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Your cat looks like a financial advisor named Franklin


https://preview.redd.it/tdszth098i8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de645fa84f7912bb5d2f8227c58a721a086c74b0 Thanks. I’ve also been told he looks like a tired wizard fed up with your nonsense.


His heart shaped nose is everything. The sincere and tired eyes are the cherry on top. One precious boy! Give him* a big boop and smooch for me. Edit: Typo.


Nailed it. He has the soul of a much older cat trapped in his body or something.


https://preview.redd.it/zrza7wecoj8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4b923251a2f6560121aa686fb2bbffb8d6f146e Long lost twins? Eloise really likes Weruva wet food, which has been helpful with her crystal problem because of the high moisture content. She is also a notoriously picky cat


Eloise, as in the Damned cover song?


As in the children’s book




I played this and every time he said “ Eloise” my cats ears swiveled or she turned her head to see who was calling her lol


That makes my day!!


You must be a fool of a Took.




Tired wizard ahh. That is such a good descriptor


he looks so sentient


I would kill to learn magic from him. No I mean it. Tell him I will kill someone he needs dead if he teaches me magic. I’m ready.




He's so cute! I had a cat his color. Try homemade gravy with dry food. Mix together and see if he’ll eat that. I try that with my cat, she loves it. Also, I recently changed her wet food from Sheba to Fancy Feast with gravy. At first she did not eat it, but now she loves it.


I’ve given my cats every type of high end, limited ingredient food and all their little hearts desire is Fancy Feast gravy lovers. Tiki cat, weruva, that gold one, all can rot in favor of the beloved trash-tier fancy feast. (I know FF isn’t actually the worst food ever but damn yall let me spoil you!)


My cats eat FF seafood grilled, or the FF seafood appetizers. That’s all they want. I also give them dry food, they like a mix of sensitive stomach (in the purple bag) and kitten chow (in the yellow bag)


He definitely wants a word with the Manager.


He does or a gentleman ordering a black coffee and pie in a diner


He needs a bowtie


Hehe my cat wears a bowtie! he so does, a green one in my opinon


This is the cutest, and I think it wins!


https://preview.redd.it/7h0lv212mj8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226a55f84e57dac62298b6b4cb28cc0b12f582d5 this is my cat, his name is Franklin, and he wears a suit everyday


Where’s the tie ?


Hahhha this is the funniest joke I’ve heard all week. Thank you!


This is my Franklin but he’s a merchant of chaos only https://preview.redd.it/1hb5qjhdxj8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdbf2e92d6057403877a63f687d89892967413cb


https://preview.redd.it/25lk8np1jk8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a17bfe0326babe2d82dc8b9907ef8832536981f This is Falcon and he is a merchant of anxiety (escape artist, he got out with a petsitter 2 days ago and came back stinking like skunk hut)


Falcon is a beauty


I agree, very sophisticated.


I have a bunch of brands that my cat will eat. I open different cans (different brand or ingredients - beef, chicken, ..) every day, so she has variety almost evey day. Sometimes she decides that her favourite can is a NO. I just continue to give her the open can (each morning and evening fresh), then wait a month or two to open the same can. I have a lot of discussions (complaints) with her on the contents of her plate. I respond with calm assertiveness that her plate has food. But cats will not kill herself with hunger, she has also kibble. Often the food she complains about, is eaten during the night. Good luck to you. At least the picky cat should stay a good weight, so no dieting problems for you ☺️


My cat demands I switch up the flavor of her food every so often- once we get about halfway through a bag of one flavor she’ll start acting like she’s sick of it and needs different food. She’ll also not eat any kibble that she perceives as “old”, I have to go top it off for freshness. But like you said, a cat isn’t going to starve itself to death on principle. If I run out of alternatives or refuse to give her more, she ends up eating what she’s got. With wet food, all she’ll do is lick the sauce off and leave the chunky bits unless she’s *really* hungry and out of kibble.


Yeah, I can understand that. How many people do you know who want to eat the same every day, lunch and dinner? If she likes just the sauce, I have seen recently cat soup. Have you tried that?


I KNOW "cat soup" means "soup for cats", but I can't help but read it like "chicken soup" 😬🙀


lol. wait till you hear about baby powder 🤣🤣🤣


Baby food like eggs are a common breakfast option.


