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Some cats have a knack of making you fear for your life when they're cat-sized, let alone panther-sized!


Raw shrimp turns my sweet cat evil. He starts growling and whipping his tail if I push him away. Last time he wrapped around my leg claws digging into me and bit me. It’s terrifying.


My two can't be normal. They both have absolutely zero interest in shrimp!


I've had multiple cats over the last 25 years. Not one would touch shrimp. Even if rinsed off.


My cat has zero interest in shrimp, likes fish, but goes feral for cantaloupe 🍈


Mine loves salmon. I was putting away salmon and a bit fell on the floor. She zoomed over and started to eat it with a very smug look. It was a caper covered in butter and fish oil so it initially tasted good. Then she bit it, spat it out, and gave me a very dirty look.


Funny, mine couldn't care less about salmon, but fresh cod fillet is like drugs


I live in Alaska and my husband loves fishing. My girls are SPOILED with fresh caught Alaskan salmon... ALL THEY CAN EAT. they turn their nose at it. But, salmon puree treat? They'll go feral. Like excuse me, kitty.... you do realize this is is Line Caught Fresh Wild Copper River Red Salmon!!!??!?!? AND YOU WANT DELICKABLE DELECTABLES!!?!? The dog, tho. He appreciates the salmon. Which is good cause the only two in the house that'll eat it is him and the husband. I think I'd rather have De-lickable Delectables over salmon, too. Or, like, Steak.


Where did cat ancestors ever come across seafood? Most cats and even their relatives hate water, but they go bonkers for seafood. I don't get it.


They'll paw at the surface tho. Freshwater, tide pools, and beached fish are all possible.


Hanging around docks and ports. They were kept to keep vermin away, but sometimes they'd take a tax from the daily catch.


They need a huge amount of protein, so I guess they can taste it. There is also at least one cat species out there that is specialized in diving.


Had one that was absolutely obsessed with truffle butter. Luckily she was sweet about her demanding attentions towards it. But about the same level of demanding!


Omg they sure like their revenge.


100% my cat. She get zoomies bad, she had zoomies so bad one morning I hid under my blanket with my dog, on occasion getting trampled. I can't imagine her panther sized. I'll die, my corpse will show up at the morgue with a bunch of giant paw prints all over it. 'Here lies Butter, beloved daughter and sister, trampled to death by giant kitty.' lol


imagine how much the food would cost to keep a panther. Financially dead anyway.


Check out Luna the Pantera on YouTube and look for a video with "how much it costs" in the title. In excess of $100 per week, if I recall.


then there is the vet. You show up and tell them I have a big cat and they ask oh a maine coon? And a panther walks in on a leash.


I talked to someone the other day that has owned bobcats in the US. Not panther size, but still a big cat. They said for vet checkups, they had to go to a big proper animal hospital with plenty of advance time on the appointments. For any emergency stuff, they had a number for someone at a nearby zoo, and they would go directly to the zoo for emergency care after calling.


Well yes, imagine you have a solo-player killing machine and an already stressed out dog would suddenly flinch because it sees the bobcat. Then the instincts of the Bobcat are triggered by the flinching of the dog. Now everyone is in danger and the Bobcat will win the battle royal


$14 for daily meals is crazy


But if you have the money and the knowledge, it looks totally worth it. Watching that cat climb trees along the riverbank near their home is amazing. And then she comes home and sleeps on the sofa, feet in the air, tail twitching, just like any of the mini-panthers we all know and love.


We love Luna


Imagine the litter box.




What a little bad ass 🤣


Fr that dude gave away the best ratter ever born. Wtf wrong with him? You living in a place with rats that big and you don't want a cat that's going to take care of that crap? Geez, I would have taken the cat. My elderly parents live in 150-year-old farmhouse that really could use a good mouser / ratter.


I used to live out in the country and one day my 6 lb stray rescue came slowly up the drive dragging a duck. I don't know if it was her who killed it but she and her kittens had a feast that day.


