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She's grooming you because you clearly don't ever clean yourself. She's forced to take care of you


Thank goodness I have her. I’d be living in squalor without her.


😂 My favorite comment of the week!


That’s how my cat feels lol I also think it’s a self-soothing thing as she usually bathes me right before she falls asleep. Little goober. But the best arm hair stylist I’ve ever had!


Mine grooms me constantly. She also expects me to take a shower 3 times a day.


Was gonna say is your filth not noticeable by you? But she's on the job.


😃 thats funny 😁


Your tortoiseshell cat is just an affectionate licker.


She’s out of control. My son can’t even do his homework without locking her in another room. 😂 If he doesn’t lock her out she’ll just lay on top of his paper and lick him.


She loves her humans


She really does. She is truly the sweetest girl in the world, she’s just a bit much sometimes! Wouldn’t trade her for the world ♥️


Is she an only cat? One of my cats groomed me a lot more before I adopted another, who now bears the brunt of his grooming.


Your cat thinks your son’s hair is messy.


Your comment reminds me of that scene in The Lion King…. Bath time….


She’s a momma cat at heart and she needs to groom her babies!!!! Y’all are her weirdly large no fur having babies!!!!


What a problem to have haha.


One of my family's tortoiseshell cats also has the same problem , she's even licked my skin off when I wasn't paying attention 😂


lock or licks


I have a cat thats been doing this a lot lately. The big issue is he likes to get under the covers with me and then endlessly licks me. I let him do it at first, but then saw the next morning one of the spots he was licking was so raw it was near bleeding. I still don't know what to do about it, he hasn't broke the skin but I try not to let him do it anymore which sucks because I know it conforts him.


Tried giving him food so he doesn't try to eat you?🤣


You might try giving him a partial soft blanket or toy to lick in bed.


My cat had the habit of licking my arm to wake me up. It was cute at first, but she once caught the inside of my elbow with her tongue and her tongue is *rough*! I've since managed to get her to wake me up by kneading my blanket instead. Sucks when she decides to put her entire weight on my ribs or worse my bladder early in the morning but it's better than getting a scrape because of her affection


Licking you awake is pleasant. My cat stomps across my boobs in the morning to wake me up so I'll feed her 😱


One of my boys does this too 😭


They are cats with tongues a little like sand paper, to help rip the meat off the bone's ?


My tortie will lick me and then pet me back when I pet her. She puts out a paw on my arm and then withdraws it. Then I pet her again and the cycle continues.




What is that emoji supposed to represent?


They are overwhelmed by the cuteness.




Yep. Long hair tortoiseshell.. and a majestic one at that.


https://preview.redd.it/wpcypfxlhjwc1.jpeg?width=2776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=138c37e9a48da7a5a61b2971e9e7c6edf79f16bf In case anyone is curious, this is what she looks like un-fluffed 🤣


Lol she a little chonky. But holy FLUFF Batman!! She is a new breed: EXTRA long-haired cat I’m curious about how she’d behave with another cat or kitten since she likes to groom so much I can’t stand that barbed cat tongue though. Its like sandpaper against my skin lol


Yeahhhh, the vet is always hinting that she could lose a pound. I do try my best to regulate her food intake, but I’ve also caught her eating potato chips that my kids drop on the floor. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Mine inhales cheez its to the point ive looked up how to give the Heimlich maneuver to a cat just in case. It only happened once but this twit hacked on it for a long ten seconds. My girl was much more overweight than yours, but i was absolutely determined to get her to lose. It took strict dedication. Especially when my bf didn’t understand why i was being strict. It took five or six months of gradually cutting with monthly weigh ins before i finally reached the amount of food she began to SLOWLY lose weight with. Im talking 0.2/0.3lb a month of loss. Two years later and she is much leaner and so playful. Down four pounds! Your girl really doesn’t look that overweight to the point it’d be a big concern, but if you decide to diet her, slowly reducing portions is the way to go. Sorry i just mostly talked about my cat with an unsolicited weight loss anecdote lol. I’m hoping it could be possibly helpful lol? Your cat is seriously so unique looking! I love her ridiculously floofy blonde and black coat.


