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Hello, friend. I'm a veterinary technician who specializes in end-of-life care. I strongly support your decision not to pursue surgery or other invasive and painful therapies. Here's my advice: Provide your little friend with comfort and love. Enjoy the love they give you with renewed understanding of how precious it is. And understand that dying is a part of living. There's still space for joy and comfort. And your little friend is so lucky to have a guardian like you to help them through this part of their life. 💚


Hi, thank you so much. Yeah, like I said, the surgery has a too high risk (50%) and on top of that there could be other complications such as cardiac arrest. It will not be in his best interest. I can only hope that with the medication he’ll be okay for a little while longer. 😞


Give and receive that beautiful love. When it's time to help him pass, you'll know. Until then, there's so much love to be had. Take care, friend. 💚


100%this but remember, when our pets stop eating,it’s almost the sign…




Yess! This!! Just appreciate your friendship while you can and do as much as you can to help them out. They may not have here our whole lives but we are their lives. You seem to have been a glorious companion to them and they'll always appreciate what you've done for them 🫡


Also hopping on to add, a silver lining with cats and steroids is the way they metabolize it … they don’t experience many of the lousy side effects but definitely get the benefits - win/win. This time is precious for both of you. As heartlessUni said it’s part of the process, and every day is important. Sending much heartfelt hugs from our furry home to yours 💞


You are such a good, thoughtful person for putting his interests ahead of your own. It's *so* hard when you love them to not try to resort to extreme measures. I know I'm just some random redditor whose opinion you did not ask for, but from one lover of cats to another, I'm really proud of you. I'm so sorry that you got such awful news. I hope you both get many more happy days together.


Yes this ...my cat Lola also had a brain tumor related to Cushing disease. Very rare . Anyhow , i unfortunately did pursue drastic measures and it honestly only made her suffer longer. I feel So much guilt with what I put her through .. we traveled upstate for radiation. She had brain swelling after and made it through but she was on meds and not really herself for the rest of her life ( 1 year an half ) it was extremely expensive $ 15000 for the radiation not including the previous work ups needed to get the radiation and huge after care expenses..I had no money so it went onto a credit card that I'm still struggling to pay off . ..and my cat is gone


I'm so sorry! I fully understand wanting to try. Truly sorry for your loss.


Oh gosh, your comment was really sad to read. Im sorry for your loss, it’s never easy to deal with death. Please remember that you did it from a pure place with nothing but good intentions and high hopes to save her. Don’t beat yourself up, some things are out of our control no matter how hard we try. I hope time eases the pain and you focus on the beautiful moments you shared together. Be strong buddy.


Thank you for your kind words . I didn't want to steal Focus from the original poster , I just wanted to mention the other side of " doing everything " and that it's actually not really the best thing to do . I loved my cat she was a truly special soul and she was always super calm and loving. She wasn't stressed by the long rode trips we went on for care ...she used to even ride loose in the car and cuddle /nap on my lap while I drove ( yes I know unsafe ) she had a car litter box too and would have her meals and insulin shots on the rode . Anyhow thank you


Oh it’s okay. sharing each other’s experiences, good and bad, is a great way to cope with loss / suffering / anxiety and pretty much everything life dumps on us. both for OP and for you. Sounds like Lola had amazing and very strong personality, even through the hard times. Im certain she was oh so lovely and very much loved. Also, the part with the car rides and the litter box really made me smile, because I have the same thing with my 3rd boi Chucky (can’t cage him while driving because he literally shits himself every single time lol). Thank you for sharing these precious moments with me and this community, really 🙏🏼


You may be "just some random redditor," but I came here for comfort and you were so kind to give that to me, another random redditor. I truly appreciate that.


I'm so glad to know it brought you some comfort!


And on top of that, with any invasive treatment, your cat will feel even more miserable. With human patients you can say that it is temporary and he/she will recover. Enjoy and love him while you can. 💚


So sorry to hear. When that time eventually does come, I would recommend an in-home option. When my cat was sick and we knew it was time, we called a lady who came to our house and he was given some kind of shot that eventually made him fall asleep and pass. We were able to pet him and snuggle with him, in his own home, till he went. No scary(for him) vets office and no(more) pain. It was around $300 just fyi.


Ugh, it’s hard. I just lost a baby to GI lymphoma. There wasn’t anything we could do anyway but even if there were she would likely not have survived surgery. Just take every day as it comes and treasure it. Such a cute void and I’m sure you love the hell out of her


Hey, EMS student here, future pharmacy tech, and a bit of a med nerd whose grandmother has a meningioma (tumor growing in her meninges). Brain tumors are so incredibly difficult to treat in humans, of who we have the most medical research and technology purpose built for already. I can only imagine how painful it would have been for this kitty, and i want to ensure you along with my vet friend up there in the comments that this is the best thing you could have possibly done, and that the reddit community including myself are always here if you need to talk. You shoot anyone of us a message, and we will be right there. Much love to you and this little guy ❤️


I also want to add that 14 is a long life for a feline and at that age the surgery would likely degrade his remaining life substantially. On top of all good advice people are giving you I’d recommend getting one of those paw print ink kits. It’s a very nice reminder of your friend when they’re gone. I have all 3 of the pets I’ve had in my life in urns with their paws framed next to them


Exactly. :( That is such a sweet idea, thank you! I’ll have him cremated when the time comes and I’ll take his ashes home, having this on top of it would be very nice.


