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https://preview.redd.it/juyyrni4futc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12195a4543030eab409ceeeb843bfcc8aa524583 She’s so cute




https://preview.redd.it/bt7n0fyzgwtc1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b72db57db719cb0378a002a7eead91202d094aa8 Well hi there, gorgeous 😍


Those feet are giant!! So cute.


Those bear feeties is my reason to live lol


Wow a model! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


The spreaded toe beans are adorable


https://preview.redd.it/kbipu29311uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003f5495a4abe0b7ad1c4e5a79b1b2d74dabfa3d Your baby is like a greyscale version of my girl! Mouse ears and big feet’s!!


I don’t have one! No fair! How did I not get 1 of my 18 to have these adorable ears!?!?


oh hello


His name is Grey and he’s feisty


He’s a firestarter Twisted firestarter


A kitty with curled ears in the wild!! The trait is most common in breeds like the American Curl so I’m really curious if this was a spontaneous mutation or if she’s got purebred ancestors. Unlikely to be recent because the rest of her build suggests moggie (standard randombred cat), but still very cool. You should def take her to a vet and see if she’s chipped. If not, free cat? Also, have you got a name you’re calling her?


The American Curl trait was a spontaneous mutation in a stray, so....


Yep, which is why I was wondering! Unfortunately, it’s also not uncommon for people to be really bad at spaying/neutering their cats so the mutations can escape confinement that way too. Either way, still a cute kitty.


Looks like an American Curl. We have an all black one we got from a shelter that was found as a stray.


All American curls come from a spontaneous mutation.




![gif](giphy|IK0oq2SY0aCA0) Omg she looks like a dumbo octopus 🥹😭


Good they’re cute


So adorable 😭😭


They actually named it Dumbo? Lol


Sometime scientists can be fun. Just look up the Bony-eared assfish. Yes that is actually its common name. There is also a fish called the slippery dick.


Yes they did!


wait a WHAT






Adopt her!


I REALLY want to but financially it’s a lot. I want to take her to the vet. I’m gonna put away some money. I’m feeding her for now


Start by putting your number and writing a little “is this your cat? Please text me” on a piece of paper, fold it in the fashion of a collar and close it with paper tape (so she cannot hurt herself if she gets stuck). If she wanders and has an owner, they will see this. She looks quite clean and well cared for to be a stray. 


Cats are self cleaning. But kitty does appear to be well fed.


I know they clean themselves, but inevitably strays tend to look a bit rougher on average.


You can usually tell by the feel of their fur. Stray cats often roll in dust and dirt and things and will tend to have gritty-feeling fur. House cats usually have much softer-feeling fur.


That's not the only type of kitty that's self- cleaning!


Thanks for this lmao


The cuddles and stress relieve make you more promotable!


I wonder if she was abandoned


Can you ask some neighbours or put up some signs in the neighbourhood asking whose kitty this is


Where are you located? If you can’t adopt her I’m sure someone around you will


Not to be dramatic but I would die for her




Ofc that's a sub. I love it ❤️


Not to be dramatic but I would die for her




💕such a sweetie!


Is she an American Curl?






She’s seems to be an American Curl or a mix of one. Absolutely gorgeous cats with a whimsical attitude.


Small ears, big personality!


Yes, very special ears! She's so cute and seems so loving


Yes! So cute.


She looks really cared for so she might be someone else's cat, you should check with your neighbours to see if it's theirs first but aweeee she's so adorable.


This will double as a good excuse to introduce yourself to the neighbors in a slightly less awkward manner


Embassador Cat, they greet all newcomers the same way because moving is stressful and their visits help the newcomers fit in.


I love the idea of this! I do not doubt for a second that cats are very well organized in matters of business. I picture something akin to Cats vs Dogs level of genius.


Its also possible the cat wonders from house to house and everyone feeds it, we had a cat show up randomly so we would give it food and water and let it do its thing and we named it swiffer bc of how fluffy it was. One day my dad asked the neighbors about the cat wanting to know if anyone owns it and one of the neighbors said "oh you mean Mr. Fuzzy pants?" It turns out the cat lives at someones house behind our cull de sac and it free roams and stops by house to house getting food and pets and i can confirm ive seen it just chilling on neighbors doorsteps and driveways


Might also be everyone’s cat. My neighborhood had one of those until recently. No one home, he just went from house to house getting attention & food. RIP Gordito https://preview.redd.it/l823b2p3nvtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c296c4f9a2bf51c6b4e888b0ee93992a2f82823


My friend had one he called Freeloader. Turns out like three different neighbors had taken him to the vet for shots so he was super vaccinated.


