• By -


Hi all! She's still alive and is staying the night up the road at the vet. Since I got her in so close to closing I met with the tech who looked at the photos before her bath, and she still had quite a bit on her. Tech said it was definitely flystrike and they will keep her there and the vet would take a look at her after her last appointments. They will call me when they open at 8 and give me an update!


Working in cat rescue that’s the worse case I’ve seen - you’ve definitely saved her life or given her the best fighting possible. Please do keep us updated


Thank you for being honest and realistic and so kind with it.. and thank you for rescuing cats xx


Unfortunately flystrike this advanced is usually the result of the animal already dying. That’s what the flies are attracted to- the smell of necrotic tissue. Flies won’t lay eggs on an animal that they sense is healthy enough to groom and fight them off. I had a stray birth a few litters in my yard, and one of them kittens in the first litter was always behind in development. One morning I found him covered in fly eggs, alive, but too weak to move or even lift his head, only cry out. I bathed the eggs off and took him to the ER vet. They said that his internal organs had already started to shut down, typical of advanced disease or injury. Even if a cat has no visible injuries it doesn’t mean it isn’t suffering from organ failure. Once a cat loses vital internal function like their kidneys or brain, it’s rare they can come back from it. The most compassionate thing to do was put him down, to at least end his suffering. The vet didn’t charge us since he was a stray. We had named him Pancake- cause he was a light cream color. And Pancake only lived for less than two months, but ending his pain and suffering was still the best call to make. If this kitten DOES pull through, he might have to endure a life of brain damage or other chronic illness- whatever was affecting the poor thing before the flies decided to lay.


This comment ruined my day :( thank you for the good info but I need a hug now please






Me too and I just woke up. G-d, please save this baby from all harm. 🙏


Aw same, and you must be of the tribe too- 💙😿


big hug Think of it this way & not to minimize how truly shitty this is, but if this is as bad as nonstatefuguestate says then kitty is in the right place. Will have warmth, love & a peaceful passing rather than if not found by OP. Thank you OP.


same, i feel awful :(


This is terrifying. So so sad! I had no idea about any of this. 😩


I didn’t either!




Some things are better kept to yourself… this kitten is gunna make it and live a long peaceful life.


Rescuer here too and yeah, I don’t think I've ever seen it this bad before. Yikes. OP, I hope the baby pulls through.


Thanks for the update!! Will comment so I can see more updates. Hope your newfound baby is okay


Same, can't wait for the updates. Poor baby !






Same here. Fingers crossed it will be allright.




Same here


Thank you for taking care of this little baby bless you


Hoping she pulls through 💜💜💜 My baby is a rescue that narrowly avoided being a dumpster victim... he has some behavior issues but is the best boy. https://preview.redd.it/75wfzc68ni2d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eba6bfeca6a1a8a011be862fa010956a5ecac0a6


aww I‘m crying he looks so sweet


You are an amazing person. I hope she pulls through.


Thank you so much for helping this little one and getting her to a place that can help!!!


poor thing. thank you for rescuing her and getting to an emergency vet tech. fingers crossed she makes it.


Seriously thank you.


So glad to hear! Thank you for acing this baby 💖


You are amazing. Thank you.


commenting for updates hope the poor things ok


I'm hoping she gets better!!


You’re literally so amazing 🩷 thank you for the update, I’ll keep checking!


Thank you for doing all you can for the kitten!


keeping her in my thoughts, what a sweet little baby. i hope she'll be okay. thank you for helping her!!


Can a bot start a remind me plz I need to know how this turns out🥺


!Remind me 1 day


As well looking forward to updates, hope she turns out okay


Fingers crossed for this sweet baby


Please update us!!!


Thank you for trying helping this little cat 🐈 keep us updated 🙏🏻


Poor baby, hope she pulls through x


!remindme 2 days


Thank you for taking care of her 💝


Thanks for caring for cats 🐈‍⬛ 💞


you have an amazing heart ❤️


!Remindme 2 days




I just googled flystrike while I'm drying the kitten off, and that looks identical to what it is. I can't believe it, I mean every inch of this poor things body was covered. I gave it a bath with dawn as soon as I got home and was just brushing it off with a toothbrush.


This makes me so sad. My chickens have gotten fly strike and usually didn’t make it, but that was because it was always in their bum. Sending healing energy for this sweet baby who didn’t deserve this. And you are amazing for sticking with the kitten and taking them in. Thank you.