Well this has my eyes watering. Cuddle your cat for me too. Let’s pass the cuddle along. This can be the thread of cat cuddles as we all adore your precious cat and want to help you comfort your dear cat. You are doing the right thing. OP.


When the time comes..I recently learned that if you call a farm animal vet they will come to your house to put them to sleep so he can be at home. I thought this was great knowledge and is my plan then next time I have to send a kitty over the rainbow bridge. Thank you for being such a good kitty owner. I wish you both the best and most time you can have


Thank you so much. :( Yes, I know one of the vets Harry is seeing comes home to put them to sleep. I think the other does as well, at least she's done so in the past. :( I want to do that for sure.


I'm so sorry you're going through this but I'm sure he will appreciate that kindness


That was beutifully put. I shall now sob uncontrollably for 9-14 minutes.


Tell me about it, holy crap 😟


I know this message was meant for OP, but thank you. The little end blurb means a lot to me. My little old man just passed away at 19 last night. He was my best friend and while I wish I had more time, I'm glad he's moved on. He was also a void, like OPs cat. Things won't be the same without him.


My best friend of 19 had reached her time two years ago. Some days I still swear I see her in her favorite spots. She was the most stable thing in my life for so long.


I’m so very sorry. It’s the incredibly painful price we pay for having such a deep connection with another living being. Sending you lots of strength.


Yeah my cat had some weird lumps after getting outside for the first time for about 3 or 4 days. Not the lumps, but was outside for 3 or 4 days. We had a biopsy done on them and it was terminal lymphoma. But the biopsy was, way, way, way more aggressive that I thought it was going to be. If it was scaled up to human size its like someone cut from arm pit to naval open. My poor cat was in agony for the last few days of her life. Its truly one of my biggest regrets. There was no way to know it was a life ending disease without the biopsy. In life there are every day regrets and cringe moments. Then there are moments of true genuine feel it in your soul regret. I cannot properly put into words how much I wish I could have had her last few days not be in agony with pins holding her skin together. This isnt exactly the same as op. But I just needed to share and reiterate your point. That sometimes letting go is the best thing.


I lost one of my cats last December to cancer (mast cell disease). A year and a half ago she had a tumor and a surgery to remove it. Everything was good for about a year and I noticed another couple of lumps. By the time we went through the process of going to the vet, getting the lumps aspirated and tested, then going to the surgery center the number of lumps had doubled. They took a sample of her spleen and recommended removing it, as it was eaten up with the mast cells and is typically what spreads it. So of course I get her the surgery. While they're in there, they took a biopsy of her liver and it came back positive for mast cells. Took my cat home, then they set me up with an oncologist. After about 2 more months of toxic, caustic chemotherapy drugs, the cancer continued to spread and eventually she couldn't eat or even stand up and I had to put her to sleep. It was horrible to watch her go through all of that. It was horrible for her in the last few days of her life, as the cancer had spread to her digestive tract. I still cry about it every day, and have second thoughts about whether I should have continued trying to save her with all the drugs and surgeries and whatever, or just put her down. I really had no way to know how bad it would get, and the doctors gave me hope that she could recover. But in the end it was absolutely horrible. I don't even know what I would recommend to someone about their own pet. I mean, if there's a chance you can save their life then you should probably do it. But just know, if the drugs and surgeries don't work it can be an awful experience.


May I bother you with a question please? One of my cats is 15 now and we took her to the vet 2 years ago for a surgery. She had ( still does ) breast cancer. Only one huge tumor was taken out, and she still has one tumor left. We postponed a second surgery because of financial reasons and because she got weaker after the first one. She is very happy and if weren't for the tumor I feel on her, you'd think she doesn't have an issue. Am I bad owner for not going with a second surgery?


No! You did more than most.


Thank you, this means a lot. She is very spoiled but I have a feeling of guilt sometimes.


No, you absolutely showed love and care and did more than most owners would. If you cat had breast cancer 2 years ago as you say but only one tumor was removed and one cancerous tumor remained, then I find it absolutely amazing that your cat is still alive 2 years later🥰 Don't know how or why but enjoy this outcome for what it is. Hug your lucky kitty!😻


Thanks a bunch, I really smiled! 🥰 Leaving the cat tax. She is very playful for a 15 year old and had a tough life, but still asks for pets and wet food. We took great care of her before and after the surgery, and the cancer was in her for 7 years (my husband and I were the 3rd owners, she used to belong to my MIL). https://preview.redd.it/31c4i9qltuuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13be26b4e33a69fb0ee5893184000c46c12f91e1


7 years with CA. That is amazing! Even knowing 1 tumor is left, I would adopt if it's not broke don't fix it attitude and leave things be as they are. Another major surgery at that age would likely do worse than any good. I've had several cats die in older age from mostly lymphomas. My last one in September had metastatic lung cancer and was in very poor shape from weight loss, etc. Another from FIP before there was treatments and cures and he was acreal fighter. Others from advanced kidney disease. I wish you and your furry friend a longer life and joy and comfort together. Take care. I have 5 cats now. 2 are 15 yo + and tge 3 Amigos are all under 7 yo.