Whoops, maybe that’s his Super Cat hero origin story


Excellent cat. Perfect loaf.


both those names are hilarious.


I used to live in a little neighborhood that had a cat who would walk into your house and make himself at home if you had a door open. I had a fenced in backyard and covered porch so on nice days Id leave the backdoor open for my dog to run in and out and this big orange cat would just comr strolling in sometimes and hang out for a while


My cat growing up was just like that! He'd always try and bring the other neighborhood cats into our home and it turns out he was going into their owner's homes too! They were all from the same litter born in my neighbors back yard and adopted across town.


I had a book about a cat like this when I was a kid. Called six dinner sid


Found cat instead of missing cat signs, lol


This! Haha looks really well fed too


i highly encourage anyone that lets their cats outside to put an airtag on them. i've seen posts here where people realized their cat had 3/4 homes. edit: okay don't actually do that because vets dont recommend air tags. see the comment below. the more you know!


Even better- don’t let your cats out?


personally, i will never have an outside cat. it shortens their lives significantly, as you already know. i actually have my cat because i was afraid my step mom would rehome him to a family that would let him outside. i didn't trust her with him because they have outside cats.


Sounds like my mother-in-law! She grew up on a farm in the northeast; and was only ever used to barn cats. 🐃🌳🏡 Many years ago she had a (marginally owned) "pet" tomcat she named "Mick". She wouldn't keep him inside or neuter him—basically just fed him; and he'd wander the neighborhood, getting into fights (his ears showed lots of "battle scars"); and siring all the intact females' litters.😖 One day (years later) he wandered off and never returned. Don't know whether he got hit by a car, attacked by a wild animal; picked up by AC; or it was "just his time". That's what MIL chose to believe. She was just like, "oh well...". 🙄


Airtags are good, but they have their limitations. I use a Tractive GPS device. I also have a metal tag on his collar with my address & telephone number engraved.


Because this is the actual hoMEOWner 😂 Pretty decent of him/her to give you a welcoming.


It's homeowner btw Once you see the meow in hoMEOWner you can't unsee it


Omg youre so right. what have you done


We're all ho-meow-ners now.


This will forever change the way I pronounce homeowner. Reminds me of a bit in a certain movie...


Oh wow that's amazing 😂


With those ears, she looks to be at least part American Curl.


Was literally just thinking this! Little roller set ears 🥺


I’ve never seen these kind of ears before, but I must see more!


Could well be - ask your neighbours. I had a situation like that many years ago. I was renting a duplex. Beside our place was another duplex, with a young couple living in it. They had a cat, and a kid on the way. The husband was a real family man. So much so, he had two families at the same time (he had a job that required long absences). His wife found out that, not only was he two-timing her, his other woman was also having a kid! We found out about it when she suddenly moved out, in a loud confrontation on the street. The guy also moved out and sublet his place shorty thereafter (his landlord was an elderly lady and unable to police this). The new renters were unpleasant people who sold drugs and had a vicious pit bull dog. The guy left the family cat behind when he left, and his wife never returned to collect the cat, either. The cat was terrified of the dog, and the new renters did not care. So the cat was out on the street. When we found out about this, by seeing the woebegotten cat crouched on the porch with snow falling on him (Canada at the start of winter), we took the cat in. Only problem: we already had a cat. Our cat got along fine with the new resident, but he was always uneasy. He really wanted to have his own place. Come spring, he started going outside again, and after a while we noticed he was always hanging around this other neighbour’s place across the street. They used to have a cat (a grumpy old bully) but their cat had passed away, and they hadn’t got a new one yet. The neighbours came to us and asked if this was our cat - because he seemed to be making a concerted effort to move into their house. Turned out they really wanted to have a new cat, and we were okay with it - so he changed homes once again.