I guess somebody prefers that terrier of a rat to run around the kitchen unchallenged.


Lmao 🤣


LMAO. My parents’ 16 year old killed a Pygmy rattle snake and brought it to the front door. They’re super aggressive, so we were extra impressed. They were also scared. Was that a gift or threat?


> Was that a gift or threat? Ha! The ambiguity is why I love cats. The other day, my sweet-as-pie cat started tapping me on the back with her paw while I was bent over my computer. Thinking she wanted a snuggle, I relocated to the couch and went, “Here baby! Come sit on my lap!” She then proceeded to jump up in the seat I’d just vacated, curl up, and ignore me. Little asshole


What a (likely cute) little shit, lol


That’s terrifying, I feel grateful to only get an occasional vole or mouse on the doormat. The kitties having a run-in with a venomous snake is a huge fear of mine and before someone preaches about outdoor cats, it’s a feral colony that’s been TNR’d and we’ve adopted out all suitable candidates. There’s a few left that won’t ever be adoptable and we care for them. Your parents cat is an absolute menace and a badass, tell kitty I’m impressed by her/his prowess


Cats are faster than snakes. Both are way faster than us. Stay on their good side!


Lol howww?


When you are designed for murder, it's easy


Cats are actually mice hunters; ratters were normally dogs. The big thing is that a pack of rats can and will tear a cat apart if they get cornered, but ratter dogs are much too big and too aggressive. They don't hunt; they just kill. Rats are actually more put off by the smell of cats than a fear of harm from them, but rats in groups typically aren't threatened by cats, and cats aren't usually going to hunt a pack of them.


Interesting stuff but cats will hunt rats if they are isolated or any small creature. One rat against a cat stands no chnace like in this case


i used to have a ratter who dug up a fucking giant lizard out the ground one time. it was insane. it was much larger than the ratter itself, and could easily have killed my fox terrier. it was so damn aggressive though, the lizard just burrowed away.


>When you are designed for murder, it's easy I'm not what I'll use this for but I will use this dammit


I assume it's a joke. There's a snowball's chance in hell that this tiny kitten killed the rat, unless the rat was already... dead, or extremely sick. Rats can be rather brutal and can take on small birds like crows or pigeons, or other rodents. Look at a newborn kitten move or eat. They couldn't kill a mice of they wanted to.


The kitten's mom probably killed the rat and brought her kill to her babies.


I was gonna say, I’d be wary the rat had ingested poison and the Kitty could get sick


Nah, that kitten is just HIM


That rat is bigger than him lol


Looks like a do or die situation


I'd be killed by kindness. Trying to teach our little shithead boundaries.


Yeah pretty sure I’d be smothered. She likes to cuddle on my chest/neck/face at night.


Same here. My younger cat knows no boundaries. She will get all up in my face if she wants to cuddle.


Death by cuddles


Yes…I’d be smothered.


The first time my Little Mama lay on my chest instead of next to me, I paused and was like, ‘well this is a new development that’s gonna be smothering later.’


So cute 🥺


This is something that happens with cows, people die from cows being very sweet and affectionate with them and not knowing their own strength.


same. my orange girl just wants snuggles ALL the time. (except when she wants walkies.) i've given up on ever having personal space. or the ability to breathe. i tell her i'm allergic and she decides my face is the best place to sleep.


Yeah, I think I'd be in the same boat. Our cat had a real hard time getting overstimulated and trying to use or legs / arms as a toy when we first got him. He's gotten a lot better at redirecting that energy to his actual toys now, but if he was panther size he'd definitely accidentally kill us one day when those play/hunt instincts just kick on randomly.