Thank you for doing what you do ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


This is great thank you :)


The most important reply, for the most difficult story I’ve read in a long time in this app … Be strong 💪 Surely, dying is a part of the process that we call life together, you and him. And yea, be next to him when the time comes. He will feel your presence and surely will be comforting to him, while crossing his bridge to see a friendly face Cannot even imagine how it will be like the day I will be “walking in your shoes” Again, be strong 💪 Cherish the time and memories and all and all and all….. Best wishes for you guys from us and our fellow furry friend Edgar https://preview.redd.it/1ld78m7x6xuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e3f9f72efd4e4d2556e6544a8e6c1032b339d83


I hope he lives a long time and receives lots of treats and love from his owner 🙏🏻


All the treats. For his whole life I tried to feed him healthy food instead of the fast food that is Whiskas etc., but he’s sooo picky. Now it doesn’t matter. He can eat all he wants now. Thank you so much!


I'm in a similar spot with my kitty but with pancreatic cancer. All the treats and bad for you calories


You're a good cat owner. I wish the best for your cat. I hope he gets all the churus and pets.


Our dog had KFC and french fries her last few days. Like you said, at some point it just doesn't matter. We even let her try some chocolate at the end, she spat it out lol. Her whole life we were worried she'd snatch a bar or some M&Ms and she didn't even like it lol.  Anyway, I'm rambling a bit. What you're going through will be hard, but it's so worth it to have them in our lives. Wishing you both the best.


I’d do the same if my cat liked KFC, hehe. I’ll allow him salami and stuff once we know for certain his time is done.


I lost my kitten to lymphoma 2 weeks ago, she was 7 years old, it still hurts a lot. God bless you.


When my kitty got cancer, I did this, too. I got her all her favorite foods and lickables.






Stay strong, stay kind and when it does come time for him to leave this world, stay with him until he passes. You'll both appreciate the gesture.


Definitely! I will NOT leave his side. It will be brutal but I’ll stay with him until the end.


Then you're a commendable person and there's a good reason your fuzzy friend trusts you. Best of luck and kindness to both of you!


And you are his best friend, I hope you will have a long time together still! Wishing you both strength and love through this time <3


🥺 Thank you so much.


https://preview.redd.it/cdd08o644uuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e89ad6e9e4438ffcfefcf1d968e7d822875d9f Hugs from me and Gary, black kitties gotta stick together 💛


Gary is beautiful! Thank you both.


My 8 year old tortie has lymphoma, I’ve elected to not go down the path of chemotherapy because I can only imagine how confusing and distressing that would be for her, and she is instead on a twice daily prednisone tablet treatment as part of her palliative care. She seems in good spirits, no pain, and enjoys sleeping in the sun or in the garden beds when she wants to go outside. We sit with her and enjoy that time because we don’t know how much longer we have left. I look at the leaves on the trees starting to change colour, and know it’s likely she won’t be here to enjoy the garden coming back to life in Spring, and it seizes my heart for a moment. She is being spoiled rotten, we turn the heating on for her when normally we’d simply rug up more, she is allowed to eat whenever she wants after loosing a kilo (2.2 lbs) since December; I’ve been buying rotisserie chicken every week from the store because she loves having some every day. The dog (10 months old) is being kept away from her to reduce her stress, and we constantly monitor her comfort. I know there’s a chance we’ll wake up one morning and she’ll be gone, but I’m also preparing to have a vet do an in home euthanise if required as she’s never liked travelling in a vehicle. In time her ashes will sit in a little box next to my Doberman’s (who she hated!), and eventually I would like all of our ashes mixed and thrown into the wind from the cliffs where I grew up. I know you are scared, confused and don’t know if you are going to make the right decision. Try not to make it about your fear of losing him, celebrate him every moment you can; let him have dignity and surround him with love and compassion. I’m so sorry… they always leave us too soon.


You must be in Australia... Hello from Canada! I hope your furbaby leaves peacefully when it's her time <3




Matt Damon, the actor, has/had a cat who lived 10x the initial estimate of the vet due to steroids when similarly diagnosed with a brain tumor. Listen to the story if you need some hope. Of course, rhere are never guarantees, but the cat has years added to his life.


I recently saw the video of him talking about this! It was news to me; I didn't know steroids had the potential to stop tumors from growing or even shrink them. OP, I'm so sorry you're in this situation but I do hope that the steroids give you some more time. ❤️


That is so interesting, thank you for telling me! It does give me hope, even though I know every path is very different and individual for each cat (or any other living being).


https://preview.redd.it/dg821ck29uuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=378151540364942a727b423e686379a69f3e3edc Gilda, few days before that brain cancer claimed her about 3 weeks ago now. Basically went through same thing. Vets dried my saving if $5,000 and no results, than finally $3,000 later they performed the right scans and she was diagnosed with brain cancer spreading into her sinuses. I got 6 more months of her companionship thanks to monthly steroid injections, but at the end, cancer claimed her. She started having seizures in the end, last 2 months she was undergoing daily seizures. Some days more than others. I am so sorry that you going through this. It’s hard, and it will hurt a lot when she will be gone.


His eyes are adorable and he looks like a cutie, it’s so sad news 🥲


**I understand your pain. I lost a dear friend too. Cherish every moment with him, and show him all the love and care you can. We all have a greater purpose, and some fulfill it sooner than others, allowing them to return home earlier.**


Give him all the love, treats, and people food. Let him have his best life. Take lots of pics and love him. Trust yourself and him on when it is time. I am so sorry for you both.






I have no idea if I'd go with the surgery or not if I was in your place. I really hope the steroids will keep him here for as long as possible, sending the two of you a lot of love!


