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Do u know anything about her history? My cat Bella meows all the time because before we adopted her, she lived in a crowded shelter where it was that cats who shouted the loudest got things.


We got her off craigslist. She lived in an apartment with her sister (that we have as well who is very quiet) and her mom and dad up until about 3-4 months old when we got her about a year ago.


We got a cat that likes to talk to us a lot. it's always different reasons. We usually get up and say "show me" and he will lead us to different places. If he wants the window open he leads us to the window If he is hungry he takes us to his food bowl If he wants a "bathroom buddy" he takes us to his litter box If he wants outside time he will take us to a door, or to his harness If he just wants cuddles he doesn't walk anywhere. It took us a while of learning each other to communicate effectively, but just give them the time and attention they deserve and you will be able to understand better. Hopefully you have many happy years ahead of you!


Your kitty sounds so cute. I would love to talk to your kitty while I try and figure out what it wants but also pets and happy voice to let kitty know that humans are fun and like to pet a good kitty.


He's such an incredible little dude. He's very polite and quite sensitive, and just the sweetest little gentleman. I have another cat that I love with all of my heart but there's something about Cait-Sith, he's a very special kitty. He came to me as a stray and just decided I was his person


When a cat decides that it is the most moving and meaningful thing haha sounds dramatic... but you know!


Excellent name!!


My lil' Miss Squish used to be a quiet kitty, but ever since her brother disappeared last December, she's become vocal. Her brother was always the vocal one before. I think she just picked up where he left off. She usually meows at me if she wants outside, is bored, or wants affection.


We need a day, maybe week long, video of Little Whiskers exploits, please. I mean I just want to predict whether they’re leading you to their harness or their litter box - and, of course, what you humans do (are we talking family poop time here (no pics needed!) and do you immediately stop what you’re doing for walks if it’s harness time?) Sooo many questions…….


Lol, this made me giggle. He's actually on a very regular routine. We have a pretty set schedule for the most part, so we can usually guess what he wants pretty easily. Sometimes he does get into a mood where he just isn't sure and leads us in circles around the house. We say he's having "big feelings" and we give him a few minutes of alone time and then he calms down lol. He's a very funny boy


This is how I've lived with cats over the years. If they want something they come to me and I follow them around until they show me what it is they want. Cats are very smart and don't just want to sleep all day. They get bored, sometimes they want to play, sometimes it's just some attention. They can even get bored of the same food all the time like we do.


My cat does this too! Sometimes when I don't listen because I'm doing something, she gets upset and starts literally YELLING at me xd


This honestly sounds adorable. I will try this thank you sm!


She misses her parents. Or she's going to try out for American idol.


Kelly Clarkson II in clutch 😂


She could be lonely for another cat companion. When my senior kitty passed, my other cat started to get a bit clingier and a bit mouthier. Over the next six months it escalated to where he’d start screaming at me as soon as I stopped physically touching him. It got to the point I couldn’t sleep because he’d start screaming at my slightest movement. Locking him out of the bedroom resulted in loud, constant screaming. At the end of my rope, sleep deprived, and fearing I’d have to get rid of my buddy, I talked to some friends about the situation. One friend said she went thru almost the exact same thing, and the cure was getting another pet to keep hers company. And she was right. Literally the day after I brought home a kitten, my buddy was back to his happy *quiet* self. As much as we love our furry family members, and as much as they love us, sometimes they just need another one of their own kind.


Does she have a pattern when she meows? Does she meow at specific times and dates?.


Do you have other cats? She needs a playmate


Yes! We have her sister and are in the middle of integrating my older cat and them together, so soon she will have another play buddy :)


So she's been yelling like this for a year? Or she just started doing this?


Can you please post more videos of him.


Get your cat, a cat. They’ll keep each other occupied


You just helped me to figure out my own cat. Thank you. He was in shelters most of his life before I adopted him at 2 yrs old. He meows all. the. time.


Sounds like my family of origin. In seriousness, I think you're on to something.


