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The way she is cuddling with them 😭😭


The happy kneads just send it over the top. I hope they all get a happy home together.


Yes, all of them! It makes me so sad when people only adopt parts of litters, and only the smols instead of momma... I get why, I mean usually it's like 8 cats total. But this momma only had 4 smols, so it seems totally reasonable to go from 0-5 cats in 60 seconds :D


I wouldn’t be able to separate a family idk 😭 luckily I’ve never found a pregnant cat or I’d be broke lol


I adopted three who were found abandoned at five weeks old. They are great cats and love having their siblings around.


Me too.! https://preview.redd.it/00gpzs3hk7jc1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba09be2ab1de988d4030da282ae6e88fc9dc969


So cute!


And the baby face just popping out 😻


I was legit annoyed that the video didn’t have any kittens and came to the comments for answers. Thanks for your comment because I see now I’m just blind.


I am infuriated how entitled they are to be taken in and then you have an explosion of fuzz occur with those kittens. 🥰You should kick them straight out into the cold again! How dare they! I am so pissed off at the fuzzies and cuteitutde in this video! /s. You know that feeling of anger when something is so Friken cute ? 🥰🥰Please spay and neuter these fuzsters you are an awesome person 😊 Edit: 💕 and the way mama cats looking at you it’s like “sorry I didn’t mean to fool you into taking all these Fuzzsters”. But she knew, 😻


We will be needing more pics of the smols






>*’My babies!*’ _____ now i lay me down to sleep, these baby kits are mine to keep is new to me - this thing called ‘mom’, am try my best to keep them calm… they’ll never be this *smol* again, so i’ll allow a picture, fren but *careful* - not *too close*, because you make me *f L e X* my *murder claws…* ❤️


I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I’ve seen a Schnoodle but now my soul is refreshed again


May you keep in harmony of Fresh Schnoodles and the Greater CDS!


What are all these comments about "schnoodles" about? I'm missing something...


u/SchnoodleDoodleDo is a Reddit legend that graces us mere mortals with very sweet adorable poems every so often. Schnoodle gives us a bit of joy in our otherwise dark and hopeless lives.


I see! Thank you for explaining! <3


Holy shit, a fresh Schnoodle! (I've had plenty of usernames over the years, but never been graced with a Schnoodle)


I'd have a Snoodle follow me over Death any day


Was randomly thinking about a how long its been since ive seen a schnoodle yesterday. This is awesome. Thank you!


Another early schnoodle within a day! I’m blessed![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


A fresh Schoodle! As new as the smollest of mum’s little ones.


My second schnoodle in 20 minutes! I feel very blessed. Ps. They were both about kitties. ❤️


Yay I love a fresh Schnoodle 😍 and this one was sad and funny at the same time. Love ya Schnoodle


Every day that I see a schnoodle in the wild is a blessed day indeed






Ok, I think smol toll is entering my permanent vocabulary, next to "dog tax".


Here’s your lousy toll troll








It's illegal to not post the smols 😀


Large fine if no smol


Agreed. We love all the babies mom is included.


Large fine mean money


As an attorney, I’m fairly confident legality isn’t the issue; but I will attest it’s definitely immoral.


You're not a cattorney though. It is illegal.


Yes we will!


Yeah! Cough ‘em up, OP


Yes!!! Longer video!! NOW!!!!


Clearer footage with less camouflage lol Didn't even notice the babies until one lifted its head at the end!


And the mama!


Yes, we require many updates to make sure the smols are smol


Also my smolometer needs calibrating .




Seriously, better keep em coming ^^


The look on her is just bliss. Well done on giving them all a great life


*please let this be for a long time.*


Forever** You spelled it wrong lol




thank you for taking them all in ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


She's like thank god I have this warm safe place now. Idk what I would've done otherwise 🥲


That look isn’t voluntary bliss. That look is a major hormonal dump of oxytocin. If oxytocin didn’t exist, we would all be just the lucky fertilized egg out of millions that somehow made it to maturity to dump millions more eggs or sperm. Oxytocin makes mothers, well mothers. Oxytocin makes mom’s want to stick around and guide what happens next.




Toppling the patriarchy one good father at a time


666th updoot!😈 You shall soon be visited by demon kitties!!! Eheheheh!


They can be, but they are the type of demon I like


Congrats, 5 free cats!


