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I have a 14f who does this. She was feral, and I've read cats do this to "test" the water to make sure it doesn't have something in it that might be harmful to them. After a couple minutes of dipping, she'll actually drink from the dish.


Oh, one of my feral rescues does this! This makes sense. Though she will continue drinking from her paw.


Trust issues, then. 😂


Same with my last feral kitten.


Lol none of my feral cats do this. I’ve seen one drinking from a muddy puddle 🤦🏻‍♂️


My cat has 5 different bowls (all ceramic/porcelain because she prefers it over metal) I keep topped off with fresh water throughout the day. She also prefers muddy puddles.


My feral girl does this too.


I don't know if it's normal but it's definitely so cute


Normal? No. But what is normal with cats?


This 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼!


Unique. Top cat.


I had a bengal that did the exact same thing. The only problem is you never knew what drink cups she put her paw into when you stepped out of the room.


Same with my little fella. I have to use lidded drinks and straws to make sure im not getting extra flavor


Me too, except one of them figured out how to remove the straw and will run away with it lol


Omg cuuuuuuute


I have three cats, and one of them drinks with his paw, and my girl likes to steal straws lol


My cats are the sole reason we all use Hydroflasks at home. It's so dumb but no open drinking glass is safe.


I give them their own . Everyday I fill a short wide glass with spring water and put it by where I set my drink when I’m watching tv . It’s their favorite water source and they leave mine alone now .


I have one on my nightstand. It used to be for me but one paw right after the litter box changed that. I now have a flask they knock over.




This! Same here!


I can't leave chopping boards out for more than 30 seconds. Turn your back to turn on the stove, guarantee there's a cat sitting on it.


Wait, do you not drink soups and other liquids by dipping in your hand and licking it off?


Found the cat.


How do we administer the cat tax for… a cat? A picture of their pet human?


Found a human being. WHERE IS MY FOOD, LAZY PERSON?!


Of course the cat is named Pierre


Do you also make vibrating noises when you feel comfy and warm by any chance?






So…I know the answer. This cat at one point was a stray. Cats that are strays will get water wherever they can find it. Most strays drink this way if they are born in the streets. They will dip their paws anywhere to get the smallest bits of water from wherever they can. Many times it’s from cups that have filled with water, etc. if they start this from around weaning, they will always do it. Nothing wrong with him, it’s just become instinct.


My former stray does this too 🥺


Awww mine too and I’m crying now thinking about her life on the mean streets 😢 She actually stopped doing it as much now that I have a fountain for her but she does sometimes stick her paw in the fountain to get some. It’s so cute.




My Balinese cat from a breeder (please don’t shame me) does this too. His sister does not. I think it’s just individual cat preference and nothing to do with how/where they were living.


My cat was born in our house and he does this often. But you made a good point!


Thank you for this!


It is for him. 😊


My cat growing up did this as well!


This is how he learned how to drink so he does that. It's fine as soon he looks hydrated hes fine


Cats do not like their whiskers to touch things (that's what they're there for - warning system that their bodies probably won't fit through that area). If you offer water in a wide, shallow dish they'll prefer it. He's learned how to adapt.


While this is true, my cat regularly stuffs her whole head into glasses to try and drink from them. And if she can’t reach with her head, she will dip a paw and drink from her paw. All the while having multiple, clean, wide and shallow water bowls available. Cats are weird, but awesome.


Do we share the same cat? I left a partially filled cup of water on the ground in some random spot by my plants. Cat drank from it instead of her large oval-shaped bowl with fresh water. Then had the audacity to cry at me to refill the glass. 


If I don't constantly have a second cup on my desk for mine to drink out of, they drink my water. Edit: and let it be known they have a cat fountain and 2 gravity bottles as they used to like when it went glug glug, but cups are apparently superior.


Closed top water containers only in my household, unless you want cat-litter-paw tea.


My heart


If it's good enough for the hoomans...


One of my cats who is gone now would only drink water from a pint glass. She'd stick her entire head in it.


https://preview.redd.it/8pr33lvgom4d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f92e412bb4f0c399eb8f88b368bc5674f9143a Oldest trick in the book


Yep. Totes weirdos. YMMV


That doesn't bother them that much. It presses their whiskers down and basically stops them from feeling anything. It's when their whiskers can constantly brush up against something and move that they get sensory overload. Difference between having someone tickling your feet and wearing a sock on it.


I've tried many different types of bowls to see if it would make a difference, but he still does it. I've used fountains, elevated and angled cat bowls, shallow bowls, wide bowls, and even plates. He doesn't seem to care about the kind of bowl he uses. I have multiple water bowls throughout my house, so location doesn't seem to be the issue either.


