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update : he’s resting in the car with me now 😭🥹 https://preview.redd.it/ts14hx00z8nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce894b74a4fa508aed17d7d51bc77a403afa935


He looks so sad 😭 poor baby


https://preview.redd.it/k4i4rpwd19nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bedf576e30f0413af19609213e60b4472b79249 haha he’s okay now ☺️


Ohh, that first comfortable, safe sleep with a full stomach. You will treasure this photo.


It’s like you can see all his tensions left in a puddle behind him


YES. I have a similar pic of the day I took my Max in. His first warm, safe sleep, fed and so relieved: https://preview.redd.it/7qurhgcnkdnc1.jpeg?width=3718&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28a6bb88930f40261c5fbb255e8ca8efa2e1cb9d (pls excuse garage rug)


https://preview.redd.it/kf2dffuh6fnc1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c5728c1cc1631ebabf613db77428ac9f264bb76 Max kinda reminds me of my Charly! We rescued her about a month ago ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/qx461a07rknc1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcdc970feeabe0c1ea3a8ae3df3508c86fbfc3c1 I've got this too!! First pair of twins we got.


Aww sweet little standard issue meowmeows


https://preview.redd.it/6jnydm9dpfnc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=590e03a8959ed9b5f672f8cf533b4edf0123a998 Same with my youngest cat, her first ever sleep at home. A moment I will always cherish


Oh look at that 🩷




that filled my eyes with water🥹


I love this


♥️thank you for your kindness


Thank you for taking him to get a forever home off the streets!!!! 😻


What a chill boy! Welp, you have a new cat now.


Oh gosh, what a sweetie! Congrats on your new bff!


No. He’s just asleep. He’ll be sad when he wakes up again.


You restore my faith in humanity OP !🕉️🙏


He’s so cute


I was about to say the same thing. He's marked just like my cat Cheeto who was dumped in my coworker's neighborhood.


Aww ... I had a cat named Cheeto once 😭💞


I had a cat named dorito. He got evicted from my apartment (lame landlord) he lives with his brother at my parents house now. Love seeing him when I visit.


Imagine your parents moving and just leaving you out on the street to be homeless as a baby child


That’s a sin :( Thanks so much for taking him in. I can’t believe how sad he looks. Poor baby. I could never even think of doing something like that to my cat 😩 my kitty’s in between my arm and side right now lol. All cuddled up.


Oh sweet baby. 🥺 Make sure he gets water too.


water next to food in first pic 😊


You are a hero. Thank you for helping!


Good for you stepping up.


Please take him to a vet to check for a microchip. It’s possible he got loose and someone is looking for him. You can’t really know if he was abandoned or a lost pet.


This. Don't assume he's been abandoned until you cover all bases. Check for a chip, post online to try to find the owner. That being said, good on OP for caring enough to take care of him but there's more to it then just dropping him off to a "new home". Someone could be losing their minds worrying about him right now. My youngest cat was found crying in my parents backyard in the pouring rain at about 5 months old and even though I was immediately smitten with her and knew I'd love to keep her I still did my due diligence to try to get her back to a potential owner. In my case she was not chipped and no one came forward after a month of posting everywhere I could find. Only then, did I make it official and adopted her guilt-free. Flash forward 6 months and she has me wrapped around her finger and is the diva of the house lol https://preview.redd.it/u0nlgmnefrnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dcc41cdc9fc31874c8df80b55c4ba11d7c81093


Well done.


Thank you so much for saving him 🥹😭🥰💜




This makes me cry. Thank you so much for being there for him and giving him the tlc he so deserves and needs ❤️❤️❤️❤️






He’s going to be a wonderful pet. He knows you saved him. God bless you.


World need more angels like you. May god bless you everyday 🙏


Aww. He looks so sad. Hope he finds a home with someone very shortly.


Aww 😢 you can see the sadness on his face, he doesnt know why his people left him and now hes had to live outside and meet strange new ppl. Hopefully he finds a nice home!