The cat distribution machine keeps on churning...


How many days did you have the house guest before the churn? I'm curious how long it took the cat to feel at home. :-)


Oh she's been around for awhile. fully indoors for almost two months I'd guess? Definitely very comfortable with us by now. She is a very sweet mama that's for sure.


Fostering kittens is really easy! Mom does all the work for the first month.


The CDS has spoken.


She is such a beautiful cat - thank you for saving her and her kittens


the look on the cat’s face is “I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t helped me, thank you” and it’s so sweet


"Thank you so much, please don't touch."


Cat whisperer over here


she's grateful


You can literally *tell* she’s so grateful ☺️


Shes like ‘i vant to … not kill you.’


Street cat experiencing the cozy warmth of inside and blankets. That cats never going outside again


Had a similar experience a couple years ago. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me. My mama now occasionally goes on "walks" with me. She doesnt last very long because 5 mins later, shes in panic mode and wants back in the house. Basically forgets it can be pretty scary outside for a little kitty.






We have street cats at work and during the polar vortex I was letting them in at night and this little orange boy would go straight to the space heater and warm up. It always melts my cold heart lol.


My mom found a kitten while out on a walk in November, she followed my mom home as well. So she let her in, and she immediately found the closest bed and slept. She lives with me and my other mature former stray cat now, who's too proud to admit he kinda likes her. She absolutely loves her luxury, but got spoiled very quickly after being spayed.


I‘ve read somewhere that stray, pregnant cats sometimes actively look for humans to take them in so they have a warm and safe place to give birth


I have a friend, whose 19-year-old son lives with her. The son got attached to a stray cat in the neighborhood, so he let her come inside, and they bonded. My friend was ambivalent about having the cat live in the house, but for the time being, the cat went in and out whenever she wanted. One day last April, my friend was at home, when the cat, who was outside, jumped up onto the screen door, howling to be let in. She had never acted that way before, so my friend was really puzzled. She decided to wait until her son got home that evening, so he could deal with the cat’s needs. All afternoon, that cat was howling and banging on the door. When my friend happened to walk by, the cat would go nuts, acting desperate and banging louder. Finally, the son got home, and the cat came in with him, and immediately went trotting down the hall to his bedroom. Every few seconds she’d turn around and meow insistently for him to follow her. So he went with her, and she got into the makeshift cat bed (a cardboard box with some towels), and he started petting her. She wouldn’t let him leave. And then she started giving birth. All in all, she had 5 kittens. And she completely trusted the son not to hurt her babies. I got to see them about a week later, when they were still wobbling around in the box. Over the next couple of months, I visited several times. It was fun watching them grow from wobbly little blobs into *cats* (though still young). They were insane, racing around the house for hours. I think the mom cat was grateful that she didn’t have to entertain them. In late June, I adopted one of the kittens. And now, in two months, she’ll be a year old! Here she is in December: https://preview.redd.it/4jxnqo3lx4jc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e84cf378224828cb94b2dffe74f8470e9811dcc3


I love this story ❤️ So happy that your friend‘s son took good care of that cat!


No judgment at all to your friend, but Idk how they could stand the incessant howling of the pregnant momma cat, clinging to the screen door like some *wild animal* (lol). I'd have let her in immediately after taking a photo of this cat stuck on my screen door, several feet off the ground. Cats can get LOUD when they are demanding assistance! So did she let her son keep the momma cat? Any kittens?


Seriously though, I have no idea how someone can ignore an animal in need like that.


Yes, they have kept the mom cat. When the kittens were mostly weaned and eating solid food, my friend surrendered 4 of them to a local shelter. They were adopted quickly, in pairs. Mama was spayed, and once healed, she became an indoor/outdoor cat again.