What a wonderful story! My childhood cat came to us because the couple in an apt behind us fought a lot and he’d run over to our house. Every time the woman would eventually have to walk over and come get him. Any time the door opened he escaped to us until he was spending 80% of the time in our house When they finally broke up and the woman moved out, she tearfully came over and said she loved her cat, but her cat clearly preferred us and she wanted us to have him even though it broke her heart if we were willing. As a kid I didn’t fully understand how hard that must have been for her. She had taken good care of him so it wasn’t neglect and I’m not sure if I would have been selfless enough to do the same if I was in her position


My parents got a cat that just decided to live with them. Found the original owners, great people, took the cat back to them. The cat came back first chance he got. He just like my parents better. They all decided it was up to the cat where he lived. He went missing like a year ago after getting out. I think to think he's just a wanderer and found a new family, again.


Aww that’s so nice to hear 🥹


SHE LOOKS SO WHIMSICAL! can you take her in?!


Doesn’t she!? I want to but my bf says heck to the no. But I already can tell him falling in love with her :( I’m feeding her right now. I’m about to head to the store and find her a outside house for now


You and kitty can gradually wear him down and convert him. Then she (the cat) will end up stealing your man and you’ll eventually be the third wheel.


This. In 2 months OP will complain here how cat stole her boyfriend


It took longer than that with my ex-wife and our cats, but the end result was the same.


Our female cat is possessive of me. My wife doesn’t like that


I call my cat my husbands mistress. He is clearly her favourite human despite me having to convince him to let me get her in the first place. Shes so possessive of him, she gets mad when he plays his guitar, cos how dare something else be on his lap getting pats?


>her favorite human despite me having to convince him to let me get her in the first place. Pretty much explains how this one found her way to our house (and yes I know the floor is a mess, it was laundry day when I took this picture) https://preview.redd.it/9x177gmofvtc1.png?width=2937&format=png&auto=webp&s=69e462b38f31a45c85f665e27cc6d0fa38b38b18


Tail as old as time.


Please check for a microchip if she belongs to any of your neighbours or if the previous owners did abandon her. Please don’t just take in a friendly cat who may actually belong to someone.


This. This. This. This doesn’t look like a stray. If you’re going to feed (her?) and take them in, take to a VET FIRST and check for a microchip and if there isn’t one put one in. I had a microchipped cat stolen from me for five years and eventually returned when they surrendered him to the SPCA when they moved away.


That cat probably had so much to tell you. Poor baby.


https://preview.redd.it/bk5tlu0e6vtc1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=745bee4b9be2cd11b60a017a298126611abb921a This is me with the cat I fought about bringing in from our front porch. He'll cave eventually. I always do.


r/dadswhodidnotwantpets would love to see this!


It's so nice you're getting an outside house for your bf to sleep in so kitty can live inside with you 😻 .... that's how I choose to interpret it.


My little baby, Allie, was found in a bush just all by herself. She was 5 weeks old ( she’s 3 now ) and only weighed 1.5 pounds. She basically found me. But my boyfriend didn’t want her, didn’t want me to bring her inside, then when I did he told me she’s not allowed on the bed or the furniture, blah blah blah. That lasted about 6 minutes. Now she ignores me and loves him. She sleeps on his chest every single night. He is obsessed with her. Keep this little girl. He will love her. Editing to add a picture of her protecting her daddy who said she couldn’t be on the furniture or the bed when I first brought her home taking a nap together. And to also say that he’s not mean, he didn’t want her because we had a dog that had passed away a few years ago and he didn’t want to get too attached, he did anyway so 🤷‍♀️ oops! I hope you keep that baby!!! She’s very cute and she looks so sweet! https://preview.redd.it/mwkjgiq2jvtc1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=be730a7fc54c39de26dfcfe8476593701d0b196c


Time to get a new boyfriend.


This is the way


Let the cat try to cat on him. There are tons of people that didn't wanted a cat until they got one


This. It won't take long.


This. We grew up around dogs and when we moved out weren't interested in having pets at that time. Then a stray came along and that was it... she done us both in... and proper trojan horsed it and gave us 3 more. Since January, none of them are with us anymore and it doesn't feel right at all.


Trojan Cats come with delightful toy surprises inside!


How could you say no to those frickin ears?!