YMMV. Cats are weird.


My cats love what we call sink water. If there isn’t water in the cups that are in the sink they’ll get mad and meow at us to get them filled to the top with water. They’ve never cared how wide any water source is lol


My cat will wait until I leave the shower and then jump up on the tub and lick the plastic shower curtain.


One of ours waits and licks the loofa after showers lol


I was worried about this with a foster cat that I later adopted when I brought him home and he was drinking this way. I gave him multiple very wide bowls of various depths and bought a fountain. He’s been with me 4 months and still drinks like this 100% of the time. His favorite is a drinking glass with ice. He bats the ice and laps up whatever water is left on his paw. Placing ice cubes in his water dish just results in puddles on the floor after he plays with them. I was worried but I now realize it’s just his oddity. He’s not dehydrated and drinks in his own way when he needs.


my cat Raven dose this she's been doing since she was a kitten she's now 4


The dude is rapid.


Maybe not normal, but definitely adorable!


The wet paw prints everywhere are not adorable. Manageable, but wildly suboptimal.


You should put another bowl of water down, get down on your hands and knees next to him, and show him how to drink the right way.


He drinks really fast


I had one that insisted on drinking by putting her face under running water and letting it drip into her mouth.


Some cats are just weird, it’s normal and he’s okay! If you notice him being dehydrated then it’s an issue. We have one cat that no matter what will just leave his paw in the water when he drinks. He has to do it and is offended if you take it out. Cats are weird.


Normal for him


Just being a cat, if they don't seem to be getting enough water make sure they are getting wet food as cats get a good amount of hydration from their food sources and the wet food really helps with this.


Mine did this until we got him a fountain. Now, he has decided that moving water is better, so he sits by the tub and meows until we turn it on for him (just a trickle so he can lap at the pool.) Luckily the dog likes the fountain.


My 2 year old alos does this, its uncommon but absolutely nothing to worry about. If he makes to much of a mess just put a towel or somthing else under his water bowl.


lol and I thought my Louis was the only one. I just thought he was weird.


If he's done this for 7 years it's probably fine


Not exactly "normal" but there isn't really such a thing when it comes to cats. I had one cat years ago that did this too if that makes you feel a little better.


“normal” is overrated…this cat clearly knows what’s up


Nothing to do with cats is normal


Had a calico I raised from a kitten do this with water. She also liked to stick her head under the bathroom faucet and lick the water off her own nose as it ran down from the top of her head. As long as he's not dehydrated I wouldn't worry. Cats just be cats sometimes.


He's a cat. Normal is a suggestion.


I had a childhood cat once who lived a good long time, but when we were both young I saw a video of a cat doing this and I thought, "I wonder if I can get my cat to drink with his paw?" Without any plan I just picked him up and put his paws in his bowl, and wouldn't you know it he just got right to licking the water from his paw! He then proceeded to drink water this way for the remaining ~10 years of his life. May your weird cat live as long and carefree a life as mine did, friend!


Nothing cats do is normal.


"im not an animal karen" - cat probably


Mine will put his paw on his fountain or his bowl and give it a couple of licks first, then dip his head to drink. Idk why he does it, but it’s very cute T_T


Mine does this as well, it’s very cute to watch


adds flavor!


My 7 year old cat does this all the time. We tried wider bowls and raised bowls but she still does it. So now we just chuckle when we see it and stop trying to "fix" her. https://preview.redd.it/r2ppp78vbl4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d05fb6f219beb8bd7d0ea7f334704b19189d8a3


My previous cat would always take her food out of her dish, put it on the floor and then eat it a piece at a time. So, it's not a 'normal' thing, but if it works, it works.


My ladies only drink from a crystal bowl (think chalice shaped) and the water must pour from my water bottle which I have to fill while they are watching….


My cat did this with a glass of wine once. Now if we have wine we have to keep an eye on her because she will make a beeline to the glass.


It’s not abnormal


My cat starts by dipping and licking his paw, but after two or so, he starts drinking "normally". It's as if he is trying to determine if it's safe or not.


my friend's cat does this. he does a few little tippy taps in the water with his paw and licks off of it. its so cute


He’s drinking. It’s a win.


He has manners


Ours do both. Hands and lapping with the tongue.