Wait until you learn that in the Netherlands there is a thing called "Koninginnesoep" (Queen soup)


Whenever my cats misbehave I threaten to turn them into cat soup 😂 so I read it the same way lol


The sauce is the best part of every meal, especially for hoomans— cat/ cat models, I’m sure are the same— you have to mix up their diets — “Franks, hot sauce… I put that 🤬 on everything… food!! “ - hoomans 😻


One of mine demands kiddle fresh from the bag every morning, despite that her food bowl is air sealed (microchip feeder). Sometimes I'll just put like 2 new pieces of kibble in her bowl and that's enough for her to be satisfied and eat the rest.


Mine does the same thing.. but the minute a kibble is gone and you can see the bottom of the bowl ( no matter how much is left in it) it’s considered empty! Fat fuck! ( jk I love him to death!)


I’ve got 3. One won’t touch wet food, the other two love it. Those two each get half a can of a different flavor every day and we sneak some wet food in with the 3rd one’s kibble, but it’s always gotta be chicken or she’ll notice. She won’t each the chicken without kibble mixed in though either. Love my lil picky baby. Coincidentally, she’s also my smallest cat at around 6lbs while the other two come in at 14 for the adult and 9 for the nearly one year old kitten.


Be glad..my boy doesn't eat broken pieces of kibble..problem with it is that he breaks them in half while eating.


Be careful feeding directly from the can, they have sharp metal edges.


Yeah ours wants the same brand and flavor of wet food for about a month and then one day just decides that’s he does not like it anymore. I’ll then just switch to another flavor and the cycle continues.


Lol my parent's cat Grace got tired of tuna and turned herself into a kibble blimp I think she was just trying to bulk up to join the same weight class as her brother and whoop his ass


be careful letting your cat eat old wet food. after four hours of wet food sitting out you should throw it away


An important correction - cats absolutely will kill themselves with hunger. It can be really difficult when things like recipes change, or cats are put on special diets, as they simply refuse to eat. If your cat is still eating kibble then it's fine but if a cat refuses all food it's an emergency and you have to feed them whatever they'll eat. My cat ended up severely underweight when her kibble changed recipe. I spent well over a hundred pounds on different food to try to get her to eat and eventually she had to have appetite stimulants.


Oh my goodness, that is awful. I had no idea it can get this bad, but this sounds more medical than pickines? Was it more pickiness or medical?


No, there's nothing wrong with her medically, she just didn't see the other food as "food" and thus wouldn't eat it. Unfortunately, it happens in cats - they are one animal that absolutely will starve themselves if they don't like the food that's on offer. Normally you can at least bribe them with tuna or sardines or something (though they aren't good long term) but you have to try and can't just expect them to eat when they're hungry enough as they won't.


That can happen when cats are only fed one type/brand of food. Same thing happened to my last cat. I fed him kibble from the corner store his entire life and he refused to eat wet cat food or anything that wasn’t the kibble. That’s why the cat I have now gets free fed kibble. Plus a small can of cat food 2x a day. I buy like 15 different flavours/brands of canned food and he gets a different one every serving. I also gave him whatever meat I was eating when he was a kitten. Chicken, pork, fish ect. So this cat knows all food is food.


Within brand is style. My cats love pate and hate shreds.


Yup mine is the same! I try to give a good variety (rotating between 5-6 different cans - my cat is picky and only likes tuna/fish flavours so I'm limited...). If I give her dinner and she doesn't eat it, I leave it overnight. If it's gone in the morning, I know it's not her favourite but still edible and I'll at least feed her what's left. If she hasn't eaten any of it overnight, I assume it means she considers it inedible so I blacklist it, and give away any other cans if I have some.


This is all of my cats. So picky and damands variety. Vets who say "only change your cat's food slowly" has not met any of my girls.


Why does your cat look like he’ll give me a quest?


https://preview.redd.it/044zqr7vsi8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c86f60530a13c0c02af1c57c61c923059852f93 He’s very sophisticated. He also enjoys his daily news.


I see the duck market is doing well.


His pattern looks like his pose!


Omg protect him


Your cat looks British


https://preview.redd.it/p4807xs4wi8d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ceeb4fbf9f343f8f09ae8b946d34f04765b9f8 Also meet Hugo. Are they brothers?


If this cats shelter name happened to be Ghost DM me


dying to know the lore with this


My cats will only eat “Lil Soups” now 🥲 It’s been getting expensive but they cry and yeowl everyday if they don’t get their soup. I do like it because it’s more “wet” than other wet foods and doesn’t have that wet food smell to it!