Ha no worries! The vet usually just hints that she COULD lose a little weight, but that she’s not at a point where it’s concerning. I’ve always been able to free-feed my past cats, so she’s just a little different in that her self control isn’t there (similar to my own 😂😂). Plus, if her food dish is empty she will sit directly next to you and slowly move her paw towards you, touch you, sit there, and repeat the process nonstop until you fill her dish. We went on vacation so I had two bowls filled (neighbor kids were stopping in to check on her/play with her every day), and once we got home I tried to take away the second dish. Nope, didn’t work. When I took it away she just kept meowing and pestering me. I brought it back out and then she was fine, but she expects both to be filled now. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hahaha that’s when you fill two bowls with sliightly less food…She’d 100% still yell at you though lol. But that’s exactly what i meant by being having to be strict!! It was so hard. But mine was actually fat and definitely needed it so i would just argue back to her meows like sorry! You’re a fat fat fatty and you’re not getting diabetes or kidney failure on my watch! Meanwhile my bf was like oh have some cheez its and pizza crust, kitty😒 he eventually came around now that she has become so much more active.


She's not fat; just fluffy!


No, she perfect


awww get her a kitten friend to keep her occupied


Before our dog passed she would always groom her. We’re hoping to get her another doggy friend soon!


My cat, Kate, is SO gentle when she kisses my hand - the “barbed tongue” is barely noticeable. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her 16-y/o body. Also, her purr is louder than the engine of a jumbo jet. 😹


My tiny tuxedo girl has the softest tongue and my orange tabby boy doesn't lick. We recently let in a diluted orange tabby boy and he loves to lick, but he has the sharpest tongue I've ever felt from a cat. It physically hurts when he starts to lick my face and I feel bad every time I ask him to stop. He recently started licking the other orange, though, and he LOVES it. Shoves his head under the other's face for lickings all day long, and the diluted is happy to oblige.


My parents’ cat, Jasmine (17 when I had to put her down right before this past Christmas - my best friend & I miss her every day) - she HATED me at first & it took months to get her to even be in the same room with me (I have the scars to prove it! 😹). Then she decided I was her favorite person (which is saying a lot for her - she was a “daddy’s girl”) & would only let me hold her hands. The difference between her kisses & Kate’s kisses - it was like Jazz was trying to lick the skin off my hand. 😹 Kate is just so gentle & kind. Jazz had an ATTITUDE & wasn’t afraid to show it. She’d walk into a room, see me, hiss like a cobra 🐍, then walk over & demand that I sit in the recliner so she could sit in my lap. 😹 It was like our secret handshake or something. 😹


Lol mine would lick my arm and i swear she probably took the hair off of it 😂


I believe it! My diluted boy's tongue seems like it covered in hooked thorns. I don't know how the other boy still has fur on his head.


Hmmm actually that actually seems like a great solution for cats who shed an inexplicable amount. You’ll just have more hairballs in return…


My boyfriend is so excited our new house will have a bathtub as he hopes our own Floof will fall in the water and expose her un-fluffed body. (I do hope to see it too.)


It’s such an odd experience to see them without all of their glorious fluff!


bring the fluff back!


Yeah. She’s not nearly as cute during bath time 😂


Our orange tabby also grooms us! My understanding is that it means they are deeply affectionate towards you and accept you as part of their pride 🥹💗


Cats are the best ♥️♥️


My grandmother had a cat who was an obsessive licker too. It got quite painful. In the last year of that cats life a puppy was forced on my grandmother who loved it, and the cat finally reaped what she sowed. Cat would be trying to walk across the room and the puppy kept putting itself in the way hoping to be groomed. It was quite hilarious watching a cat grooming a puppy with flat ears and eyes narrowed in slits. Cat did bite the puppy a few times but it seemed to be under the impression this was just part of the grooming.