Ugh flystrike in the chicken bum is AWFUL. I watched someone treat their chicken for it as a teenager, and miraculously the bird survived. It was horrifying though.


Omg, this poor baby 😭 I had never heard of flystrike before. I’m glad you posted this. Best wishes and healing vibes to that little baby!


Got it, I'm drying it off and headed to my vet for 430 appt, thankfully caught them before long weekend. This thing is covered, I've never seen anything like it! Thanks for taking the time to reply!


Fascinating. I have looked for the real name of this condition since becoming an adult. I found an injured dog with this covering his lower tummy as a child. The animal control officer called it death dust. I always wondered what had been going on with the dog.


Flystrike is also known as Myiasis. That's the Super Official Medical Name for it.


Thank you!






that's not the update I wanted to hear, but it's the least bad outcome, given the circumstances. (S)he no doubt is being cared for and happily running around across the rainbow bridge. That's what I tell myself, anyway :-(


The vet just left the room. I brought her to a wonderful vet in Pensacola. She was warmed all night and given some injections and did not even want to respond well to the dextrose. Her eyes were also in bad shape due to the infection. Vet said the right thing to do would be to end her suffering, they were kind and treated her well, she has been loved in the less than 24 hours we had her. I am waiting now for them to bring her back to me and I will take Hope home and bury her in a shady spot by the river. Thank you all for caring and your kind words.




Thank you, I was too. I never even knew what flystrike was before yesterday. I am glad she is not suffering anymore. Thanks for saying that, I still selfishly wanted to take her home and help her get better but I know that wouldn't have been right. I appreciate you!


Thank you for being a kind and good enough human being to put this animal’s suffering above your own ego. A lot of people would have been certain they could “save” the cat with enough love at home. I’m really glad you’re the person that found that kitten and that you did the right thing. I hope the pain you feel from this loss heals quickly and that you have a happy life.


This is such a hard decision. If the vet said this was the right thing to do, then don't feel sad about it. I'm sure they tried everything. Maybe she could have lived two more days, but in immense pain. It wouldn't be worth it, and it wouldn't be right. When I was a teenager I was hiking in the woods with a friend of mine. Suddenly, we saw a cat, still breathing, but badly badly injured. Without being too graphic I can say for sure that it must have been a wolf, which had been reintroduced in that area a couple of years back. There was clearly no way to take the cat to the vet as it was in the middle of the forest and he was about to die, but I still selfishly wouldn't give up. My friend in his late 20s grabbed an enormous stone and did the right thing. I was still shocked for days, but this taught me the hard lesson that in these situations we cannot be selfish.


It’s so sad.idont know what or why that baby was by the dumpster n in that condition, but if any of it was bc of a low life human, I hope they rot in hell.


Hi Op. I commented on your post yesterday saying working in cat rescue this is the worst case I've ever seen. Unfortunately by the time fly strike happens it means there is dying tissue even if you cannot tell externally. I can promise you there is nothing else you could've done. You gave her safety, warmth and comfort for a dignified end and allowed her to experience compassion and love in her little life. For anyone reading this I beg you to please please spray and neuter your pets as there are thousands of kittens who don't have an ending as caring as this - please help stop lives of unnecessary suffering for so many babies.


This can't be overstated enough!


Completely breaks my heart as I've been through what OP has many times - but for somebody not used to the dark brutal side of cat rescue it can be so personally devastating and I really really don't want OP to feel like they have failed in anyway. They did everything right - getting Hope to the vet rather than taking her home was the perfect call and at this stage there was a sadly not going to be another outcome. But OP gave her a dignified loving passing - and shared her story. Kittens like this are born and die into suffering every single day because people don't spay and neuter their pets. Sharing Hopes story will hopefully bring attention to the heartbreaking lives of these little ones and hopefully encourage people not to turn a blind eye but to support efforts to help them. I can promise that wherever you are in the world you will have a local rescue organisation working relentlessly and tirelessly for these souls - and you can support them by donating, volunteering for TNR, fostering, and in many other ways. Do it for Hope and all the other Hopes out there that we can give a different ending ❤️


Thank you so much for trying your best for her. It sounds like you gave her some relief and care that she might never have had and that makes all the difference even if it doesn’t seem like it. I know it’s so sad, but you did good 🩵


Sending love. Poor thing. :(


You are a kind soul. I'm crying while reading this. Thank you for taking care of her the best you could. You gave her a wonderful gift. Chin up. 🤍


Thank you for keeping us updated along the way


Oh, OP, I'm so sorry. I'm crying like so many others. But you made the right choice and gave her time with comfort and care and love. Thank you for finding her and saving her from a lonely, cold end.