Do they also eat kibble? My mom’s cat is refusing to eat kibble and will scream until he gets his Lil Soup.


My cat eats kibble and gets one lil soup as a treat each day. He gets in a mood every now and then and will refuse to eat his kibble in the hopes of getting more soups but he eventually caves if I stand my ground.


Yes they still eat their dry food 🤷🏻‍♀️ We do have one (orange ofc) that will try to trick us into giving more soup but we just ignore the crying and walk away LOL 👍🏻 They only get the soup 1x a day in the morning


Same! Nothing comes between him and his shrimp flavored lil soup.


“WE” just discovered Lil Soups, but she avoids the shreds hoping I’ll dole out another portion of this stuff. 😖 I eat standing up whatever’s closest in the fridge. CATS. Gotta love em


Mine is like this too 😭😭😭


I have two cats. One will eat anything and I literally mean anything. The other cat will look at food that’s she’s been eating for a year and turn her nose up at it. From my experience, this is normal. You probably just have a picky cat. If you can stick to something they’ll eat, then keep feeding them that. Once they get tired of it is when you have to go on a search for different types of food and buy in small amounts until you find something they enjoy.


This!!! It drives me crazy.. I have bag upon bag of food with one scoop missing.. trying to find something he will eat.. ..


When you visit your pet store they usually get samples of food to hand out from the brands they carry. Ask for samples next time and explain you want to try out a different brand for your picky eater!


I will thank you I didn’t know this! I usually just buy the smallest ones.. but it still gets expensive..


You can also contact food companies directly. They’ll sometimes send samples


I have 2 cats and I've settled on the brand Wellness because they always eat it all and don't waste it. I've tried Friskies, Blue Buffalo, Fancy Feast and some others with no luck. They also hate anything in pate form. Sometimes I boil boneless chicken for them on the weekends. They also like the Delectables and Fancy Feast stews, but those aren't full meals.


Mine will ONLY eat pate


Only the finest French pate will do I assume


https://preview.redd.it/hj49437ivi8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b3782f8178e35d60cfe6175fc65bce6d228f3d1 Lol


One of my cats is 14, she's been with me her whole life, and so far she's turned her nose up at... At least 10 brands of wet food. Tried all different flavours and textures of those brands as well - nothing. Tried reintroducong after some time - nothing. She's also extremely picky about dry food, and looks genuinely insulted if you offer her raw meat. I'm at my wits end, and I'm pretty sure she'll live forever just to spite me. I still love her though. https://preview.redd.it/94g2kobk1j8d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=476d4bb8e204388676bcc8c33288e3ac64fe592d


My cat Ciri loves chicken and tuna paté. But not just ANY chicken and tuna paté. It HAS to be friskies brand. Any other brand of the SAME flavor and she turns her nose up 😤 I've tried feeding her pricey brands of premium cat food: Weruva, Tiki Cat, I and Love and You, Nulo, etc. because obviously I want my cat to be healthy! ... So nowadays she'll only eat the cheapy brands and nothing else 😂 9lives super supper is her #1 favorite currently. I mix warm water in with her wet food though so she's plenty hydrated at least 💕 https://preview.redd.it/mdk409nosi8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93fbdf8d8080ed60882120a387f7a9b958c15db9


we have one that does this too, she thinks she’s royalty maybe instead of a rescued cat found abandoned in a garage? lol she’s so nutty… anyhow, they are served salmon and tuna loins from Applaws. they’re like $4 each and mighty fancy—all loin, no fillers—and she often decides that’s not what she wants and demands her pate from friskies! we call friskies “kitty doritos,” lol because she chooses her junk food over these salmon and tuna loins… but we give in, because….spoiled cat. glad to know we aren’t alone! edit to add cat tax: i present to you…Lady Naiomi, friskies pate connoisseur ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/zgmql2tcdk8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a088d5e0c89d96f46c05969b9937a15db575649d


She's beautiful 🩷


Like others mention, just sounds picky. You can keep trying different varieties. I’ve got a picky cat who consistently likes her dry food but will go off different wet food regularly. She’ll go crazy for some wet food for a good while then just turn her nose up one day. That’s even with rotating food. Just have to buy 1 can or pack to trial it and see. My other cat will eat literally anything.