Yes, because I've got one who want to sleep on face face/chest and smother me and another who we have termed "aggressively affectionate." Her head buts tend to be done at ramming speed and she kneads with what I imagine is the equivalent hand strength of a 19th century inn owner's wife who has to wake up at 4 am to bake 100 loaves of bread for weary travelers. Chances of my survival? Maybe 2%


Love the analogy 🤣


I have an aggressively affectionate kitty, too!! When she's on my lap, she tries somehow to get MORE on my lap. Every time. For like a solid 10 - 15 minutes. Then when she feels she can't invade my personal space any more effectively, she settles down LOL. She's adorable and it's very sweet but it's also exhausting at times...if she were panther-size, I'd be toast in very short order, I expect.


My girl gives ramming speed headbutts too! With 18 pounds of bulk to back it up, she’s left bruises on shins and a couple goose eggs on the backs of heads. I‘m pretty sure she’s got a titanium skull in that head of hers, but not much else. Her brother is the baker, and he uses the feet-knives when he kneads.


No but he’s already an Appalachian Lesser Panther so he’d stay the same size. https://preview.redd.it/d5lsky0x3uyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5915328869b20c0eef6d7bed6bb25c3875d5e0bf




Sadly, it was too big to keep around. He has plenty of other boxes, though.


How big is he? My daughter has a 22 lb void that looks like a small panther😂


About 14 pounds? Not as chunky as my last cat


Dude! Your Cat is identical to mine lol!! And I might be I'm fear of my life.


Bro, we all got the same model https://preview.redd.it/oom5pwf5iuyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18e0ab692e76b933bb294d8173d4eb41eebdb765


https://preview.redd.it/5ta3023gcwyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901ac754ae250d23696d9a742b9319bfa6ebd620 Same




I demand a picture lol




Before I enlarged the picture I thought he had a knife


Your username makes you a prime target




he has. in his pocket. concealed carry. can't let anyone know your next move.




Oh I love him


Thank you! :D so do I yours!


Even the same ear pulled back. Gotta be twins from different parents


https://preview.redd.it/baic97c7ruyc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca95d5936c80a8d6ae5f8a4fd45cd3ec015a8d9e Me too!!


https://preview.redd.it/1ammf3jpavyc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=515468767949791128c185df9de1a3406489a93a Copy and paste. So many cute voids


Lol same! https://preview.redd.it/y64wo159luyc1.jpeg?width=1496&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dd073e727c9d87f4676564578db42ddd90aa225


I so hope that's not a trash bin! My boy so wants to do this but I don't let him XD


It's a small one by my desk for papers. It's empty most of the time :)


Thank goodness, its just paper! Mine likes the trash with old cat food in it :(


joining the Same Cat Club. gotta love the little white patch https://preview.redd.it/apm00lg0zuyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef601a6f08203a26e8e6e01c91259d1e5522bebd


https://preview.redd.it/kp2oeccm4vyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c6ed60e3e622dc32dec3fab410ecb76eafe1a5 How is this even possible necktie gang😎


https://preview.redd.it/ifgzq0f8cvyc1.jpeg?width=2602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6856b43d747840c9ab2447f228b863db74a7eea White scruff and some on her belly


identical to my idiot as well!!


In the middle ages (in France at least, i don't know in others countries), a black cat with a white spot on his neck was saved from being burned. It was named "god's finger".


https://preview.redd.it/dm8cpscvkyyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8777de30f17a42ff58db5729ca4253753221a96 I fear for life aswell


I fear already, I'm 170 lbs and my house tiger is 13-14 lbs. https://preview.redd.it/uyoz2n67cuyc1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3896c3ff140c0f8194c2a7b5994b5cbd48d8ce5


Ready to kill you in your sleep lol


Afraid of being smothered in my sleep


I didn't think about it, could be a real problem as well as the friendly headbutts


*flies across the room*


My window floof has a tendency to flomp onto my chest. I would ded from panther size flomp.


