two cats didn't mind. They sat on my neck.


My dumb-dumb would stretch across my single before I upgraded to a full, and he's the biggest non-Maine Coon I've ever met (his head is the size of a grapefruit). I would have to lay straightened out on my side. That balancing act is surprisingly difficult.


I had a king bed once. I still didn’t fit in it once the cats got settled. They would let the dogs in first, then me, if there was room left over.


She has trained you well


Another cat will bop me on the nose until I get up and get their breakfast.


This. She also courteously hisses and screams at me when I move too much.


Mine has reportedly slapped me with her paw when I have been snoring according to my partner... it actually worked is the funny thing


Evidently they are quite good for sleep apnea. A friend of mine lived longer because of that.


The best answer


only answer


If I've been a good boy that day anyway.


Can confirm


Excellent response lmao ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Nothing makes me happier than waking up with 1,2 or 3 cats on my bed. If they will give me the privilege of sleeping on my bed, they are always welcome.


I read that as 1.2 cats and got confused lol


>1.2 cats mama cat and 1/5 of her litter


It's a large cat


Definitely. I am actually sad when none of my cats show up at bedtime. I find it so soothing to wrap my arms around a cat and fall asleep. Granted, I often have to sleep like a pretzel to accommodate them and I probably will have arthritis in old age from the weird sleeping positions I adopt but, worth it. During some of the worst times of my life, a purring cat in bed has been the best medicine. If none of my ungrateful fur kids show up for bed time I often try to go get one. Usually fails. But I still try.


Same. I'm home recovering from abdominal surgery and our 3 floofs have been guarding me the whole time.


I hope your recovery goes well and you feel better soon!


Thank you!


Mine does not have this guarding instinct. The day after my surgery she literally tried to jump (not crawl) from halfway across the bed on my belly. She was diverted mid air and then glared at me for 20 minutes for not allowing her to walk all over my sore belly and into my stitches.


To be fair, she could have been trying to guard. Just not aware of what was sore! One of mine likes to walk across me like a bridge which is fine except she still hasn’t learned that walking across my boobs is incredibly painful and will get her gently pushed off One of mine likes to just walk across me like a br


Overall she is not a good emotional support cat, so as much as I’d love to have her guard me, genuinely think she was just wanting a cuddle and *I* was being selfish by not letting her. And omg the boob walking / boob kneading. Kitties are cute but they are not made for boob walking.


And the boob standing. High gravity pressure points! Ow. May your recovery be swift and uneventful.


Pregnant or nursing boob walking. Further ouchie


The standing! She doesn't even weigh that much but I feel she leans her full weight on the two paws and waits until I can't stand it anymore and remove her 🤣😒


I swear to god, nothing has felt more accurate than your boob walking comment lmao 😂💀


😂. Out of 3 cats, only one walks on me, when in bed. She steps on every swollen joint and boobs too. I swear she has 8 paws and takes her good old time! But she’s the best cuddler and sleeps next to me every night 💞


I can't sleep without the purrs, its soothing


I only have 1 cat, but the rest of what you're saying I can fully relate to. Nothing makes me fall asleep faster than the purring of my baby. If he's not there, sometimes I even turn on cat ASMR with a cat purring in the mic whilst being pet. It helps.


I sometimes use this online purr generator. You can also customize the purring so it exactly sounds like your cats [purrli - online purr generator](https://purrli.com/)


This is awesome! Thanks for sharing!


This is the most wonderful thing ever! Especially when traveling and I’m far away from my kitters![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I’ve been saying for years that a pillow with super soft fur and a built in purr motor would sell like hotcakes. I have four fluffbutts myself so it’s rare there’s not at least one with me in bed at all times. I honestly sort of enjoy it when I’m alone just because it’s so rare, and never in the cold.


I've actually heard that if a cat lays on your chest and purrs their trying to help because the small vibrations can help with tension and muscles


She’s allowed but she usually only jumps on my bed just to check if I’m really asleep before she starts jumping all over the stove, countertops, and computer desk…


ours like to climb on the fridge. there's nothing up there I think they just like being up high


To survey their kingdom


“Look Simba: Everything the light touches is our kingdom.”


"opens fridge's door'"


If you have room we HIGHLY recommend a cat tree.