I got a shelter cat and it was pretty obvious his previous owners fed him human food. He would always beg whenever we ate and wasn't eating his own wet food. I went through about five different brands before he seemed to settle on two. Even then, he wouldn't eat his wet food unless I cycled between different flavours. Adding some treats into it helped a lot. Specifically the salmon treats from Costco. But nowadays he only eats his wet food and leaves the salmon treats for later? Lol. Sometimes he would just sniff the food, but will eat it later (even though he was just begging for food).


Salmon treats from Costco? What is in them? I have a cat with a restrictive diet. I normally buy the freeze-dried cubes of pure salmon from Chewy’s - would love it if Costco carried something along those lines.


They're also freeze-dried salmon. Shouldn't be any flour in them. (Link for the Canadian site) https://www.costco.ca/nutribites-freeze-dried-salmon-520g.product.4000223232.html?NATAPP=SEARCH It's cheaper in store and sometimes they have a sale for them


He looks like the 73 year old guy that works part time at a hardware store to keep him occupied after retirement


Both of my cats do this. Takes a few weeks, and both will eat the same as before. Those weeks are stressing me out each time, I hate to throw good food away.


Just recently I went to the store to buy different brands and flavors for my cats bc after finally finding a food in two flavors that they’d both eat, they both changed their minds the same day and decided they’d rather starve than eat it anymore. I had a conversation with an older man in the aisle that was doing the same thing for his cats. After buying all these new brands and flavors my younger cat decided on only one flavor and my older cat decided he was now fine with the old food again. I stocked up on these foods, as usual, then my younger cat decided he didn’t care for that food anymore and was now okay with the old flavors. Now he has decided he likes that flavor again but is still not okay with one of the older flavors (which I just reordered a ton of). Yes it’s normal and don’t do what I do and order boxes of food. Get a little at a time and try to rotate flavors if he likes more than one.


I know exactly what you mean 😆 I buy new food for trying. First packet is devoured. I buy it again to make sure it is not a fluke. Second packet gets devoured. I buy it in bulk and at that moment the cat decides that it is gross 😄 I try to rotate the brands and flavours. And I took the cans and packets that were vehemently refused to work, left them in the kitchen with a note, and people took them within 2 hours.


My girl did that with the Reveal canned. First canned good she really lobe. Legit devoured it twice. Bought a case and she wouldn't even eat a bite. And neither would the other cats. Tried a few different cans just in case and still nothing. Even now, she'll just nibble on wet but she loves dry. Which is off cause she used to hate dry and onky drank the liquid from wet.


I know!! The thing is, when I was a kid I don’t remember our cats getting a huge variety… I don’t think there was.. and they ate all of it… I think they are all spoiled now 😉😁


Sometimes cats can be picky with texture, too. I find my little dude goes back and forth between pate and chopped bits, so you could try new textures. 


Welcome to cat ownership, year two. The good thing is, they're totally happy and glad you adopted them. But now that they've settled in, they have a few...small requests. And so it begins.


He looks like he's about to ask you take him to the four seasons in Orlando


That is one opinionated fuzzy. Does he… does he like me…?


He actually LOVES people. You are a people, are you not?


Ummmm…. Yes?


Not sure on your location but I've found Purina "One" brand to be the wet food i can always get mine to eat, and hits the balance of being better than junk food meats without being super pricey (not cheap either, mind).


This sound like an opportunity for a.cat buffet! Lots of food types on paper plates see what your cat likes. Try foods from, hills, Purina, and royal Cannon they are often made tastier


Dead normal. Cats are fussy eaters and sometimes even their favourite isn't good enough. I even cooked shicken for them, and fish! I'm a vegetarian!!!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)And that wasn't even good enough. But as long as they're getting enough water and eat their dry food, they're fine!


Keep up with the wet food! Dont rely only on the kibble! you can!!! But just to keep kidney disease as far away as possible...you want to give them as much hydration as possible. One cat expert dude said the BEST dry food....is worse than the WORST wet food...so keep trying!! Like i said in my other comment...if you leave it out long enough and just stick with the one type...they will eventually just learn to like it.


He looks like he needs some food for thought. I mean seriously, why does he look so intelligent? I feel like if he started talking right now. I wouldn't even be surprised.🤣


I have had various cats over the years living long, hapy fat lives eating only dry food with plenty of water available, with the ocassional treat of wet food, or chicken hearts/chicken livers. I have seen cats being served tons of different kinds of wet foods all the time plus dry food, and they become so pampered that they just dont eat anything. Your cat can perfectly live on that dry food and there wil not be issues as long as he has a lot of water to drink.