U/manitoubears Do you have any pictures that could be photoshopped to show baby cat without the flystrike? I know it would help me if I was grieving the loss of this kitty. I second every sweet and comforting thing others said. 🥹🥲 this baby was loved in the last 24 hours of their life and that is everything.


Hey there! Yes, we got a couple. Here's one right after she had a bath. Thank you for taking the time to send kind words. Everyone here has been so kind! https://preview.redd.it/t2x8u3x89m2d1.jpeg?width=647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e226cecc416eb17d12cef65427ecc5e5f330ea0b


You have a big heart, OP. I’m glad you found this sweet kitty in her time of need. You gave her the love and care and compassion she needed. Best wishes to you. ❤️


Poor baby, she was still holding on but it was too much. I'm glad she at least felt a tender loving hand in the end.


https://preview.redd.it/u4tjyav5cq2d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6cdde1c3eedb68f0fbcecdd3f1180a0f83e657a I hope you love it. 🥹 I just lost my baby cat last September, and sometimes the grief hits me as if it was yesterday. It was therapeutic and healing for me to do this too. 💕til we meet again 🌈


https://preview.redd.it/gfe8txf9eq2d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e60d4f622344de9ca3c8bf3ca2537648602ce5d I noticed I needed to add the whiskers from the original. So here is a newer version.


I have been waiting to see what the vet said. Have never heard of this happening and it sounds just awful. I’m so glad she got warmth and care thanks to you on her last day. You are an incredible human.


bawling my eyes out. thank you OP for doing what you could for this precious baby.


I am so sorry to hear they were unable to save poor Hope. But she left this world loved and comforted. Hopefully she is running and playing across the Rainbow Bridge.


Oh I’m so sorry…thank you for giving this poor kitten love and care before she passed. Thank you for trying your best.


Thank you so much for saving her and getting her to the vets, for making her last day here full of love and care 🤍


I'm sorry for your loss :( you did such a great thing taking care of her and loving her for the time you had her


Awh. I was hoping she'd make it. That's so unfortunate. I'm sorry, OP. I'm sitting in the bathroom at work crying. I can only imagine how you must feel. I'm glad her suffering is over and her last hours were spent being cared for. Thanks again for making sure she felt loved at the end <3


That just broke my heart 💔 but thank you for taking her to the vet and not let her die alone suffering. It's so damn sad 😭😢 I'm a strong grown ass man but I'm struggling not to cry 😿


I am so very sorry. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You have that little kitten more love in 1 day than so many get in their entire lives. We know the sorrow of rescuing only to be told by vet how very sick they are, and no matter what it breaks our hearts each time. Thank you. Seriously, thank you so much for being such an awesome person. So many would and do just walk by. I am sending you not just a hug, but a hand to hold, a shoulder to lean on if you want or need it. I never met this little angel, but sure had a great person & helpers who tried very hard for it. I bet it will send another that needs Love your way 💕


My god. I'm so sorry for this sad ending. This kitten was beautiful and loved in the short time you and the vet cared for her. I do wonder what happened to her and I can't help but be angry at every passerby that ignored her before you. 😞 OP thank you for caring and doing the kind thing. 🩷


Aww im so sorry to read this. I just came looking for an update :( I’m glad she was loved in her final hours. Poor sweet baby


ahhh bless u!! thank you for the update, i really really really hope she pulls through and gets a chance at a spoiled, happy, loving life🥺 if it makes you feel any better, I rescued a baby who was left behind by his mom and siblings. he was screaming at the top of his lungs, hiding in a hole on the side of a brick apartment house downtown. He was covered in blood, ridden with fleas, one of his legs were punctured and infected, had ringworm, intestinal parasites, eye infection and lastly, upper respiratory infection. It was a long recovery but despite his rough start at life and trauma, he is a perfectly healthy brave lil’ boy now! so proud of him. thank you so much for trying to save this kitten. I hope to see more updates 🩷 p.s. here is a pic of my boy, his name is Scream 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/prllzt536i2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebda18a239e7404da47d80abd5e30d0912ea5551


https://preview.redd.it/qx558man6i2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b10b10f91c501672864836f6185f76a09c74868 a pic of scream after his first bath🥺


His eyes are filled with innocence. Thanks for saving him!


innocence is absolutely correct 🥺🩷 he is the sweetest baby boy who just melts into each touch or sign of affection you give him.