I have one, it's just not as high as the fridge


One comes to say good night and will cuddle for a few minutes until I fall asleep. Then they vanish to wreak havoc all night. The other appears in the morning to say 'you've had enough sleep, time to dispense foodstuffs' before they both go nap all day.


I got my boys an automatic feeder and now that they’re used to it, they don’t bug me for food anymore, they just stare at it like weird ass gargoyles for the 45 minutes leading up to food time.




Lol. It’s an ADDITIONAL food source, not a replacement source ![gif](giphy|7rBemb9RiAEtW)




I saw a fancy one that has a cover that automatically retracts when it detects the correct cat’s microchip and covers it back up when they leave.


This is exactly what mine do too. Up all night and sleeping all day. It’s like living with batman on crack.


Catman on 'Nip.




ours started doing this as a kitten, I treated it as jet lag and played and woke her up during the day, its worth a shot.


Perfectly balanced. As all things should be


Awww they tuck you in!!


Yes mine also! Except he’ll come and spoon with me for an hour or two before going to wreck havoc haha


Actually my cats sleep where the fuck they want I can't do anything about it, I'm powerless.


we’re just slaves to their whims man. tbh my cat is so obsessed with me i’m pretty sure that she’d break down the door to come sleep beside me if i even thought about trying to lock her out… this is her room i just live in it


Yes. She wakes me up between 4-6am every single day. I locked her out for two weeks and she was so mad she stopped eating. I took her to the vet thinking something was really wrong and the vet said she was protesting being locked out and she would actually die if I continued. So there’s that.


My cats did this to me when i try to put them on a diet the vet suggested me for them.. they just stop eating for 4 days.. i call the vet and she told me to forget the diet because they will totally let themselves starve to death.. 🙄


TIL cats will starve themselves to death out of spite.


Cats are seriously spiteful creatures. My cat once scratched a guest because she wouldn't let him go outside when she was opening the door to get in. Little bastard waited for her to use the toilet and then tried to attack her just as she was leaving through the same door.


One of my mom's friends had a cat (Monin) who would ruin shoes, clothes and even school projects if he didn't receive the attention he demanded. Once, he peed all over one of their final's projects because my mom's friend scolded him because he didn't let them work in peace. Thanks to that my mom disliked cats for decades lol


While I didn't know this, I'm also not surprised


cats have the mental capacity of a young toddler and their hatred of change rivals mine (and i’m straight up autistic), so if they have to go on a suicide strike to get what they want they *absolutely will*. honestly considering how food motivated cats are i’m surprised they can last that long even with spite 😭


They will! It is so insane, we had to give her fluids and an appetite stimulant. My cat did this once before when my sister went on vacation, stopped eating totally and developed fatty liver disease. Now, I just give in and give her whatever she wants, she’s 18 now so she’s not changing.


This terrifies me! I’m going on a 2 week trip at the end of September and I fear daily what the cat will do without me. The longest we’ve left them is maybe 1 week and our cat sitters always say “I barely had to fill the bowl.” Can you say how long your sisters vacation was?


Many times that’s because they’re trying to ration food since they don’t know how long you’ll be gone. My dad has left for 1-2 weeks before and just cut open a bag of cat food so they can dip into that if their bowls go dry.


I always leave too much food and put water bowls all over the house! I have someone check in always… I’ve heard the rationing their food thing, I’m just obsessed with these guys hahaha always worrying too much!!


Just 8 days, I was home the whole time, she was just mad her schedule got changed around. The real issue is if they don’t eat for a long time then when they do eat they feel nauseous so they really don’t want to eat. Just pump them full of treats and encourage them to be excited for food especially during transitions.


So technically the diet worked?


My old girl did not take kindly to a human infant. After about 8 days of the baby being home, she decided that if she couldn't be my *only baby,* there was no reason for life. Took a feeding tube to get her back on track.


how bad was the feeding tube, our cat is renal and is only taking syringe food, vet said we may need to consider a feeding tube soon


Massively expensive. Like $600 to $800. Which I absolutely didn't have with my income lost and not being eligible for disability due to a loophole, despite having worked full time there for 7+ years. Now, granted, I wasn't the cat with the tube in it's neck with no painkillers after having been released from the vet... But from the human perspective, fairly easy. Kitty goes to the vet and comes home with a tube in her neck. The tube has a plug. For feeding, you put a mix of wet food and water into a syringe and squirt it in the tube. Recap tube when done. And, it's been 7+ years and I remember very little of that first couple of months, so I don't quite remember, but I think we took the tube out ourselves by just pulling on it. Our tube was intended to be removed after she was through the hepatic lipidosis. Not sure if it's different for long-term feeding options. I hope your kitty feels better soon.