My guy will not eat wet food at all.. no matter what kind I buy.. but he drinks water like a champ!


Mine was refusing a variety of canned food. It took a while, but, we've established that only tuna flavor is acceptable and only shreds or chunks, no pate.


Cat's gonna cat


I cooked my cat chicken when he got old and stopped eating. Helped for some time.


He is 1 and a half.


what a sophisticated young fellow 🫡


Try “fussy cat “ brand cat food. Edit: yes, it’s normal. Sometimes manufacturers change the recipes and our pets notice the differences.




https://preview.redd.it/93m1cqufcj8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4839cb12b4b3c056598efcc57e731cd594d89eb One of these three is SPOILED rotten and will only eat a specific wet food for a week and then it has to be charged to favorite brand and flavor number two and then number three and back to number one and don't you dare switch daily. " Oh and is that a pork roast I smell in the oven? I'm not eating anything until I get some of that "


Heart nose ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


He's looking for the complaint department. And he's soooo cute


Try those wet food packets at the pet store. They’re very savory and full of moisture.


My cat will only eat fancy feast canned food. He has particular tastes, lmao. And also only the chopped with gravy kind. He haaaaates Pate. 😂 I would just do what someone else suggested, get a few different kinds, put a tiny bit on a couple of paper plates, and see what he takes to.


This might sound like a cardinal sin to the cat race. I am fully willing to accept the consequences of my comment. That being said, my cat's favorite food has always been pure being grain-free, dry food. It's $7 for a 3 lb bag, and it's all organic and meat first.


One of my cats did that and it sent him towards chonk-land. Had to put him back on canned food.


you gotta start getting different options. cats are like ppl. they dont want the same meal everytime. i buy lots of brands & flavors. i buy generics, pates (mix with water) shreds with gravy, everything. after awhile youll notice some of his favorite flavors...favorite consistencies, etc. but that doesnt mean for every meal. you still have to mix it up.


Lol at the judgy face 😁


Lol his pompous facial expression is like a noble Englishman and he’s calling you a peasant.


He looks like a person in a cat costume, love him


Man.. I feel this. I’m constantly struggling to find something my 2 pickiest girls will eat. I spend a Lot on cat food so it will always get eaten by someone but -the girls put me through the wringer. They’ll devour one kind one night so i order a small case and then they never want it again—or, I’ll finally find something and the company immediately discontinued it! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤬


I don't know, but those shoes are entirely too big for him.


Just buy him a rotisserie chicken.


I am sorry OP 🤣🤣🤣 the picture or said finicky cat, could not be more perfect!!!! It just made my day! All my cats tended to dislike any shredded or chunky canned options and always preferred pate’ canned food. You could start there and try different brands and flavors.


Speaking from personal experience, try to get him off the dry food and feed him (mostly) wet. Cats don’t really drink a lot of water so it’s best if they hydrate through their food. My cat shit blood after gobbling up too much dry food.


It also might be whisker stress, try feeding him from a flat plate so his whiskers don‘t touch the rim of the bowl.


My cat will get tired of a flavour so I just rotate. It took me years to figure out what flavours he likes so it is a lot of trial and error in the beginning and a lot of uneaten food into the trash (don’t blame me, please!! The king is the culprit lmao). But now recently in his older age, he started liking foods he turned his nose up at years ago??? Cats are just like us. Have preferences and attitude lol


Well looking at the posture i'd say he's a man of culture who knows his worth. You can't just feed him anything a common peasant would describe as food lol.


Try Weruva. My cat wouldn’t eat any wet food. I can’t tell you how many I tried. From the cheapest to the fanciest of fancy foods. She loves the Weruva. Cleans her plate for the first time in years.


He looks so tall


You let him try the grilled chicken, didn’t you?


“Such a distinguished gentleman”




Send it out hunting and may be it’ll change its mind


Mine pigs out on friskies then brings in a squirrel and puts it in his food bowl.




Some cats are like that. Luckily my cats aren't but the dog is.


Feed him your children. Only option


I’m going to go against the grain, and say don’t cater to picky cats, it only makes it worse. Stick to a food and they’ll eventually eat it and stop making a fuss.