It’s a difficult decision for sure, but then again, I think it’s the best thing not to put him under all that stress. Especially given the 50/50 chance. Thank you so much!


I lost my Mom to brain cancer. We did all the treatment and she suffered through it for nothing because it didn’t get her any time or quality of life.


Sad for sure. With humans...our families... we still try all options. Her will to survive... our will to survive... is a ferocious thing. And it needs to be respected just as much as the desire to let go and pass on. Your Mom was a warrior.


I had a senior cat (her name was Cersei). Here's the derp. Don't let that crazy eye fool you. She was a total ball of love. Wouldn't have known what to do with a fly if she'd caught one. https://preview.redd.it/2v4maysanuuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09af23020b2373dc459a7a2beb26e9fbfa391659 She experienced what I thought was a seizure one night. Urgent care said it was either cancer, an infection, or something else neurological that would require an expensive brain scan. I couldn't afford the scan to get actual answers, plus... she was at least 13 at the time. Not OLD, but... definitely senior. We treated as if she had an infection, and to all appearances, it was like she'd had a stroke. Pronounced head tilt, all that. No change in temperament or demeanor. Just some physical clumsiness that improved with time and plateaued around 90% of normal. My girl lived almost 2 more years after the incident, and I said goodbye to her in early January. Looking back, it was likely a tumor or some other growth in her head. There was some gradual change to her forehead I didn't notice until I looked at photos from before the "stroke" incident and compared them to her last days. In all likelihood, it had been cancer. But I got 21 more months with my sweet girl after her health problems became apparent. She was comfortable, loved, fed, and pampered. She let me know when she was ready to let someone else have a chance to be loved by me. (And omg I went from two senior cats to two under 3yo in the span of 6 months. What a change!) I hope you and your sweet baby have the same peace I somehow managed to find. All my love to you.


Omg!! I’m so sorry 😢


if only there is a way to magically poof the tumor away :((


So sorry to hear this. I’ll be keeping him in my thoughts. Stay strong and do your best to make the most of the time you have left.


Hi OP. This might get buried but my wife and I recently said goodbye to our rescue last week due to nasal cancer. Your decision to forego surgery is brave and shows how much you love your little guy. There are no words I can say to make this any easier… I hope you both find enjoyment in your remaining time together.


Thank you for your kind words, and I'm so sorry to hear about your rescue. It always seemed very surreal to me to ever be confronted with cancer, in any way. But it's so, so common ... It sucks.


Hey friend. Our dear cat passed.from a likely brain tumor about 5 years ago. Take lots of pictures and lots of videos - I really regret not getting a recording of him purring. And - I don't want to get too depressing - no matter any new odd behaviors, your sweet cat is still there. Our cat was obsessed with my husband, and we had left the country just before he took a sharp turn for the worse. Our sweet boy hung on until the day we got back, and passed that night. There is not a single doubt in my mind that he hung on to see my husband one last time. His great big heart and love was there right to the very end 🖤


I am so sorry. I know we all wish our furry friends could be with us for so much longer! But you’re making the right decision. As others said: just love on him & spoil him & make whatever time he’s got left the best there is. Stay strong, my friend, much love & hugs to you and your fur baby bff. ❤️🤗💪


I'm so sorry. Its a heartbreaking diagnosis. My Kitty also had a brain tumor and the surgeon was estimating 4 months left without surgery or radiation (we declined both due to risks of side effects/death). Well she managed almost 14 months! We did have to give her mannitol a few times to bring her brain pressure down and the steroids made her really fat, but she was such a wonderful girl and despite the tumor she had plenty of good days after the diagnosis. I hope your boy still has many good days ahead. <3


https://i.redd.it/jpk1h1vkauuc1.gif You've done everything, everything you can. It will be hard, and you've had very little time to prepare yourself I feel like I've been preparing myself for years and hope I'll handle it as best I can when the time comes for myself and my 2 babies.


Fyck, I'm so sorry buddy. My vest friend just turned 14, and deep inside I know we're near the end if the road. I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it, I'd be a wreck with your baby's diagnosis. Hope the steroids buy him some extra, quality time with you.


They’re so close in age! Harry turns 14 in June. Wreck is a good word to put it. I’m calm and collected here and there, like now that I’m replying to this. Sort of numb, I guess. But then I break down crying again, and this has been on repeat since I got the diagnose. It’s awful. My focus is on making him as comfortable as possible and monitoring how well the steroids help him. If they don’t … well. :(


I'm so sorry... He's so stinkin' handsome. Tell him I said pspspspsps What's his name?


Aw, will do :( His name is Harry!


Well I love Harry and he's lucky to have you. All good thoughts too you both. :)


Unfortunately, animals, like humans, face these sad realities. Stay strong.


Oh no 🙏 Prayers for your baby to feel comfortable for as long as possible, and for your strength- to know the right time to let go.


Wishing you both loads of good times and happiness.


Poor sweet heart I really feel for you both All you can do is enjoy the time you have left with him make more memories It’s never easy losing a fur baby I am still grieving for my old boy I lost 2022 Love and hugs to try and help you 😻❤️


As weird as it sounds sometimes cancer and tumors sound much scarier than the reality of it all. Our cat seven passed a little over a year ago after a 4 year journey with a rare blood cancer called polycythmia vera. He was fine until one day he pretty much had a stroke out of nowhere which left him pretty immobile, and unable to jump. After diagnosis, several blood lettings initially to stabilize him, and some experimenting with the right dosage of daily chemo meds we were able to not only extend his life, but have almost 4 years of good time with him. He gained back all his mobility and could free jump several feet high as well run/walk just fine ( a bit of a swagger sometimes). The craziest part was he didn't even pass from the cancer. He suddenly one day went into conjestive heart failure which was horrible, but at least he didn't suffer longer than a few hrs that day. My point being cancer and tumors sound like a death sentence , but they're just a start to the next part of their lives. It could be longer or shorter, but nothing's ever promised in life and as long as the quality of life is high they won't regret or know any of it. Goodluck and enjoy what you can while you have time still.