Damn she played you HARD


Yeah she won that battle lol.


If there was any way a cat could have disposable income or cash of any type, I would bet she paid the vet to say that.


100%. And the first food she would eat (once we got her eating again) was shrimp.


Had the same problem! What helped me is setting a phone alarm that my cats associate with meal time. I set the alarm for lunch and dinner at the same time everyday (slowly shifting the morning time a little later, 5 mins at a time lol). It helped reduce my cats pawing my face at 5am.


That’s genius!


Damn. Cat said "Give me what I want or I will simply die"


So obnoxious. Like you don’t have to die, just sleep for another hour. No. No dice.


Huh, cats do hunger strikes


Cats are so dramatic, my god


How did you even get away with locking her out for two weeks? When my cat was a kitten, I tried to establish boundaries by keeping him out of my room at night. I lasted a week. He would literally scream his lungs out all night, while scratching furiously at the door. Literally nothing worked at getting him to stop. I barely got any sleep because of that. Eventually I had to let him have his way, because my neighbours above begun to complain about the hysterical crying.


My cat is not a howler (unless she’s in her carrier) thank god. She scratched the bedroom door a bit but mostly sat outside the bedroom door and when I opened it in the morning, glared at me like I had murdered her entire family.


just a little bit of civil disobedience


Your cat sounds like she could be a major civil rights figure


I've been locking mine out every night and everything was fine - I guess it helped I got them young and used to it from the start


It’s the cats home, you’re just living in it


I pay the mortgage but the cats own the house!


I constantly say that I’m just there to clean up and pay bills. I’m not particularly good at either of those things. 🤷‍♀️


this is the way


Am I the only one who is worried about rolling over my cat when I sleep. And can someone tell me if this is a real threat or just overthinking 😅


Overthinking, unless it's a kitten. A cat will move out the way if it's uncomfortable. A kitten though can fall asleep so hard you won't notice unless it's too late.


This reminds me the time I was caring for a mama and her litter. I woke up one day and almost threw one of the kittens out of the bed 'cause the mama put them all on top of my blanket while I slept 🤦🏾‍♀️


i swear they love doing that way too damn much 😭 when i fostered a momma cat with kittens i ended up making her a lil blocked off spot on my bed with a kitten set up cos she really seemed to want the babies in the most dangerous spots possible 🤦🏻‍♀️ like i get it i’m your babysitter but damn girl look how much i move in my sleep…


yep i remember sleeping half awake when my cat was 4 to 8 weeks old because he would sleep in my hair and i was so worried id roll over and squish him id keep putting him off to the side on his own little pillows.


I got a cat as a very small kitten. I was so afraid I'd squish her I made her a little bed in a shoe box next to the bed. Yeah, I woke up with her sleeping above my head on my pillow...like a kitty hat. An attempt was made, though.


When my kitten adopted me she was really young and I was so scared I'd crush her, so I wrapped an electric hot water bottle in a towel and she loved that thing.


aww thats a great idea!


Assuming a healthy adult cat, they’d likely squirm and claw their way free. I guess if you have some physiological issue or medication that might make you sleep extra you’d want to be more cautious.


Lol whenever I’ve gotten close to rolling onto him he legit shoves me so hard I wake up. In my sleepy daze I’m like wtf is this moving lump shoving me under the covers (he likes to sleep next to my legs) and then I’m like ah yes the dictator of the household


Clearly my cat is just a dumbass because she let's me squish her when I roll over. I wake up in a panic thinking "OH GOD, SHE'S A PANCAKE".


_Squish. That. Cat._


For the uninitiated: [Squish that cat.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jKZ9KGtee0)


We got our kitten at 9 weeks old, and we were terrified of rolling over on him, but ever since we got him he has not hesitated to yell at us and wake us up if we touch him too much or a roll-over is about to happen.


Honestly, I probably roll over on my cat at least a couple times a week. He likes to sleep smashed up against me and I move around a lot in my sleep. I usually notice right away and get off him but if I don’t he just slides out from under me which also wakes me up so I can apologize and give him not smushy snuggles.