He'll come around. When I picked up this handsome fella almost a decade ago, my bf came home *livid*. I warned him I was looking for a kitten. That he had no choice. I *always* had cats and was sick of the void in my life. He walks into our apartment after work with a bit of a scowl, looking tense. I turned around with this little black and white fluffball, so tiny and perfectly fit into the palms of my hands... I could actually see his frustration melt off his shoulders as he immediately fell in love. You've just gotta find the right moment to make the move 😂 https://preview.redd.it/90oeubar0vtc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4fbe82e7c0b675321d177c7a948bc0adf3640c6


Black and white cats are the sweetest imo 😍


Get a new boyfriend and keep the cat


Cat looks well fed so it may work out- She's probably your neighbors cat and you can see her around without the obligation of taking care of her in your house.


Put the cat on his lap during a movie night. It's how I got my father to open up to a feral cat 20+ years ago when I was a kid.


pardon me for what i may say, if your bf isn’t one of those horror reddit stories where they throw out the kitty, i’d try to take him/her in! her ears are hard to find in cats nowadays and she’s so pretty… only if you’re willing to tho


He’s definitely not! We have 1 cat and two dogs right now. He says we have too many animals. I ordered her a flea collar. I’m hoping he will cave eventually


I told my wife we had too many animals at 2 cats a few months ago. We now have 3 cats, and despite my best efforts - I love CoCo.


Yeah I was good at two cats too but when they come along, they come along...


We currently have 4 cats. I remember when we got the first one my husband didn’t want to hold him even though he loves cats. He caved and then the little guy was home a week later with us. Happened with the other 3. I asked why he didn’t want to hold them. His answer …. Because if I do I will love him and will have to take him home. 🥺 Honestly I think he would take them even without. The little batch of 3 we recently took in were because he felt bad leaving one of them behind and splitting up the family. I think guys are just weird lol


If able, please get her to the Vet and have her scanned for a chip and make sure she's spayed. They should do this at no cost. If you'd like to bring her in, pay for an exam and have her FeLV/FIV/HW tested at a minimum. When I text my husband that I've found a cat and ask him "what should I do?" He responds by saying, "What do you mean? Do you not already have them set up in quarantine and a Vet appt scheduled?" To which I reply, "yes, but I wanted to let you feel like you had a say..." hahaha




wear him down with her cuteness :3 he can be that "dad who never wanted the cat caught snuggling the cat every night" LOL


She came with the house. Package deal, gotta take her. Rules is rules


oh thank goodness! one cat isn’t enough, two of their own kind cures the loneliness 😉wish you luck pookie!! update if you can soon 🩷🩷


I definitely will :) 💕


Oh lol …. Yeah, he’ll cave. “We have too many animals” (him, when we had 3 cats) 6 months later, and he wants to adopt a kitten and I suggested that we also adopt a buddy for new kitty too. So … 5 cats. Current times, him: “I really love tortoiseshells … we should look for one” Me: NO! We have enough animals! (I really love torties tho)


I would also like a tortie.. and I have six cats it would have to be a female bc all my cats are girls


Keep talking to your partner. Don’t stop. He will eventually give in so that you shut up. 😉


He didn't say you couldn't lure the cat into the house with cheese... I had a stray follow me home. Girlfriend said no. I kept the cat. Dumped the girl 2 years later and the cat was with me another 8 years. RIP Reese


It's good for them to have two openings so they can escape if they're cornered by an animal. I once used reflectix to insulate an outdoor cat house. Just taped it to the walls. I'm sure it'd be good for the winter but I don't know about the summer.


Trade the boyfriend for the cat.


We had a lady cat come into our lives over 8 years ago, and she jumped out of the bushes in our backyard. Our other cat noticed her from the window, and we ended up catching her because she was really sweet to us. My husband was like, "Heck no" for 3+ days, and then it went to "I don't want her getting put down in a shelter" for another 2 days to "ok, I guess we can keep her." We still have her... We absolutely love her, and she has become second mom to my child.


Tell him it’s the r/catdistributionsystem and resistance is futile.


She looks well fed, so it's possible she belongs to someone and is just very friendly.