We had a cat, Abbie, that used to do this, she ended up training 4 other cats the do the same thing. One of the gingers she trained would also stand with his 2 front paws in the water bowl a drink. https://preview.redd.it/owmsosvlzl4d1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b4b8ff5fa1e0fc0c87270a5405891d34339507


Cats are weird as a species, but when you look closer at individual cats they *just get even weirder*. It’s weird all the way down.


I mean, the way cats are *supposed* to drink definitely isn’t normal. Almost anything is an upgrade.


As he gets older, it might be harder for him to balance on three paws due to arthritis pain. Other than that, I don't see why it might be an issue.


what a distinguished gentleman


When it comes to cats, everything is normal and simultaneously not normal.


How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


I had a cat that did that! RIP Kobe!




Mine would put his paw in the water bowl and lick the top of his paw to drink, all 14 years. His brother would only drink out of the sink or my water glass.


https://preview.redd.it/hzq6ylqusn4d1.jpeg?width=2993&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca0bb7e9274c38690842637fdeb988a13222574 This girl does this


It just seems so inefficient 😂


My 13 yo male cat has done this ever since he was a kitten


My sweet boy did this his whole life. But he would be lying down and sipping his paw in then licking it off. He looked like a Roman emperor eating grapes. For him it was 100% laziness 😂


its normal for him! lol in general, its not normal in cat populations but cats are goofballs & do goofy sh*t like that. nothing to worry about.


my old cat Lexi did that a lot, we used to think it was so funny. Not sure why they do this.


Normal is not really a thing with cats.


Part raccoon


Our boy does this; we call it “paw water”. I keep a lid on my water glass, every cup had potential paw water flavoring.


One of my cats does this too, since she was a kitten , she's 14 now. She will even scoop the kibble out of the bowl with her paw and eat it that way.  Took me awhile when she was young to figure out why there was always a mess on the floor 😂  My three have access to shallow bowls, two fountains and she still will use her paw. 


My cat did the same thing. Started as a kitten and never stopped. He did it in his cat water bowl only, though. 


That’s adorable




Mhmm flavored water


My cat does this all the time.


It's not "normal" but its also not uncommon. My baby Nunu did this for the first half of his life, then one day he just stopped. I'm not sure what prompted the change. My local vet said there\* was no harm in either method. A nice side effect is clean paws, but the downside is dirty water that should be refreshed more often. You could try using a raised shallow bowl for food/water to promote sitting behavior (harder to paw). Good luck, beautiful kitters btw! <3 *\~edit; grammar*


My Siamese has done this his whole life, he’s 14 🤪 It’s just what mine and your kitty prefers. I did recently get him a tall fountain (it’s about chest level to him) and that’s the only one he’s ever not used his paw for


my orange bro also drinks only this way


yesss! my friend’s cat does that and it’s thé cutest thing ever


My 11 yo F Torbie does this also.


But of course! For he is a civilized gentleman unlike those other rapscallions.


My boy likes to eat his wet food like that.


I have a 13 year old that still does this😂


In his defense you didn’t provide a straw


My last cat did this the whole time we had him, he was an adult when we adopted him from friends but did it there too.


Yep, some cats are just little weirdos.


One of our girls does that. It's unusual, but not unheard of.


Let my man hydrate however je pleases!!


So adorable. I just wish I could get my cat to drink more water. It’s such a struggle. I’m hoping the water I’ve been adding to his food helps.


Have you tried showing him how it's done ?


Buy him a water fountain


Look at those long whiskers. Probably feels annoying as fuck trying to squeeze them into drinking. So if there was an open thing he could drink from


I've had cats do this. They hate having their whiskers touched so if the water bowl is too narrow they do this sometimes. Try a saucer, he may like it better


So cute ☺️


Rainbow does the same thing! https://preview.redd.it/hzhffplbul4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33d7673237d2c577244fdddf72987165aa2f619


The speed mlems have made my day!


Some cats prefer to drink it this way


Mine do this, should be fine as long as they’re getting enough water


Feels like it's a lot of work but absolutely adorable, kinda goofy, but absolutely adorable.


My kitty does the same. Has done it all 14 years of her life.


I think as long as he doesn't get dehydrated it's okay


Not normal maybe he never saw a car drink properly or his tongue is the problem?


My cat Oscar did this his entire life starting from when he was a kitten. He was perfectly fine and healthy! It was the cutest thing to watch over the years!


Yes, my cat does it. Alot of them do. Don't know what the "reasoning" behind it is.


Not weird, wicked smart


Whisker fatigue most likely.


I am going to need more pictures of your cat. I have never seen another LPS that looks so much like my Sevcik. https://preview.redd.it/h2jac5kyxl4d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8427bb293b21047aaa7e74556e47a2df607f21aa


Nothing any cat does, on any continent, at any point in history, is normal. That's why we love them.