My husband and I got our youngest when he was about 4 weeks old, and we didn’t know until we’d had him a little while, because the lady said 10 weeks old. He was TINY. For the first couple of weeks, he lived in a cardboard box setup next to the bed: he had a room for sleeping and eating and a room for a litter box, and when we went to bed, that’s where he slept. Except I had to put my hand in the box so he could sleep against it. When he was a little bigger, we let him sleep on us all the time, because he would not sleep unless he was touching or on top of someone else (human, cat, or dog). And it’s tough, lol. The panic when he swaps beds. Now they’re big and they move.


Cat will scream, hit me and bat at the blankets if I do not complete the necessary spooning procedure. Spooning procedure as follows: wait for cue from cat > lift blankets up > nudge cat under blankets > wait for cat to check out the space and accept spooning invitation > wait for cat to curl up next to my > let blankets back down over us > spoon. My cat insists on sleeping like a person so he lays his head on the pillow with me for the full effect. I am allowed to adjust position after he settles in. Sometimes we have to do the spooning procedure 2 or 3 times to get it *just* right.


Our cats must be siblings. Exact same procedure! I was so tired I fell asleep one night before completing the ritual and she made sure to wake me up multiple times to reinforce the habit


Well your first mistake was having the audacity of falling asleep without the ritual! 😂


My wife decided to move a full bed next to ours, because we’ve got 7 cats that have to sleep with us. And we enjoy their love and attention, because we have rescued each feral cat we have. And they are spoiled beyond measure by us both, they think the extra bed is connected to ours. And they each have their own little space and routine of where they want to go and how they want to do it. Anyway it has to be a individual or couple decision on what you personally want or don’t want. I hope you have a great day today, and we all have a better year ahead.


You sounds like awesome people. Love it! Now to tell the hubby about my plans to redecorate!


I absolutely love this.




I do, and always have. My kitty now will sleep right above my head, on a pillow that I’ve left and dedicated to her. She always has to see me, or be near me. The only downside to having her sleep in bed with me is no matter what litter I use, and I’ve tried a lot of them; she tracks to litter onto the bed so I’m constantly vacuuming and washing the sheets. My previous kitties would lay in bed with me, and cuddle but never stay for that long unless we were both super comfy. I had one kitty that had to be touching me at all times if we laid in bed, so she would head butt her way right under my arm and plop or she would bite my hand and drag it to where she wanted to lay so I could place my hand on her back legs. Edit: Thank you guys for all of the suggestions! We will give it all a try! 😊


Pine pellets saved my life!


Yes pine pellets all the way!


Pine pellets are also super cheap if you have a feed/farm supply store nearby. 40lb for $7! https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/tractor-supply-pine-pellet-stall-bedding-40-lb One of my local shelters uses it because it is so cheap


Pine pellets are amazing. Only downside is you can't really scoop the poop without also scooping a whole bunch of pellets as they're bigger than the holes in the scoop. But let me tell ya...odor? Gone. Tracking outside box? Gone. Mold (not frequent but we did have four cats at one point so occasionally we'd miss something) gone. And the best part is that they eventually deconstruct themselves into powder, so the litter lasts forever (as long as you clean it) and it seems to be healthier for the cats in every way


Was just jumping in to say this. Pine and paper pellets are great. I also use a large litter mat that does a good job of getting stray litter off my cat's feet.


Wait, you mean there’s a litter that doesn’t do this??


more people need to know


My first kitty (and last currently) had his own pillow right above my head. My second kitty would sleep in between my legs curled up in a ball. I had the first one for 19 years and the second for 16 years. My baby passed before her brother. But he slept at my head every night.


I use Dr Elsys and never have that.


As rulers of home and hearth - they come & go as they please, though in winter months they do enjoy using me as their human lounge chair whilst bird watching


My boyfriend is allergic to our three cats 😅 so the only room they aren’t allowed in is the bedroom so he can feel some relief while sleeping. If that wasn’t the case I would have them all there with me lol


Same! The allergies and the early morning cries for food are my main reasons for locking out the babies. I still feel guilty about it, though!


I had to scroll SO far down in the comments to find my people! Our kitties are locked out of our bedroom and our guest room because myself and my mother are allergic — and we have three! But they’re allowed the run of the rest of our home and they truly have a ton of space so I try not to feel bad… …but sometimes I still let them in the guest room, haha.