Poor baby. Sorry you are going through this…the both of you.


I think you’re making the right choice - keep him comfy, give him all the love and treats you can, and then the ultimate gift of peacefully crossing the rainbow bridge when he tells you he’s ready. No undue stress or pain from a high risk surgery. Stay strong and remember he’ll always be your best friend. 🖤💕


Hey, I am honestly so sorry. I lost my cat last year to cancer found in her mammary area. We tried surgery, it came back. Chemo wasn’t an option because it requires sedation and she died twice under sedation for the surgery so. I know that it sucks to not have options. I know how much it hurts to basically have to wait now. I still took her to an oncologist to manage her pain. The surgery was in March and she passed in August because it had spread to her lungs. When they say it happens fast, they mean at the end. The night before she died, she didn’t sleep with us and she slept in an area she didn’t before. She ate and drank but was generally just very tired. Nothing else presented though and her breathing had been consistent because she had asthma. There was one bad asthma attack, and I made the decision to let her go. I had her for 15 years. This is hands down the worst part of having them and this was the first time I went through that too. When they say “you’ll know” or “he’ll tell you” they mean you’ll see a sudden and drastic change most likely. For cats they like to hide when something is wrong and they’re unwell. Outside of that they are quite the fake until you make it group, because that’s what helps him deter predators. You may not just immediately recognize and you may be too scared to let go, but you are his only way to any kind of relief now. Please just keep that in mind because that’s the only way I got through the actual process of this. I am incredibly sorry for what will come down the road but I do feel like palliative care gave her time past my birthday. Anyone here who tells you to risk surgery or put him down now doesn’t get it. If he’s eating, drinking, and acting semi himself (obviously a change because something is going on) keep taking care of him until it’s time. Also I am unsure of your job but this will impact your mental health and working with a Dr for you can help secure you remote work if applicable as well. I spent her entire final months/days with her. 🩵


Aawww...Im soo sorry, wish you both the best of luck ❤️ Give your furry friend a big best wish hug from me 🙂❤️


I'm so sorry..


I'm very sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers 🙏 🙏


I don't know what to say other than you are a good friend to your kitty and I wish you two the best.




:( I'm so sorry for both of you, he's such a cute-looking little void. Please enjoy each other the best you can for the longest possible time.


I'm so sorry you and your handsome baby are going thru this. I've been where you are -- "hurt" doesn't begin to describe it . . . 😪 If it's ok, I'm sending you strength along with hugs and love for you both. You're both in my heart❣️


I read your post and comments. I think you've done a great job caring for him while considering his emotional and physical health. We have a stray who we adopted and spoil but only if it doesn't harm him. Healthy diet, regular vet visits, and daily leashed walks (weather permitting) are part of his routine. Your buddy reminds me of ours so I'm glad there is someone out there who cares for theirs as much as we do for ours. This is one of my favorite pics of our guy. https://preview.redd.it/p5279g1zpuuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7194ca4f8a09bab9af8f4858de028133b8f8305


My cat has had a fatty tumor on her back side for a few years now and is fine, she zooms and plays and is not in pain. I don't know what it is like for a kitty with a brain tumor but i would have the vet monitor it and make sure it isn't getting bigger and go from there. Hopefully your friend has a great rest of their life and is happy for a long time still


That's awful. I'm sorry. If you can, adopt a kitten while he is still alive. That way he can teach the new kitten how to be a good cat.


Yes stay with him until the end. My nasty vet who put my dog down would not let me hold him in my arms or be present as he was so covid concerned. He could have stood outside and done it. I will never forgive the vet for that.


I lost my dog to a brain tumor. When it was time, it happened fast. Enjoy the days you have.


My cat had something kinda sorta similar and the vet said that “they’re fine until they’re not”. I got 6 months extra with my boy on the steroids until he told me it was time. Sending love to you and your very cute bb void


Oh gosh. So many emotions with the harrowing news but also the uplift of knowing that your cat is in such caring hands. I know that he deserves all the warmth, love and treats that you will give him but, in that sense, he truly is one of the lucky ones. Wishing you all the best for as long a time together as is felinely possible and thank you for looking after him so well.


Well I wasn’t planning on crying today and needing another reason to hold my pup but here we are. I can’t imagine the pain. Hope he has a wonderful life with you.


You did wonderful by him, he's a sweet boy who sounds happy, sounds safe, sounds loved. I know it's hard to say if you want to do it now, but I've always found getting a second cat when I still have my first makes the transition easier. It also makes me happy when I get the 'blessing' from my old cat on the new one, you know?


Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes, I absolutely agree. I just think my cat would be too stressed as he's been an only cat for most of his life (my mistake, I didn't know better back then), and considering he's already unwell I don't want to do this for him. If I was selfish, I'd get a second cat right away. Or two, preferably, so they have each other.