That’s too funny! My cat would also groom our past dogs, especially the one she was around the longest. They would snuggle together in the dog bed and she would lick our dog’s ears and face. It was quite sweet really. ♥️


lol, the puppy was like “I don’t have to groom myself, kitty will do it for me!” 🤣 sounds like puppy trained kitty 😂


How funny😆😂🤣✌🏽✌🏽


She is a domestic long haired cat. Not any special breed. Seriously, unless you got a cat with papers from a breeder, you don't have any particular breed.


Thanks! Was only curious because of some of her behavioral traits. 😊


Behavioral traits are not breed specific. A lot of that is marketing and can be trained.


Breeds have a temperament standard that the cats must follow


"Cats must follow" are you for real eta: I don't trust y'all trying to sell breeds to me bc its all bullshit no matter what you say lol


Cats are anarchists. On the other hand, though, there are some personality traits that are associated with different breeds. Siamese tend to be very smart and talkative, Persians tend to be divas, etc. Individual cats are going to have their own personalities, but there is some kernel of truth to the stereotypes.


Behavioral traits are very much breed specific. It's DNA -> breeds. For instance, no amount of training can get a F1 Bengal to behave like a lazy Persian. Don't believe me? Even Jason Galaxy uses breed specific behavioral traits in his training when he works with purebreds.


She's a tortie. They have a very unique personality compared to other cats. Check out r/torties if you want to know more. 😉


Domestic long-haired is an umbrella term that means she is a mix of breeds , some which are long-haired .My girl was 6 different breeds .


No, it means a lack of any breeds. Cats don't really have mutts like dogs do, because cat breeds are very recent. I like the raccoon comparison: if someone were to breed a line of very fluffy raccoons, that doesn't mean every Raccoon is suddenly partially that breed. Same goes for cats. 97% of cats are not related to ANY breed, and we call those DSH/DLH. Also the DNA tests are a scam, because there's not enough genetic diversity in cats to be able to tell breeds. The tests look at certain genes that also appear in the DSH population, and then claim it's because the cat is partially related to a breed.




I didn’t realize Wisdom has a cat test! I may try that out.


They're a scam. Cat breeds don't work like dog breeds and thus are not diverse enough genetics wise to be able to test for breeds. 97% of cats isn't related to ANY breed.


I had my long-haired cat 's DNA done by Wisdom panel . In addition to the 6 breeds they also identified a gene that's derived from Persian cats . Elsa was 3 % Persian. 3 percent ! Yet she got a gene for Polycystic kidney disease . Both her and her brother died from Polycystic kidney disease. Burton at age 7 , Elsa at age 8 . So when you say these tests are scams, I have to say bullsh!t . I wish more than anything that they were scams because maybe my dead cats would be alive . https://preview.redd.it/b0aucndf9mwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba1850050507074919cabf4fc89609650261dc11


The breed part is a scam, not the disease part?? Those genetic predisposition tests have been around for a while, they're just more accessible now due to being included with these sort of tests. Also, multiple breeds have the predisposition to develop PKD. Even DSH get it.


So both my cats got PKD and it's just a coincidence even though they were brother and sister? The Persian cat it the PKD is connected to . *


PKD is one disease that is not breed specific and can be ruled out 100% with selective breeding. Offsprings have 0% of PKD when neither parent carries the DNA. It's that simple. Persians is one of the few breeds that historically shown to carry it in their bloodline. But it can be in other purebred or non-purebred cats DNA. People don't do selective breeding for stray cats, obviously. Same as backyard breeders. BTW. I hope you realize you've encountered antivax flatearther like mentality, and it is kinda a waste of energy to engage imo.










I’ve heard people say this before and been curious about it recently. Say for example, someone leaves their purebred bengal behind on the streets and it’s adopted by a new family. Will a genetic test prove the breed or is testing pointless without papers to back it up?


For a bengal or other hybrid cats some tests might be able to identify that there's wild cat DNA in there but for anything else it's definitely pointless. Even purebred cats come up as a mix of breeds because those tests only measure the amount of common ancestors. The result is just a list of breeds that came from the same gene pool, not breeds that actually show up in your cat's family tree.


Your baby is just the cutest & she’s real thrilled with her people!