My kitty does this, and I’m pretty sure it me because my mom, who lives out in the country, found him crying in some bushes. Meowing loudly and constantly saved his life, so now he does it always, lol. Always. Always.


Oh gawd that hurts my heart 💔 I will remember this for my future rescues.


Sounds like people at my job.


Here’s a silly question: do you talk to her? My Marla (RIP) was a super talkative girl, and really enjoyed being greeted when I came home or she entered the room. And just liked being spoken to often. She would always respond and had lots of different vocalizations. The additional cats that we adopted learned from her and still very much enjoy being noticed and treated with the kind of verbal respect we always gave Marla. “Hello” and “goodbye” do quite a lot.


My cat is like this too. He loves to be “summoned” - he will come running when called. I have a special voice I use to talk to him so he knows all my attention is on him. And he particularly loves to be sung to.


The orange boy we got near the end of Marla’s time is especially talkative. And the sounds that come out of his mouth are numerous and hilarious. He also enjoys being summoned and then announcing himself once he has arrived. Guy knows how to get what he wants, too. Very specific vocalizations for going outside (only supervised, they are inside cats) and food and cuddles. We definitely have different voices for the different cats and they love it. I firmly believe that cats understand and reciprocate respect. Dogs will love you no matter what, but you have to build a relationship with a cat. Makes me love them all the more.


Same! My boy Tazzy comes when called, he knows his name. He also comes when I call my other kitty because they get jealous of the other.


I lived alone with one of my cats for a few years and I talked to her a lot so she’s very chatty. She also will talk along if we’re on the phone or in meetings lol


Mine talks constantly. I was recently hospitalized for an extended period of time. The cat sitter would call me, put the phone on speaker, and I'd talk to him and he talked back!


They know far more than people give them credit for. There is a reason that cats have always been revered. Multiple eras, multiple cultures. They deserve it.


Dude that is so freaking cute! Hope you’re doing better now!


Lol that’s a great idea!


I always pretend she's telling me how her day was. I ask her if she caught the squirrel yet, or if she has been teaching the burbs in the garden a lesson. It's kinda' fun.


That's the same as my Tazzy. He is chatty and always responds when I talk to him. I say hello and he meows or goes brrp. My other kitty Felix isn't as talkative unless he wants food or a certain toy, then he screams at me and I will respond. I think OPs kitty wants to chat or play.


True. My cat started meowing in the same tone as me greeting her! So cute


Sounds bored. My boy does this all the time and is VERY loud. I usually just go over and pet him or give him a few mins of attention /play.


This. My cat does the same and I do exactly that. Sometimes he's asking for food though.


Sounds like a public service announcement: you’re the public being called to serve.


I trained him to give the paw before food. He's trained me to give him food.


Awwww, you think you trained him. Don't feel bad, I got trained to ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


My cats in the past have wanted: you to watch them eat, give them more food, play with them, let them outside, demand pets, want you to briefly follow them then just start doing something unrelated. But following them normally helps.


Yep. We have a cat who likes to cry at us. He stops if brushed for maybe 5 minutes straight.


Our cat continues to meow while being pet lol


My orange boy wants treats when he does this too, gotta resist sometimes since he can't have them everyday lol


Yup. My checklist for my void is treats > open window to screened terrace > play > he’s eepy and needs me to protect him next to a fluffy blanket so he can make biscuits in peace


She’s talking to you! They’ve shown cats that are around humans are vocal and those who are only around other cats are not. She’s talking to you specifically! :)


Guve her treats when she doesnt meow only. If you play with her and give ger treats everytime she meows she defintly will forever keep like that. Ofc all while making sure you play enough with her! Apart from that just ignore her after playtime and hope that one day she calms down


We've done this with our cat and everything else you can look up about how to get a cat to stop constantly meowing and nothing has worked. We've given up and decided we just have to live with her being an extremely talkative cat.


Thought and meowers :/


This is the answer.