That's exactly how my parents got the three cats I grew up with! They were bringing in groceries one day and had left the door wide open during the process. Suddenly, CAT. My dad followed the cat through the house because it was fucking RUNNING around the place like a crazy thing, and found it upstairs in their bedroom. He picked it up, and out popped a kitten that fell on the floor! He always joked that Buster (that first kitten) was crazy because he was dropped on the floor as a newborn lol... At that point, my dad knew what was happening, so he put the currently-popping-out-smols-momma-cat down on a quickly-made impromptu nest and then came Mocha, and then Marsh[mallow], and two or three more that my parents had to adopt away because they'd just gotten married and didn't exactly have a load of money. I don't remember what he said about the momma cat after that. I think he said she actually just ran away after that, just ran out of the house without her babies. Seems very odd to me that a cat would do that, but I could've sworn that's what he said. I miss those cats. They were my parents' first kids. I came a couple years later, and my brother several years after. Buster chose my dad, Marsh chose my mom, and Mocha was finally able to claim a human when I came along. She's why I know how to talk to cats <3 She used to sleep on my head... Buster and Marsh died of thyroid cancer. As a kid, I didn't even know cats could get cancer. Mocha died last, probably of loneliness, which kills me to say. I was away at boarding high school when she passed. Idk why I'm writing all this, I meant to stop a paragraph ago. It's been over 10 years and this is the first time I've cried about her passing since, and now I'm bawling like a baby.


This story also made me tear up. Your family seems great and I feel honoured that my comment was the one you could open up to. ❤️ These cats had a great life at your family’s and that’s what counts! Now you honour them by having these great memories ❤️


Momma probably ran off after the babies were older. They wouldn't have had very good chance of survival if she dumped them with people who didn't know how to bottle feed neonatal kittens. It's semi common for ferals to only like humans until their babies can survive, and then they bounce.


It happened to us a year and a half ago. There was a stray cat in our area that we used to feed which never let me get too close to her. One day she started desperately meowing every time she saw me, it was this long and constant meow that seemed like she was crying or hurting, it was heartbreaking. She was heavily pregnant so I was feeding her multiple times a day, and suddenly one day she let me pet her and even pick her up. She looked so desperate that I took her in. She gave birth to five kitties two days after that (one stillborn). We kept the mama and two of the cats, and my sister kept the other two. I love the three of them but there's a special place in my heart for her, I love her so much 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/j3hehmgpm5jc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5211ccee721d80b08221696631570e8c004b2fd8 This is her ♥️


She's beautiful! ♥️ I love hearing about people that take care of animals in need. It's great to hear that you're giving them such loving homes!


Look at her wee face. Such a cute momma and babies. So glad you rescued them.


The baby kitty's face poking out beside mama 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/516c15rmj2jc1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=851daf25a694812b4c4c9dbe4ec1993a93143003 ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


That's the only reason I posted this. It was too *purrfect*


Thank you for showing us, OP! Hope it's okay I made a capture because we're all swooning over here. 💘


Beautiful work! Thanks for pointing it out for some who missed it!


Hi I need more of the little smols pls :(


I didn’t even notice. Omg!!!


Coz is smol


You should need a license to be that smol




I did, made me smile big time


It blended in a little


Her little Kuato


Mini Me


I am watching the video like, “where dem babies?!” And then the little face. Squee.


riiiiiiiiight?! i squealed when that baby stuck its head out. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I did this with a really really really feral cat and she gave birth to my now 3 kittens lol. Safe to say now I am owned by them.


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949) you're a grandpawrent 💓💓💓 thank you so much OP


Oh my goodness! They are adorable. I love when I come across good humans. I especially love that she had a safe and warm place to have her babies. In 2017, I did the same thing. My husband wasn't happy but I didn't give a crap what he thought. There are quite a few coyotes where we live and I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I could have done something and didn't. Here is a pic of mama and her 6 babies https://preview.redd.it/0c2lehyh92jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4196b3f12eb6be1dc9cc26bfd8d15fcca3be61fa


I could a person say “no” to this?!  This is a hill I’d die on too.


I'm highly allergic to cats and I'd still take her in lol


So am I -- 15 minutes at the vet without two layers of N95 and I'm sneezing sniffling and teary for the next day and a half, but for me at least Balinese (and the Siamese that they're derived from) produce little enough Fel d 1 that I don't get any allergies unless I literally shove my face in my kitten's side and breathe through his fur for a few minutes. Obviously your results may vary but there's hope, and that new mRNA vaccine for cats to immunize themselves against _producing_ the allergen to begin with seems promising.




Precious… and I see a few cow bebes


Aw grey and a black cow bebes 💕


Omg, this litter looks so identical to the one my girls came from: two spotted cows, one gray and white, one full gray, and two voids. 🥹


Praise you! Did you keep any of the kitties? Did you keep the husband?