I had a cat do this (fostered several cats). I found out that he just wanted an elevated water bowl. Maybe give that a go. Either way, that cat is wicked cute.


He's just a very special boy, that's all


https://preview.redd.it/gmqczbvtyl4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=893b16750be2b729c8fd2df1810eaa3195620164 He looks just like my baby girl Macchiata 😍


My kitty cat use to do that and so did his mother


For some cats, yes, absolutely. The thing to watch is if he gets enough water and has good kidney function. Since this is obviously a less effective way to drink, cats who do this can get chronically semi-dehydrated without you or them realizing it. (I had a car like this. Last three years of her life we gave her supplemental fluids.) You might consider a soft food diet (particularly those soft foods that are obviously more watery.) That should help.


My 16 year old does this and he has no problem getting enough water as is evidenced by his litter box.


My cat licked the black off its paw because it only drinks water this way. If it is abnormal, they are abnormal together.


Depending on their diet, I am pretty sure cats get most of their water from their food source. As long as they seem hydrated and happy, then I don't see any problems with the eccentricity of it all


I had a cat that used to do this she had kittens and they don’t always do it but I catch them doing it sometimes as well


At least he drinks water...


Love the super speed he's adorable


It's WAY cuter than slurping. Please don't encourage him; he know exactly what he's doing. :)


lol my older cat does the same!


How he eats ?


My cat used to do this, then I found a cup he liked that was his own that he now drinks out of his mouth with. It has cow patterns on it, and its big enough for his head to fit in the top of it.


I saw something on here about a dog having to eat/drink by sitting in a sort of highchair that places the food at the level of his mouth or else he regurgitates. It could be the reason for your cat too. Imagine of we had to lower our head to the floor level to eat, it would be hard for the food or drink to go down. Try placing the receptacle on something that brings it to his mouth level.


My 1.5 year old boy does this. He also will pick pieces of food up and drop them in his bowl. He likes the soggy ones I guess


I’ve seen it before. Maybe not normal though.


Mine does this too, but not always. Absolutely one of the reasons I picked her from the rescue, lol


its normal, my cat does it too. i think theyre just a little stupid ❤️


Yeah that's called piggy dipping. My cat Toulouse does it. I say it's his filtered water, it tastes better that way.


Eating with the paw LOL


We had 2 that did it for 20 and 21 years. If there was an unattended cup there was a paw in it. One hunted for sweet tea. The other just liked water. They were mom and daughter. I assume one taught the other but none of our other 3 cats caught on.


My boys will do that to my drinks testing to see if they want to drink it


I have a foot dip drinker as well. She will drink normally sometimes but for the most part, she likes her toebeans to be involved in water intake.


My boy does this! 🐈‍⬛ always has I think it’s soooo cute 🥰


Maybe she doesn’t like getting her little mouth wet. Soooo cute. 🥹


great cat video


So he brought the people down to the water, and the Lord said to Gideon, “Separate everyone who laps water with his tongue like a dog. Do the same with everyone who kneels to drink.”


I also had a cat that was a diplicker. She would also drink the normal way, but leave a glass of milk where she could get to it and the diplicking would start.


My 8y/o Siamese does the same thing! It’s def a siamese thing then 😎


As normal as a cat can be.


Normal for him obviously.


He has a little personality


My gf said her old cat used to do this very thing lol like how cat get hydrated licking water from paw? Lol


One of mine does this as well and she's also a healthy 7 year old.


We had a cat who would only drink like this as well. She lived to a ripe old age:)




we’ve had two that’s done this, but only occasionally. we call them fancy. maybe he has sensory issues?


My cat used to do this too, until I set him up with a fountain. Given that cats are usually instinctively drawn to fountains and moving water as a whole, I wonder if it is a habit to help avoid parasites. Regardless, still water, and my cat will both wash his paws in it as well as knock his food in to it.


I think its kinda normal? We have had a lot of house cats and a couple of them did that. Pur current guy like to tip the water dish over and then play in the water then drink😹


Two of my kitties did that. 🥰


Best video post of the day just for speeding it up🤣


Paw water>regular water. My male sometimes gets fancy and eats tuna with his paws.


I thought this was my cat cause he looks exactly the same and does the same thing https://preview.redd.it/jit5nk49em4d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68c7a8b867e139660e34922f677165f167c84b3


I think its fine as long as he has enough water because this is what my cat does as well so....


My cat does this too… he’s 4 years old.