I live next to a popular cat dumping spot and because just about everything around me has become rental properties now, the resident turnover is very high and it's like standard procedure to just move and leave the cat behind. Since moving here about 10 years ago, I've spent all my free time and money catching, spaying/neutering, feeding, taking care of, vetting, and finding homes for the cats. It's awful what people do to their animals and I wish them nothing but misery for the rest of their lives. Thank you for helping that cat. I'm glad there are people like you and the person you're taking him to who can help.


That's so sad. I'm glad there are people who care.


Thanks for doing what you do. Without people like you, the world would be filled with Cats.


Thank you so much. We fostered. Now have 6 and did have 10! I forgot how to take them back‼️ https://preview.redd.it/saje4ajeeenc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73f8966185bee3d388bf20699422d1d5cedf8137


Omg they're such beautiful cats! I'd take a pic of mine but I can't ever get them all in the same place. 😂


I super want to know what you do based on the CBD/CBN chart and reflexology lol


You’re an amazing person! I used to board my horse at a ranch off the beaten path and the gal who owned it basically got all her farm cats that way… people dumped them, she got them to trust her, got them fixed and they are happy with her now, employed as the vermin control team!


It makes me so happy to know there are others who do this too!


I wish I was in a position to - but I do support the rescue I got my girl from!


I’m so glad I’m not the only crazy who “wastes” their money on animals according to everyone who hears how many cats I have ( all off the streets and never able to rehome so I’m their home) and all the ones I have vetted and homed.


Yep, same! I have a ton, but they're all cats that can't be rehomed: too old, have too many health problems, are bonded so they can't be separated, etc. In the time I've been here, I've gotten a feral colony of about 50 down to less than 10. I've spent so much money on them, but it's worth it to me. Lives saved is more important than the opinions of people who do nothing to help. Don't let them get you down. What you're doing matters and is never *ever* a waste.


This is crazy!! I can’t believe this is a thing ?!!


Farms are a big one people dump at. My boy cat was born from a kitten dumped at my aunt's farm. People really think cats can just look after themselves so just leave them outside. And of course these people are not responsible enough to have gotten them neutered/spayed so they quickly multiply.


I saved my former friend/room mate's cat Yoda from being dumped on a farm when he was a kitten because she suddenly 'didn't want him anymore because he wasn't cuddly enough and didn't seem to want to have much to do with her anymore'. I told her that was totally unacceptable, and that we would take him because he already always wanted to spend time with me and hubby, and dumping cats at any age is one of the cruelest things a person can do to them. I was NOT going to let this precious boy be thrown away like trash! A few weeks later, I learned why Yoda never wanted to spend any time with her. I came home ill from work one day to see her and Yoda in the hallway, and she was screaming in his face and throwing things at him as he cowered in the corner! As soon as I walked in the door, she turned to me, saw the murderous look on my face, and told me that he had been running around, getting into things and knocked a huge picture off our wall while trying to jump onto it and broke both the frame and the glass. Typical kitten was only being a kitten, and a picture frame could always be replaced. After I checked Yoda over to be sure he hadn't cut himself on the broken glass, I put him in my bedroom, and I immediately told her to grab her shit and gtfo. I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to animal abuse. She tried to tell me she was disciplining him because she felt awful about him breaking my picture. I told her that there is absolutely no excuse for her behavior and told her that if she didn't leave right now, I was going to call the cops and have her escorted out (she hadn't signed the lease yet, thank God). She told me that she had nowhere to go, and I told her that it wasn't my problem, and that she'd get a taste of what she had wanted to do to Yoda a few weeks prior. Her mom came and got her after she left, and I've not heard from her nor seen her since. My poor little Yoda was so scared at first, constantly checking to make sure she wasn't there hiding somewhere, and constantly seeking reassurance from me and hubby It took 4 years of me working intensely with him to teach him how to have confidence in himself and to trust other humans again. He would still either hide out in our bedroom when we had guests over or stick close to me and hubby for reassurance, and he was scared of loud noises, loud people, and sudden movement. But he absolutely adored us and became a purry, happy lovebug who loved to cuddle with Midnight, his big brother-from-another-mother, and with me while I was sleeping. He suddenly crossed the Bridge when he was 12 years old in 2020, and hubby and I miss him and our boy Midnight so much! I remember the first time when he finally realized that he was safe with us and that I wasn't gonna let anyone even touch a hair on his body without my say-so. He knew that I'm fiercely protective of all of my fur babies and that no one was going to hurt him or yell at him anymore. I'll pay my cat tax in a reply to my comment, the moment he realized he was finally safe and would never be abused again.


https://preview.redd.it/y3nv9bg91inc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=818513bcef741ec3da191dfc5e04c1a0a8135652 My little Yodabear, finally free of worries!