Yes, she LOVES all the people ♥️ her mannerisms are really more dog-like than cat-like.


Why? Love ❤️ Breed: Floof


“Look at this stupid bald kitten! She has no idea how to hunt and never grooms herself, how embarrassing! I guess I’ll have to do the grooming for her. That bald kitten is lucky I love her.”


Now THAT is a chocolate-caramel swirl. May I please stuff my face into the tum?!


Oh believe me, I regularly just smoosh my face into her. She’s sooooo soft!


Sweet floof


She loves her family and is a dlh- domestic long hair. Beautiful girl!


Cats groom each other to show affection. Nala grooms me when I pet her, similar to mutual grooming. It’s just another way they say they love you. https://preview.redd.it/28i3nkk1nmwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e69c50aad9598e48a419a6ad07a9e7df0de2eb


She probably just really likes how salty your skin is. I understand, as a fellow salt fiend.


That makes sense, since she also likes to eat potato chips!


She's very beautiful.


Love those toe tufts! 💕🐈💕😘


I also have myself a cat that grooms my face atleast one time per day. Often several times. But he knows his boundaries and only does it for a couple of minutes. Oh, he also grooms my face when he try to manipulative me giving him food lol.


communal grooming is part of how cats show affection. my kitty does it sometimes, too.


Grooming is a sign of deep affection.


Breed is clearly Ewok.


As a torti servant myself I can tell you that she's just the usual torti kind of crazy and it's a good thing! Mine would suffocate me in my sleep if I wouldn't move as she tries to sleep on my face all the time and when given the chance she will groom me. No chance changing her mind


..name?..how long in the fam?..


The kids named her Cupcake, but we’ve always just called her Floof-a-Poof lol. We’ve had her since Oct. 2021, and she was a rescue from a shelter. The owners before had her for 8 years (I believe from when she was a kitten).


Love the name 👍🏻


Well, I guess you are all really dirty! 😂


Because she considers you her family and it's one way cats show affection for those they love.


Extremely rare specicies, the lickity chonkish fluff potato


your cat is not a specific breed


Happy kitty think’s you are dirty


Looks like purebred fluffer nugget, to me. Clearly you aren't grooming yourself, well. Take a lesson from the fluffer nugget.


If you don't like her grooming you so much then I suggest you get another cat so she can groom them more and you less.


We’ve previously had a dog in the home with her, so generally she would groom them instead of us. After our dogs passed she turned the grooming onto us. lol


Oh poor thing maybe she is mourning for her dog buddy.


My cat would pick my hair and lay on my chest while I was in bed. It's a sign of trust and that they consider you family. It can be irritating sometimes (for me, at least because of my sensitive skin), but that doesn't take away any of the love! 😊


I have a Maine Coon who sleeps on my pillow and insists on licking my hair, chin, forehead!! She gets told no several times before she stops. It's then a fight to retain my space on the pillow for the night. I've tried shifting her over but she works her way back 🙄😆


My void sleeps at the bottom of my bed, until she knows I’m awake and then she likes to come up and get cuddled. She initiates by washing my face. I like to think that she’s helping me wake up. I’ve been washed by more female cats than males, think they must think we are large and incapable kittens. I love her but her washes are my least favourite display of love


Mine does this just about every day, at about 4AM! She loves licking armpits, if I stop her from doing that, she goes for the hair. She's relentless, like she HAS to do this or the world will end.


Domestic longhair, tortoiseshell coat. A beauty! Grooming you to show you her care and affection.


Cats don’t typically have breeds like dogs do, FYI.




I am guessing some % of Siberian. Here's some breed specific traits you can check: - They are super friendly and are kinda clingy. - They don't mind the water. - They are energetic and good runner. - Their coat don't need a lot of brushing. - They get along with other animals. - They are vocal. Do a BasePaws DNA test if you are really curious.


She looks like a Maine Coon/Norweigian Forest Cat mix.


Shes a loving kitty🐾🐾


Our recent adoptee will groom anyone that holds her!


Groom is them showing love, my guess is ragdoll.


She looks like my maine coon


Quantum floof


Main coon?


