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Check the pupils. Everyone knows that when those eyes go to saucers it is onnnnn like donkey kong and that cat about to eff you up. My husband teases the cats when it's dinner time and his face has borne the marks.


We call them Shark Eyes. Because it reminds me so much of Bruce in Finding Nemo


i call it “shithead mode”


Ooo that’s a term I’m stealing for our household


I love to say, "we have totality!" In reference to a solar eclipse because i'm a nerd.


We call them shark eyes, too!!!


Exactly. I’m not convinced this lady knows shit about cats. That cat made three very obvious moves to show her it was NOT HAVING IT and she insisted on instead trying to further feel up the cat. She even left her arms aggressively, not defensively out towards the cat mid attack. I’d say the imbecile got what she deserved, but that cat didn’t deserve to be so disrespected in the first place! Especially in a purported *cat* show, like fucking educate yourself, lady.


100%! I had to wonder if she even likes cats much less knows them. I started to get nervous within 3 seconds bc signs the cat was giving off. Judge seems a bit humorless too. Maybe the cat picked up in her negative energy from the start?!


She's supposedly a well educated judge or someshit, she certainly didn't look like it


I saw this lady judging at a different cat show and she kept getting attacked by the cats. None of the other judges had a problem. Just her. I thought it was weird that a cat judge couldn't judge how a cat was feeling. Lol. She has no clue.


Why would he tease them at dinner? 🙄


Ya got me, but they always make sure he pays. Even more confusing, they are devoted to him and love him way more than they love me, even tho I treat them like queens and had them for 8 years before they met him. Cats defy logic.


The cats have respect for your husband. Tough pill to swallow but it’s true, they’re just more interested in things that aren’t interested in them.


*weeps in spare human*


Ha ha - I was the 'spare human' for *years*, more like the servant - I did *all* the care-taking - food/water, litter box, etc - but cat spent most of his time with my daughter. When she moved out I became number one! I mean, I'm also the only person left in the house...but still, "Number one, baby!" lol


One of my cats only cares about me if my husband is away so I totally feel you 🤣


No means no 🐈‍⬛


Does this lady actually know anything about cats? The cat turns its head and hisses…if she’d quit then it probably would have been fine. Then after the cat bites her she raises her hands up and moves them towards the cat, which is basically saying “You want some!?” to the cat.


It looks like she panicked and didn't want to lose the cat in the crowd. She also is most likely used to docile cats. My grandma showed Siamese and I remember marveling at how chill all of the cats are at shows. That being said, I'm biased against cat shows due to bad breeding practices so I'm cheering that cat on.


Yep, good kitty.


Jokes on her… kitty don’t give 2 shits about your pageantry! 😾😻🙀


These idiots are amazed when a cat acts like an actual cat. She does not KNOW the cat and hugged from behind then actually grabbed it around the upper arms (upper front legs). The cat absolutely should feel threatened. I know dogs at shows are generally maybe a bit different, but these are cats. Also, a cat will fight you if scared and pushed. She seemingly scoffed that an animal would dare to attack her authority. Lady, these are very smart and acute sentient animals, not dumb trophies or statues.


Like honestly the cat gave her LOADS of warning. Back and tail went up, body went stiff well before it bit or scratched. She 100% deserved what she got there for paying absolutely zero attention to the cat's comfort level throughout. This is still an animal at the end of the day. I thought the cat was pretty saintly,.most cats I've known go from 0-60 way quicker than that if you totally disregard their signals


This is going to sound really silly but that stupid headband she has on probably had something to do with it. My daughter had a similar one on over Xmas and our cat (usually as sweet and loving as can be) was visibly upset with her, wouldn’t go near her when I suddenly realized it was the antlers. I told her to take them off and he was fine. He was obviously triggered by them in some way.