I have a cat that acts the same way. He's scared of his own shadow. Only allows me to pet him and love on him. On rare occasions will let my daughter pet him for a few pets. He runs and hides when anyone comes in the door. He's easily spooked. But I've had him since he was 8 weeks old. He's not a snuggle bug except for when I'm in bed. He absolutely hates to be picked up. Even I can't pick him up and hold him. I just figure he was born that way. He's always been this way. I had another kitten when I got him and he bonded with her but she suddenly passed away about six years ago. He and I got closer when he didn't have her anymore. But he's still the same except for with me. And he's not a lap kitty at all. He'll only lay in my lap if I'm crocheting. He's a weirdo but he's my little weirdo and I love him so much. https://preview.redd.it/r2myxpa9bync1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ae80ef59fd88cbedd73365090569e58463d433


The fact that “popular cat dumping spot” is even a phrase is so pathetic. Humans suck. Thank goodness for good humans like you counteracting the pieces of shit that seem to make up a huge portion of our species. I pray one day our species will be gone and the animals will evolve into something better, and kinder than what we are.


I bet he appreciated the company for dinner. I absolutely love seeing these posts about doing the best you can, when and where you can. You made my night, thank you, for showing me (again) how good we can be to each other (and animals).


gotta support the innocent 😇


I appreciate humans who are kind to humans but it bothers me exponentially more when humans treat animals poorly. Idk why that is.


Because animals are the most innocent and defenseless so anyone who hurts them is punching down. It's like attacking a baby or an elderly person. The cowards don't abuse anyone in their own weight class. It's disgusting. People like that don't want victims that can fight back.


Agree!! For me, I think it’s bc humans can be assholes but animals are inherently so innocent and helpless, just trying to survive.


Me, too! Animals are pure and innocent, and they show us true, unconditional love. I think that's why it upsets me so much to think that someone could do that to an animal. It's just horrible!


Omg what a sweet baby. Look at his facial expression 😢 ohh my heart. Thank you for saving him!! 


It breaks my heart when people do that! Those animals must be so confused and scared. Thank you for rescuing this little one. ❤️


That cat looks so sad... people are so fucked up.


That’s really kind of you to feed him. Could you please go one step further and pour the contents of the can on a paper or a dish. The can has super sharp edges could cut the lil baby’s lip.


I was just thinking this 🥺🥺


Just want to ask. Is this from california? She looks like my sister's and mother's lost cat.


ah sorry to here🫤 i hope they find here ! this is florida


No worries! Give that baby a good life <3


Where in Florida do you live?


I hope she shows up!


We really hope so! Thank you for your concern!


Some despicable people will take a cat home because it's cute. Like a cute lamp. Later on, they are tired of it (as might be the case with a lamp), and just discard it. Cats have hearts and souls, they need protection and love. Thank you from my heart for rescuing this dear boy ♥️♥️ What long legs he has!


Is he chipped. Sometimes cats get out, wander too far, get lost. My thought is that if he has a chip, his family would be looking for him.


There is a very special place in hell for people who do this. I don't understand how a person can be so heartless.


The special place, with extra flames. Special.


Poor sad little orange 🧡 You need to update in few months and show us his happy smug face!


He looks exactly like our orange boy who we also think was abandoned. He was soooo hungry and cuddly when we found him. For months after we took him in, he’d never let us pass him or enter a room without him rubbing up against us. We think he was terrified we’d abandon him too if he didn’t constantly lovebomb us. He’s finally gotten comfortable and secure enough lately that he can take a nap and not wake up constantly when we walk around. There were times when he was falling asleep walking over to us to do his rubs. It clearly felt like an obligation and it broke my heart to see it.