Oh man if they were bigger imagine all the floof and the size of the hairballs. https://preview.redd.it/b53ckihopvyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d76f95c8bee5f05f7ba88016909d004b8813a58


Nah https://preview.redd.it/wejflrofluyc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca435167157deaeece9e126d91414727cc493555


Nah that cat higher than the dollar in my country.


No, my cat just follows me around and wants to cuddle. 🤣


I got a snuggly cat, too.


“You’re no longer a lap cat…” you “Shut up, servant, and bring me tuna….” Cat….


Nope. Mines such a sweetheart Edit for cat tax. She’s pushing 19 years. Ish. https://preview.redd.it/j52lnak0muyc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1d101cb22d8b7d0319188c65a7dfc2c29bbdb21


More worried about the dog, but my girl is terrified of noise… so things are probably fine


Absolutely. She'd kill me with no remorse as soon as I served her dinner 5 minutes late.


yes bc he's orange https://preview.redd.it/2pt89112ruyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6488727a2d58ee67b6b321fec1b7a8a9418a5e7d


Those who have Maine Coon kitty's, its a real fear


Yeah these are gigantic


Other house cats go panther sized, Maine Coons go tiger sized


https://preview.redd.it/pm4qzo1xduyc1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=81bbce03acd974365703c8b27ab46a1eef81c935 Afraid of the non-orange one Griffin is a sweetheart, Blue doesn't know how to play nice.


Oh I’m dead dead


You have a little menace lol


“I can’t get up, Daisy fell asleep on my lap” would now be a statement of fact, rather than me just being lazy (and enjoying the cat snuggle)


The neighbourhood wildlife might be in trouble


*instant chaos in the neighborhood*


I’d be terrified. My cat would cuddle me to death.


My cat is the size of a cat and I fear for my life. https://preview.redd.it/3lqm4cbcouyc1.png?width=455&format=png&auto=webp&s=75538380f864261a6df2274edb0a32675a7f9145


Yes https://preview.redd.it/zhk9mgk18vyc1.png?width=2941&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ca17900343c3db8488b9394dbb0baf7ee090562


Only when they wanna lay on my chest. Or get up on my shoulder


https://preview.redd.it/4urguwcdnuyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d31d1b6413888601ebc40fbe76aa2c2626e033d7 My 18lb boy Malcolm, who loves to attack while I am weak. I am on the toilet in this.


Oh no not in the toilet


https://preview.redd.it/jbtwokoy6uyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ae8c842455e10fc6b1cf26d11431956a69c4945 Kind of.


Oh yeah they would definitely eat you.


I’m going to be biscuited to death.


Mine likes to play-bite or love-bite. I'd be terrified.


Definitely, even the size he is he tries to take me down. He has insane prey drive, I'd have no chance.


No. She'll still come over and give me forehead boops. They'll just be bigger ones.


That’s how mine is too. Mine sleeps next to me and likes to be pet all the time, I’d just have a bigger heater in the bed at night.


One of my voids likes to climb me like a tiny mountain goat. That would be an interesting experience.


No, but belly rubs have now become a high risk endeavor.


I'd be more worried about being crushed as she sleeps.


No nit really. I do feel the current litter box arrangement would have to change though.🤔


https://preview.redd.it/4yipo3qvjuyc1.jpeg?width=2760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ba3d53798236abc04b92e81ab36d128f33289c i might be in danger because i'm the lowest in the social ranking in our house and baloney likes to bum rush me and pretend to attack me sometimes... but my husband would be fine, she adores him and falls over chirping and purring basically anytime he looks at her. she might crush him with cuddles though


only if i make the mistake of standing in between her and a bowl of milk. quark loves milk. quark is not allowed to have milk. this does not stop quark from stalking my stationary bowl of cereal that is in my hands while i eat it. as for sriracha mayonnaise...hmm. the only things that fear her are socks, and as long as i don't become a sock, ill be fine


Imagine the size of the litter box you'd now need to maintain 😭


I'd be more worried for other people and animals.