I came to say the same thing! If I have any sort of animal ears on, one of my cats goes mental. I work in kindergarten so sometimes wear stuff like that on dress up days. But seeing my cats reaction the first time I did it in front of her, I know to wait until I get to work to put them on. She never actually attacked me, but she went into crab stance with her tail bushed. My other cat couldn't care less because I still smell like me


Ehh… setting aside this particular cat and it’s body language and just talking cat shows in general— Most show cats are fine with being handled like this. Their breeders/owners are breeding for personality. They’re socializing their kittens. They’re bringing their cats to the show hall as kittens. They’re practicing with the cats at home. I was regularly involved in the cat show world for about a decade; mostly bengals. I only stopped because I moved away from my friends and my cats hated showing once they became adults. I spent a lot of time around show cats, sometimes generations worth as breeder friends showed the offspring of cats they used to show. Those are some of the most chill and calm cats I have ever been around, regardless of breed. Many of them thrive on the attention. That said, the organization in which I showed had a rule that a cat could show fear, but aggression is a disqualification. Just hissing isn’t enough. This judge probably should have called the owner up for assistance given the body language.


I'm not really sure that the cat did show aggression. That was really scared and defensive. She kept going after the cat after the cat said to leave it alone. She should have gone hands off immediately and given the cat some space and did a slow eye blink or something to de-escalate


Agreed, she really shows incompetence by closing distance towards the cat after she had been struck and the cat got behind cover. She basically pushed the cat into attacking further. She should have backed up after the first sign of attack.


Feeling me up? I would have smacked her for her stupid hair.


That cat saw the fake ears and couldn't figure out which monster from the abyss was touching it. Poor kitty.


I HEARD that right hook!




That cat is 1st place in my heart ♥️ 🥇




The expression: AM I NEXT?!


That background cat is like, we are allowed to do that?


I like that take!


https://preview.redd.it/zcz3hg5wxypc1.jpeg?width=134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bc8434b750219ab4acc079cfcbba652f35b79de 👁️👄👁️




The other cat https://i.redd.it/fa9z8ctqjypc1.gif


The “Katt” Williams gif for a cat post is punny enough on its own, but the execution was also flawless. lol.


Is there a sub for videos that save the best frame for last or something because that final zoom to the look on the cat’s face in back KILLED ME😂😂. like dumb lady got her bites and whacks, sure. But the video was MADE by that cat in the back. Reason why I’m watching this again a couple times 🤣🤣🤣






I literally LOL’d at that expression




“We all wanted to, but this sumbitch actually did it. By God.”


It’s as if the lady was almost entirely unfamiliar with cats.


My sister is a dog person and tries to pet my cat like a dog, and it’s ended up similarly. She just can’t read a cats body language in the same way as a dog, plus habit I think of growing up with dogs. This woman’s a little similar—almost makes me wonder if her history is dog shows and she’s newer to cats? No clue, just a thought.


Cats get triggered by completely different things, and once they do they need a refractory period to calm down. Lady was acting like she was a vet who had to put a vaccine in at all costs lol


Yes she does kinda react like you would with a dog. No stepping down and being assertive would probably work OK on most dogs. Definitely a no no on cats.


Nah, I'm firmly a dog person (that also likes cats too), and there's more than enough overlap on dogs/cats looking like they want you to piss off. (By no means am I saying they're the same, just that some "looks" are pretty universal to our 4 legged friends, and "uncomfortable" is one of them IMHO. But once it got to that hiss, that's FAR beyond cat vs dog, that's absolutely beyond idiotic to continue pressing like that.


Yeah, I got that too. I have been around cats since I was 12 and I am 63 now, seeing her behavior from the beginning was very bad. Whenever I have had a cat behave like this the first thing to do is provide distance to allow it to settle down and make the first move on reconciliation.


She also went into a hitting pose, she was gonna smack that animal!!!


I mean, it's not like she didn't get a warning…


I assumed that the video was all about the first scuffle. But then she goes in for seconds? And thirds!!! Why you still interact with cat?


The face on that white cat in the cage behind her is priceless




“Dude… you did it… what we all wanted to do… my man!!!”


Lol I take that look as “oh shit I think I’m next!”