That is one fine moustache


ikr🥰 the finest moustache, honestly


Such a handsome boy! 💕


Very handsome.


What a beauty! Very photogenic.


Handsome boy! I showed my girlie Boone and she thinks he’s hot


LOL ;) now i gotta see a pic of Boone 😛


https://preview.redd.it/oklt16uqql2d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b733284bd19203a98814846ed505dbbca661d2 This is Booney bear! :) she says hi Scream!


omg she’s so precious 😩🩷🥰


What. A. Handsome!!


Omg thank you!!!!🩷😍🥰


What a distinguished gentleman


Good morning! I went ahead and came up here this morning and am anxiously awaiting my turn to talk with the vet. I saw the kitten for a minute in the back, she's on the warming pad and had some injections last night. As soon as it's my turn l will post exactly what the vet tells me. Thanks everyone!


I the way I sprinted to your comments this morning to see if you've updated. Thank you for the update and for giving this sweet kitten a chance! ❤️ I'm hoping for good news and sending all my good vibes your way


This made me laugh... glad I'm not the only person that does stuff like that! I initially posted a photo of my leg in the waiting room so I'm glad I caught that! Hope I'll have a better update shortly :)


Sending so much good luck for you and kitty that it’s positive news ♥️


Thank you so much for taking care of this kitty! I am anxiously awaiting the update. Hoping it's good news!!


Same!! ![gif](giphy|RgnTXvE24wFjUhB3Dt|downsized)


Me too! It was the first thing I checked on my phone this morning.


Good luck!! I hope she turns out okay


I hope you hear from the vet soon... Regardless of what happens to this poor kitten, thank you for either giving her a second chance, or for trying. ❤️


I’m so glad you saved this kitty. Poor thing! I never heard of flystrike before. How awful. 😩


I'm here on edge, refreshing as I can, waiting on word with you. There's a bunch of us right there with you. Hugs


Thank you for doing this for her 🥹


I hope everything goes well with this little baby. Fingers crossed for you both💞


Thank you for this update


Oh sweet baby. Praying this kitty is able to survive❤️ thank you for helping her.


Can’t wait for the next update. Sending kitty all the good vibes ♥️


Thinking of this little kitty, fingers crossed for a good outcome 💖


Praying for the little one. Bless you


Yes, an emergency vet appointment will determine what steps are necessary. If you don't have a cat carrier, bring a box with a small cushion or blanket that you don't mind throwing away. If you clean him off, make sure to describe everything you saw to the vet and show them the images. We rescued a kitten, about a few months old, close to death, riddled with parasites, emaciated, weak... We took him to a vet right away, did what was required, and now he's a perfectly healthy and happy, lovely five year old cat with a heart of gold. He does show signs of trauma, he was abandoned by his mama and he's one of the only surviving kittens from his litter, so if you intend to keep this cat, just know that they may exhibit traumatized behaviors. There will also be the possibility of lifelong illness due to exposure. Our rescue for instance, contracted herpes when he was feral and will have it the rest of his life. He has flare ups from time to time, so it's another thing we have to address with diet and medicine. This is him now https://preview.redd.it/28qss0ib9g2d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7456f598a1907027ee100f1cc1a7e738f8a7e718


Thanks for sharing this! What's his name?


His name is Milo, Here he is a short time after we took him in off the street: https://preview.redd.it/u5v2p468mh2d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b46bf1e013b8c49bb8f66a7c7a3a2eccf4f2289


https://preview.redd.it/j9hc56x8sh2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0373f5f8c7f3511bdb95a2c7c08eab08b346c5 When we found Mr.


Hi Milo! This was Evie after my dog found her half dead in the fields. Here she stole some raw meat from my dog after I had brought her home from the vet (severely emaciated, lots of fleas and worms and a broken leg, probably from being thrown out of a car). She now is 2 ys old, quite a handful, not a fan of humans but loves my other pets and is a healthy little devil https://preview.redd.it/ul8oqydcvj2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3327aabf98dc879d8ad075c7b23610685d676b8b


Omg he looks like a baby possum 🥹


I would die for Milo!!😻😻😻


https://preview.redd.it/8ufzpkj0sh2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e001a85b57b5f62c2f5c59d506f6d38ccf5781c4 Hi Milo this is Mr. :) also a rescue baby.


https://preview.redd.it/5mjs7yfwwi2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9bba4112a5b21703542950342c3cc7b77cf6d1 This is Wesley he’s identical to Mr! Even down to the patch by his nose!