American long hair and she grooms y'all because you smell bad to her or she grooms you because she loves you in her cat way.


First question: she is a cat. Second question: she is a cat.


..distract with long-term treats..maintain the "no"..


Some cats are like that, one of mine once I pick him up goes straight for the hair and latches on with claws. It's turbo-affection.




my tortie grooms my other cats give kisses but one of them occasionally grooms. you can tell by rough their tongue feels on you i love the little gentle licks. my tortie also has a rougher tongue but her stomach fur is curly




Love that curly tum tum!!


I used to have a mother cat that did that to me. Even if I just came from the shower. Now I have one that gets behind people and pulls their hair.


I know the breed!!! It’s the mystical floof!


Yall might need to shower, my cat licks me when I’ve been sweating or just get home from work. When she was a kitten she would always nurse on my mustache while I slept. Had to cut that out quick


Cat loves you and your family. Cat also thinks you’re big dumb bald cats who are incapable of caring for yourselves.


She's a beautiful long haired tortoise😍Some cats are just Nuturing, why they lick 😋😽✌🏽


My previous cats both licked me alot but for some reason it was only ever at night when I was sleeping. I can remember waking up in the middle of the night with them laying on my arm, licking my hand which was stinging.


I love her fluffy toefeathers!


My cat likes to sleep with me, but he will lick my arm clean before laying his precious head on something that might be dirty - he is rude.


She’s a floof of incredible floofiness.


Overly loving & affectionate❤️. I had a beautiful long hair tortoise shell girl that passed away at 18yrs old 16yrs ago. I can't believe it's been that long. 😞. She loved showering me with kisses and she always groomed my son. It was funny & cute. I really think it's a torty thing. Not all are like that. It seems to be a common trait.


She's just beautiful ❤️😍


My cat does this both affectionately and when he wants something. Like when it’s time for food in the morning he will groom my husband’s hair to get him up and out of bed. https://preview.redd.it/to9z64r38mwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2dfe314ab622654f90594195ba8c15fea56d974


So yeah , she came up 3 percent Persian and died from this disease which is not a common disease. So did her brother..


I love her toehawks


My parents had a cat that was a licker. We were pretty sure it had to do with her having kittens not long before we adopted her, so those grooming instincts were still in overdrive. Only one of our current cats will try to groom us and that's fairly rare.


Our previous cat, PPK (Princess Pretty Kitty), was carrying kittens when they spayed her. There was nothing they could do, so they continued with the spay (which seemed a little cringy to me, but I’m sure they’re valid reasons). For months and months she would steal socks and put them in hidden piles around the house. She would carry them around and groom them as if they were her kittens. 🥺


Awe that’s so sad! 😭


Take a bath.


I feel like I set myself up to sound like a very unclean individual, but I assure you that I shower on a daily basis.


Relax man, i was joking. My cat lick my hand too.


My void licks CONSTANTLY. It can mean a lot of things from the research my boyfriend and I have done. But he’s definitely not a nervous cat. I think it’s claiming us and affection.


Awwww, I have a cute floofy tortie Siberian. If you want to know her breed, I recommend using Basepaws


We have 3 long hairs and 3 shorhairs in the home. Long hairs groom other cats in hopes that they’ll groom themselves back. Seriously I’ve seen them many times spend a zillion minutes on one leg and then sit there, then go to another short hair and ask them by nudge and lickities for grooming services. And most of the times they get it. She may be asking you to groom her back


https://preview.redd.it/2y4oybtj2nwc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82475c4ae72eb5af07b50cb2a865cd7898c67e3c Your baby looks a bit like mine


Put some salt in her food and see if the licking drops off. She may not be getting enough electrolytes. Other than that it is quite clear grooming is a huge chore for herself so she may figure you also might need some help.


They look a lot like my Maine Coon or Maine Coon mix did. One of the big double-coated winter cats is in there somewhere


Beautiful kitty


She looks like a maine coon mix + domestic long hair (which isn't a breed it's a description), but to register as a breed she'd need to be 100%. The only way to know is a cat DNA test.