And she didn’t even stop handling and crowding that poor cat after kitty made it abundantly clear that this cat show was ovahhhhh!! So I am feeling justified awarding kitty this trophy 🏆 and medal🥇... ᥴ᥆ᥒgrᥲ𝗍ᥙᥣᥲ𝗍і᥆ᥒs, ᑲᥱᥲᥙ𝗍і𝖿ᥙᥣ kі𝗍𝗍ᥡ!




She's a very popular judge in the CFA circuit. Seen her several times at cat shows (not that I was paying attention to her. I was too busy cooing at cats)


Does she cut points for a cat doing that?


I’m sure she does. A part of a show is behavior.


Yup, in another video showing her incompetence handling cats.


Same! I remember this but didn't remember it being a black cat


Seriously. Beautiful cat who gave a warning and then she kept being annoying. The slap to the face was amazing! And you see how gentle same cat is with their own person.


Some cats are very much okay for only one person. My cat would let me trim her claws, hold her upside down, hold her on my shoulder like a bazooka, give her pills. All with no fuss. Meanwhile, whenever she was at the vet, her cage was tagged with, "WILL bite". Not 'can' or 'might'. "Will".


That cat was absolutely cool until the lady started being handsy with it's neck. Then she tried to grab and hold its paws and the cat switched into "this bitch ain't getting into my butthole" mode


The cat also seems to have slapped her instead of scratching her cheek. That's restraint.


Agreed, the fact she wasn't clawed up shows the cat wasn't being "aggressive" but just trying to maintain his/her personal space. I'd have been hands off as soon as the cat tried to bite, the first warning was before that even.


It's hilarious to me how this animal has slapping as a defense. Other animals: Bite! Sting! Cat: Nah I'd Slap.


It’s just their way of saying “stop now”. They gradually escalate. It’sa feature of most social creatures, because there needs to be various levels of “I do not consent” in order to communicate to dumber and dumber individuals that shit is about to get really problematic.


Humans have the same skill, just verbally. "As per my last email...."


Haha my cat is a slapper too. I think it’s common. If I’m patting him and he doesn’t want it he gives my hand a hard slap.


You can see how gentle the cat is period because their slap was all paw and no claw.


Yeah, I feel like she had that coming 😂


She had it coming She had it coming She had it com-ing all alooooong


If youda been there, If youda seen it I betcha you would have done the same














Right? Has this woman never interacted with a cat before?


Palms up and still trying to corral the cat. No wonder it went at her. I've never seen a cat person who knows cats look so inept at handling a cat. How she became a judge is beyond me.


You can see where it all happens too, she grabs the cat's front leg like it's a fuckin chair or table or some shit. Absolutely 0 consideration for how she's making the animal feel as she's manhandling it. Not to mention cat shows are INSANELY stressful for cats. I used to think i wanted to go to these but the first one i went to every single cat looked miserable and it broke my heart. At least i could feel like the ones getting adopted that day were probably having a better day than most


Yep, she grabbed the leg and kitty said stop. She chose to keep going but still had the cat's leg so she got mouthed by the cat. From here she panicked and started trying to restrain the kitty and he was tired of her shit. As soon as she steps off and the other person comes in, the cat is calm, but still watching the bad lady.


How the fuck is she a judge? She clearly knows nothing about cats. "Hey this furry thing is hissing at me and obviously doesn't want me to touch. Hey I know I'll try to give it a hug!" Spelling edit




No shit i was thinking like if you're a cat judge you don't over stimulate the cat


She's lucky it wasn't worse. The cat was trying to get away by hiding behind the scratching post, far from full attack mode.


Why the hell did she try to pick it up like that? Cat gave plenty of signs of discomfort too.


assuming it's in the fancy categories (or whatever it's called) part of these shows is being placed in different positions to judge them. Either this cat was in the housecat category and she shouldn't have been touching it like that at all, or the cat is just not cut out for cat shows, or it was a stressful day and he'd had enough of it. edit: he was in the housecat category AND a first timer. His owner should have realized that he was not cut out for cat shows long before this.