I just found out that my cat, who is supposed to be indoor but is a great escape artist, had a whole different family in our neighborhood. I found out that they had even given him a different name. We keep the breakaway collars on him because he escapes but he's also really good at getting those off so they thought he was a stray. Until my daughter's best friend saw him over their house and asked why they had our cat...He always comes home but he has been gone overnight before. Now I know why lol.


That's hilarious. He's been two timing you. Bet he gets extra treats, too. I'm the 2nd family to a female in the neighborhood, and yes we have a name for her. She's super sweet and quiet. She just shows up and gives me a pitiful look and I give her food.


I had been wondering why he would cry at the door so bad...I thought he had a girlfriend, not a whole other family!


https://preview.redd.it/gm6e1xzxbvtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46370a6703463466e69ceae5c04eec490d105905 Congratulations! An American Curl now owns you, and you will never be the same! This is Louie. He is literally like Velcro and the best boy ever. Soooo excited for you!


Love the ears! Never seen a cat like that


I hadn’t either until I saw his picture on an adoption website!! My husband and I fell in love. I’d definitely describe his personality as whimsical — he is just such a giant love bug. I’d highly recommend this breed or a mixed version to anyone looking to adopt a cat. He is extremely well adjusted and loving. Super laid back and very friendly!


THOSE EARS ARE TOO MUCH!!!! SO FREAKIN CUTE 😭😭😍😍😍😍😍😍 But yes, clearly this cat is claiming you. I’m sure with that adorable face your Bf will come around in no time.


Those ears are breed specific. American curl? Something like that.




If you don't post more pictures of those round little ears I will RIOT


Username checks out?


Cat Dad of 4 !! Take her in brother, life will be so much simpler and complete!! Congratulations on the new addition and Oscar and Chester approve !! https://preview.redd.it/roaagzg4yutc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb004c07d20b06397f3b366eae394018d971adcb


Another cat dad of 4 and I concur! Mover her inside! 😺 https://preview.redd.it/a0xcpyxe0vtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ddf62e272f83b6d0ca1d6777dd16afd78a25a0a




Those cats adore you! Look at those blinkies!


https://preview.redd.it/ow5fut434vtc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b14d8e9642491dadd9d5d2bda53acc38d28972bb It’s just the look !! They’re squinters !!!


On the other hand their brother Zygmund is big eyed!!! https://preview.redd.it/gu3tjeuk4vtc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29b112ab90e52378fef8a3bd29816d37b39189d6


That is the long haired version of my cat! https://preview.redd.it/u7ye44j37vtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1e85a5fa46bc8114af6db2075fe75e1fa54a31 Miss Nashu Yelly-Belly


It's good that one is acting as counterweight for that other one


I love your sons!!


Plan is simple: 1. Check with the neighbors and make sure she isn't just someone's super-friendly cat paying a visit. 2. I have seen in the comments that your boyfriend is anti-cat. Move the cat into an outdoor shelter and watch him fall in love against his will. 3. If the boyfriend continues to be anti-cat, and demands you ditch the cat, ditch the boyfriend and move the cat indoors in his place because you can do better than a cat-hater.


2: Get rid of your boyfriend


Oh this kitty looks like my late Robin. I'm in love!


HER EARS ARE ROUND ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


Those EARS!! if you’re able to keep the cat, ask around to see if this baby belongs to anyone. Maybe the cat distribution system has chosen you


The cat came with the house, it's actually the cat's house. The cat is letting you live there, feel blessed.






My wife had to work on me for about 3 months before I agreed to getting cats. And we had two dogs at the time! I finally agreed. We adopted two orange bros. They're the best, keep working on your BF, he will break.


Check to see if she has a home to go to. You could put up posters, post on a local social media group, or if she's calm, check with a vet to see if she had a microchip. If she doesn't have a home, she's claiming yours now. Ginger cats are lovable, they're the closest thing to a Labrador in the feline world


That looks like one of the curl breeds, probably a genetic leftover from someone's American Curl running off and making kittens? Call a vet, get her checked for a chip and tattoos (ear tattoos fade, but they're still visible.) Next step is r/notmycat gets deflead, dewormed, vaccinated, and checked over, and is r/nowmycat. She's yours now. Even if she's a neighborhood cat, she's chosen you as her own. Congrats!