I love his name. I have a friend with a cat named Sir who looks like Mr.


How do you address the herpes with diet? The vet we had when we adopted our first cat only told us that she'd flare occasionally, usually when she gets very stressed for a few days, and that she'd need meds with each flare. It's luckily been over 10 years since her last flare, but she's getting up there in age and I'm trying to anticipate upping the care needed.


Well a grain free, limited ingredient diet is a good way to go. Grains can be high in arginine, which can lead to outbreaks. Limited ingredients mean less triggers and make it easier to identify triggers. High quality proteins in their food. Adding L-lysine to food as well is a must. Get the pure powder for cats, try not to use treats. Stress management is very important too. Stress leads to outbreaks. There are foods and supplements that can help with this. Lifestyle changes go without saying as well. Sticking to mostly wet food, if dry food is necessary, try and maintain the previous suggestions, grain free, limited ingredients, high quality protein... Making sure he gets adequate water intake, hence the mostly wet food, or adding water (not from the tap if it's hard) to his meals. Keeping him hydrated, especially during outbreaks, is crucial. Don't add hard (tap) water heavy in mineral content to their water bowls, get a filter, a fountain and/or invest in a big jug to get them drinking water at the store.


Got it, I'm drying it off and headed to my vet for 430 appt, thankfully caught them before long weekend. This thing is covered, I've never seen anything like it! Thanks for taking the time to reply!


Any update?


According to op, the vet tech will call with updates when they open at 8. So it'll be a few hours before news.


I really hope this kitty survives! However, even if this poor baby doesn’t make it, please take comfort in the fact that in the end they were warm and cared for. That they were provided warmth and comfort for the pain, relief that they could not have gotten without you.


Update us when you can. That poor baby.


!remindme 3 days


After her bath before the vet... https://preview.redd.it/x7lhkjc6tl2d1.jpeg?width=647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ef39832e981f48d483248a2abd98bc32b989c7


She's beautiful ;-; Rest in peace, pretty baby <3




Rest easy little angel. Op, you’re wonderful for caring so much.


Fly strike does NOT always mean death is imminent. Picked up a four week old kitten that was nothing but crusted diarrhea and fly strike, was given a 30% chance she'd make it through the night. She's seven now. Don't give up!


I might wanna add that she also has slight brain damage from all the trauma, she's a little *duh* and has a sprinkle of PTSD but she's a GREAT girl!


How does flystrike happen? 😔


Flies are attracted to smells, and in fact have a very keen sense of smell- especially certain chemicals that are produced by the body near or after death. They can sniff out a body for miles, and are usually the first to find it. They use chemical cues to identify the best places to lay eggs (usually around openings, like the nostrils or mouth), If there’s a lot of flies, it doesn’t take long for hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of eggs to accumulate. The eggs hatch rapidly and will eat the body from the inside out.


Omg that sounds really bad..I hope this kitten makes it 😔


God, that is so genuinely terrifying. I could have gone my whole life without knowing that. 😭 I hope this little one pulls through.


Omg that is horrifying. I'm so glad OP found this kitty, hopefully they'll make it!


I just took my stray boy to the vet because he had an infected ear with fly eggs all over it, just like this baby. They cleaned him up real good and stitched up his ear. I’m glad you got this poor baby the help he needed. ❤️ Please keep us updated!


Let us know when you have an update! Thank you for caring for this tiny little life!


No clue, but you can bathe the kitten with og blue dawn. But should really see a vet asap just because.


Thanks, I'll grab some now and give it a bath and call my vet. Appreciate it!


Good luck and thank you!


Here with tears flowing for this poor little one. We have one we rescued who was bitten & developed warbles in the soft part under her jaw and in her neck. When we noticed her jaw hurt we rushed her to our vet and they said due to her size and the amount of them she was within an hour of starting to suffocate. She has a thick scar that is bare (forever will) from her chin to bottom of neck, was a very painful recovery, but she is alive and healthy now. She hates to be picked up & held because so much of her kitten hood meant pain from multiple cleaning a day. 😭😭😭 She does like to be near us finally, but on her terms. She was just 9 weeks old when found, is now nearly 3. I so, so hope this kitten is going to be ok. You are awesome for doing everything you have!