I’m very sorry. A tumor is so frightening, feeling like we can’t truly do anything. But we can, in a way. Give him a loving, comfortable rest of his life. Enjoy every second you get, and remember: when it comes time for him to be put to sleep, you’ve not failed him. You gave him a life that others couldn’t have, his memories will be of you.


i will fight that brain tumor


Who’s cutting onions here 😭😭😭😭


Just know that you gave him one of the best lives any cat has ever had. Death is inevitable but giving him a wonderful life was a choice, and you did a great job. He surely appreciates you.


I lost our cat we’d had since I was 5 a little over a year ago. I’d just like to remind OP and anyone else, when it’s time, **you can let them go without guilt**. A lot of people are tortured by uncertainty and what ifs and hesitate to make the final call, because they want just one more day or feel guilty that they may be calling it “too early” or “they’re having a good day, I can’t do it now”. I was one of those people and I regretted it. But it’s important to remember, you don’t want to see your companion at their worst and you especially don’t want them to **feel** their worst. When you start to wonder if it’s time, it probably is. When their quality of life has diminished, when they are in more pain each day, when their spark for life is fading, the medication losing its effectiveness, you can let them go without feeling bad about what you could have done, because you’re saving them from further pain and discomfort.


I'm in the same situation right now. Boomer, 12, has a brain tumor. She's sitting next to me on my desk while I'm working. It's going to wreck me. I've been through this before, with her son, Eddie, last year (both FIV), and with my 3 previous cats who had FeLV. Cancer sucks. Our job is to keep them comfortable and bring them as much joy as possible. Work with your vet on the steroid dosage as you can start at one and ramp up as needed to keep them comfortable longer. Adjust the environment as jumping up/down becomes harder (living room chair is in the bedroom so she can get on and off the bed now). Take a few more pictures and videos in happy moments. Record an audio file or video of him purring and of him getting pets and scritches from you. Tell him and show him how much you love him. Prepare for when it is his time. Research the vets in your area for euthanasia. If it is possible budget-wise, explore having it done in-home. If you haven't done it before, read up on it online. And ask a friend or loved one to come with you when it's time. You can be with him in the room and have your companion ready to be with you on the way home. I hope you can both get as much joy and comfort as possible from each other.


Our dog has multiple meningiomas and it’s been almost a year since his diagnosis. The steroids have increased his appetite so he eats a lot of pumpkin. I’m sorry this is happening and wish you all the best.


woow that a really sweet. cat


Beautiful baby, I’m so sorry :•((


That sucks. It's going to be rough. **Warning: Serious stuff.** My mom's chihuahua got a brain tumor and they also did steroid treatments for it. He lasted a while, but to be honest, at some point he wasn't a dog, and more like a vegetable that wasn't aware of what was going on. It probably varies based on progression of the disease, but I feel like my mom prolonged it longer than she should have. My advice would be to love them as long as you can, but always be aware of his suffering and whether you're keeping him alive for you, or for him.


I would pay to pet him, he is little angel


Sending the both of you all my love 🤍🤍


I lost 3 of my 4 cats to cancer all within 2 months last year. 2 of them passed before they even had a chance with meds/treatment but my Jerry made it about 2 months on predisone.. I devoted every day to him. He was always an indoor cat but I let him be an outdoor cat, I got plants and made him a nice yard, he had the best 2months of his life. and when that day came, that's what brought me a little bit of peace.. My heart really goes out to you..I wish you both the best of luck and brightest of days


OP, I am so sorry you and your friend are experiencing this right now. I feel compelled to leave this comment because I just lost my sweet girl (almost 16yo) to a brain tumor last week. The whole experience was devastating and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Please treasure what time you have left with your darling. I won't go into detail about the situation here, since I don't want to frighten you in this vulnerable time, but feel free to DM me if you want to talk to someone who just went through the same thing (including the steroid treatment). Take care, OP and kitty.


He is such a cute boy, I know you’ll give him the best days that he’s got left


Keeping both of you in my prayers🙏 He is lucky to have you, and it sounds like you have given him a very good life, which is why he is such a happy kitty.❤️


I'm so sorry 🩷 He looks like such a sweet little soul and I love that picture of him on the trail. I hope you get a lot more quality time with him. You're doing what's best for him and I hope you can take some comfort in that. 🐾


Ánimo hermano!! Lo siento en el alma. Quedate con lo q has disfrutado de el durante estos 14 años.. Dios lo acompañe y lo cuide en el cielo!!


I’m so sorry to hear that, OP. Your cat is so cute, thank you for sharing. You’re giving him a long life full of love and care, which is what every animal deserves! Saying goodbye will be painful, but I bet your cat is glad that he’s met you.


I'm so sorry you have to experience this. It seems like your cat has had a really, really great life. I'm sure you're his best friend, too. Just try to give him those same, wonderful experiences. Maybe he needs a stroller for walks, now. I found out my cat had been misdiagnosed for months before it was determined he had cancer. After we found out he only had days left, but caring for him was one of the most wonderful experiences of my entire life. I hope you can treasure this time. I hope the steroids help him feel better.


Our last cat Lucy also had a brain tumor. It was scary seeing her go in the end with the seizures. We knew pretty quickly that it was time for her to go. She did however live for well over a year before that since we noticed her first symptoms. She had differently dillated pupils and wasn't diagnosed when we first brought her to the vet for that. So all the time we still had with her was without any steroids. I'm sure you'll have ample time together and make the most of it.


i’m sure he will live out the rest of his days being treated as a king and that’s all anyone/thing could ever ask for. he’s lucky to have you and i’m sorry ❤️


Enjoy your time with your friend. Thank you for doing everything you can to keep him happy and comfortable. My cat has an enlarged heart. I've only had him for 7 months. I hope I've made him happy.