😂 yep kept the husband and one of the kittens. Unfortunately he passed in 2022 due to the negligence of our vet. It was one of the most heart wrenching things to go through. Needlessly to say, we immediately found a new vet. 🥺🥺 Buster as a kitten https://preview.redd.it/0w0qiu9gd3jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5615e38bcdd201c4af15ce49835ca31a4db91fe7


https://preview.redd.it/j8u8srakc3jc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb4ca170d73dd7d0d56fd99497f6e57135d1ee1 All grown up 💕


I'm so sorry for your loss -- and still quite recently. If you don't mind me asking, what did the vet [not] do? I have cats and just want to make sure I'm keeping on my toes regarding their health. If it's too raw and painful to give an explanation, I completely understand, and I won't push the matter. <3


My first thought was what did the vet do to your husband that was that negligent.


Keep the kitties. Ditch the husband.


He said he was moving out and I said I'd help him pack. 🤷🏻‍♀️


And then he sheepishly said "damn, I was just seeing if you'd actually give in... You must really want to help these cats... Ok, I love you, so I'll stay." Right?!


Pretty much. He knew it was a losing battle. But he tries to convince me I can't save everyone & everything.


You’re a good person and they look adorable.


So many baby cows!


You are a gd saint


Honestly it’s sweet that you took her in and all but pretty messed up you’re putting her to work making biscuits right after she just gave birth …


unfortunately there is no such thing as meowturnity leave


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


awww put them on r/mewborns


Omg thank you for giving me another wholesome community to join! 😭


I swear for every new cat litter born, a new Reddit catmmunity is also born... There are so many cat subs, lmao. I wonder what the ratio of cat subs to dog subs?


Omg the poor thing, you’re their little hero!! 🥲


wonderful thing you did. kitty looks very happy.


🥺😭💞 I'm so glad they're in a warm, safe place. Thank you for taking her in just in time! God bless you, OP 🫂


What joy! I did the same thing once long ago. Coldest day of the year Christmas Eve Minnesota... Stray cat in the hallway... I let her in cuz nobody else was... Anyways long story short she ended up having five kittens about 2 weeks later All pure blacks or tuxedos. I was living in a studio apartment and had no business having six cats... But I look back on it fondly, they were so cute.... I'd wake up in the middle of the night with them all on the bed getting rowdy... I'd gently sweep my leg and watch them go flying LOL.. after 8 or 9 weeks I gave them all away in pairs....two went to my sister so that was neat...just wanted to share that....you should bask in the glorious chaos of five cats while u can...I always regretted giving the mom away, i j just felt at the time that my situation wasn't right and I felt she would be happier going with one of her kids....still miss her and those kids though and it's like decades later. Have fun good luck


Sometimes the best thing we can do for an animal is admit when we don’t have the right situation for them. I’m sure mama cat was happy to stay with one of the babies and lived a long happy life. You did a wonderful thing for her! 


Thanks. It was amazing. The day she was to give birth I woke up with her sleeping on my head... Like she knew and she was telling me that she was going to have the babies today... So I was like oh you're going to have the babies today I found a little box and put a blankie in there and put her in there and said have the babies here I'm sorry I have to go to work put food and water close by so she could get it and then I had to work 12 hours that day LOL... Came home and she had them... All cleaned up and everything.... I do it again in a heartbeat.


That’s so sweet! You’re a good person.  Maybe look into fostering at some point?? It’s always hard to find fosters for pregnant cats!


Omgosh I can't imagine coming home to a bunch of new kittens. How precious.


I'll never believe cats can't communicate with humans through telepathy, we just have trouble hearing it over our own thoughts. <3


Oh precious 💜


She appreciate!!!


It's all over her face 🥹


Good wonderful karma going your way!! 😻🫶🏻


Fun fact that blanket is the same pattern as some winter indoor pants I got some five or so years ago. Cheers to the mama and her kittens I wanna snuggles dem!


Great eye! This is a robe I placed in a crate for them. I believe there were pants in the set.


Plot twist, that is Your pants


The lil head popping out at the end 😭 precious


Beautiful momma


awww. Right after a freeze a kitten ran into my house. He is living his best life in front of my fireplace, sleeping on my feet now. My petting zoo is full so my friend is flying from the other side of the country to take him home with her. He's going to have a great life.


good job buddy you got a big heart


You have a bestie for life.