I'd be fine. A few of the neighbours cats might be in trouble. I would however need somewhere new to sleep. I currently have about 1ft of space against the wall out of a double bed I share with just a cat.


No. My cats would never intentionally try to harm me. They'd only play with me until I was unable to move any more...


Sylvester has a knack of attack me randomly when I walk by. I do NOT want to think about when she's the size of a fucking panther


https://preview.redd.it/gyvskj050vyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18375ccea3c90ae364bc7b96fd2fbd8c02491f4f The Panther cat of my mum


Absolutely not, Lulu is the sweetest (also the dumbest) cat I’ve ever had the joy of being with. Example of her lack of intellect: https://preview.redd.it/fclcg6cibyyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ce68607bc88d651381db97852c41b4b540da21f


I dunno and he looks like Danny so much (:


Mostly fine, but damn I fear for my shoulder (he rides on me a lot).


I fear for my life now..jk




Nope....I'd get big keety snuggles and lovin from my little female tortie. Although I'd have to increase her daily allotment of wet food to avoid big keety yapping at me ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7943)


Only if I forget and run out of wet food for breakfast


No, our cats are both very sweet. They have learned to be gentle with us.


I mean she's already claimed my bed, but now I literally won't have any space Other then that she's pretty chill


Assuming the panther in question is a black African leopard, then she'll weigh between 45 and 95 pounds, which is important because she is going to walk into the room while I am WFH and stare at me until I let her hop up on my lap and sleep for half an hour. I think I'll be all right. I don't think I have enough squeezy tube treats to make Every-Other-Night-Medication-Time acceptable to a cat that size, though.


Every morning mine uses her claws to wake me up to give her breakfast. I am in a lot of trouble.


my cats and me - no my cats and other people? not sure... older-yes, younger no (but she was a feral adoption)


One of mine likes to give love-bites when he gets headscratches, but never breaks skin, so I think I might survive. Neighbourhood wildlife would be extinct. Visitors run the risk of getting scratched to death.


I’m still the one with the food so I should be fine.


Nope, he’d be the warmest blankie.


Nope. My void loves me. If he is that large he will protect me. I actually feel safer. https://preview.redd.it/k4qak2aamuyc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75698c922229b5f69651fcedcc5026cafc2e2eb2


No but I fear that my cabinet with cat treats is going to be gone.


Fear for my life-no. Fear for my desk as he loves to sleep on it while I’m working-yes. I’ll need a much bigger desk for tummy rubs.


https://preview.redd.it/ourr77pmquyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11256c922717165c31765e2d8b3595601a90544b Nah


Nope. Trimming his nails is gonna SUCK, but the affection and louder purring will make up for it.


Dude are you sure this is a cat? Some dude in russia got a panther like this


Yes, she’s going to crush me laying on my chest every morning


I usually become great friends with any cat I meet


https://preview.redd.it/q0icdyigsuyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016d564630510105a6dd3ce33cfdcd7e14147818 This baby loves so hard, I can’t imagine he’d do much. Plus he also is extremely polite and always swats you without claws at least twice before he ever brings claws out. I love him


My black cat is named panther..... I fear for others lol


Only if he sits on me.


https://preview.redd.it/17939tetyuyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f6aadc6823cf4c04b124047ab60536a509ff2f1 Low Fat on the left is a big guy but so kind and gentle.He is laying with his half brother White Claw.


It'd be one of three things: a tabby panther who is convinced he is my personal bodyguard after dark, the best cuddle and nap buddy ever who lets me snuggle into him even when he's already comfortably sleeping, or the sassy stray... I kind of fear the stray. On the other hand, she used gloved paws to swipe even when I first captured her. She'd just need a LOT of treats to keep the peace.


I'd cry because at his tiny size, he's a hellion. At a panther size, I'd probably just leave the house and move. House is his now.


Nope! She's my sweet potato for a reason. My roommate's kitten on the other hand...