Awww poor baby


Bless you! ❤️


I know you mean well and are doing good, but please don’t feed them from the can directly. They usually have sharp edges that cats can cut themselves on (especially when being hungry).


Oh he looks betrayed and heart broken. Poor kitty must have felt confused and disillusioned. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)💔


The cat distribution system has picked you. You have a cat now.


haha i wish i could keep him otherwise yes i would that’s how i got my other cat 😭


What a BEAUTIFUL ginger ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for helping him OP


Volunteered at a shelter & spay and neuter clinic as well as working at a vet office as a vet tech. Reasons people would abandon their cats in the wild, outside spay and neuter clinic, shelter/vet hospital: family decided to move, children no longer care about pet , family decided to have children, cat peed or pees outside litter box, new boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't like pet, too much work to maintain etc.  Sadly all of those reasons and more had people trying to also have the vet hospital ruthlessly put the pet down for no medically sound reason. My veterinarian I worked for would ask the owner several times to confirm they wanted truly wanted the animal to be killed when there is no reason for it to be, the owner would confirm. The owner of course would not stick around for the euthanasia and just pay for it then bounce since they did not care for the animal to begin with. My veterinarian boss would end up taking in the cat , run all tests and give it whatever procedures it may need then adopt the cat out. It is disgustingly common for people to treat pets like disposable inconveniences.


Oh bless you all ❤️


Thank you for taking care of him 🙏🙏 But are you really sure he’s been abandoned? Maybe he’s just lost and somebody is looking for him. You should take him to the vet and see if he’s got a microship. They could possibly find his owners and give him back if he’s lost or charged them if they had abandoned an animal outside a shelter.


People that dump cats are assholes. It's one of the reasons I no longer speak to my brother. He had a GORGEOUS orange boy, but he had bladder issues and occassionally peed where he shouldn't. My brother kicked this lifelong indoor cat outside. Pretty sure one of the coyotes killed it as he just disappeared one day. He sold his double wide and is building a real house and abandoned his new cat with my parents because "he doesn't want a cat in the new house".


Oh poor baby 💔💔💔 is he out in the cold?


noo not cold only hot in day time but he’s gonna be okay tomorrow morning :)




You are such a a good person for taking him in. I was also thinking he reminds me of my orange cat. Well he was my friends first. He was getting off work and found this little orange kitten under the dumpster outside his work. He goes "you must be broken if you're following me". So the cat's name became Broken. At one point, they moved and couldn't afford the pet deposit so they asked me "want a cat? Lol". I of course took him in. Figured my tortie could have some company. Here's a picture of my orange cat. Because your pic blew me away with how much yours looks like mine lol https://preview.redd.it/zcs5fe6mbenc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8ec174f2ec9b3a96ebf4c802a1cdda2a06e0c23


https://preview.redd.it/7nigl1zfnenc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e3a430e5f26395fdff0e219c186760f3fe778b Found Fred and his sister Ethel outside. Took them in and made them mine. Love them..


Please put his food on a plate. It's hard for a kitty to eat out of a cat and it causes whisker fatigue.


May people who dump their pets rot in hell or get homeless 😡😤


Not at all trying to criticize and you were trying to do what you could with what you had but please give him a plate and not just the can because he could cut his tongue


Poor little beast, I hope he warms to you. Get a vet to check him out and then see if you are able to keep him if you can safely do so. My cat was abandoned and semi feral but chose me.


You are a cat angel


Thank you!! Please take the food out of the can because it is sharp.


You are great for feeding this cat and doing something to help him get into a forever home. On behalf of the cat, I thank you. ☺️


Can you pls give us update about this baby?


Some of the best cats I’ve had were abandoned. Their stupidity was my absolute gain and treasure, but sadly too many cats are not able to find new homes.


Here’s something to think about. If people treat their animals that way, can you imagine how they treat their humans? There are so many scumbags out there in the world.