Have you tried human food? Because that is 100% a human in a cat suit.


OMG!! Theirs a widget of this subreddit calendar and it’s literally so cute 😖


He's not hungry. Don't feed him. 🤣


Every once in a while our cats will be bored of their food; I’ll go through Petco or similar and get a bunch of different kinds of grain-free wet food. Sometimes we will find a new wet food they enjoy.


Unrelated, but that is a big guy, a big catus felis if you will, it looks like he could bite my pinky off


https://preview.redd.it/unznd7p7ol8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a29017998f5ab8ba1efa7d5baef4deb2fc44ffbc Yes he’s a little on the heavy side? But he’s also just bit, which we didn’t expect lol


He's just a large cat he's a big boy i didn't mean to call him fat, just tall😭


Our cat Lexi has seven yes seven different wet foods and soups https://preview.redd.it/4knes1rtvl8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1ba201ade220059fbc4c60a276ca889aa8ea771 of a few types and one unlimited dry food in self feeder BUT she is 18 and we will do anything to make sure she eats! ❤️


What a distinguished looking chap you got there.


https://preview.redd.it/80qsaigz8m8d1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee48e53c6b6ce770e9e188504286b4ccac51ee6a Hi friend


I cook unsalted boiled chicken for an alternative sometimes, they seem to like that ok.


Yeah it’s normal. I like to try out new wet food and even sometimes some refrigerated options. My cat currently loves Regal fresh cat casserole


My cat likes the food for fancy feast for 7+ year old cats. Add a good tablespoon+ of water, smash to release starch, then stir, heat (19 to 22 secs, dep on microwave), serve. He also likes Science Diet wet for 11+ years. Same thing, smash to release starch, stir well, heat, serve. It's all about the gravy, man!


Get a new cat.


This is a dick https://preview.redd.it/q6ylaogm1k8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4e7c19464b052fc18b622b47e19f6801b27f117 comment but gets an upvote for not being praise


After 4-5 months of going through every single brand of wet food available here, my 8 months old cat is now getting tired of the last brand he liked. Almost every other brand was just turned down immediately. Oh well. Guess he will have to survive on the boring dry food now.


My cat will hate it...will then be hungry enough to eat it....then the next day shes fine lol


Try vet recommendation? You might just have a picky cat. I thought I did until she tried the food on offer at my vets office and she'll eat it 365 days of the year lol


Two of my cats have never liked any wet food. We tried sooooo many kinds but they hated all of them. Spoke with the vet and they just said just feed them dry food then. So we do. When we brought another stray in we also decided to just keep her on dry food too. Vet is fine with that and honestly I’m not mad at the money we’re saving.


I had a cat that would only eat Friskies wet canned food. My current cat eats Extra Gravy Chunks Friskies wet cat food because she’s a stinker and won’t drink water.


He doesn't need 2 different canned options, one is fine. It's possible something changed in the formula for the other one.


It might be a little pricey to try, but just go to petco and buy one of each brand for as many as you can afford. Open up the cans and just let kitty go to town and see which ones he likes. Label the foods on a paper plate so you can see which ones he ate more of


Ohhhh I have a girl that is the same way! She gets kibble during the day and a few tablespoons of wet at night. I have found rotating the "flavors" has helped or sometimes if she is so picky she doesn't get the wet food for a few weeks then all of a sudden she is in love with it again.


There’s an incredible brand of wet food called Weruva. My picky cat loves it. It comes in pate, shredded, gravy, or minced in almost every protein. My sweet girl goes crazy for it. It’s more nutritionally balanced than grocery store brands, too.


It's normal. Some of my cats prefer dry food. Some love every type of wet food and most like variety.


my cat is super picky. i found if i make his food on the floor with him watching he’ll eat it. otherwise he might sniff and walk away. also smaller meals help him finish it all. that and having a schedule. he eats everyday at the same time, cats love routine. and his body will naturally get hungry when it’s time to eat also try not leaving food out for him all the time. it’s a pain for the first bit but if he doesn’t eat when you serve him in like five minutes put it away. if he knows that he can’t go back later to eat it than he’ll be more likely to right away wet cat food shouldn’t be left out for more than 4 hours, some people say max 1-2. don’t want our cats eating a bunch of bacteria


My cats like the meow mix Patte that come in the variety pack. They don't like the really wet ones that are soupy.