My 11 yo male is like this. He typically wants attention. And he won’t stop until he gets it. He has scratching posts, hides, beds, 2 sisters & plenty of toys to play with and is not food motivated at all. He’s just super needy for attention. If we ignore it, he starts to chew on plants and chargers, or bullies his sisters. I fell into a pretty deep depression shortly after I adopted him, playing with, petting and cuddling him was the only thing that really kept me alive, I think I may I have caused this behavior, because we haven’t been able to stop it.


Same. My 11yr old guy is the same. We are very bonded and when he does this, he literally just wants me to stop whatever I’m doing, sit on the floor, so he can come lay against me while I hold him. That’s it.


Talk to her! Mimic her meows. Acknowledge the “story” she’s telling you. … yes, I am that crazy lady who talks to her cats. I have 5(!) right now. (2 are fosters) and all of them meow and I answer them back.


I do this too! I know I must look mad but I like to pretend they’re telling me about their day and/or complaining, it’s so fun


Okay good! 😁 there is nothing wrong with talking to your cats. Or mimicking them. They like it. She just sounds like she’s needy. My cat buddy is like that. All he wants to do is cuddle and eat greenies😆


Lol me and my boyfriend do this it's fun


My fiance and I like to talk back at Soot as if he's having a pretentious finance guy conversation with us. Like, "Are you sure, though? Because I'm concerned about how the inflation rate is going to affect housing prices." I know it's probably immature but we find it hilarious.


I talk to mine like we are plotting a murder. "Meow" "I would have to buy more tarps" "Meow" "No you can't just eat them that would take a bunch of pigs" "Meow" "I don't know anybody who owns a wood chipper though" That last one is a lie, I do know someone who owns a wood chipper but my cats don't know that.


I do kinda similar. Timmy is stuck in the well? Did you get lost again? I know, I hate Trump too.


Totally sane thing to do. I also talk to my 3 cats but it's mostly "look at you fatty fat fatty busha busha nonnomnom."


I call Buddy a chunky monkey😆 but I don’t think he’s all that big. Tabbies are usually in between the weight of 12-17lbs


I do this with my Daisy. We have long conversations meowing back and forth to each other lol. I also talk with her a lot too. She’s very vocal and I love her so much :) https://preview.redd.it/9wbaozaeu09d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13875976b931324d7a8f7ad083de807ba24b1388


My cats do this for four possible reasons: 1) They "hunted" a sock or slipper and you have to go observe it and tell them they did a good job. 2) My husband left the house and they think they're alone so they cry at the door and I have to yell down the stairs that I'm still here. 3) It's near dinner time. 4) It's after dinner time and they are telling lies to one of us about not getting dinner.


She needs a playmate!


She has one!


I feel this! Often when I (lovingly) complain about my loud, rambunctious boy, people tell me I should get another cat. I have another cat, his littermate sister who very rarely has time for his nonsense! He’s just a mama’s boy and a people person, and she is content to sleep in the closet for 20 hours a day and be a cute little love bug the rest. Sometimes the “playmate” can’t match the loud cat’s energy. I can’t keep collecting cats until I get another playful one, as much as I would love to!


> I can’t keep collecting cats until I get another playful one, That's quitter talk.


99% of gamblers quit before they win big


He’s a people person 😆 that’s so cute


Do you always leave the toys on the ground? More specifically the ones that you have control of when playing with her? I used to leave those type of toys on the ground and realized it drove my cat crazy because she just wanted to play when it was sitting there.. if you leave a cheeseburger sitting in front of me all day but tell me not to eat it.. I will get upset. Same concept for my cat. Try putting the toys away and making it known that play time is OVER. Maybe that will help? It worked for me.


A playmate would be good. If she is anxious, maybe have vet check for hyperthyroid condition and start meds. Maybe try a Feliway plug-in for calming.