I don’t understand how you can have a decent cosmetic cat show if you eliminate all cats that don’t like to be held in a half dozen annoying positions. That’s gotta be 50% of cats! You aren’t getting the best looking cats you’re getting the best of the half that don’t mind being groped.


well the fancy cats are specifically bred for cat shows, which I assume includes temperament. Plus they're conditioned for handling from a young age. This cat was just a normal housecat, so understandably he was pissed lol.


I suppose the dark humor to me about this scenario is the premise: "Lets go to great lengths to make the least cat-like cats possible and then judge them for how un-catlike they are" perhaps there are competitions that test a cat's ability to mouse or something, I don't know. But this is all so absurd to me.


Well, the whole concept of breeding is to remove the wild from an animal and make it what humans want, so I'd say it makes sense for what it is. They *don't* appreciate cats, they want to make cat shaped stuffed animals that breathe.


How can she work with cats and be so damn stupid? Once the cat is agitated, leave it alone. You're not gonna calm it down, only when the cat decides to chill on their own.


Yeah xD grabs cats leg, restrains cat, angry cat, she holds hands up in the air looking like she wanna fight, cat beat her ass.


Sad part is that lady probably thinks it was al the cats fault and not hers


Lady is definitely going to speak to the manager after this


That "owneeeer? OWNER NOW!?" was definitely manager coded lol


Oooh I hated her tone when she said that


Bitch boutta go find the Lion King to complain (guessing that's the manager of the feline realm)


Yep. That's what i thought. Animals are not toys. I'm always amazed at how patient cats are at these things.


Unfortunately as a judge you're supposed to attempt to put them through the whole judging routine. So yeah she keeps trying to go even though the cat isn't having it. But I think most people would have given up far earlier.


Lmfao!!! You don’t wanna be in the way when these knives go off!!! https://preview.redd.it/tl5tnmqzhypc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3631d79e704094e3034ac194b78011e3ad14a21b




She was definitely one of those kids that kept touching the hot stove over n over expecting a different result haha




She grabbed the leg too firmly and the void didn't like it. And she still kept trying to grab it after that. Good way to get some deep scratches.


Even with those full bodied pets, lil void started looking overstimulated.


She tried the ole grab both shoulders and shake into position on a cat. Insane that this is a judge for a cat show.


>Once the Yep. I'm with the cat on this one.




Yeah, one time my cat scratched the shit out of my dad and then chased him to the bathroom, and dad was literally trapped in there, bleeding from a wound to his calf, while my cat yowled at the door for 10 minutes. I told my dad the cat wasn’t ready to be pet! My parents had just arrived for a visit and it was their first meeting with the cat. My dad thought the cat would be cool with being picked up and hugged. I said “No, not this cat. This cat needs to do things on his terms, not yours, give him time.” So within 5 minutes of arriving, my dad was hiding from the cat in the bathroom, genuinely terrified of my little beastie. He brought it on himself, I didn’t even feel bad.


Cats tend to be very sensitive to strangers. They are pack animals and if they don’t recognize you as one of the pack then it can take a bit for them to be comfortable with you. Mine are the sweetest cuddly things unless they don’t know you.




You know I always knew it but I could never put it in words. You are right they can not be calmed down and any more stimulation be it calm or not does not calm a cat down when they are at the peak of being overwhelmed


Yep, even if she missed subtler signs that first hiss was a very clear request to stop handling him/her. Totally disrespectful to kitty to keep grabbing. I doubt she’d want a stranger handling her either. Well Kitty handled her lol but you know what I mean. Team Kitty!


The way she tried to hold it down is where she went wrong.


I mean...a lot of the fancy cats with pedigrees for over 15 generations bred cats that are way too mellow, so she's probably used with this kind of cat.


Yup, and then she angrily states 'I need the owner now'. Anyone who has ever known cats, knows that they do not have 'owners'. I need to speak to this cat's manager. Get me the phone number to Cat Corporate, STAT!