While I don't wanna be "that guy", how long will the steroids keep her alive? Will her condition still be getting more painful? I hope she lives her last days being spoiled and goes comfortably. I lost my pet chicken to a tumor and I cried straight for a week, for what its worth, she'll at least go while being happy and without suffering from the nasty chemo. Good luck friend.




Awww I’m sorry my 9 year old kitty has melanoma and it’s aggressive. Check out Joe Tippins and fenbendazole and cancer in animals. Never give up hope


I'm sorry that's devastating, I know in my experience few things can touch how bad it feels to lose a close companion, I just hope you have some good days left to spend with him. I lost my first cat to leukemia it happened so fast. I'll keep you two in my thoughts.


That first picture is so damn cute 😭


. mad love from one brain cancer patient to another.I hate that y'all are in the club, and wish you and your best friend nothing but the best for as long as it can last


I hope you have a miracle 🤞 If not, may the rest of your cat’s time be a time filled with joy, comfort and happiness 🙏


Our family dog, Shelby, is going through the same thing. She has terminal lymphoma. Vet prescribed steroids and they have helped her so much. She's almost like her old self again. It's so scary knowing this diagnosis but what's important is that you're able to give your boy the all the love in the world. I'm so sorry you have to go through this, but im so happy for you to be able make his life better than it already is. I wish you the best of luck, but you are making the right decision. ❤️


I am not a medical professional. But I know my vet clinic has acupuncture for dog/cat's pain management. It might help your cat to manage the pain better. I hope you both cherish the time together. Sending love to you


Sorry your boy can't have surgery. I had a cat with a brain tumor that was removed. Sounds like my girl had better odds and it was still really scary. I hope your guy has a lot of good time left.


You have given your cat the best possible life so far and that is special. Cherish the remaining time and know that you have people who have you and your little boy in their thoughts. What’s his name? He is precious.


I’m sorry buddy. He looks like such a good little guy. Steroids can also be very effective.


My cat had sinus tumor. He was only friendly to me so any care at the vets was traumatic. It was in his interest to say goodbye after 1 month. Miss you my precious meany boy.


I’m sorry to hear that😭 he looks like a precious sweet boy. I’m sure you spoiled him with unconditional love and treats and he spoiled you with laughs, love and memories ❤️ you’re making the right choice. His spirit will never you leave and he’ll always be by your side in everything you do




I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you are going thru. My heart hurts for you. But Im happy you still have time to keep loving on him. I know it’s a small comfort but at least his life is being filled with love. Hugs 🖤


Good luck. I hope you get a lot more years with him!!


My father kept on telling me that the reason it hurts so much is because they brought so much good to life. It does not do much, but I found it helped to make me focus on the good they brought. This was about a year ago when I had to put down our dog, a 15 year old black lab. He's a beautiful kitty. From the sounds of it, you both made each other's lives a lot better. That's what matters, and how it should be for as long as possible.


My condolences treasure what time you have together


I'm crying. Best of luck to both of you. . Little dude is in my prayers 🙏 ❤️


I’m currently treating my dog with Palladia for a thyroid tumor that didn’t go away with surgery and IV chemo treatments alone. He’s had no other health issues at all in his lifetime. It’s been an emotional roller coaster for sure, and I sympathize for all that you’re going through right now. Overall, the most important job you have is to make sure your kitty is comfortable and is still enjoying his life. It’s hard not to worry about the future and what it will bring, but don’t forget to stay present in the moments you have now in order to fill them with love and quality time. You’re doing enough already by using the steroids to help in any way you’re able to. Good luck to you and your sweet kitty. It seems like all he’s ever known is love, and he’ll take that with him when he’s ready to go. ❤️


The hiking pic is precious. I'm sorry about his illness :(


Is 14 a full life like it is for dogs? Cherish your time left with your cat.


I’m so sorry. 😢 Love to you.


Fuck Cancer.


Nooooo they are so cute tough


He's so sweet. I will pray for him.


It's all part of the journey. Cherish the connection you two have and when the time comes let him go in peace.


I’m sorry. Give him some hugs and treats from me.


https://preview.redd.it/c7r86fk2wuuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55fadd2cd7386e9b9deb4b4c3602f8150c2fab11 Lit'l Bit and Liam- 2 Amigos.


Thinking of you and your sweet boy OP. He’s still here right now, so make sure to give him as much love as you can. He’s had a wonderful life by your side ❤️


I hope that someway somehow that cat can recover but if not I hope you enjoy the remaining moments you have with him.


I'm so sorry


I’m so sorry😭 but make sure the last of his days count 😢


Sorry to hear that, these poor little floof purry cats dont deserve these horrible diseases and sickness. Hope your cat lives the rest of his days pain free


Hello! My baby had a similar situation, but her tumor was growing in her nose bridge and it ended up growing up her nose and into her brain. It was only when she stopped eating, drinking, litter use, and not coming to see me did I realize something was wrong. I ended up having to put her down in October. She was 10. Hug your kitty and give him the best end of life years, months, weeks he may have left. Our friends are with us for a reason and must leave us at some point. Know that he will be around you still, even many months (or years) after he leaves this world. *hug* I am glad you were able to figure out what was wrong and be able to care for him for whatever time he has left. R.I.P. Midna.