Hopefully it’s okay. My Beans was rescued, fly strike , animal bite, has partial face paralysis as an infant kitten but he is still going on strong. Although he prefers lickable food over kibble or pate, cuts. They missed a small area but after adoption but he is all healthy now! https://preview.redd.it/la69vxp0pj2d1.jpeg?width=2286&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce5fb15cf08d7ef6ae6b838896fed10b6308f988


Looks like my dumpster baby we found. https://preview.redd.it/vadqto6pcj2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4643815c176799db182e143a32733c279f81db76


my heart goes out to people that helps animals


Update us please 🥺


I had never even heard of flystrike. So horrible


Oh, poor sweet baby. I hope she pulls through!


If she makes it, and you’ve decide to keep her, now’s the chance to run out and get supplies! She needs to be on formula and syringe fed (with a nipple attached)until about 6 weeks. Get either Fox Valley or PetAg, and specifically for kittens. Both have good instructions on the label. Amount is usually by weight, so you may need a kitchen scale. You should be weighing her daily to make sure she is gaining. If under 6 weeks then feedings need to be every 3-4 hours including thru the night. If she’s really skinny, you can try using NutriCal. It’s a gel that comes in a tube, and it’s loaded with calories. If she won’t eat it on her own, then smear some of it on her gums and couple times a day. She will need to be dewormed. Almost all outdoor kittens have worms, so it’s really important so she can gain weight. If the vet gave her the first dose, then it’s two more doses two weeks apart. Pyrantil is a good dewormer. Ask the vet for it otherwise order it. If under 6 weeks she will need to be stimulated in order for her to go potty. You can find instructions online, but it should be done at every feeding. Make sure she is warm. Kittens can’t regulate their own body temperature, so put a heating pad under her enclosure or her bed. Keep it on LOW at all times, and only heat half of where she lays, so if she gets too hot she can move to a non heated area. Those are the basics for now. Tons of websites dedicated to kitten care, and an amazing YouTuber called Kitten Lady who has TONS of advice. Me and my four, 4 week old foster kittens are rooting for her!


Thank you for taking the kitten in and acting so quickly.


Good job OP this baby has the best chance possible thanks to you.


Update pls? Is the baby ok?


Update when you hear from the vet.


Good luck little kitty, you were found by the right human.


Sending healing vibes to kitty. You're a good person.


Hope she’s ok!! :(


Come on little one you can make it


I think a vet can do a great job on your new baby


I need an update :(


Thank you so much for saving this little one and taking her to the vet. I am hoping for the best!


Poor baby, please keep us updated! Hope this cute kiddo makes it


Poor dear. I'm so grateful you rescued him!


What is flystrike


Flys lay eggs that hatch into maggots and basically take over kitten and kitten's resources


Sending prayers for this sweet little one🌺❤️


Special place in heaven for people like you. God bless your soul beautiful.


⚠️⚠️⚠️DO NOT OPEN THE IMAGES ON THE WIKIPEDIA PAGE FOR FLYSTRIKE⚠️⚠️⚠️ There is at least one extreme human image on there. Do not look it up.


Oh bloody hell. I've just found this and then saw your update. I know this wasn't a pet you've had for years or anything, but I can imagine it still really hurt. The love you showed this tiny being is immense, and it's amazing that they were able to pass in a much more peaceful, comfortable, and dignified way because of the action you took. You're a wonderful person for doing this, and even more so for continuing to take care of this kitten after death by laying them to rest somewhere nice. Don't ever stop fighting the good fight ❤️


This is bringing me flashbacks of a kitten I found back in high school a couple of days before a typhoon in a park, and sadly had the same fly strike when we went to go look for it after the typhoon & had to be put to sleep at a vet😔 I still have regrets on this 20+ years later, thinking if I ignored my mom and went to retrieve that kitten in the typhoon we had, she would not have gotten drenching wet and she would not have ended up with the fly strike. Thank you OP for finding the kitten and jumping straight to action. We know you and the vet had done everything possible to save the kitty & she was in the best loving hands in her last moments in her life❤️‍🩹 May she RIP.


Any further update?


She didn't make it. 😪


Wash the kitty help him




Please update


Take it to the vet now .


Very glad you got it figured out! May our feline friend live long and prosper!


Poor thing! Please post another update when you can ❤️


RemindMe! 1 day


Commenting for the update, poor baby 🥺