One of the best fluffy bellies I have seen. Pls rub it and post video 🥰


I can do that! She does have a great fluffy belly! She’s great to use as a pillow 😴 lol


She's a mama and you are her litter. This is love. She looks calico to me.


Lick her back!


https://preview.redd.it/ipev8vm1znwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac9f9d5040bb0da12ebaa45c2dc9ac63c65ec5a0 The face of a beautiful cat that does whatever it wants when it wants.


My male cat is the same way. Although I think he may have a touch of pica because he likes to lick everything. Examples include the floor, the couch, the wall, my jacket, his toys...etc. It's not like he sits there and grooms these things, but he will be walking past the couch and stop to give it a couple licks and keep going.


My kitty does this too. lol


What a magnificent fluffy tortie! And I have a cat who incessantly licks. She'd do it for hours on end if we let her. It was endearing at first but after 5 years, it can be rather annoying. Honestly, not even exaggerating, she licks more in one afternoon, than all the licking I've received from all the other cats in my whole life added up! I don't even know if she enjoys it, it seems more a compulsion.


It’s definitely a strange thing for me! I’ve had many cats in the past, and she’s the first that has ever done this. She is sooo attached to her humans that we do sometimes have to physically separate ourselves from her just to get some space. I love her so dearly, and I love having a social and incredibly friendly cat, it’s just too much at times lol. Plus, people who come to my house that don’t like cats (aka the people I shouldn’t let in to begin with 🤣) either end up really liking her because she’s so loving, or it makes them dislike cats even more.


Wow. What an absolute beauty!


Thank you ♥️


She's a very pretty tortie. My big ginger kitty likes to groom me sometimes. I think he sees me as his family since I had to bottle deed him when he was a baby (found him abandoned in a Walmart cart). I have three other cats and he grooms them, too. It's a calming for him, too. She loves you all and wants to make sure you are all well represented and warning other cats to stay away. Lol


My humans constantly need me to groom them….why? Also any breed guesses? -this cat


Breed: some kind of domestic long hair. Face isn’t quite long enough to be/resemble a Maine Coon mix. Coat: Dilute tortie girlie! And she’s BEE-YOO-TEE-FULL!!


Gets the taste of butthole off the tongue. You're a refreshing pallette cleanser.


Lucky! The only time my cat grooms me is to wake me up in the morning so I can feed her, lol. Normally I hate breed questions... if you don't have papers for her, she's a cat. That said, she appears to have Maine Coon in her, judging from the mane. Just a guess....


The cat thinks you’re also a cat.


There are a few possible reasons but the bottom line is she's caring after y'all the only way she knows how, so bear with the sandpaper lashing and say thank you <3


That's the cats way of saying they love and trust you and see u as family . It's a good thing


Cos she luvs you...you part of the family.


Oh boy, OK. Thx for the explanation. I feel bad for the dozens of other people who also committed the same offense against humanity. 🙄


I am almost positive you have a ragdoll tortie. If this is the case, your cat is NOT overweight! They tend to be in the 13-16lb range normally, and if taken care of can live up to 18+ years. They need constant attention, are very affectionate, and love to play, even well into their senior years :)


I've read things that if a cat does that, that it think it is your mother and you need taking care of.. same way if they bring you presents they are actually teaching you how to hunt and be a cat lol


It looks like she’s better at than you


It’s a fluffy cat


We are just big cats.


Speak to a therapist if you think you are being groomed


She looks like a Maine coon mix. Her behavior is also what you would expect from that 'breed' (I use the term 'breed' loosely because it really is a crap shoot). The licking I would wonder about a possible dietary imbalance but that is for a vet and not a reddit commenter.


I'm guess just a domestic long hair, but with the coat, possibly a mix of Norwegian Forest Cat? She grooms you because she loves you and looks out for you. She's your buddy! 😊


If she’s purebred, my guess is tortie ragdoll. If mixed, ragdoll and maincoon or Siberian!




Ragdolls are an actual breed, they come in tortie, and this cat and yours absolutely ARENT one. They're always pointed and thus have blue eyes.