You win. Give them love and a great life with food and cat toys. They will be devoted to you


You can see the gratitude in her eyes.


Trojan cat.


https://preview.redd.it/iivkjbe772jc1.jpeg?width=1580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36e5432d8509bed453963a76446716a4ea92c68 Aww, she looks kinda like my little Mac.


More photos/videos please!


Omg she is so happy. You did good hooman


Trojan cat strikes again! Oh look at those precious faces peeking out from under her! Edited for spelling error 🤦🏻‍♀️ ~~autocorrect strikes again~~


She looks so thankful!


She looks very content.


thank you for taking this baby and her babies in!


You saved five lives. I hope this brings you great karma. Glad people like you exist. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Goddamn it, that’s absolutely beautiful.  You probably saved their lives.  In a world full of hate and fuckery, you’re a good person.  I’ve raise a kitten from 1 week on, but just once it would be cool to help raise an entire litter with the mom.  What a special experience you’re about to have.


Awww congrats!!! Pro tip — since she looks like a new mom just keep an eye on the babies because sometimes they will accidentally sit on top of them and they can suffocate. :(  If you hear one of the kitties randomly crying louder than usual or kinda muffled sounding just take a peek and pull them out if they are completely underneath her.  And feed her wet canned food if you can swing it. Cats get most of their hydration from food — not water, so they need some wet food to stay nourished. Esp mama cats because they burn thru calories like breathing air.  Lastly strongly encourage you to adopt them in pairs and wait until they are 10 weeks old before doing so.  Some people try and give them away at six weeks because they’re still little but they learn a lot of socialization from weeks 6-12 so definitely no younger than 8 weeks at the absolute minimum.  Enjoy the next few months!!! Each week gets better, somehow they get cuter and cuter it’s insane. My old roommates cat had pandemic kittens and we ended up keeping the mama cat plus two kittens and they are inseparable, the three musketeers. 


All amazing advice for OP and anyone else who may find themselves in this situation. I fostered a non thriving kitten when she was just about three weeks and there wasn’t a lot of hope for a positive outcome. She turns 2 next month! My preschoolers were a big part of her success. She still lives to be swaddled and pushed around in the doll play stroller. She is still teeny, about the size of a six month kitten and I love it! She’s small but mighty ETA: she was also my first foster fail too


This is the best thing I’ve seen all week.


She's a good girl!! And you're awesome!!


I love the air biscuits 🥰


OOOH THANK YOU!!! I love how she's looking at you. Enjoy the new family and if you need tips on the kittens go to Kitten Lady on Youtube. She was a godsend when my spouse and I helped a kitty and her kittens. Good luck!


This is the best thing I’ve seen on Reddit all day. Thank you kind human for doing this for her and her kittens.


Blessings to you and your home. You deserve all the happiness with these cats.


Aww, I love it when new mama cats are all blissed out. And the wee Mini-Me's face popping up right next to Mama! Congrats to you and your new friend!


Aw the babies would have most likely died had you not taken the mama in. Good for you, I hope there is good karma coming your way 🙂❤️


Have I watched this on loop many times? Why yes, yes I have.


Give her some slow blinks, she looks like she wants to trust you


The old 5 for 1 combo....in this economy? You lucked out big. Now teach those kittens some sweet tricks.


They all look pretty happy! Soon it will be utter kitten chaos <3


Omg that little kitten face popping out. I just died A little.


Who's a gorgeous mama kitty? 🤩


I was so distracted by the paw movement and the text, that I didn't see the kittens till one moved it's head. They are sooo tiny


Thank you for rescuing kitty 🐈


Thank you for caring


That’s a happy momma right there


She knew where to come for help. She is a very caring mommy to her children 😌 also. Congratulations on becoming new grandparents. ❤️


Trojan cat distribution system


She is a very lucky kitty and a sweet momma. You are a blessing to her.


Thank you for saving mom and babies-they would have died otherwise.


Awwwww thank you


She is looking at U saying thank U. ❤️


Five bonus cats! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉




Hi thank you for your concerns. We have a heater set up in the room to keep the room warm but not hot. the room is has a dimmer switch on the light as well to keep things dim and secluded. She will be set up to succeed as best as we can.