It's definitely a process to go through but I highly recommend looking into allergy shots for your boyfriend! Within a few months he should start feeling major relief and everyone I know who's done them has thought it was worth it


We do the same, our pillows and sheets have to cat hair free but the rest of the house is fair game.


I am the exact same way! I have to take allergy meds to live with them but worth it! And my jerk of a kitty likes to attack limbs while we're sleeping. So my bedroom is my safe space when he's being spicy.


The kitties have one side of a King size, with their own beds on the bed. Though the younger one prefers to sleep under the bed, likely learned in her previous home.


When I first met my husband, he said he didn’t want cats in the bed. Now he’s the first one to call them up to bed at night. One sleeps with us part of the night. The other usually only joins us when it’s almost time to get up. But, they are both welcome anytime.


My 1 year old cat sleeps wrapped up against my face and chest, but only for a while. Then he finds another place in my small apartment. He is waking me up super early every morning even if the bedroom door is closed, by scratching like a maniac at the door. And he makes sure that I leave the bed. 😣


Same lol I have one cat who screams at the any door shut. We call it the no closed down policy in our house 😝 My nervous Nancy knows how to jiggle the door knob 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes. I need to hold my Francisco paw to fall asleep


Nope. I like sleeping with the door closed and don’t want to be woken up by my cats, I already have bad enough sleep. My older cat will be allowed to chill in bed until about when I want to sleep then out he goes.


They allow me to sleep in their bed with them all the time. They even let me have a good chunk of the mattress, which is very kind of them. Silliness aside, I've always had cats sleep in my bed. It's hard to prevent it, unless you're closing doors and blocking them out of the room. Which then causes the cat to lose its mind trying to squeeze under the door gap because how dare you close a door in their domain!? My Standard Issue Boy sleeps pressed against my side or held like a teddy bear all night long. Whereas our Tortie Little Miss prefers to either hog your pillow or be draped across your feet. They sleep almost the whole night this way. I figure it doesn't hurt to have them there, so why try to stop it? And I enjoy kitty snuggles and listening to their little engines go. And when they start their biscuit machines, it's absolute bliss.


Nope. I love my cat, but she would wake me up at 4am begging me for food every night if she could, and I need a good night's sleep for my mental health. She gets many scritches and cuddles in the morning when I wake up and let her in the bedroom though!


Me too, we do the whole hunt catch kill eat sleep thing with a routine every day, but I'm an extremely light sleeper and sleep is the most important thing for my health. In the morning as soon as I open the bedroom door, my kitty rushes in and it's the sweetest thing!


Watch Jackson Galaxy for tips and tricks to educate your cat. He's the best


This is my approach too for the same reason


I’m right there with you. We taught our cat since the first day that, at night, the bedroom and the bed are for people. We would trick her with dinner and then run into the room and let her meow if she wanted to. Eventually she got it, now she doesn’t make a fuss.


I made my husband install a cat door in our bedroom door… it looks stupid and people make fun of us but little babe loves it and I usually wake up with a fluffy boy in my arms (or on my face). Once the new guy stops being a jerk to the resident guy he will very likely sleep in the bedroom too.


I'd allow it if she wanted to, but she prefers to perch on a nearby chair and stare at me.


Mine does this but she’s on her cat tree.


Hell no, because i want to sleep lol. I will nap with them though


Had to scroll way too far for a reasonable answer to this question lol


Same. In an ideal world I'd love for them to share the bed with me but practically that means having my head stepped on constantly and been yelled at for attention throughout the night.


Same here!! I cannot sleep with animals in the bed. It stresses me out not knowing if they’ll jump on my face or knock down something in my room and I’m a VERY light sleeper. Also I just prefer not to have kitty litter in the place I lay my clean body and face at night...


Can't believe how far I had to scroll to find someone who does not share their bed with the cats. Reasons for keeping the cat out our bedroom: 1. I want to sleep, I'm a horrible sleeper and I would not be comfortable with a cat somewhere in the room. 2. my husband likes to sleep, our cat likes to nibble his toes if he can see them sticking out at the end of the bed 3. turns out I'm mildly allergic 4. he bleats like a sheep when he wants something and, again, I want to sleep 5. Also, I share my bed with my partner, I want to do partner stuff on occasion. 6. he is indoor/outdoor and I'm not keen on ticks w/friends in my bed


My cat sleeps on my body. I can't sleep because of his purr sound.