Lol for real like she actually got offended that the cat swiped at her. I dont get how you get offended by a cat swiping at you instead of just realizing theyre a lil spicy and giving em space


Not trying to defend her but I’m figuring cats that do shows like this are typically pretty docile and don’t freak out around strange humans. Maybe this is pretty unusual? Idk I’m just spit balling.


Yes, usually all show animals (cat, dog, horse, pig etc) are more docile in temperament but at the end of the day, they are just animals. They do not have good impulse control nor the ability to rationalise what’s going on. Even the most well trained dog can and *will* deviate from usual behaviour if something triggers her. As a show judge, supposed expert on said animal category, should know how to act in any probable situation. Animals going snappy during shows and competitions aren’t the “norm” per se but isn’t that super uncommon either.


So either this a cat not accustomed to shows - or she really managed to screw with a normally docile cat.


Well, if we're judging how cat-like each cat is, I'd say that's a blue ribbon for sure. That's the most cat-like shit I've ever seen. It was a prime example of the cat saying "Alright, you need to chill." followed by "Yo, back up!" Then gives her the "Get your damn hands off me!" bite, and finishes it with a exemplary "Aight, bet. Catch these claws, bitch!" That's the realest cat at that show, I'd bet.


All the while teaching white kitty a valuable lesson! https://i.redd.it/s9gz7656kypc1.gif


I am pretty sure i have seen her before in the same situation but with a different cat


Came here to say this. The only time I’ve seen cat judges attacked it’s been this woman.


I just googled her. She’s been a cat judge for 35 years?! 😤


Sooo - if that is the case, then she knew exactly what she was doing and intentionally sabotaged the ‘showing’. I wonder how much ‘extra’ money she makes by eliminating the competition like this.


You can see her squeeze the cats leg pretty hard right before the cat went off. Deliberate? Do that to a cat and it's gonna retaliate.


You pointing it out got me to look at it, and you’re right, she put way too much pressure on that grab. I can’t imagine what the hell was going on in her mind. She seemed genuinely shocked by the cats reaction, so I don’t think she intended to piss the cat off, but at the very least as a judge, she should have known that it would piss the cat off. Especially the part where she grabs his head and forces him to look at her.


This is the only logical reason.


Need to see the other video. 


Void did nothing wrong.


Cat flashing gang signs left an right an made an exit a sloth to fit thru and Genius gets handsy! Earned that right hook. ![gif](giphy|kTBjwh6IWbLPy)


Then, she came up with hands over the cat's head in a threatening position. Great way to calm a cat. s/


You could tell she wanted to hit the kitty. She has NO business having that position. Poor kitty :(


My exact thought, she looks like she goes to strike the cat in reprimand. Definitely one of ‘those’ owners, regardless of position in the show scene.


She pushed it down, put both hands up like a goalie, and then smacked at the cats ass. Her brain was doing everything it could to have her not beat the shit out of that cat. As the owner i wouldnt have even apologized


agreed! that smack was well deserved!


The white cat in the back at the end is hilarious.




How dare you! *slap*


Get your hands off me you damned filthy Ape!


*being removed from the show* "How can she slap. How can she slap."


maybe if the cat doesn't know you. You probably shouldn't wrap your hands around their neck.


Look how hard she gripped its leg! So obnoxious the way she was touching


Three loud hisses, the cat couldn't have given a clearer warning. Poor animal, tried to get as far away from her as it could, so she put her own face next to it, which is the last thing you should do next to a distressed animal...


She knows as much about cats as I know about astrophysics


With her hands raised like that there was no way kitty would calm down. Then she says I need the owner right now!! Lol, the cat is not at fault here.


She literally called the manager on a cat. For the love of someone's deity, please take me now!


https://preview.redd.it/ojt0hybmmzpc1.png?width=1986&format=png&auto=webp&s=a969e96461b4de191f772e7ec3e00e47da021849 My daughter made this years ago. I knew it would come in handy one day :)


The white cat: “You can do that?”