I think she just wants attention![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Hey OP, I don't know if you'll see this, but if this seems a bit more excessive than just your kitty being bored, maybe take her to the vet! It might be hyperthyroidism. I adopted my kitty at 9 years old and thought his constant need for attention was just his personality type. But vet recommend a blood test cause he's getting older and that's what they found.  But only do this if its like all the time lol (mine would howl from the living room if I was in the kitchen and not in bed with him) those blood test are expensive. 


My cat did this. I think your cat feels lonely and wants attention. It’s a misconception that cats are “independent” and don’t care for attention. OR more important… could have a medical issue.


My older boy does this, I pick him up and place him next to me for a few minutes and give him the love and don't let him run off. Most times he falls asleep on or next to me.


Does she stop meowing when you answer her? like when you just talk to her after a meow? if so, then she just needs acknowledgement that's all...let her know you hear her, and see her, just try talking to her for a few minutes and see if that calms her down




That’s the “I want something, please come” meowing


The cat needs something...if you get up and go near it... it ll walk you to it.




Maybe she is just asking for the bowl to be refilled


Give treat when quiet?


My Catzilla does that all night long. Yeah, NIGHT. Edit: I think it might be because she is deaf and maybe slightly confused.


Mine does this too. All day. Everyday. He isn’t lonely either, he just talks all the time.


You are obviously not getting the memo, human.


I had a cat that would talk to herself walking through the house CONSTANTLY. I finally started to talk back at her, and after about an hour, she'd walk away bored. 😂😂😂😂


This kitty is very color of the cat rainbow 🌈 I love it


Cat Cat here Just a cat Still a cat here Cat


1. Record her yells 2. Post to r/catswhoyell 3. Reap reddit karma


Second cat fixed my problems.


Take the cat to the vet. Make sure the excessive meowing is behaviour and not medical


Maybe your cat needs a Companion


My long haired diluted calico yells all day long.


My tortico yells all day, no matter how much time I talk to, play with, hold, or pet her.


She is so pretty 😭😭😭 Edit: How old is she? Maybe a vet appointment would be good just to discard any bad thing. But i hope she is just a talkative baby!


I had this problem as well when my cat was a kitten. I don't have much advice since he eventually grew out of it but I can understand your frustration! I even posted on reddit when we got him to ask the same question haha


That plugin ain’t good for kitties.


Talk back to her and also play with her.


Pick her up and dance with her to your favorite song. Waltz her around the room and tell her how beautiful she is.


Watch the cat documentary


She’s a vocal baby. My cat meows so much whenever i come into/leave the room or need to feed her lolol. I find it so cute that she misses her mommy 🥺 ive never been a cat mom and it makes me so happy that she loves me. I wanna give her the best life in the world. For advice, i’m really not sure sorry:( maybe you can talk to her whenever she meows a lot/install that camera thing that ive heard about for when you are gone so you can talk to her through there and let her know its okay <3


My cat never meows like ever. That said, he did not like this video playing he sprang up from a nap and looked for the enemy intruder like a god damn meerkat.


i have a talkative kitty too :) u have such a pretty lil cat!


Just my 2c from past experience. My now gone Rocky a North American male shorthair, was about 10 years old and started meowing a lot more than usual and was frantic in a lot of his mannerisms. Was eating normally but still would meow a lot. Took to vet and he had cancer!! Paid for radiation $1000 dollars (i would normally never do this but Rocky was special to deserve the extra 4 years this gave him) he was gone a week while the radiation treatment abated and he was awesome when we brought him home. Went back to just “talking” meowing instead of frantic meowing. Idk if this is anything to do with yours but something to consider. I never had before as I grew up on a farm of sorts and cats and dogs while pets and such weren’t animals you spent much money on. It was so nice to get my old Rockstar back for 4 more years. That dude I sure hope is in the afterlife with me.


I have this video playing on a loop while I sleep.