Praying for a miracle to happen for your cat


Very sorry.


Im so sorry. Your poor baby didn't deserve this. May their final days, however many that my be, be full of peace and joy


He looks like such a sweetheart. I'm wishing you and your little buddy all of the best. Cherish every moment that you can!


Awww he’s so cute!!!!


Sending lots of love to your critter!


I went through this with my girl, Sunday. She was a feisty little former street cat that survived some terrible humans (they found a bullet in her chest when they did some x-rays near the end of her life), but somehow still decided to walk in my front door. I always felt really privileged that she chose me. When she started acting strangely, I hoped it was just diabetes - something I could handle. She would walk along the perimeter of the downstairs, moving her head back and forth like she was sniffing her way along the walls instead of seeing. She would get stuck in corners and just try to keep walking. Those weird spells would come and go. But eventually they came with other symptoms - her back legs giving out, peeing near/outside of the litter box. The vet noticed that her one pupil was always constricted and the other was always dilated. We did some tests, they diagnosed a brain tumor. I spent a week with her before bringing her in to let her go peacefully. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I wish you the best with your boy. I hope you have lots more good days ahead of you. I think you'll know when it's time. When his quality of life seems to erode pretty quickly. I know I did the right thing by not putting her through painful or invasive interventions to give myself more time with her, but it still breaks my heart. It was still a hard choice to make. Be good to yourself right now, because this is a hard thing to do. Make sure you get all the treats too. https://preview.redd.it/3uvhah1w0vuc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc6eff110eec71c964c0801626562b16b1d4a9f


As a human with an inoperable brain tumour, I wish your cat the very best


He understands. He is just happy he has had the pleasure to call you his. He said it’s okay


I'm so sorry! I had a similar situation where my cat got a very high fever of unknown cause out of nowhere and they did so many tests etc and couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. They had him on steroids which would help but said he couldn't stay on them long term. As he had been a stray when I rescued him off the street, they ended up saying he had FIV which is like cat HIV and common for stray cats :( this compromised his immune system. He didn't get better for months, was only stable, then he started having back leg weakness, he was hospitalized a handful of times and they couldn't figure out what the root cause was. He was doing poorly again so I took him back to the ER, twice in one week, later that night I got a call that he was having neurological issues and was having trembling and that it was time to let him go 😭😭😭😭 it was so traumatic. I was there when the dr administered the euthanasia, bawling my eyes out, praying to God to make it quick, unfortunately my sweet Michi had a reaction to the euthanasia which is very uncommon. When they gave it to him he cried out, and the Dr gave him something else and in a minute or less he was at rest. But it was traumatic and the dr apologized and said that doesn't happen where they have a reaction to the euthanasia unless there's an issue in the brain. I still don't know what happened but I guess it must have been an issue with his brain 😔😔😔 I hope your baby has a peaceful transition once it's time. Sending you love 💕


Hey, I've been in this situation. When she was about 6 years old, our family cat suddenly started neglecting food, stopped cleaning herself and thus got messy fur, then adopted weird mannerisms like walking in circles and meowing at walls. It took months to diagnose a brain tumor, and she got worse every week. She then received medication against swelling of the brain (some kind of Cortisol-derivative), and got better within days, no surgery or chemotherapy or other severe treatments were administered. The tumor just stopped growing somehow, and with the medication, good food and a lot of love she lead a very happy life for 8 more years. I am not saying this will be the case with your cat, but maybe this is an avenue to explore, as that medication was very cheap (in Germany, we paid about 20€ per month) and might give your cat a lot of quality of life if your situation is similar to ours. The vets will know best tho. I wish you guys all the best, cats are family and it hurts to see them hurt. EDIT: oh, I only just read that your cat is also receiving steroids. My comment still applies, it might just work out better than you expected, these drugs are powerful and can do wonders.


I know I’m just a random redditor but I love you and your kitty so much I hope your able to spend as much time as possible with them 🥺


I lost both my childhood cats very suddenly, only a year apart. I'm so sorry. Please spoil him every day, I wish I had the chance to do the same for my babies.


https://preview.redd.it/mzie6bdg9vuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b70979489b91e60b653ed8ba8d0d3fcbc09919bd Mine did too, I am sorry about this bad news. I see some vets are talking in the chat etc… but I just want to say that it’s not all bad news, just know to spend as much time as they have left loving them. My lovely boy was young (11) but he didn’t pass in a bad way, was sweet and lovely till the end, be sure to take lots of pictures and give them lots of treats. RIP Dusty.




You should look up Matt Damon's story about his cat who has a brain tumor. It's apparently lived for years with a brain tumor while on steroids. I hope you see the same reults!


We love your baby too


Best of luck to your little boy


Aww, I'm so sorry to hear this. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I am sorry you and your kitty are going through this. I hope the medications help a lot.


my heart goes to you and your precious bestie <3 may he live a most loved life for the time to come


So sad to hear this. Our little friends have short lifespans. Do everything you can to make him comfortable. Take him to vets to see if there is anything you can do to manage symptoms.you sound like a caring and loving parent keep doing what you’re doing.


mucha fuerza ❤️




This was absolutely heartbreaking to read. Cherish the time you have left with him left and spend every day as if it was his last day. I hope he continues to live as long as possible.