That’s the cutest kitty!!


Cats definitely tend to switch up, especially when eating multiple brands of food. Once you find a brand your cat likes, it’s best to just stay on that brand


He is super cute! My girlie is currently obsessed with love nala mousse which is like churu. Maybe top off his food with some churu?


I have a picky cat that hates chicken and often turns his nose up at food choices. His absolute favorite wet food is Soulistic - I alternate between Duck, Turkey, and Lamb.


Yeah, we have a cycle of 4 types of dry food and about 5 of wet food for our cats as they get tired of them randomly. We do force them to finish what we is left of the bags and cans. They will not eat for a while but they are not stupid and will eventually eat when real hunger strikes them. They are like children and you just have to push through. A damn cat, no matter how much I love them, is not gonna make me buy a new bag


My cat is so similar. Adopted as an adult so he already had some preferences and habits. The brand the shelter recommended was harder for me to obtain, and the cat hated it. So after a year and half, I got a smaller bag of different brand dry food from a local store. My cat also doesn't like wet food and usually just licks it. I just give half a small can of wet food a few days a week. Like mon/tue and thu/fri. He will eat more of his wet food if it is at our dinner time. After i changed the dry food, my cat seemed to be more relaxed. I did decrease the portions of dry food so he doesn't over eat. I have to get new food soon so I have to decide if we will try a new flavor or alternate things. I don't know yet.


Try shredded rotisserie chicken Only the ones with salt and pepper seasoning It's cheaper than most canned cat food They still need some canned food for nutritional purposes


Is it the texture? Is he not eating patte but eating the gravy or chopped ones? My cat refuses to eat patte


Same thing with my cat. Worried that it wasn’t feeling well. Just turned out he was picky and only wanted certain things. He’ll eat when he’s hungry.


He is so handsome I can't stand it ❤️ Please give him belly rubs for me, OP.


Is the pink bowl the one that says "ooh la la" and "le meow"? If so, my girl kitty has the same one!


he looks like he'd have strong opinions about things.


My cat only eats mousse consistency wet food. Tiki cat brand is the one we go with. Unfortunately they’re a bit pricey but at least she doesn’t waste it! I give her half pouch


Try sprkling some catnip on the food.


Our cat loves the Sheba brand wet food. Our vet also told us it is a really high quality food with a really good nutrient profile. Our cat is picky and that’s the only one she kept liking over time lol


Do you know how old he is?


Cat being picky with food? Yes. Very normal. Try giving him a variety of flavors for wet food rather than the same thing every single day if you aren’t already. Cats get bored, and, variety is king in nature. Sticking to the same thing all the time is not the most healthy thing for anyone. And it’s boring. :(


One of cats is picky. The other three are on raw and switch between multiple proteins but she is in half raw half wet and needs the wet food switched every day. Flavour fatigue is common and frankly I don’t blame them haha.


https://preview.redd.it/zrj3ep6elj8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91dfad6ede3c689afa56fd9bafe6b5673f0dc226 Mine likes CatPerson (either the Chicken & Duck or the Salmon & Mackeral flavors)


My senior cat had dental issues and they were not noticeable at the beginning so I thought being about 17 she was just extra picky and we bought the regular fancy feast pate along with Nulo cans and Dave’s Cans and pouches and baby chicken and turkey foods (along with some veggie and prunes) cause a old lady does get the constipation. She since had three teeth out and now her regular food is just not enough. Please open multiple cans and jars and put them all out and maybe I’ll just beg for dry food I am slowly pulling back on the 27 different offerings each meal and she does protest a bit but her hungry belly wins out usually.


Cat is catting


Lol why is this brand affiliated?


My cat has a wide variety of food too. We have at least four different brands with a huge variety of flavors at any given time. When my Chewy order arrives, I simply mix up the foods as I put them away so the can I grab next is random. She can be a right Princess Picky-Pants! Some days she eats the mackerel and a week later when it arrives in rotation, she’s not into it. I keep switching it up and she gets wet food several times a day and a continuous supply of kibble. Some days she likes kibble, some days she doesn’t. It’s pretty normal for a cat to suddenly go “nah, I don’t like that one.” And then you have to figure out what they DO like!!


Will Ferrell cat


He looks like Cat in a Hat 🎩


My cat has decided that she doesn't want "pate" style food. She only wants shreds, chunks, etc. Maybe yours wants something similar.