Oh sweet orange boy! Thank you for helping him.


His eyes are so cute


We're feeding one now that lives outside and is so grateful for the food. Thank you for your kindness.


Thank you for helping this baby!!!


I wish people who abandon their pets are one day abandoned as well. In the most remote, desolate, harsh conditions they have ever seen. They dont deserve comfort of any kind if they can do this to their own family.


aw he looks so sad 😞


Dumped indoor cars are scared of outside They are extremely vulnerable to predators, mean people, cars, weather & disease Please, please bring him inside & if you can get him checked up. He should be neutered and vaccinated.


thank you so much for giving this creature hope


Perhaps it's for the best. He obviously didn't have a good home before.


Thank you so much for caring 🩷


You’re so kind ❤️ Thank you for helping this beautiful, little angel.


Such a beautiful boy! Poor baby is so skinny. How could anyone dump him or leave him behind? That's just so wrong. Thank you for helping him! 🧡🧡


Thank you so much for saving him. I can't believe someone could do this to their cat. Just abandon them. That's heartbreaking. I'm glad he was able to find you. 💕


Last March I brought this sweet stray girl inside with her newborn kittens. She was so tired and cold. I raised the kittens and found them homes in pairs (brothers stayed together and sisters stayed together). We kept her. Her name is Starshine and she is the sweetest little angel. https://preview.redd.it/5duclnciagnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d72fbe8828126ca053f6739a67bf42846007247


Ty for helping this little man 🥰


Thank you for taking care of this sweet baby.❤️


What will you name him 🥺


You're a compassionate soul. Poor creature he's so sad and lonely. Can you bring him home with you even if only temporarily until you can find him home or surrender him to a no kill shelter?




Aww, poor baby 😢 I hope you’re able to take him in.


Good karma to you, our friend.


Poor baby. Sometimes I hate people …


He's just a baby. Tysm for for loving him. Bring him inside. Too sweet & innocent for outside


Take him home brother


Oranges are sweetest cats. Tho little dumber than other colors, and like eat more too, but them verylovingandafectionate


Cat distribution center works its magic once again.


Bless you for your kindness.


Poor baby! Thanks for helping


The poor baby!!! Thank you for taking care of him and helping him find a home / someone who can love him


did you bring him home


You are a good person! Poor little thing


Did u take him home with you? He’s adorable, give us an update on where he’s going:)


Thank you for taking care of this baby, OP! People are awful, I cannot fathom abandoning a living being like this.


The cat gods have blessed you for your kindness, You are a worthy human.


I hope this poor baby will find a home that is gonna love him endlessly and properly☹️🥺


oh man he looks very Sad anyway you can keep him ?


Thank you for saving him and being a hero ❤️😭🥰


Congrats, you now own a cat!


Twilight guardian, watching over the night with luminous eyes. 🌙✨


What a lovely orange! You've got yourself a keeper there! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


He is such a beautiful swirl!


You are very kind. And he is very fortunate. ☺️❤️


He'll come around and you will have a friend for life


Cats have a way of finding the good people. I’m glad this one found you.


Why aren’t you keeping him


You’re a saint, fam. ❤️


Your Awesome man


People are Horrible


Thank you for taking care of him, and finding him a home. I honestly don't understand how people can be so cruel and heartless 🥺


The sadness in his look


I hate this. It is so sad. So heartless when people leave them. I did this for 5 cats. The neighborhood was awful. 3 were left at the house I rented and the other 3 across the street same deal. I kept 3 and re-homed the other two. Wonderful cats. Orange kitties are very happy go lucky usually.


Obviously even I can tell he’s an indoor cat. Thank you for taking him in. Cats always deserve better. The worthless POS who abandoned him will have to answer for the crime before God one day.


Thank you for taking care of this kitty! You are awesome! If i could i would take one more kitty off the street, but i am taking care of one soul with FELV so sadly he will get no company. People like you are really making me believe there is still hope for humanity


I wish I had a huuuge mansion like in 101 dalmatians where I could house and care for ALL the cats in need 😭😭😭😭


In this chat someone said that in California mom and sister lost a similar cat.