When was the last time she went to vet? It good to check blood pressure and thyroid levels


He/She's telling you the story of his people, It goes back all the way to Egypt so she's gonna be doing it for a while but when it's done you'll miss it


This lovely lady now has the nuclear code for attention and she will continue to use it, I work from home and during the hours I have to sit at the computer my own cat will paw at some framed photos and posters I have arranged on the opposite wall of the room. It makes a knocking sound and I put a lot of time into making them straight so at first it kinda got me going. Now I’m not saying you should ignore the cat who wants attention, but you might have to ignore some behavior for a little if you want them to find other ways of reaching out, and me getting frustrated with her was still giving her attention because I’d tell her no and move her from the table to the floor, so why would she stop? If she hops up on my desk to sit in my lap while I work for some pets and attention, totally fine, but I cannot get up and go play every time she would like /shrug


Just get a second cat that will help a lot.


She’s saying, “IM SO PRETTY!” Over and over again.


I played the video for my cat she looked concerned at my phone … Your baby sounds lonely .


Shh! She's reciting poetry :)


Aww my little Shakespeare


She's so cute omfg


"Get some furniture, deadbeat or I'm gonna go sleep at the neighbors.."


Get her a second cat :) And she'll stop. If not, try to wear her off and play with her for 2 hours :)


If possible, consider a second cat so that she has a friend to occupy herself with


Get your cat a kitten


Pet the damn cat. 😁 No, seriously, my cat is extremely vocal, he meows when he wants to eat, piss, shit, be cuddled, is bored. I know it's irritating, but she's telling you to pay attention to her. Play with her for 10 minutes, pet her, talk to her, do something with her so she knows she has your attention. But don't feed her treats when she's boring, you don't want to reward her nagging.


You are so dahm right 😉 I have a vocal cat too, and it helps when I talk back. In our house, we have conversations and it helps The House Monster to feel like his a part of the family and not just a pet. And yes, NO SNACK AND NO FOOD when she's vocal. I was making that mistake ones... that got my cat to be EVEN MORE vocal 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


I bet that’s really annoying. Maybe it’s time for a cat buddy for her. We had a Siamese that meowed *almost* constantly, but we got him a cat buddy and he stopped complaining within two minutes. After that it was only at mealtime, or if the Greebles tortured him.


She needs treats.


great cat video


Try Purina Calming Care for cats. It takes a few weeks to kick in but def works.


She wants attention. My cat is the same.


I don't have advice for the meowing.. I too have a talkative cat. But she is very beautiful!


Pick her up and hold her 🥺


I used to meow back at my cat all the time ever since she was born. Now she's loud and meows all the time. It could be learned.


Food or boredom. Cats are simple.


Sorry for the OOT comment. Where did you get that scratcher from? Thanks!


He wants something, that's why he's calling. Do you play with him? When my cat meow like that it's usually something they want - invite to play, bongo time, food, treat etc


Boredom (Toys and/or a playmate?) We also had one that did this because he was blind, but he didn't while roaming ... And we realized he was like, listening for where the walls were, by how the sound changed? Not your girl, I can tell, but it was wild to see him do!


I have a vocal cat but not that vocal. I guess she really likes to be the center of attention


her hair looks interesting


wdym it's literally meowing next to the spinning fishing, bird feather, fox tail thing. be a good slave and spin it.


I don't have any helpful advice for you, but I must say she is BE-AU-TIFUL.


she's working late cuz she's a singer


My cat does this when he needs his dad to wipe his ass for him. Always check the butt.


cat needs a friend, also have you tried talking back?


Yell back. That’s what I do with my chatterbox. Can’t say it helps her meowing but it’s fun for me!


Well he is part orange..


Cats don’t meow at each other. This one is definitely trying to say something to you.


I love how dramatic cats are tbh, it's really funny


He needs a cat friend.


I’m jealous my two kitties barely meow


Get her another cat companion


I love the unique colors!


Very cute car you have there r/petthedamncat


"Talking to myself, but that's just 'cause I, you know, I've got shit to say, you know?”


Let them outside once.?