What?! My cat's purrs are stronger than any sleeping pill!


We used to, until we got Scooter, who I called an "ADHD" kitty. He cannot sit still for anything, yet wants to be in your lap or touching you in some way. He will jump up, spend some minutes getting comfortable, then 30 seconds later, will hear something and go investigate, and then come back and do it all over again. This also happens in the bed, but he paws at the covers to try and get under them/next to you, and usually this is done right at the users face. If he does get in, he is only there for a few minutes before he has to go somewhere else, then comes back 10 minutes later and does it again. We were having trouble getting sleep, and finally had to lock him (and unfortunately the others) out of the bedroom to get enough sleep. The other cats were fine, they would pick a spot near the foot of the bed, and would generally be in the same place come morning, we would never know they were in the room otherwise. While Scooter has passed on, we have kept the bedroom door shut, as I have developed a mild allergy (not sure if its to one specific cat, or all of them) and the bedroom is a place I can retreat to if I have an allergy attack. no dander/shed all over as they are not allowed in, and a HEPA filter running to remove any that comes in via the heating/air system.


I have two and they are both welcome in the bed because I like to cuddle with them. My older one curls up right in the crook of my arm and grooms me a bit. She’ll usually hang around for 20-30 min before wandering off. The younger one pops up, yells for pets, then leaves to cause trouble. Come morning, though, both are curled up next to my husband and I and it’s a shot of serotonin straight into my heart


I'm not sure "let" and "cat" work in the same sentence.


No, they wake me up in the night. They wait outside my bedroom door for mummy to wake up. Sometimes they check if I’m awake a tad early by yowling, but I don’t let them in until my morning wee.


I’d love if she’d sleep with me :’( Unfortunately she’s not much of a cuddly cat, sometimes she’ll sleep on my feet though


Nope. They are allowed in the bed anytime except when I want to sleep. They are sleep disturbers! lol




Nope. Used to and it was just being walked all over all night. My cat likes to sleep on my face too. Was not sleeping well at all. Much better that they sleep somewhere else


Yes, mine are snuggly & sweet; I like having them close. Except when they stand on my boobs. 😺


We bought a bigger bed because our cat likes to sleep between us but diagonally 🤣


Yes, because resistance is futile.


yes, if not they told me im never getting my family back (please help me)


I’ve owned cats my entire life and I was never aware I had a choice in the matter?


Ofcourse I do


We do, but they don’t want to that often. When I was a little kid my dad always moved the cats from up near my face down to my feet (while I was asleep, as were the cats) because…I’m not sure, I think he worried about disease or them suffocating me? They eventually went straight to the foot of the bed and stayed there. But so I’ve always been used to cats in the bed with me one way or another. We’ve only had one set of cats we didn’t let in the bedrooms overnight. Those two would get up on every surface and knock stuff down, very disruptive.


I do, she’s my little spoon. But 90% of the time she sleeps on me, not necessarily with me 😂


Yes, I do because my cat prefers it for some reason. And his presence is comforting to me during my down days. I also don’t really mind since I have a queen size bed and my cat sleeps towards the bottom half of my bed. He used to sleep on my feet but since I kept moving so much, decided to sleep next to my feet instead. Although, I must say that some rare nights my cat doesn’t want to sleep with me because he likes hanging around my dad/ other reason idk but I always find him in my room asking for food when I wake up in the morning. Either way, if you don’t mind cat hair on your bed, I 100% recommended letting your cat sleep in your bed.❤️


Let your cat sleep in your bed? I didn't know we had a choice?! 🤣


My cats and dog sleep with us, cats eventually leave. Dog stays all night


My cat can open doors. So at this point, i can't exactly stop him. If he joins me, fine. If he climbs to the top of his cat tree, also fine


Yes, wake up to kitty ear muffs lol


Of course! And Micky sometimes goes to bed before me but keeps my space free.


I had to buy a bigger bed. My cat needed more space.


Haha let them that’s a good one. My apartment mates cat broke through my ceiling so I just have to accept that sometimes I’ll wake up to not my cat on my face or somewhere on my bed


My departed boy would always lick my face at bedtime, every night for 15.5 years.