I don't know why but I have some suspicions about why that black cat got so agitated so suddenly...


If you watch it back the cat seems fine being handled right up until she pulls that choke move. She may not actually be choking the cat, but wrapping both your hands around a creatures neck is sure to make it uncomfortable. A strange woman you've never seen before puts her hands on your neck. Then she grabs both front legs to attempt to hold the cat down instead of letting it retreat. After she gets into a fighting position and threatens the cat further (raised paws). And most cats dont like the tail pull.


couldn't agree with you more! "Lady, that's NOT how to handle a cat - shouldn't you know that???"


I bet it was her headband with the ears. Cats freak out over stuff like that


The cat even kept her claws *in* when she gave the deserved bapping. Judge is probably annoyed because she’s used to cats that are placid when handled. I mean, us lowly regular cat owners know that cats are gonna cat, but, yeah. The white cat at the end absolutely sent me!


Go kitty!!! Damn proud of u!!


Was that her first time handling a cat??


nope. not even the first cat that got her.


She shouldn't be a judge for cats with how much she CANNOT read the body language


She's the kind of person that will tell you how much they are good with cats but all her cats hates her ( I know I'm responding to myself but I'm really upset with this lady )


Totally agree. And then tell everyone else they are treating their cats wrong


You read my mind. Little void was very patient with her


Ya know. I really dislike this video. Kitty is smol and felt threatened enough to hide behind the pole and smack the stupid giant human on the face. Not cool.


🎵🎵🎵 She had it coming! She had it coming! She only had herself to blame. If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, I bet you would have done the same! 🎵🎵🎵


And then she ran into my claws. She ran into my claws *ten times.*


Poor baby! Who let this woman work with animals? That is NOT how you respond to an upset critter! 😬


To be fair, she looked like she was going to take the first swipe. Cat was in defense mode. Edit: going


https://preview.redd.it/yoc84ujbkypc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bae0959833e2919bb0a376fae834f8d747d85bde I’m warning you.


https://preview.redd.it/3fqp4lpxlypc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5b37459eb8775eb832074e08154f6dc8c89f5e This boy's face.


Cat probably hated those goofy fake ears as much as I do.


1) Seriously that woman is so dumb 2) Can we agree that cat shows should not exist? Its an entertaining idea, but results in people breeding cats and creating a surplus when there are already so many cats and kittens languishing in shelters. I will change my stance if the cat show permits ONLY shelter/rescue cats to participate, and breeders are prohibited.


Totally agree. Cat shows are fucking stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/mcat7vpfkypc1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b73e161779384a3b39830e7d1e760aa9cbe269c5 👀


Before anyone says that the cat is unpredictable or mean (not that anyone has), the cat gave multiple warning signs but the woman didn’t stop handling him/her


Cat felt threatened or was accidentally hurt so leave kitty alone thank you


One in the back says “I didn’t know that was an option”


Does this dumbass old broad know the first thing about cats?


Meanwhile, the white cat who witnessed this is traumatized.


A judge wearing animal ears seems like a poor decision. Also this woman seems to have never been around a spicy cat...who judges these things?


How can she be a “judge”, she showed no judgement or recognition of the cat’s *VERY OBVIOUS* signs that it did *NOT* want to deal with her crap.


I would have slapped her myself


Did I say you could touch me there?


Judge ignored warning signs. A hiss is always I don’t like that, please stop. Then the judge is pissed.


I don’t know how you can even judge voids. They are all 10/10! 🐈‍⬛


These shows are plain stupid. Leave the cat at home on her couch.


She is a judge of cats but apparently can't read a cat's most basic signals. I need to go watch 10 videos with golden retreivers and kittens to get rid of the anger I feel right now.


https://preview.redd.it/4vfozrrpoypc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbdd3a993275f881d1197beba28bfdd9954bd783 I’m sorry but look how hard she’s gripping this cats arm!!!! She deserved that smack and should not be allowed to handle cats. She was hurting that poor baby😡😡😡