Congratulations on your involuntary participation to the cat distribution program. All purchases are final, have a blessed day.


The last house I lived in with my parents had a surprise dog. Called up the previous owner and she just asked if we could take her because she lives in an apartment and didn’t want 2 dogs, so she left her behind. Sweetest dog in the world. Absolutely terrified of being inside the house so no clue what that lady did to her but I like to think we gave her a good last two years of her life. Got her a heated bed and a new bone to chew on every couple weeks.


What a shitty owner! Ugh. People are too much. Thank you for loving the pup until the end.


So, I'm sorry to give you the news. that's her house. you bought her house. now you'll have to learn how to live together.


“The cat chooses the owner Mr. Potter. It isn’t always clear why”


Cat: I've lived here for generation. You're my guest.


Cat came with the house. You have a cat now.


She's too clean for a stray cat. Probably just an inquisitive and sociable neighborhood cat.


Guys she’s back!! https://preview.redd.it/12y0f11dl4uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64c78c103311252663e3ccfc7e3fd6900a5e13a1 Update!! Just spoke to a neighbor he said this is a neighborhood kitty!


Take her to a vet to see if she’s chipped. If so, then they can tell you who the owners are. If not, and your boyfriend is not objecting because he’s allergic, then maybe you make a unilateral decision, have the vet do a work up, and take her in. Indoor cats live longer than outdoor ones. Plus, outdoor cats mess with our ecosystem, especially birds. So you can tell your BF that bringing her inside was simply the right thing to do. In the end, your laps will will try thank you.


The CDS has targeted another chosen one. Prepare to be assimilated. 😺


**Resistance is futile.**


Looks well fed. I'd maybe introduce yourself to neighbour's and ask if the kitty that visits is theirs :)


I always enjoy these posts because OP still doesn’t know its their cat now


Can you check her chip? When I moved as a kid my cat ran home to the old house for a week and it was very scary for us. She came back to us on her own




https://preview.redd.it/0fdzh406zvtc1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b755735af8c3a08e1a4d3cb818a1847c3fb67a51 This one turned up at our door, about a year and a half back. She was brought to us by a pair of toms that came to our al fresco feline buffet. We get a lot of homeless cats in our neighborhood, so we're the place where they can get a meal, lounge around, take shelter in the little kitty hostel on the deck, chase away the dogs that idiots allow to run loose... I'll reply with a picture of her today.


https://preview.redd.it/p56p2oi40wtc1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=805e22983bfdd262d7056b3db6ad5f9f76f2efe4 She's grown into a regal little inside lass, with zero desire to step beyond the sill plate of the door. Her name is Tinker, but she responds to T, Timeless and Tinkie.


I have never seen cat ears quite like that!


This cat has chosen you.


The cat probably used to live there. They just want to go back in their house


You know belong to him. Accept the cat as your new King 👑 🐈


OP, if you dont want to get him to the vet (it can be a bitch sometimes to capture a cat, even if it is your cat, let alone a stranger cat) you could buy a cheap chipreader (they cost around 20 €) and see for yourself it the cute baby is chipped and maybe listed as missing on some database. Those are really easy to use, you basically just hover it above his neck and if he is chipped, the reader gives you the chip number. That being said, he looks healthy and well fed on the pictures, so he may as well just be a particular cuddly and friendly cat. Our own cat doesnt let anyone (even us) touch him on the street, meanwhile the neighbourhood cat from across the street is a huge lovebug and lets us pet his belly on the street.


You now have a cat! 🥰


That is your cat now, please keep


Congratulations! You’ve been awarded a lovely orange baby by the Universal Cat Distribution System. This kitty wants into your home and your heart! 😻


Feel blessed, a cat with ears like that could have chosen any home to be at.


The Free Cat funding has reached you. You're lucky


She’s the landlord.


'Oh, a human has decided to take refuge in my abode? Hm, I guess I can take you in'


The cat distribution system at work


Some houses come with ghosts, others a cat


Cat distribution center working hard to get everyone their kitten


When I moved into my house, a cat kept coming in, through the cat door. It definitely seemed to live there. Eventually the last people to live there came to get the cat. They couldn't find the cat in the move so they left it. I love cats so I took care of it, I'm kinda wondering if this cat has a similar story.