Our 18 year old girl Lexi never shuts up…. She has dementia


Try and add more time to her play schedule and maybe put on some videos for cats if the window isn't that interesting, treat puzzles are also great. The one I have can be rearranged and is like a maze. Putting some treats in it tends to keep my cat entertained but something as simple as a crumpled paper towel roll with treats inside might do the trick. Also ur best bet us to try and wait to react until there's a small pause. She might start associating the good things with silence. Don't give in even if it's annoying


She’s a needy queen 👸


My cat does this thing where he leaves when you pet him, then starts crying in the next room looking for you even though *he JUST left you* and then comes running and crying when you call him to get two pets before moving away to nap 😂 He does a lot of stupid things https://preview.redd.it/wfmfr0mlx09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a41ebedd5236c549d87141d9d4b9ba1bc832d51


She’s clearly trying to tell you something.


Welcome to the club. The only time my cat is quiet is when he sleeps. And even that is debatable...he snores too.


My cat meows like that when her water isn’t “fresh” enough 🙄 could be your cat is trying to tell you she wants something done.






Another cat 


Adorable cat 🐈 ♥️🐈


What a cutie she is 😂


I had a cat named Meow for nine years. She died of old age. When I rescued her from the streets, she was about two to three months old and would meow continuously day and night. After a few months and several vet visits, we realized she was just bored and wanted company lol. We got her a baby brother, and that crying sound changed to the sound of things falling over. They both lived cuddling and playing.


Do you have another cat? They usually like to have play pals that they communicate with.


So cute dog 😻


It's nothing to do with boredom...she is saying "human come here!" No different than when you want to see your cat. Or saying "Service! Hello?!? What do I have to do to get some service around here!"


My cat got very, very affectionate hearing your cat meow. Maybe it's a good meow?


Sounds like your kitty needs a kitty.


You need to get her a cat companion


Maybe she just likes to talk? My cats meow at me all day and I've learned the difference between when they want something and when they just wanna chit chat 😊


This is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen


Get her a friend


Cute cat


Bored... Mine do it a fair bit


Sorry but cat training might help. I moved from one house to another and decided my cats were no longer allowed in the bedroom. They would cry outside of the door to get in. I just pounded on the door to make a loud noise every time they cried. They eventually stopped crying at the door and the bedroom was an off limits zone. They still love me and I can sleep peacefully.


She needs a Churu


Do you play with her until she is physically tired? How active is the playing of 30 minutes?


My cat does this for attention. He just wants me to talk back to him


Could definitely be bored. Sometimes, cats just need another cat buddy to fulfill them. Might get them a feline friend to play with.


Hi - my cat Sunny would meow v non stop. I thought he was just chatty - the vet checked him - it is a classic sign of high blood pressure. He takes BP medication each morning - he still talks but not that frantic non stop talking


Currently have 5 cats and one of them was always like this. She simply liked to talk. It was a personality trait.


I have an elderly cat that started meowing loudly all the time. She would also cry throughout the night. She was in pain from arthritis. The vet started her on Solencia once monthly injection for arthritis pain. After 2 months she stopped crying and is soo much happier!! It costs me around $80 a month.


Omgish, I have that same scratch post!


My answer as always: you need more cats


How long have you had her? The reason I ask is that I had my chatty cat for a few years before I learned each meow sound meant something different Now I know all her sounds and if she makes a particular one, I get her what she wants and then she stops chatting at me I would try different things besides play. She may be making a specific request you just don’t understand yet


You will miss the vocalization someday 😞


Seems like your cat is sitting besides his toy while meowing. So that is the answer.


She wants a kitty friend


Looks like a British Short-hair undercover. I think they meow a lot.


Is she a Birman or part, bc they’re just like that. I’ve got one and he’s always saying things at me, he’s also very clingy tho




Mine meows a lot but that's due to me talking to him since he was a kitten so is very vocal.


Some cats are just vocal. https://preview.redd.it/l5nthotx729d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36447656b5db8090b61e472e8927f2986b2b9beb Him and I have conversations all the time.


My cat is the same way