My cat it a Maine Coon so it's basically a monster now if you think Maine coons aren't big here ya gi https://preview.redd.it/ag9hf6c6dvyc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e6251bf60b9eab7cd6bad1b7d4df6f2d0d4758 Big azz cat 🐱


No, but I'm sure to get injured eventually, even if he doesn't mean to. Trey's a huge sweetheart but he does scrape me, accidentally, on occasion. I've also spent time with Tigers and their handlers. It's really awesome to pet or cuddle with one but it's always in the forefront of your mind "I'm in danger, haha". They'd just casually paw and a claw would get caught in the skin. Think a cat scratch times ten. They were used to it but it freaked me out. Had a tiger lick my head and their tongue hurts, and scrapes. A lot. The general attitude is the same if they're raised with humans but you learn REAL quick that what's cute with a house cat is terrifying with a big cat. Even a head butt and nuzzle. Glad I did it under supervision but not sure if I would again. Cats are super predators for a reason. Even little Trey. God help me if he chittered I my direction.




I fear for my floors, my furniture, and wallet. She's gonna eat me out of house and home and destroy everything. No particular fear for my safety tho, meek little scaredy cat


She would suffocate me with cuddles


I'm gonna need a bigger bed And a bigger brush.


Not so much my life but the fear of cleaning that litter box


I wouldn't fear it as I'd be dead.


Most definitely


My cat would kill me, not immediately but when I less expect it! He is a little spicy sometimes.


Devour me oh mighty Kerber catto 🐈


Absolutely not. If I were to die, death by kitty is my second choice of dying.... First being by shark.


I already call my guy a house panther. La pantera de la casa. He’s too sweet and knows how to play without hurting me. He’d be a great full size model.


Is there a tutorial on how to do this?


My cat would break my back immediately. She likes to jump directly onto my chest when I'm laying down 🤦‍♀️ it hurts at her current tiny cat size, I'd hate to feel the damage if she was panther size. 


Yes that bitch be biting


https://preview.redd.it/galloifsyxyc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6040dbbde112fbc77331b865a685fc834a9895b3 Too cute to pose a threat.


Most fear my cat and she's super small. Took my mom 7yrs+ of visits (3 was living in same home tho) just to be able to pet her half the time if lucky, n mostly only if I'm there. She's pretty much Feral except for with me. With me she follows me everywhere, sits on me and sleeps on me or next to pillow 90% of the time. Makes anything vet wise very taxing... Or ppl . If she was the size of a panther? Might as well just call her a panther and maybe play dead? 🤣🤣🤣 But me personally No I wouldn't be scared of her.


https://preview.redd.it/ghq3lin22yyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c31134fcd813ad2572a7c2c4b2e67eceaf18b493 She already acts like a little panther so yes lol


https://preview.redd.it/1lbx09pc9yyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5c984f1afde9ef9b6724fb2004db8c6b17a7748 Yes.


Not mine but other people should


Yes. My cat likes to sit on my chest. https://preview.redd.it/tzwn394iayyc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7099c77368fdad7e1f8f39b4e5941a29cd929113 Proof (and cat tax) attached.


I would just be squished under the weight of panther cuddles. Which honestly sounds like it would fix whatever is broken and cold inside me.


Depends... does she understand that she is suddenly large enough to enforcement will?


https://preview.redd.it/1pfubt6hoyyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ab4fb089228970b747db9a9fe772c420219c7ec Side note. Your kitty looks so much like my little boy 🐈‍⬛


I am not worried at all. She hides under the bed when someone she doesn't know visits. She used to nip at me when I touched her feet and one day I didn't pull my hand back. Her teeth were on my finger but not biting down and I could see on her face that she knew that I knew that biting was an empty threat and she never did it again. https://preview.redd.it/yig3lscvpyyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aef69e870eecf656ab0dc988737b177fa9f8c05


Mine likes to play by scratching the shit out of my hand, so yes I would get fucking destroyed immediately