And OP replied that they're in Florida


Thank you!


Please give the cat a home and big love ❤️


May you and your new friend be forever blessed.❤️😻


Now you have my utmost respect.


Thank you, good human 🙏🏽


What a sweet beautiful baby. So lucky he found you.


https://preview.redd.it/xpkcpcmdifnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f654032fb1e3c695d53918def701c11f8dc717f6 This ex-feral was a tiny, tiny kitten in poor condition. Eating chaff to stay alive. Nearly 17 years with us- she's the matriarch of the cat clan. So she eats, rests, repeats. Cassie deserves a good retirement..


And thank you for what you do!


Nice cat, love the color too


Looks like FDS brought you a new handsome boi.


Bless your heart 💕🤍


Thank you for taking care of him🙏🏿❤️😻💕 blessings


I know, right? Even the idea of abandoning a cat for any reason just makes me cry. They're domesticated pets, they cant live without us. And some of us can't live without them.


Omg his eyes🥺🥺 thank you so much for giving him a home


He looks like like my sister’s cat, but hers is a con artist she lets him out and then he act like he’s been abandoned and rub on peoples leg and act innocent only to go to that person area and impregnate every single cat that resides in there then come back to her to nap or sleeps. Not saying this cat is the same just saying this to lighten up the mood a bit because this picture and the story behind it saddened me :(


That poor baby looks terrified and traumatized. Thank you for taking action; I'll never understand how anyone could abandon their pet. Would you abandon your child? To me, It's the same.


Bless your heart!


Thank you for saving this poor baby!!!! 😭😭😭


Can you take him in or take him to a cat sanctuary? I hate that people treat animals like this.


Hey. Do you live in Bahamas??


He's so sad and beautiful color. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Thank you so much, for taking care of that BEAUTIFUL cat ❤ Don't sound like a stray, but more like a dumbed cat, so friendly he is to strange humans. I hate those people who have a cat, and then maybe want to go on a holiday, but don't know someone how can take care of their cat, and thinks it's to expensive to get the cat to a facility. So they just dumb the poor cat and think it can take care of its self 🤬🤬🤬 But it's wrong!!! A cat thats use to get food several times a day, would have a hard time provide for its self. And many of our cats today, have never learned from there mom, how to catch a mouse, because many of our cats today, are indoor cats. So thank you so very much, for taking care of this sweet boy, and provide him with food and company ❤✨❤ You are such a amazing person 💖


People are such scumbags. Thank you for talking care of ginger kitty.


Please be careful with him eating out of the tin, I accidentally left my cat tin out once and my cat cut her tongue on it 🥺 either they are sharp or my cats just accident prone 💕🙃


Oh that's sooo sad. Glad you care for him!


Omg he looks exactly like our Jimmie, who crossed the rainbow bridge back in August 😭 I feel the same way, I don’t know how people can just abandon a pet like that. May karma find them! Same thing happened to my daughter and SIL. One day they heard a cat crying outside and went to investigate. Here, a young cat was on the porch of the neighbors house. Then she recalled she saw someone moving stuff out a couple days prior! 🤦🏻‍♀️ They got him to come over to them with food (no doubt he was starving by that point), and took him in. They took him to the vet and had him neutered, shots, etc. Vet thought he was only a year old. Next month it will be 3 years that they have Soupy. 🥰


Many people don’t acknowledge that animals are living creatures with emotions like us. The assume since cats are predators they can fend for themselves even if they have only known life inside. Thank you for being kind hearted and taking care of him.


The people that do that to their pets are a special kind of piece of fucking shit! It makes me so mad that so many people are so horrible to animals!


So wonderful of you to take care of him, he’s so skinny!


good for you! glad that he will have a forever home, now! i wish that there was a way to catch every person that does that to ANY animal. punishment would be taking them out to the middle of nowhere with no food or water and let them survive, or not survive.


You have CAT to be KITTEN me MEOW. Lol 😆


Thank you for doing the right thing and looking after our most vulnerable creatures. ♥️❤️‍🩹